mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 02:49:03 +08:00
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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | ShopXO 国内领先企业级B2C免费开源电商系统
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2011~2099 http://shopxo.net All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed ( https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: Devil
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
* 公共语言包-英文
* @author Devil
* @blog http://gong.gg/
* @version 0.0.1
* @datetime 2016-12-01T21:51:08+0800
return [
// 页面公共
'page_common' => [
// 基础
'chosen_select_no_results_text' => 'No matching results',
'error_text' => 'Abnormal error',
'reminder_title' => 'Warm prompt',
'operate_params_error' => 'Incorrect operation parameters',
'not_operate_error' => 'No related operation',
'not_data_error' => 'No relevant data',
'confirm_name' => 'Confirm',
'cancel_name' => 'Cancel',
'select_reverse_name' => 'Cancel',
'select_all_name' => 'All',
'loading_tips' => 'Loading...',
'goods_stock_max_tips' => 'Maximum purchase limit',
'goods_stock_min_tips' => 'Minimum purchase quantity',
'goods_inventory_number_tips' => 'Inventory quantity',
'goods_no_choice_spec_tips' => 'Please select a specification',
'goods_spec_empty_tips' => 'No specification data',
'goods_id_empty_tips' => 'Item ID data',
'input_empty_tips' => 'Please enter data',
'store_enabled_tips' => 'Your browser does not support local storage. Please disable Private Mode or upgrade to a modern browser.',
'copy_fail' => 'Copy Failed',
'copy_success' => 'Copy Succeeded',
// 上传下载
'get_loading_tips' => 'Getting...',
'download_loading_tips' => 'Downloading...',
'update_loading_tips' => 'Updating...',
'install_loading_tips' => 'Installing...',
'system_download_loading_tips' => 'The system package is being downloaded...',
'upgrade_download_loading_tips' => 'The upgrade package is being downloaded...',
// 公共common.js
'select_not_chosen_tips' => 'Please select an item',
'select_chosen_min_tips' => 'Select at least {value} items',
'select_chosen_max_tips' => 'Select at most {value} items',
'upload_images_max_tips' => 'Upload up to {value} pictures',
'upload_video_max_tips' => 'Upload {value} videos at most',
'upload_annex_max_tips' => 'Upload up to {value} attachments',
'form_config_type_params_tips' => 'The form [type] parameter configuration is incorrect',
'form_config_value_params_tips' => 'The form [type] parameter configuration is incorrect',
'form_call_fun_not_exist_tips' => 'The method defined by the form is not defined',
'form_config_main_tips' => 'The form [action or method] parameter configuration is incorrect',
'max_input_vars_tips' => 'The number of request parameters has exceeded the php.ini limit',
'operate_add_name' => 'Add',
'operate_edit_name' => 'Edit',
'operate_delete_name' => 'Delete',
'upload_images_format_tips' => 'Image format error, please upload again',
'upload_video_format_tips' => 'Video format error, please upload again',
'ie_browser_tips' => 'ie browser is not available',
'browser_api_error_tips' => 'The browser does not support full-screen API or has been disabled',
'request_handle_loading_tips' => 'Processing, please wait...',
'params_error_tips' => 'Parameter configuration error',
'config_fun_not_exist_tips' => 'Configuration method is not defined',
'delete_confirm_tips' => 'Cannot recover after deletion. Are you sure?',
'remove_confirm_tips' => 'After removal, it cannot be restored. Are you sure to continue?',
'operate_confirm_tips' => 'Cannot recover after operation. Are you sure to continue?',
'window_close_confirm_tips' => 'Are you sure you want to close this page?',
'fullscreen_open_name' => 'Enable full screen',
'fullscreen_exit_name' => 'Exit full screen',
'map_dragging_icon_tips' => 'Drag the red icon to locate directly',
'map_type_not_exist_tips' => 'The map function is not defined',
'map_address_analysis_tips' => 'The address you selected did not resolve to the result!',
'map_coordinate_tips' => 'Incorrect coordinates',
'before_choice_data_tips' => 'Please select data first',
'address_data_empty_tips' => 'The address is empty',
'assembly_not_init_tips' => 'Component not initialized',
'not_specified_container_tips' => 'No container specified',
'not_specified_assembly_tips' => 'No load component specified',
'not_specified_form_name_tips' => 'No form name specified',
'not_load_lib_hiprint_error' => 'Please introduce the hiprint component library first',
// 公共基础
'error' => 'Exception Error',
'operate_fail' => 'Operation Failed',
'operate_success' => 'Operation Succeeded',
'get_fail' => 'Get Failed',
'get_success' => 'Success',
'update_fail' => 'Update Failed',
'update_success' => 'Update Succeeded',
'insert_fail' => 'Add Failed',
'insert_success' => 'Successfully added',
'edit_fail' => 'Edit Failed',
'edit_success' => 'Edit Succeeded',
'change_fail' => 'Modification Failed',
'change_success' => 'Modification Succeeded',
'delete_fail' => 'Delete Failed',
'delete_success' => 'Delete Succeeded',
'cancel_fail' => 'Cancel Failed',
'cancel_success' => 'Cancel successfully',
'close_fail' => 'Close Failed',
'close_success' => 'Close successfully',
'send_fail' => 'Sending Failed',
'send_success' => 'Sending Succeeded',
'push_fail' => 'Push Failed',
'push_success' => 'Push Succeeded',
'grant_fail' => 'Grant Failed',
'grant_success' => 'Grant Succeeded',
'join_fail' => 'Join Failed',
'join_success' => 'Join successfully',
'created_fail' => 'Generation Failed',
'created_success' => 'Generation Succeeded',
'auth_fail' => 'Authorization Failed',
'auth_success' => 'Authorization Succeeded',
'upload_fail' => 'Upload Failed',
'upload_success' => 'Upload Succeeded',
'download_fail' => 'Download Failed',
'download_success' => 'Download Succeeded',
'apply_fail' => 'Application Failed',
'apply_success' => 'Application Succeeded',
'handle_fail' => 'Processing Failed',
'handle_success' => 'Processing Succeeded',
'handle_none' => 'No need to process',
'loading_fail' => 'Load Failed',
'loading_success' => 'Loading Succeeded',
'request_fail' => 'Request Failed',
'request_success' => 'Request Succeeded',
'logout_fail' => 'Logout Failed',
'logout_success' => 'Logoff Succeeded',
'pay_fail' => 'Pay Failed',
'pay_success' => 'Pay Succeeded',
'copy_fail' => 'Copy Failed',
'copy_success' => 'Copy Succeeded',
'import_fail' => 'Import Failed',
'import_success' => 'Import Succeeded',
'install_fail' => 'Install Failed',
'install_success' => 'Install Succeeded',
'uninstall_fail' => 'Uninstall Failed',
'uninstall_success' => 'Uninstall Succeeded',
'setup_fail' => 'Setup Failed',
'setup_success' => 'Setup Succeeded',
'switch_fail' => 'Switch Failed',
'switch_success' => 'Switch Succeeded',
'bind_fail' => 'Bind Failed',
'bind_success' => 'Bind Succeeded',
'save_fail' => 'Save Failed',
'save_success' => 'Save Succeeded',
'submit_fail' => 'Submit Failed',
'submit_success' => 'Submit Succeeded',
'booking_fail' => 'Booking Failed',
'booking_success' => 'Booking Succeeded',
'config_fail' => 'Config Failed',
'config_success' => 'Config Succeeded',
'check_fail' => 'Check Failed',
'check_success' => 'Check Succeeded',
'take_fail' => 'Take Failed',
'take_success' => 'Take Succeeded',
'audit_fail' => 'Audit Failed',
'audit_success' => 'Audit Succeeded',
'confirm_fail' => 'Confirm Failed',
'confirm_success' => 'Confirm Succeeded',
'register_fail' => 'Register Failed',
'register_success' => 'Register Succeeded',
'login_fail' => 'Login Failed',
'login_success' => 'Login Succeeded',
'comments_fail' => 'Comments Failed',
'comments_success' => 'Comments Succeeded',
'favor_fail' => 'Favor Failed',
'favor_success' => 'Favor Succeeded',
'refund_fail' => 'Refund Failed',
'refund_success' => 'Refund Succeeded',
'refuse_fail' => 'Refuse Failed',
'refuse_success' => 'Refuse Succeeded',
'delivery_fail' => 'Delivery Failed',
'delivery_success' => 'Delivery Succeeded',
'collect_fail' => 'Collect Failed',
'collect_success' => 'Collect Succeeded',
'quit_success' => 'Quit Succeeded',
'no_data' => 'No Relevant Data',
'no_goods' => 'No related Goods',
'params_error_tips' => 'Params Error',
'params_empty_tips' => 'The parameter is empty',
'content_params_empty_tips' => 'Content parameter is empty',
'illegal_access_tips' => 'illegal access',
'illegal_operate_tips' => 'illegal operate',
'login_failure_tips' => 'Login Failed, please login again',
'upgrading_tips' => 'Upgrading...',
'processing_tips' => 'Processing...',
'searching_tips' => 'Searching...',
'send_tips' => 'Sending...',
'please_select_tips' => 'Please select...',
'optional_tips' => 'Optional...',
'upload_tips' => 'Upload...',
'query_tips' => 'Query...',
'bind_tips' => 'Binding...',
'controller_not_exist_tips' => 'Controller does not exist',
'plugins_name_tips' => 'Plugins Name Wrong',
'plugins_control_tips' => 'Application controller error',
'plugins_action_tips' => 'Application method error',
'plugins_use_no_power_tips' => 'No permission to use this plugins',
'plugins_no_data_tips' => 'No plugins data',
'map_coordinate_error' => 'Incorrect coordinates',
'no_config_data_tips' => 'No data configured',
'config_empty_tips' => 'Configuration is empty',
'config_error_tips' => 'Incorrect configuration',
'data_no_exist_error_tips' => 'Data does not exist',
'data_no_exist_or_delete_error_tips' => 'Data does not exist or has been deleted',
'order_no_exist_or_delete_error_tips' => 'The order does not exist or has been deleted',
'goods_no_exist_or_delete_error_tips' => 'Item does not exist or has been deleted',
'goods_empty_or_format_error_tips' => 'Item is empty or formatted incorrectly',
'no_filled_tips' => 'Not filled in',
'no_power_tips' => 'No permission',
'no_setup_tips' => 'Not setup',
'already_setup_tips' => 'Already setup',
'not_open_developer_mode_tips' => 'Please start developer mode first',
'plugins_view_region_config_tips' => 'This area is plug-in extension data. Please fill in the corresponding value according to the plug-in document',
'user_id_error_tips' => 'Wrong user ID',
'user_info_incorrect_tips' => 'Incorrect user information',
'user_info_abnormal_tips' => 'Abnormal user information',
'user_type_error_tips' => 'Wrong user type',
'user_delete_operate_tips' => 'User deleted',
'goods_id_error_tips' => 'Wrong goods ID',
'gods_info_incorrect_tips' => 'Incorrect goods information',
'gods_info_abnormal_tips' => 'Abnormal goods information',
'order_no_error_tips' => 'Wrong order number',
'order_id_error_tips' => 'Wrong order ID',
'order_info_incorrect_tips' => 'The order information is incorrect',
'order_detail_id_error_tips' => 'The order detail id is incorrect',
'order_detail_info_incorrect_tips' => 'The order details are incorrect',
'data_id_error_tips' => 'Wrong data ID',
'back_prev_page_name' => 'Return to the previous page',
'back_prev_time_auto_text' => 'Second automatic return',
'view_config_course_name' => 'View the configuration tutorial',
'payment_method_error_tips' => 'Incorrect payment method',
'payment_method_no_exist_tips' => 'Payment method does not exist',
'payment_method_undefined_tips' => 'Payment method is not defined',
'operate_field_error_tips' => 'Operation field error',
'project_copy_fail_tips' => 'Package copy failed',
'operate_type_error_tips' => 'Wrong operate type',
'data_type_error_tips' => 'Wrong data type',
'status_not_can_operate_tips' => 'Status is inoperable',
'order_status_not_can_operate_tips' => 'Order status is inoperable',
'data_status_not_can_operate_tips' => 'Data status is inoperable',
'plugins_config_error_tips' => 'Incorrect plug-in configuration',
'operate_frequent_tips' => 'Frequent operation, please try again later!',
'images_format_error_tips' => 'The picture is wrong, please change it!',
// 商店绑定
'store_bind_account_name' => 'Bind ShopXO store account',
'store_bind_account_tips' => 'If it is bound, please clear the cache under the menu tool on the left side of the mall background and try to access it again!',
'store_account_not_bind_tips' => 'Please bind the store account first',
'store_check_update_name' => 'Check for update',
'store_bind_accounts_name' => 'Bind ShopXO store account',
'store_bind_accounts_tips' => 'Bind ShopXO App Store account, get the latest version information of plug-in, install and update online',
'store_bind_authorized_subject_name' => 'Authorized Subject',
'store_content_error_tips' => 'Store connection failed',
'store_respond_data_error_tips' => 'The store returned the wrong data',
'store_respond_data_invalid_tips' => 'Store returned invalid data',
'store_respond_empty_tips' => 'The store returned no corresponding data. Please try again later!',
'store_respond_data_empty_tips' => 'The store returned an unexpected error. Please try again later!',
'store_respond_result_tips' => 'Store Return',
// 商店绑定表单
'store_bind_form_accounts' => 'Accounts',
'store_bind_form_accounts_placeholder' => 'User name/mobile phone/email',
'store_bind_form_accounts_message' => 'Account format 1~30 characters',
'store_bind_form_password' => 'Password',
'store_bind_form_password_placeholder' => 'Login Password',
'store_bind_form_password_message' => 'Login password format 6~30 characters',
'store_bind_form_regster_name' => 'No account, go to register',
'store_bind_form_tips' => 'One account supports binding to multiple ShopXO stores',
// 常用
'fullscreen_open_title' => 'Enable full screen',
'fullscreen_exit_title' => 'Exit full screen',
'toggle_navigation_title' => 'Toggle Navigation',
'theme_color_white_title' => 'White',
'theme_color_black_title' => 'Dark',
'base_config_title' => 'Base Config',
'clear_search_where' => 'Clear Search Where',
'register_time_title' => 'Register Time',
'add_time_title' => 'Add Time',
'upd_time_title' => 'Update Time',
'back_home_title' => 'Back Home',
'shop_home_title' => 'Shop Home',
'home_title' => 'Home',
'system_title' => 'System',
'operate_title' => 'Operate',
'all_title' => 'All',
'select_all_title' => 'All',
'reverse_select_title' => 'Back',
'reset_title' => 'Reset',
'confirm_title' => 'Confirm',
'cancel_title' => 'Cancel',
'search_title' => 'Search',
'query_title' => 'Query',
'execute_title' => 'Execute',
'setup_title' => 'Setup',
'save_title' => 'Save',
'success_title' => 'Success',
'fail_title' => 'Fail',
'edit_title' => 'Edit',
'modify_title' => 'Modify',
'delete_title' => 'Delete',
'remove_title' => 'Remove',
'moveup_title' => 'Moveup',
'movedown_title' => 'Movedown',
'created_title' => 'Create',
'generate_title' => 'Generate',
'add_title' => 'Add',
'submit_title' => 'Submit',
'booking_title' => 'Booking',
'detail_title' => 'Detail',
'base_title' => 'Base',
'view_title' => 'View',
'preview_title' => 'PreaView',
'choice_title' => 'Choice',
'already_choice_title' => 'Already Choice',
'enter_title' => 'Enter',
'location_title' => 'Location',
'map_title' => 'Map',
'view_map_title' => 'View Map',
'see_title' => 'See',
'clear_title' => 'Clear',
'close_title' => 'Close',
'open_title' => 'Open',
'number_title' => 'Number',
'spec_title' => 'Spec',
'inventory_title' => 'Inventory',
'enter_inventory_title' => 'Enter Inventory',
'sales_title' => 'Sales',
'access_title' => 'Access',
'hot_title' => 'Hot',
'favor_title' => 'Favor',
'already_favor_title' => 'Already Favor',
'comment_title' => 'Comment',
'default_title' => 'Default',
'setup_default_title' => 'Setup Default',
'only_title' => 'Only',
'strip_title' => 'Strip',
'level_title' => 'Level',
'day_title' => 'Day',
'hour_title' => 'Hour',
'minute_title' => 'Minute',
'second_title' => 'Second',
'yes_title' => 'Yes',
'no_title' => 'No',
'already_title' => 'Already',
'not_title' => 'Not',
'empty_title' => 'Empty',
'and_title' => 'And',
'or_title' => 'Or',
'payment_title' => 'Payment',
'confirm_payment_title' => 'Confirm Payment',
'collect_title' => 'Collect',
'delivery_title' => 'Delivery',
'take_title' => 'Take',
'copy_title' => 'Copy',
'user_title' => 'User',
'revoke_audit_title' => 'Revoke Audit',
'reverse_audit_title' => 'Reverse Audit',
'submit_audit_title' => 'Submit Audit',
'audit_title' => 'Audit',
'signin_title' => 'SignIn',
'refuse_title' => 'Refuse',
'order_title' => 'Order',
'install_title' => 'Install',
'uninstall_title' => 'Uninstall',
'update_title' => 'Update',
'download_title' => 'Download',
'confirm_download_title' => 'Confirm Download',
'upload_title' => 'Upload',
'confirm_upload_title' => 'Confirm Upload',
'reply_title' => 'Reply',
'note_title' => 'Note',
'price_title' => 'Price',
'sort_title' => 'Sort',
'sync_title' => 'Sync',
'switch_title' => 'Switch',
'auth_title' => 'Authorization',
'record_title' => 'Record',
'settlement_title' => 'Settlement',
'detailed_title' => 'Detailed',
'change_price_title' => 'Change Price',
'retreat_title' => 'Retreat',
'retreat_order_title' => 'Retreat Order',
'retreat_return_title' => 'Retreat Return',
'retreat_goods_title' => 'Retreat Goods',
'already_retreat_title' => 'Already Retreat',
'refund_title' => 'Refund',
'receive_title' => 'Receive',
'express_title' => 'Express',
'verification_title' => 'Verification',
'service_title' => 'Service',
'print_title' => 'Print',
'transfer_order_title' => 'Transfer Order',
'transfer_audit_title' => 'Transfer Audit',
'divider_title' => 'Divider',
'status_title' => 'Status',
'collection_fee_title' => 'Collection Fee',
'complaint_title' => 'Complaint',
'goods_title' => 'Goods',
'label_title' => 'Label',
'staff_title' => 'Staff',
'salary_title' => 'Salary',
'invoice_title' => 'Invoicing',
'push_order_title' => 'Push Order',
'push_title' => 'Push',
'send_title' => 'Send',
'grant_title' => 'Grant',
'annex_title' => 'Annex',
'more_title' => 'More',
'termination_title' => 'Termination',
'subordinate_title' => 'Subordinate',
'profit_title' => 'Profit',
'gender_title' => 'Gender',
'birthday_title' => 'Birthday',
'address_title' => 'Address',
'bind_title' => 'Bind',
'brand_title' => 'Brand',
'category_title' => 'Category',
'attr_title' => 'Attribute',
'spec_title' => 'Specifications',
'register_title' => 'Register',
'login_title' => 'Login',
'logout_title' => 'Logout',
'quit_title' => 'Quit',
'password_title' => 'Password',
'safety_title' => 'Safety',
'extend_title' => 'Extend',
'import_title' => 'Import',
'export_title' => 'Export',
'images_title' => 'Images',
'video_title' => 'Video',
'text_title' => 'Text',
'loading_title' => 'Loading',
'lan_title' => 'Longitude',
'lat_title' => 'Latitude',
'lang_title' => 'Language',
'color_title' => 'Color',
'continue_scan_title' => 'ContinueScan',
// 商品基础相关
'goods_name' => 'Goods Name',
'goods_stop_sale_title' => 'Stop Sale',
'goods_buy_title' => 'Buy',
'goods_booking_title' => 'Booking',
'goods_show_title' => 'Consult',
'goods_cart_title' => 'Add Cart',
'goods_no_inventory_title' => 'No Stock',
'goods_already_nullify_title' => 'Nullify',
'goods_already_invalid_title' => 'Invalid',
'goods_already_shelves_title' => 'Off Shelf',
'goods_only_show_title' => 'Show only',
'goods_only_buy_title' => 'Buy only',
'goods_sales_price_title' => 'Sales Price',
'goods_original_price_title' => 'Original Price',
'goods_main_title' => 'Goods',
'goods_guess_you_like_title' => 'Guess you like it',
'goods_category_title' => 'Goods Category',
'goods_inventory_insufficient_min_number_tips' => 'Initial purchase quantity of insufficient inventory',
'goods_more_total_tips' => '{:total} items in total',
'goods_data_empty_tips' => 'Goods Info is empty',
// 验证码相关
'verify_type_error_tips' => 'Wrong verification type',
'verify_code_empty_tips' => 'Verification code cannot be empty',
'verify_code_expire_tips' => 'The verification code has expired',
'verify_code_error_tips' => 'Verification code error',
'verify_images_empty_tips' => 'The picture verification code cannot be empty',
'verify_code_not_support_send_error_tips' => 'This type does not support sending verification code',
// 账户相关
'user_no_login_tips' => 'Please log in first',
'user_avatar_title' => 'Head Portrait',
'user_username_title' => 'Account',
'user_nickname_title' => 'Nickname',
'user_mobile_title' => 'Mobile',
'user_email_title' => 'Email',
'account_abnormal_tips' => 'Account exception',
'register_close_tips' => 'Temporarily close registration',
'register_type_error_tips' => 'Wrong registration type',
'login_close_tips' => 'Temporarily close login',
'login_type_error_tips' => 'Wrong login type',
'accounts_empty_tips' => 'Account cannot be empty',
'accounts_error_tips' => 'Account does not exist',
'password_empty_tips' => 'Password cannot be empty',
'password_error_tips' => 'Password error',
'mobile_format_error_tips' => 'Mobile number format error',
'mobile_no_exist_error_tips' => 'Mobile number does not exist, please register first!',
'email_format_error_tips' => 'Email format error',
'email_no_exist_error_tips' => 'Email does not exist, please register first!',
'login_fail_tips' => 'Login failed. Please try again later!',
// 表单相关
'form_base_data_title' => 'Base Info',
'form_open_zip_message' => 'Failed to open the compressed package',
'form_generate_zip_message' => 'Compression package generation failed',
'form_upload_zip_message' => 'The file format is incorrect. Please upload the zip package',
'form_upload_images_title' => 'Upload Images',
'form_choice_images_title' => 'Choice Images',
'form_upload_images_message' => 'Please upload pictures',
'form_upload_file_title' => 'Upload File',
'form_choice_file_title' => 'Choice File',
'form_upload_file_message' => 'Please upload the file',
'form_upload_video_title' => 'Upload Video',
'form_choice_video_title' => 'Choice Video',
'form_upload_video_message' => 'Please upload video',
'form_import_excel_title' => 'Import Excel',
'form_upload_excel_title' => 'Upload Excel',
'form_choice_excel_title' => 'Choice Excel',
'form_upload_excel_message' => 'Please upload Excel',
'form_gender_title' => 'Gender',
'form_region_title' => 'Provinces and cities',
'form_region_province_title' => 'Province',
'form_region_province_message' => 'Please select a province',
'form_region_city_title' => 'City',
'form_region_city_message' => 'Please select a city',
'form_region_county_title' => 'District/County',
'form_region_county_message' => 'Please select district/county',
'form_region_code_placeholder' => 'Region number',
'form_region_code_button_name' => 'Retrieval',
'form_seo_data_title' => 'SEO information',
'form_seo_title_title' => 'SEO Title',
'form_seo_title_message' => 'SEO header format can be up to 80 characters',
'form_seo_title_tips' => 'Generally no more than 80 characters',
'form_seo_keywords_title' => 'SEO Keywords',
'form_seo_keywords_message' => 'SEO keyword format can be up to 130 characters',
'form_seo_keywords_tips' => 'Generally no more than 100 characters Multiple keywords are separated by semi-rounded commas [,]',
'form_seo_desc_title' => 'SEO Description',
'form_seo_desc_message' => 'SEO description format can be up to 230 characters',
'form_seo_desc_tips' => 'Generally no more than 200 characters',
'form_verify_title' => 'Verification Code',
'form_verify_placeholder' => 'Please enter the verification code',
'form_verify_message' => 'Verification code format 4 digits',
'form_verify_button_text' => 'GetVerifyCode',
'form_verify_send_text' => 'There are {time} seconds left',
'form_images_verify_title' => 'GraphicVerifyCode',
'form_images_verify_placeholder' => 'Please enter the graphic verification code',
'form_images_verify_message' => 'Please enter a valid graphic verification code',
'form_images_verify_button_text' => 'Replace one',
'form_is_show_title' => 'Show or not ',
'form_is_show_message' => 'Whether the display range value is incorrect',
'form_is_enable_title' => 'Enable or not',
'form_is_enable_message' => 'Error in enabling range value',
'form_is_anonymous_title' => 'Anonymous or not',
'form_is_anonymous_message' => 'Whether the anonymous range value is incorrect',
'form_is_new_window_open_title' => 'New window open or not',
'form_is_new_window_open_message' => 'Whether the new window opening range value is incorrect',
'form_is_default_title' => 'Default or not',
'form_is_default_message' => 'Whether the default range value is incorrect',
'form_is_header_title' => 'Header or not',
'form_is_header_message' => 'Whether the range value of header is incorrect',
'form_is_footer_title' => 'Footer or not',
'form_is_footer_message' => 'Whether the value of tail range is incorrect',
'form_is_full_screen_title' => 'FullScreen or not',
'form_is_full_screen_message' => 'Whether the full screen range value is incorrect',
'form_status_range_message' => 'Wrong status range value',
'form_sort_title' => 'Sort',
'form_sort_tips' => 'from small to large',
'form_sort_message' => 'Values between 0 and 255',
'form_platform_title' => 'Platform',
'form_platform_message' => 'Please select the platform',
'form_event_type_title' => 'Event Type',
'form_event_type_message' => 'Please select event type',
'form_event_value_title' => 'Event Value',
'form_event_value_message' => 'Event value can be up to 255 characters',
'form_bg_color_title' => 'Background Color',
'form_bg_color_message' => 'Please select a background color',
'form_time_valid_title' => 'Valid Time',
'form_time_start_title' => 'Start Time',
'form_time_start_message' => 'Please select the start time',
'form_time_end_title' => 'End Time',
'form_time_end_message' => 'Please select the end time',
'form_goods_category_title' => 'Goods Category',
'form_goods_category_placeholder' => 'Goods Category...',
'form_goods_category_message' => 'Please select goods category',
// 动态表格
'form_table_search_first' => [
'input' => 'Please enter',
'select' => 'Please select',
'section_min' => 'minimum',
'section_max' => 'Maximum',
'date_start' => 'start',
'date_end' => 'end',
'ym' => 'Please select the month and year',
'form_table_base_detail_title' => 'Base Info',
'form_table_config_error_tips' => 'Dynamic table configuration error',
'form_table_column_sort_tips' => 'You can click drag to adjust the display order, and click reset if you need to restore',
'form_table_nav_operate_data_print_name' => 'DataPrint',
'form_table_nav_operate_data_print_tips' => 'Print Current Data',
'form_table_nav_operate_data_export_pdf_name' => 'Export PDF',
'form_table_nav_operate_data_export_excel_name' => 'Export Excel',
'form_table_nav_operate_data_export_tips' => 'Export Current Data',
'form_table_nav_operate_data_list_print_tips' => 'Select the data to be printed in the list (multiple choices are allowed)',
'form_table_nav_operate_data_list_export_excel_tips' => 'Export all data by search criteria',
'form_table_nav_operate_data_list_export_pdf_tips' => 'Select the data to be exported from the list (multiple choices are allowed)',
'form_table_nav_operate_data_list_delete_tips' => 'Select the data to be deleted from the list (multiple choices are allowed)',
// 提示信息
'reminder_title' => 'Warm prompt',
'delivery_operate_aftersale_tips' => 'Please check if the order has aftersales service',
'confirm_confirm_tips' => 'It cannot be recovered after confirmation. Are you sure to continue?',
'cancel_confirm_tips' => 'Cannot recover after cancellation. Are you sure to continue?',
'delete_confirm_tips' => 'Cannot recover after deletion. Are you sure?',
'remove_confirm_tips' => 'After removal, it cannot be restored. Are you sure to continue?',
'operate_confirm_tips' => 'Cannot recover after operation. Are you sure to continue?',
'install_confirm_tips' => 'Proceed with the installation. Are you sure to continue?',
'uninstall_confirm_tips' => 'It cannot be recovered after uninstallation. Are you sure to continue?',
'collect_confirm_tips' => 'Please carefully confirm that the goods have been received and confirm to continue?',
'save_close_page_confirm_tips' => 'Are you sure you want to save the data and continue to close this page?',
// 缓存更新类型列表
'admin_cache_type_list' => [
'site' => ['name' => 'Site Cache', 'desc' => 'This function can be used to update all caches after data conversion or when the foreground cannot be accessed normally'],
'template' => ['name' => 'Template Cache', 'desc' => 'When the page displays abnormally, you can try to use this function to repair'],
'module' => ['name' => 'Module Cache', 'desc' => 'The page layout and module are not effective after updating. You can try to use this function to repair'],
'log' => ['name' => 'Log Clear', 'desc' => 'Clear Site Log'],
// 事件值说明提示
'event_value_tips_list' => [
'type' => 'web',
'name' => 'WEB Page',
'item' => [
'1. Start with http',
'2. For example, you need to add a whitelist in the background of the applet if you use a web page in the applet',
'type' => 'mini',
'name' => 'Internal page (applet/APP internal address)',
'item' => [
'1. The applet starts with/pages',
'2. For example:/pages/user/user',
'3. Support with parameters ?x=xx',
'tips' => 'Applet page address configuration instructions',
'type' => 'map',
'name' => 'Jump to the native map to view the specified location',
'item' => [
'1. Divided by | vertical bar, in the order of name | address | longitude | latitude',
'2. For example: ShopXO | No. XXX, Zhangjiang High-tech Park, Pudong New Area, Shanghai | 121.626444 | 31.20843',
// 订单状态总数导航
'order_status_step_total_list' => [
['value' => 0, 'name' => 'To be confirmed'],
['value' => 1, 'name' => 'To be paid'],
['value' => 2, 'name' => 'To be shipped'],
['value' => 3, 'name' => 'Goods to be received'],
['value' => 4, 'name' => 'Completed'],
['value' => 5, 'name' => 'Canceled'],
['value' => 6, 'name' => 'Closed'],
['value' => 100, 'name' => 'To be evaluated'],
['value' => 101, 'name' => 'Refund/AfterSales'],
// 商品详情页面更多导航 - 手机端
'app_goods_nav_more_list_data' => [
'goodsfavor' => 'My Favor',
'goodsbrowse' => 'My Browse',
'home' => 'To Home',
// 商品详情页面更多导航 - 手机端
'app_home_right_list_data' => [
'goodsfavor' => 'My Favor',
'usermessage' => 'My Message',
// 搜索排序方式
'common_search_order_by_list' => [
['name' => 'Comprehensive', 'type' => 'default', 'value' => 'desc'],
['name' => 'Sales', 'type' => 'sales', 'value' => 'desc'],
['name' => 'Hot', 'type' => 'access', 'value' => 'desc'],
['name' => 'Price', 'type' => 'price', 'value' => 'desc'],
['name' => 'Newest', 'type' => 'new', 'value' => 'desc'],
// 用户注册类型列表
'common_user_reg_type_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 'username', 'name' => 'account'],
1 => ['value' => 'sms', 'name' => 'sms'],
2 => ['value' => 'email', 'name' => 'email'],
// 登录方式
'common_login_type_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 'username', 'name' => 'Account password', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['value' => 'email', 'name' => 'Email verification code'],
2 => ['value' => 'sms', 'name' => 'Mobile verification code'],
// 性别
'common_gender_list' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'Secrecy', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Female'],
2 => ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Male'],
// 关闭开启状态
'common_close_open_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 0, 'name' => 'Close'],
1 => ['value' => 1, 'name' => 'Open'],
// 是否启用
'common_is_enable_tips' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'Not Enabled'],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Enabled'],
'common_is_enable_list' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'No Enabled'],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Enabled', 'checked' => true],
// 是否显示
'common_is_show_list' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'No Show'],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Show', 'checked' => true],
// excel编码列表
'common_excel_charset_list' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'value' => 'utf-8', 'name' => 'utf-8', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'value' => 'gbk', 'name' => 'gbk'],
// excel导出类型列表
'common_excel_export_type_list' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'CSV', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Excel'],
// 地图类型列表
'common_map_type_list' => [
'baidu' => ['id' => 'baidu', 'name' => 'Baidu Map', 'checked' => true],
'amap' => ['id' => 'amap', 'name' => 'Gaud Map'],
'tencent' => ['id' => 'tencent', 'name' => 'Tencent Map'],
'tianditu' => ['id' => 'tianditu', 'name' => 'Sky Map'],
// 支付支付状态
'common_order_pay_status' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'To be paid', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Paid'],
2 => ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Refunded'],
3 => ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'Partial refund'],
// 订单状态
'common_order_status' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'To be confirmed', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'To be paid'],
2 => ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'To be shipped'],
3 => ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'Goods to be received'],
4 => ['id' => 4, 'name' => 'Completed'],
5 => ['id' => 5, 'name' => 'Canceled'],
6 => ['id' => 6, 'name' => 'Closed'],
// 所属平台
'common_platform_type' => [
'pc' => ['value' => 'pc', 'name' => 'PC Website'],
'h5' => ['value' => 'h5', 'name' => 'H5 Website'],
'ios' => ['value' => 'ios', 'name' => 'Apple APP'],
'android' => ['value' => 'android', 'name' => 'Android APP'],
'weixin' => ['value' => 'weixin', 'name' => 'WeChat applet'],
'alipay' => ['value' => 'alipay', 'name' => 'Alipay applet'],
'baidu' => ['value' => 'baidu', 'name' => 'Baidu applet'],
'toutiao' => ['value' => 'toutiao', 'name' => 'Toutiao applet'],
'qq' => ['value' => 'qq', 'name' => 'QQ applet'],
'kuaishou' => ['value' => 'kuaishou', 'name' => 'Kwai applet'],
// app平台
'common_app_type' => [
'ios' => ['value' => 'ios', 'name' => 'Apple APP'],
'android' => ['value' => 'android', 'name' => 'Android APP'],
// 小程序平台
'common_appmini_type' => [
'weixin' => ['value' => 'weixin', 'name' => 'WeChat applet'],
'alipay' => ['value' => 'alipay', 'name' => 'Alipay applet'],
'baidu' => ['value' => 'baidu', 'name' => 'Baidu applet'],
'toutiao' => ['value' => 'toutiao', 'name' => 'Toutiao applet'],
'qq' => ['value' => 'qq', 'name' => 'QQ applet'],
'kuaishou' => ['value' => 'kuaishou', 'name' => 'Kwai applet'],
// 扣除库存规则
'common_deduction_inventory_rules_list' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'Order confirmed successfully'],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Order payment Succeeded'],
2 => ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Order shipment'],
// 商品增加销量规则
'common_sales_count_inc_rules_list' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'Order payment'],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Order receipt'],
// 是否已读
'common_is_read_list' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'Unread', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Read'],
// 消息类型
'common_message_type_list' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'Default', 'checked' => true],
// 用户积分 - 操作类型
'common_integral_log_type_list' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'Reduce', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Increase'],
// 是否上架/下架
'common_is_shelves_list' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'Off shelf'],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Put on the shelf', 'checked' => true],
// 是否
'common_is_text_list' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'No', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Yes'],
// 用户状态
'common_user_status_list' => [
0 => ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'normal', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'No speaking', 'tips' => 'User is forbidden to speak'],
2 => ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Disable login', 'tips' => 'User is prohibited from logging in'],
3 => ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'To be reviewed', 'tips' => 'User waiting for approval'],
// 导航数据类型
'common_nav_type_list' => [
'custom' => ['value'=>'custom', 'name'=>'Custom'],
'article' => ['value'=>'article', 'name'=>'Article'],
'customview' => ['value'=>'customview', 'name'=>'Custom Page'],
'goods_category' => ['value'=>'goods_category', 'name'=>'Goods Category'],
// 搜索框下热门关键字类型
'common_search_keywords_type_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 0, 'name' => 'Close'],
1 => ['value' => 1, 'name' => 'Auto'],
2 => ['value' => 2, 'name' => 'Custom'],
// app事件类型
'common_app_event_type' => [
0 => ['value' => 0, 'name' => 'WEB Page'],
1 => ['value' => 1, 'name' => 'Internal page (applet/APP internal address)'],
2 => ['value' => 2, 'name' => 'External applet appid'],
3 => ['value' => 3, 'name' => 'Jump to the native map to view the specified location'],
4 => ['value' => 4, 'name' => 'Make a call'],
// 订单售后类型
'common_order_aftersale_type_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 0, 'name' => 'Refund only', 'desc' => 'If the goods are not received (not signed), it is agreed that', 'icon' => 'am-icon-random', 'class' => 'am-fl'],
1 => ['value' => 1, 'name' => 'Refund return', 'desc' => 'Received goods, need to return and exchange the received goods', 'icon' => 'am-icon-retweet', 'class' => 'am-fr'],
// 订单售后状态
'common_order_aftersale_status_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 0, 'name' => 'To be confirmed'],
1 => ['value' => 1, 'name' => 'To be returned'],
2 => ['value' => 2, 'name' => 'To be reviewed'],
3 => ['value' => 3, 'name' => 'Completed'],
4 => ['value' => 4, 'name' => 'Rejected'],
5 => ['value' => 5, 'name' => 'Canceled'],
// 订单售后退款方式
'common_order_aftersale_refundment_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 0, 'name' => 'Retrace'],
1 => ['value' => 1, 'name' => 'Return to wallet'],
2 => ['value' => 2, 'name' => 'Manual processing'],
// 商品评分
'common_goods_comments_rating_list' => [
0 => ['value'=>0, 'name'=>'No Score', 'badge'=>''],
1 => ['value'=>1, 'name'=>'1 Score', 'badge'=>'danger'],
2 => ['value'=>2, 'name'=>'2 Score', 'badge'=>'warning'],
3 => ['value'=>3, 'name'=>'3 Score', 'badge'=>'secondary'],
4 => ['value'=>4, 'name'=>'4 Score', 'badge'=>'primary'],
5 => ['value'=>5, 'name'=>'5 Score', 'badge'=>'success'],
// 商品评论业务类型
'common_goods_comments_business_type_list' => [
'order' => ['value' => 'order', 'name' => 'Order'],
// 站点类型
'common_site_type_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 0, 'name' => 'Express'],
1 => ['value' => 1, 'name' => 'Exhibition'],
2 => ['value' => 2, 'name' => 'SelfDelivery'],
3 => ['value' => 3, 'name' => 'VirtualSales'],
4 => ['value' => 4, 'name' => 'Express+SelfDelivery', 'is_ext' => 1],
// 订单类型
'common_order_type_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 0, 'name' => 'Express'],
1 => ['value' => 1, 'name' => 'Exhibition'],
2 => ['value' => 2, 'name' => 'SelfDelivery'],
3 => ['value' => 3, 'name' => 'VirtualSales'],
// 下单站点类型列表
'common_buy_site_model_list' => [
['value' => 0, 'name' => 'Express'],
['value' => 2, 'name' => 'Extraction'],
// 管理员状态
'common_admin_status_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 0, 'name' => 'Normal', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['value' => 1, 'name' => 'Suspend'],
2 => ['value' => 2, 'name' => 'Resigned'],
// 支付日志状态
'common_pay_log_status_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 0, 'name' => 'To be paid', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['value' => 1, 'name' => 'Paid'],
2 => ['value' => 2, 'name' => 'Closed'],
// 商品参数组件类型
'common_goods_parameters_type_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 0, 'name' => 'Whole'],
1 => ['value' => 1, 'name' => 'Detail', 'checked' => true],
2 => ['value' => 2, 'name' => 'Base'],
// 商品关联排序类型
'goods_order_by_type_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 'g.access_count,g.sales_count,g.id', 'name' => 'Synthesize', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['value' => 'g.sales_count', 'name' => 'Sales'],
2 => ['value' => 'g.access_count', 'name' => 'Hot'],
3 => ['value' => 'g.min_price', 'name' => 'Price'],
4 => ['value' => 'g.id', 'name' => 'New'],
// 商品关联排序规则
'goods_order_by_rule_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 'desc', 'name' => 'Desc(desc)', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['value' => 'asc', 'name' => 'Asc(asc)'],
// 首页数据类型
'common_site_floor_data_type_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 0, 'name' => 'Auto Mode', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['value' => 1, 'name' => 'Manual Mode'],
2 => ['value' => 2, 'name' => 'Move Mode'],
// 文件上传错误码
'common_file_upload_error_list' => [
1 => 'The file size exceeds the maximum upload allowed by the server',
2 => 'The file size exceeds the browser limit. Check whether it exceeds [Site Settings ->Maximum Attachment Limit]',
3 => 'The file is only partially uploaded',
4 => 'No file to upload found',
5 => 'Server temporary folder not found',
6 => 'Error writing file to temporary folder ',
7 => 'File write Failed',
8 => 'File upload extension is not opened',
// -------------------- 后端相关 --------------------
// 图片验证码
'site_images_verify_rules_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 'bgcolor', 'name' => 'Color Background'],
1 => ['value' => 'textcolor', 'name' => 'Colored Text'],
2 => ['value' => 'point', 'name' => 'Jamming Point'],
3 => ['value' => 'line', 'name' => 'Jamming Line'],
// 时区
'site_timezone_list' => [
'Pacific/Pago_Pago' => '(Standard Time 11:00) Midway Island, Samoa',
'Pacific/Rarotonga' => '(Standard Time 10:00) Hawaii',
'Pacific/Gambier' => '(Standard Time 9:00) Alaska',
'America/Dawson' => '(Standard Time -8:00) Pacific Time (US and Canada)',
'America/Creston' => '(Standard Time -7:00) Mountain Time (US and Canada)',
'America/Belize' => '(Standard Time -6:00) Central Time (US and Canada), Mexico City',
'America/Eirunepe' => '(Standard Time -5:00) Eastern Time (United States and Canada), Bogota',
'America/Antigua' => '(Standard Time -4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas',
'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => '(Standard Time 3:00) Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown',
'America/Noronha' => '(Standard Time 2:00) Mid-Atlantic',
'Atlantic/Cape_Verde' => '(Standard Time -1:00) Azores, Cape Verde',
'Africa/Ouagadougou' => '(Greenwich Mean Time) Western European Time, London, Casablanca',
'Europe/Andorra' => '(Standard Time +1:00) Central European Time, Angola, Libya',
'Europe/Mariehamn' => '(Standard Time +2:00) Eastern European Time, Cairo, Athens',
'Asia/Bahrain' => '(Standard Time +3:00) Baghdad, Kuwait, Moscow',
'Asia/Dubai' => '(Standard time +4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku',
'Asia/Kolkata' => '(Standard Time +5:00) Yekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi',
'Asia/Dhaka' => '(Standard Time +6:00) Almaty, Dhaka, New Siberia',
'Indian/Christmas' => '(Standard time +7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta',
'Asia/Shanghai' => '(Standard time +8:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Singapore',
'Australia/Darwin' => '(Standard time +9:00) Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Yakutsk',
'Australia/Adelaide' => '(Standard Time +10:00) Sydney, Guam',
'Australia/Currie' => '(Standard time +11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands',
'Pacific/Fiji' => '(Standard Time +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Kamchatka Peninsula',
// seo
// url模式列表
'seo_url_model_list' => [
0 => ['value' => 0, 'name' => 'Compatibility Mode', 'checked' => true],
1 => ['value' => 1, 'name' => 'PATHINFO Mode'],
2 => ['value' => 2, 'name' => 'PATHINFO Mode+ShortAddress'],
// 多语言(preg 正则匹配、code 语言编码、name 语言名称)
'common_multilingual_list' => [
'zh' => 'Simplified Chinese',
'cht' => 'Traditional Chinese',
'en' => 'English',
'ru' => 'Russian',
'kor' => 'Korean',
'th' => 'Thai',
'jp' => 'Japanese',
'de' => 'German',
'nl' => 'Dutch',
'vie' => 'Vietnamese',
'it' => 'Italian',
'spa' => 'Spanish',
'fra' => 'French',
'swe' => 'Swedish',
// -------------------- 公共服务层 --------------------
'common_service' => [
// 权限管理
'power' => [
'form_item_pid' => 'Column Level',
'form_item_pid_placeholder' => 'Primary column...',
'form_item_pid_message' => 'Column level selection error',
'form_item_name' => 'Power Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Power name format 2~16 characters',
'form_item_control' => 'Controller Name',
'form_item_control_message' => 'The format of the controller name is between 1 and 30 characters (it must start with a letter and can be alphanumeric underscore)',
'form_item_action' => 'Action Name',
'form_item_action_message' => 'The format of the method name is between 1 and 30 characters (it must start with a letter and can be alphanumeric underscore)',
'form_item_url' => 'Custom Url Address',
'form_item_url_message' => 'Custom url address, starting with http://or https://',
'form_item_icon' => 'Icon Class',
'form_item_icon_message' => 'Icon format can be up to 30 characters',
'form_item_icon_tips_list' => [
'1. reference resources http://www.iconfont.cn/ Place the icon in the [/static/admin/default/cs/iconfontmenu. css] file',
'2. You can also directly use the icon and reference provided by the frame[ http://amazeui.shopxo.net/css/icon/ ]',
'3. You can also use the plug-in hook to import the css file of the custom icon, and then use the defined icon',
// 角色管理
'role' => [
'form_item_name' => 'Role Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Role name format 2~16 characters',
'form_item_menu' => 'Menu Power',
'form_item_menu_no_data_tips' => 'No menu data',
'form_item_plugins' => 'Plugins Power',
'form_item_plugins_tips' => 'The plug-in also needs to check [Application Center ->Application Management+Application Call Management] permission in the current menu permission',
// 保存操作
'save_super_role_not_edit_tips' => 'The super administrator role cannot be edited',
'save_role_already_exist_tips' => 'Role already exists[{$var}]',
'save_role_save_fail_tips' => 'Failed to save role data',
'save_role_menu_empty_fail_tips' => 'Role menu permission operation failed',
'save_role_menu_add_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add role menu permissions',
'save_role_plugins_empty_fail_tips' => 'Role plugins permission operation failed',
'save_role_plugins_add_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add role plugins permissions',
// 删除操作
'delete_super_role_not_tips' => 'The super administrator role cannot be deleted',
// 管理员
'admin' => [
// 表单
'form_item_username' => 'Userame',
'form_item_username_placeholder' => 'enter one username',
'form_item_username_message' => 'Please use letters, numbers and underscores for the user name of 2~18 characters',
'form_item_password' => 'Login Password',
'form_item_password_placeholder' => 'Please enter the login password',
'form_item_password_message' => 'Password format is between 6 and 18 characters',
'form_item_mobile' => 'Phone Number',
'form_item_mobile_placeholder' => 'Please enter your mobile number',
'form_item_mobile_message' => 'Mobile number format error',
'form_item_email' => 'E-mail',
'form_item_email_placeholder' => 'Please enter email address',
'form_item_email_message' => 'Email format error',
'form_item_username_created_tips' => 'Cannot be changed after creation',
'form_item_username_edit_tips' => 'Not changeable',
'form_item_role' => 'Permission group',
'form_item_role_message' => 'Please select the role group',
'form_item_password_edit_tips' => 'Enter to change the password',
'form_item_status' => 'Status',
'form_item_status_message' => 'Please select user status',
// 保存操作
'save_admin_info_error_tips' => 'The current operation administrator information is incorrect',
'save_status_tips' => 'The status value range is incorrect',
'save_gender_tips' => 'The gender value range is incorrect',
'save_mobile_already_exist_tips' => 'Mobile number already exists[{$var}]',
'save_email_already_exist_tips' => 'Email already exists[{$var}]',
'save_admin_already_exist_tips' => 'Administrator already exists[{$var}]',
// 删除操作
'delete_super_admin_not_tips' => 'Super administrator cannot be deleted',
// 登录
'login_verify_send_last_title' => ' - Administrator login',
// 协议
'agreement' => [
// 表单
'form_item_document_type_message' => '协议文档类型为空',
// 问答
'answer' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Contacts',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Contact format can be up to 30 characters',
'form_item_tel' => 'Telephone',
'form_item_tel_message' => 'Please fill in a valid phone number',
'form_item_title' => 'Title',
'form_item_title_message' => 'Header format can be up to 60 characters',
'form_item_access_count' => 'Number of visits',
'form_item_access_count_message' => 'Number of visits in the format of 0~9',
'form_item_content' => 'Content',
'form_item_content_message' => 'Content format is between 5 and 1000 characters',
'form_item_reply' => 'Reply Content',
'form_item_reply_message' => 'The format of reply content is between 1 and 1000 characters',
'form_item_save_reply_message' => 'Reply content format can be up to 1000 characters',
'form_is_reply' => 'Reply or not',
// 基础
'no_username_name' => 'Net Friend',
// 用户中心导航
'appcenternav' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format: 2~60 characters',
'form_item_desc' => 'Describe',
'form_item_desc_message' => 'Description can be up to 18 characters',
'form_item_images_url' => 'Navigation Icon',
// 手机首页导航
'apphomenav' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format: 2~60 characters',
'form_item_images_url' => 'Navigation Icon',
'form_item_is_need_login' => 'Whether login is required',
// 小程序管理
'appmini' => [
'appmini_type_error_tips' => 'Wrong applet type',
'template_id_error_tips' => 'Incorrect template id',
'view_dir_power_tips' => 'View directory does not have permission',
'theme_name_error_tips' => 'Incorrect subject name',
'system_theme_not_delete_tips' => 'System template cannot be deleted',
'current_use_theme_error_tips' => 'Cannot delete the theme in use',
'please_use_https_tips' => 'Please use https protocol',
'config_file_no_exist_tips' => 'The applet theme configuration file does not exist',
'config_error_tips' => 'The configuration information of the main applet is incorrect',
'config_empty_tips' => 'Configuration information cannot be empty',
'package_target_no_exist_tips' => 'The source code target directory does not exist',
'package_target_no_power_tips' => 'The source code target directory does not have permission',
'package_no_exist_tips' => 'The source package does not exist',
'base_config_file_no_exist_tips' => 'Package base file does not exist, please regenerate',
'base_config_replace_fail_tips' => 'Basic configuration replacement failed',
'new_config_file_update_fail_tips' => 'Failed to update the new app profile',
'liveplayer_config_fail_tips' => 'Live configuration failed',
// 手机端用户
'appminiuser' => [
'open_id_empty_tips' => 'Openid is empty',
'auth_data_empty_tips' => 'The auth data is empty',
'temp_code_empty_tips' => 'Temporary code is empty',
'auth_code_empty_tips' => 'The auth code is empty',
'decrypt_data_empty_tips' => 'Decrypted data is empty',
'decrypt_iv_empty_tips' => 'Iv is empty, please try again',
'platform_not_mobile_login_tips' => 'The platform has not yet developed one-touch login',
'mobile_empty_tips' => 'Mobile number is empty',
'auth_login_success_tips' => 'Auth login succeeded',
'default_nickname_weiixn' => 'WeChat User',
// 文章
'article' => [
// 表单
'form_item_title' => 'Title',
'form_item_title_message' => 'The title is 2~60 characters long',
'form_item_article_category' => 'Article Category',
'form_item_article_category_message' => 'Please select an article category',
'form_item_jump_url_title' => 'Jump url address',
'form_item_jump_url_tips' => 'With http://or https://, only valid on the web side',
'form_item_jump_url_message' => 'The jump url address format is incorrect',
'form_item_is_home_recommended_title' => 'Home page recommendation',
'form_item_content_title' => 'Content',
'form_item_content_placeholder' => 'The content format is between 10 and 105000 characters. For more editing functions, please use the computer to access',
'form_item_content_message' => 'Content format is between 10 and 105000 characters',
// 文章分类
'articlecategory' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'The name is 2~16 characters long',
// 品牌
'brand' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'The name is 2~30 characters long',
'form_item_brand_category_id' => 'Brand Category',
'form_item_brand_category_id_message' => 'Please select brand category',
'form_item_website_url' => 'Website address',
'form_item_website_url_placeholder' => 'Official website address, starting with http://or https://',
'form_item_website_url_message' => 'Incorrect format of official website address',
'form_item_describe' => 'describe',
'form_item_describe_message' => 'Description can be up to 230 characters',
'form_item_logo' => 'LOGO',
'form_item_logo_tips' => 'Recommended 150*50px',
// 品牌分类
'brandcategory' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'The name is 2~16 characters long',
// 订单确认
'buy' => [
'buy_goods_data_error_tips' => 'Wrong purchase',
'cart_id_error_tips' => 'Wrong shopping cart id',
'goods_no_exist_tips' => 'Item does not exist',
'goods_already_shelves_tips' => 'Goods are off the shelf',
'goods_inventory_not_enough_tips' => 'Insufficient inventory of goods',
'goods_spec_inventory_not_enough_tips' => 'Insufficient inventory of goods specifications',
'goods_buy_min_error_tips' => 'Less than the minimum purchase quantity of goods',
'goods_buy_max_error_tips' => 'Exceeding the purchase limit of goods',
'goods_buy_exceed_inventory_tips' => 'The purchase quantity exceeds the inventory quantity of goods',
'goods_inventory_dec_fail_tips' => 'Commodity inventory deduction failed',
'goods_spec_inventory_dec_fail_tips' => 'Specification inventory deduction failed',
'exhibition_not_allow_submit_tips' => 'Order submission is not allowed for display type',
'choice_not_address_tips' => 'Please select an address',
'address_empty_tips' => 'Wrong address',
'order_insert_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add order',
'order_detail_insert_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add order details',
'order_take_insert_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add order pickup code',
'order_fictitious_insert_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add order virtual information',
'order_address_insert_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add order address',
'order_data_error_tips' => 'The order data is incorrect',
'order_detail_data_error_tips' => 'Incorrect order details',
'order_inventory_dec_type_error_tips' => 'Wrong inventory deduction operation type',
'inventory_dec_not_enable_tips' => 'Deduction inventory not opened',
'inventory_dec_not_confirm_tips' => 'The current order status has not been confirmed - do not deduct inventory',
'inventory_dec_not_pay_tips' => 'The current order status has not been operated for payment - do not deduct inventory',
'inventory_dec_not_delivery_tips' => 'Shipment is not operated in the current order status - do not deduct inventory',
'inventory_dec_log_insert_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add inventory deduction log',
'inventory_dec_no_data_tips' => 'No data to deduct inventory',
'inventory_revert_not_allow_tips' => 'No data to deduct inventory',
'inventory_revert_goods_fail_tips' => 'Product inventory rollback failed',
'inventory_revert_goods_spec_fail_tips' => 'Product inventory rollback failed',
'inventory_revert_log_fail_tips' => 'Inventory rollback log update failed',
'inventory_revert_no_data_tips' => 'Inventory rollback log update failed',
// 配置信息
'config' => [
'route_dir_no_power_tips' => 'Routing directory does not have operation permission',
'route_file_no_power_tips' => 'Routing profile does not have operation permissions',
'route_file_config_no_exist_tips' => 'Routing rule file does not exist',
'route_file_create_fail_tips' => 'Routing rule file generation failed',
'route_file_handle_fail_tips' => 'Routing rule processing failed',
// 定时任务
'crontab' => [
// 订单关闭用户消息通知
'order_close_message' => [
'title' => 'Order Close',
'desc' => 'Order Timeout Close',
'type' => 'Order',
// 订单关闭状态历史记录
'order_close_status_history' => [
'desc' => 'Timeout Close',
'type' => 'System',
// 订单收货用户消息通知
'order_collect_message' => [
'title' => 'Order Collect',
'desc' => 'Order automatic receipt succeeded',
'type' => 'Order',
// 订单收货状态历史记录
'order_collect_status_history' => [
'desc' => 'Automatic Collect',
'type' => 'System',
// 商品积分赠送
'goods_give_integral' => [
'user_lock_integral_dec_fail' => 'User failed to lock point deduction',
'user_valid_integral_inc_fail' => 'Failed to increase user effective points',
'integral_log_desc' => 'Order item gift',
// 自定义页面
'customview' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format 2~16 characters',
'form_logo_name' => 'LOGO',
'form_logo_tips' => 'Propose size 300 * 300px',
// 基础
'create_name_default' => 'Default Page',
// 页面设计
'design' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format 2~16 characters',
'form_logo_name' => 'LOGO',
'form_logo_tips' => 'Propose size 300 * 300px',
// 基础
'create_name_default' => 'Default Page',
'download_config_file_create_fail_tips' => 'Profile generation failed',
'upload_dis_no_power_tips' => 'The application upload directory does not have operation permissions',
'upload_config_file_get_fail_tips' => 'Failed to read configuration information',
'upload_config_file_error_tips' => 'The configuration information is empty or incorrect',
'upload_config_file_handle_fail_tips' => 'Profile processing failed',
'upload_invalid_packet_tips' => 'Invalid packet',
// 域名服务
'domain' => [
// 表单
'form_item_inc_domain_message' => 'The added domain name data must be an array',
'form_item_dec_domain_message' => 'Remove domain name data must be an array',
'save_inc_and_dec_empty_message' => 'Adding or removing a domain name must pass an item',
'save_config_file_no_power_tips' => 'The configuration file does not have write permission',
'save_config_dir_no_power_tips' => 'The configuration directory does not have write permission',
'save_deploy_fail_tips' => 'Domain name configuration deployment failed',
// 快递
'express' => [
// 表单
'form_item_icon' => 'Icon',
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format 2~16 characters',
'form_item_website_url' => 'Website Address',
'form_item_website_url_placeholder' => 'Official website address, starting with http://or https://',
'form_item_website_url_message' => 'Incorrect format of official website address',
// 动态表单自定义列
'formtable' => [
'save_data_key_empty_tips' => 'The data key is incorrect',
'save_fields_empty_tips' => 'Please select a field',
// 商品购物车
'goodscart' => [
'save_stock_empty_tips' => 'Wrong purchase quantity',
'save_stock_update_data_empty_tips' => 'Please join the shopping cart first',
'save_buy_max_error_tips' => 'Exceeding the product purchase limit',
'save_inventory_not_enough_tips' => 'Insufficient inventory of goods',
// 商品评论
'goodscomments' => [
// 表单
'form_item_goods_info_title' => 'Goods Info',
'form_item_user_info_title' => 'User Info',
'form_item_business_type' => 'Business Type',
'form_item_business_type_placeholder' => 'Business type...',
'form_item_business_type_message' => 'Wrong business type',
'form_item_rating' => 'Score',
'form_item_rating_placeholder' => 'No score',
'form_item_rating_message' => 'Incorrect score',
'form_item_content' => 'Comment Content',
'form_item_content_placeholder' => 'Does baby meet your expectations? Talk about its advantages and disadvantages',
'form_item_content_message' => 'Comment content is between 6 and 230 characters',
'form_item_reply' => 'Reply Content',
'form_item_reply_message' => 'Reply content can be up to 230 characters',
'form_item_reply_content_message' => 'The reply content is between 1 and 230 characters',
'form_item_reply_time' => 'Reply Time',
'form_item_reply_time_message' => 'Incorrect format of reply time',
'form_item_is_reply' => 'Reply or not',
'form_item_is_anonymous' => 'Anonymous or not',
'form_item_images_message' => 'Upload up to 3 pictures',
'form_item_anonymous_tips' => 'After opening, your comments will be displayed anonymously',
// 保存
'save_rating_empty_tips' => 'Rating cannot be empty',
'save_content_empty_tips' => 'Comment content cannot be empty',
'save_order_already_comments_tips' => 'You have commented on this order',
'save_comments_add_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add comment content',
'save_order_comments_update_tail_tips' => 'Order update failed',
// 基础
'comments_username_default' => 'Anonymous',
// 商品参数模板
'goodsparamstemplate' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format 2~30 characters',
'form_item_category_id' => 'Goods Category',
'form_item_category_id_tips' => 'Include children',
'form_item_category_id_message' => 'Please select goods classification',
'form_item_config_title' => 'Params Config',
'form_item_config_value_placeholder' => 'Paste goods parameter configuration information',
'form_item_config_template_title' => 'Goods Params template',
'form_item_config_copy_title' => 'Copy Config',
'form_item_config_empty_title' => 'Clear Params',
'form_item_config_list_content_tips' => 'You can directly click the parameter line to drag and sort or click up and down to move',
// 保存
'save_params_data_empty_tips' => 'Please fill in the parameter configuration',
'save_params_data_insert_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add parameter data',
// 删除
'delete_params_template_fail_tips' => 'Template deletion failed',
'delete_params_data_fail_tips' => 'Parameter data deletion failed',
// 商品规格模板
'goodsspectemplate' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format 1~30 characters',
'form_item_category_id' => 'Goods Category',
'form_item_category_id_tips' => 'Include children',
'form_item_category_id_message' => 'Please select goods classification',
'form_item_content' => 'Spec Value',
'form_item_content_placeholder' => 'Specification value (multiple values can be achieved by entering Enter)',
'form_item_content_message' => 'Specification value format: 1~1000 characters',
// 保存
'save_content_empty_tips' => 'Please fill in the specification value',
// 商品
'goods' => [
// 表单
'form_item_title' => 'Goods Title',
'form_item_title_message' => 'Goods name format 2~160 characters',
'form_item_category_id' => 'Goods Category',
'form_item_category_id_message' => 'Please select at least one goods category',
'form_item_simple_desc' => 'Goods description',
'form_item_simple_desc_message' => 'Goods description format can be up to 230 characters',
'form_item_model' => 'Goods model',
'form_item_model_message' => 'Goods model format can be up to 30 characters',
'form_item_brand' => 'Brand',
'form_item_brand_message' => 'Please select a brand',
'form_item_place_origin' => 'Place of production',
'form_item_place_origin_message' => 'Please select the place of production',
'form_item_inventory_unit' => 'Inventory unit',
'form_item_inventory_unit_message' => 'Inventory unit format 1~6 characters',
'form_item_give_integral' => 'Percentage of free points for purchase',
'form_item_give_integral_tips' => [
'1. Distribute according to the proportion of goods amount multiplied by quantity',
'2. When the order is completed, it will be automatically distributed to the user to lock the points',
'3. Site settings ->script processing in extension',
'form_item_give_integral_placeholder' => 'Purchase free points',
'form_item_give_integral_message' => 'Purchase a number with a percentage of 0 to 100 points',
'form_item_buy_max_number_message' => 'The maximum number of single purchase ranges from 1 to 100000000',
'form_item_site_type' => 'Goods Type',
'form_item_site_type_tips' => [
'1. The currently configured site type is ( 站点类型 )',
'2. If the goods type is not configured, follow the site type configured by the system',
'3. When the set goods type is not included in the site type set by the system, the function of adding goods to the shopping cart will be invalid',
'form_item_site_type_message' => 'Please select goods type',
'form_item_images' => 'cover photo',
'form_item_images_tips' => 'If left blank, take the first picture of the album and suggest 800*800px',
'form_item_is_deduction_inventory' => 'Inventory deduction',
'form_item_is_deduction_inventory_tips' => 'The deduction rules are determined according to the background configuration ->deduction inventory rules',
'form_item_is_shelves' => 'Upper and lower shelves',
'form_item_is_shelves_tips' => 'Not visible to users after being removed from the shelf',
'form_item_extends_popup_title' => 'Spec Extended Data',
// 规格
'form_spec_top_list_tips' => [
'1. Adding specifications in batches can quickly create goods SKUs, greatly saving SKU editing time. Shortcut operation data does not affect SKU data, and only overwrites SKU when it is generated.',
'2. You can configure the specification template in the background goods management ->goods specification, select the goods specification module to quickly generate the corresponding specification data, and effectively provide efficiency',
'3. After goods are added successfully, add and configure inventory in warehouse management ->warehouse goods',
'form_spec_template_tips' => 'Incorrect specification template data',
'form_spec_template_name_exist_tips' => 'The same specification name already exists',
'form_spec_template_placeholder' => 'Goods specification template...',
'form_spec_template_message' => 'Please select a goods specification template',
'form_spec_quick_add_title' => 'Batch add specifications',
'form_spec_quick_generate_title' => 'Generate specifications',
'form_spec_type_title' => 'Spec Name',
'form_spec_type_message' => 'Please fill in the specification name',
'form_spec_value_title' => 'Spec Value',
'form_spec_value_message' => 'Please fill in the specification value',
'form_spec_value_add_title' => 'Add Spec Value',
'form_spec_empty_data_tips' => 'Please add specifications first',
'form_spec_advanced_batch_setup_title' => 'Advanced batch settings',
'form_spec_list_content_tips' => 'You can directly click the specification line to drag and sort or click up and down to move',
'form_spec_max_error' => 'Add at most '.MyC('common_spec_add_max_number', 3, true).'Column specifications can be configured in background management [System Settings - Background Configuration]',
'form_spec_empty_fill_tips' => 'Please fill in the specification first',
'form_spec_images_message' => 'Please upload the specification image',
'form_spec_min_tips_message' => 'At least one line of specification value needs to be reserved',
'form_spec_quick_error' => 'The shortcut specification is empty',
'form_spec_quick_tips_msg' => 'Generating specifications will empty existing specification data. Do you want to continue?',
'form_spec_move_type_tips' => 'Incorrect operation type configuration',
'form_spec_move_top_tips' => 'Reached the top',
'form_spec_move_bottom_tips' => 'Reached the bottom',
'form_spec_thead_price_title' => 'Sales price (yuan)',
'form_spec_thead_price_message' => 'Please fill in valid sales amount',
'form_spec_thead_original_price_title' => 'Original price (yuan)',
'form_spec_thead_original_price_message'=> 'Please fill in valid original price',
'form_spec_thead_buy_min_number_title' => 'Min number',
'form_spec_thead_buy_min_number_message'=> 'Please fill in the valid starting number',
'form_spec_thead_buy_max_number_title' => 'Max number',
'form_spec_thead_buy_max_number_message'=> 'Please fill in the valid purchase limit',
'form_spec_thead_inventory_title' => 'Inventory',
'form_spec_thead_weight_title' => 'Weight (kg)',
'form_spec_thead_weight_message' => 'Specification and weight 0~100000000',
'form_spec_thead_volume_title' => 'Volume (m ³)',
'form_spec_thead_volume_message' => 'Specification volume 0~100000000',
'form_spec_thead_coding_title' => 'Coding',
'form_spec_thead_coding_message' => 'Specification code can be up to 60 characters',
'form_spec_thead_barcode_title' => 'Barcode',
'form_spec_thead_barcode_message' => 'Barcode can be up to 60 characters',
'form_spec_row_add_title' => 'Add a row',
'form_spec_images_tips' => 'The specification name is consistent with the specification value. The same specification name can be added once, and repeated addition will cover the front. The order will not affect the front display effect.',
'form_spec_images_title' => 'Goods specification picture',
'form_spec_images_add_title' => 'Add specification picture',
'form_spec_images_add_auto_first' => 'No',
'form_spec_images_add_auto_last' => 'Automatic generation of column specifications',
'form_spec_images_type_title' => 'Spec Name',
'form_spec_images_type_message' => 'Please fill in the specification name',
'form_spec_images_images_message' => 'Please upload the specification image',
'form_spec_all_operate_title' => 'Batch operation',
'form_spec_all_operate_placeholder' => 'Batch set value',
// 参数
'form_params_select_title' => 'Goods Params Template',
'form_params_select_placeholder' => 'Goods Params Template...',
'form_params_select_message' => 'Please select a goods parameter template',
'form_params_value_placeholder' => 'Paste goods parameter configuration information',
'form_params_config_copy_title' => 'Copy Config',
'form_params_config_empty_title' => 'Clear Params',
'form_params_list_content_tips' => 'You can directly click the parameter line to drag and sort or click up and down to move',
// 相册
'form_photo_top_tips' => 'You can drag and drop pictures to sort. It is recommended that the size of pictures be consistent with 800 * 800px, with a maximum of 30 pictures',
'form_photo_button_add_name' => 'Upload Photo',
// 视频
'form_video_top_tips' => 'Video has more sense of introduction than pictures and text, and only supports mp4 format',
'form_video_button_add_name' => 'Upload Video',
// 手机详情
'form_app_top_tips' => 'After setting the phone details, the phone details will be displayed in the phone mode, such as [App, APP]',
'form_app_value_title' => 'Text Content',
'form_app_value_message' => 'Text content can be up to 105000 characters',
'form_app_button_add_name' => 'Add Phone Detail',
// 电脑详情
'form_web_content_message' => 'The details of the computer terminal can be up to 105000 characters',
// 保存
'save_site_type_error_tips' => 'Wrong range of goods type data value',
'save_params_add_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add goods parameters',
'save_spec_type_add_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add specification type',
'save_spec_base_add_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add specification base',
'save_spec_value_add_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add specification value',
'save_category_add_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add goods classification',
'save_photo_add_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add album',
'save_app_content_add_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add mobile phone details',
'save_goods_base_empty_tips' => 'Basic goods information not found',
'save_goods_base_update_fail_tips' => 'goods base update failed',
'save_spec_column_repeat_tips' => 'Specification value columns cannot be repeated',
'save_spec_value_repeat_tips' => 'The specification value cannot be repeated',
'save_spec_name_column_repeat_tips' => 'Specification name columns cannot be repeated',
'save_spec_base_price_error_tips' => 'Please fill in the valid specification sales price',
'save_spec_empty_tips' => 'Please fill in the specification',
'save_photo_empty_tips' => 'Please upload an album',
// 删除
'delete_goods_fail_tips' => 'Item deletion failed',
'delete_spec_type_fail_tips' => 'Specification type deletion failed',
'delete_spec_value_fail_tips' => 'Specification value deletion failed',
'delete_spec_base_fail_tips' => 'Failed to delete the specification base',
'delete_goods_category_join_fail_tips' => 'Failed to delete the commodity association classification',
'delete_goods_photo_fail_tips' => 'Photo album deletion failed',
'delete_app_content_fail_tips' => 'Mobile content deletion failed',
'delete_params_fail_tips' => 'Parameter deletion failed',
'delete_warehouse_goods_fail_tips' => 'Failed to delete warehouse goods',
'delete_warehouse_goods_spec_fail_tips' => 'Failed to delete warehouse goods inventory',
// 基础
'base_goods_spec_default_name' => 'Default Spec',
'base_spec_not_choice_tips' => 'Please select a specification',
'base_spec_empty_tips' => 'No relevant specifications',
'base_spec_type_empty_tips' => 'No relevant specification type',
'base_buy_stock_error_tips' => 'Wrong purchase quantity',
// 商品分类
'goodscategory' => [
// 表单
'form_item_icon' => 'Icon',
'form_item_icon_tips' => '100 * 100px recommend',
'form_item_big_images' => 'Large Picture',
'form_item_big_images_tips' => '360 * 360px recommend',
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format 2~16 characters',
'form_item_vice_name' => 'Sub Name',
'form_item_vice_name_message' => 'The secondary name can be up to 60 characters',
'form_item_describe' => 'Describe',
'form_item_describe_message' => 'Description can be up to 200 characters',
'form_item_is_home_recommended' => 'HomePage Recommend',
// 保存
'save_current_parent_identical_tips' => 'Parent cannot be the same as current',
// 积分
'integral' => [
'add_message_data' => [
'title' => 'Integral',
'desc' => 'Change of points',
'order_empty_exit_tips' => 'The order does not exist or has been deleted. Terminate the operation',
'order_status_not_allow_exit_tips' => 'Operation is not allowed in the current order status, incomplete',
'user_empty_exit_tips' => 'The user does not exist or has been deleted. Terminate the operation',
'integral_give_fail_tips' => 'Failed to give user points',
'integral_give_log_add_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add the user bonus log',
'integral_no_operate_data_tips' => 'No data to operate',
'order_not_success_exit_tips' => 'The order status is incorrect or there is no completion status, and the operation is terminated',
'order_detail_empty_exit_tips' => 'The order details do not exist or have been deleted. Terminate the operation',
'integral_data_empty_exit_tips' => 'There is no log to be issued, and the operation is terminated',
'lock_integral_dec_fail_tips' => 'User failed to lock point deduction',
'integral_log_dec_fail_tips' => 'Log point deduction failed',
'integral_log_close_fail_tips' => 'Failed to close log points',
// 布局
'layout' => [
'key_error_tips' => 'Incorrect layout key value',
// 友情链接
'link' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format 2~16 characters',
'form_item_url' => 'Link Address',
'form_item_url_placeholder' => 'Link address, starting with http://or https://',
'form_item_url_message' => 'Incorrect format of link address',
'form_item_desc' => 'Describe',
'form_item_desc_message' => 'Description can be up to 60 characters',
// 消息
'message' => [
'save_business_type_default' => 'Default',
// 导航
'navigation' => [
// 表单
'form_item_pid' => 'Navigation level',
'form_item_pid_placeholder' => 'Primary column...',
'form_item_pid_message' => 'Please select the navigation level',
'form_item_name' => 'Navigation name',
'form_item_name_tips' => 'Default {:type} name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Navigation name format 2~16 characters',
'form_item_url' => 'Url address',
'form_item_url_placeholder' => 'Url address, starting with http://or https://',
'form_item_url_message' => 'Incorrect format of url address',
'form_item_value_article_message' => 'Wrong article selection',
'form_item_value_customview_message' => 'Incorrect selection of custom page',
'form_item_value_goods_category_message'=> 'Wrong selection of goods classification',
'form_item_value_design_message' => 'Incorrect selection of page design',
// 前端顶部小导航-右侧
'header_top_nav_right' => [
'user_center' => 'Personal Center',
'user_shop' => 'My Mall',
'user_order' => 'My Order',
'favor' => 'My Favor',
'goods_favor' => 'Goods Favor',
'cart' => 'Cart',
'message' => 'Message',
// 手机模式下底部导航
'bottom_navigation_data' => [
'home' => 'Home',
'category' => 'Category',
'cart' => 'Cart',
'user' => 'User',
// 安全设置页面
'safety_panel_list' => [
'loginpwd' => [
'title' => 'Login Password',
'msg' => 'There is a risk of theft on the Internet. It is recommended that you change your password regularly to protect your security.',
'mobile' => [
'title' => 'Phone Number',
'no_msg' => 'You haven t bound your mobile phone number',
'ok_msg' => 'Mobile phone bound #accounts#',
'tips' => 'It can be used for login, password retrieval, account security management verification, and account reminder notification.',
'email' => [
'title' => 'E-Mail',
'no_msg' => 'You have not bound an email',
'ok_msg' => 'Mailbox bound #accounts#',
'tips' => 'It can be used for login, password retrieval, account security management verification, and account reminder email acceptance.',
'logout' => [
'title' => 'Account Logout',
'msg' => 'There is a risk of theft on the Internet. It is recommended that you change your password regularly to protect your security.',
'submit_text' => 'Logout',
// 用户中心左侧菜单
'user_center_left_list' => [
'center' => 'Personal Center',
'business' => 'Business Admin',
'order' => 'Order Admin',
'orderaftersale' => 'Order Aftersales',
'goodsfavor' => 'Goods Favor',
'property' => 'Property Center',
'integral' => 'My Points',
'base' => 'Data Admin',
'personal' => 'Personal Data',
'address' => 'My Address',
'safety' => 'Safety',
'message' => 'My Message',
'goodsbrowse' => 'My Browse',
'answer' => 'Q&A/Message',
'logout' => 'Sign Out',
// 用户中心基础信息中mini导航
'user_center_mini_navigation_data' => [
'order' => 'Order Total',
'goodsfavor' => 'Goods Favor',
'goodsbrowse' => 'My Browse',
'integral' => 'My Points',
// 订单售后
'orderaftersale' => [
// 表单
'form_item_reason' => 'Refund Reason',
'form_item_reason_placeholder' => 'Refund Reason...',
'form_item_reason_message' => 'Please select the refund reason',
'form_item_number' => 'Number of goods',
'form_item_number_message' => 'Please fill in the valid number of goods, minimum 1, maximum {:max}',
'form_item_price' => 'Refund Amount',
'form_item_price_message' => 'Please enter a valid refund amount, up to {:price} yuan',
'form_item_msg' => 'Refund instructions',
'form_item_msg_message' => 'Refund instructions can be up to 200 characters',
'form_item_images' => 'Upload Voucher',
'form_item_images_tips' => 'Upload up to 3 pictures',
'form_item_express_name' => 'Express Name',
'form_item_express_name_message' => 'Express name format is between 1 and 60 characters',
'form_item_express_number' => 'Express Number',
'form_item_express_number_message' => 'The format of express bill number is between 1 and 60 characters',
// 审核表单
'form_item_refundment' => 'Refund Method',
'form_item_refundment_message' => 'Please select a refund method',
'form_item_refuse_reason' => 'Reason for rejection',
'form_item_refuse_reason_message' => 'Rejection reason format: 2~230 characters',
// 保存
'save_price_format_tips' => 'Incorrect format of refund amount',
'save_reason_error_tips' => 'Refund reason can be up to 180 characters',
// 基础
'order_aftersale_overdue_tips' => 'The order has been sold later, please contact customer service for processing',
'order_aftersale_have_in_hand_tips' => 'Order aftersales is in progress, please do not repeat the application',
'refund_amount_max_order_price_tips' => 'The refund amount is greater than the order payment amount [historical refund {:history_price} yuan, order amount {:order_price} yuan]',
'return_quantity_max_order_number_tips' => 'The return quantity is greater than the purchase quantity [historical return quantity {:history_number}, order goods quantity {:buy_number}]',
'refund_only_not_can_return_goods_tips' => 'This aftersales order is for refund only, and return operation is not allowed',
'status_not_can_operate_tips' => 'The aftersales order status is inoperable',
'pay_log_empty_tips' => 'Payment log does not exist, please use manual processing method',
'under_line_not_tetrace_tips' => 'The offline payment method cannot be returned in the original way',
'payment_plugins_not_refund_tips' => 'The payment plug-in has no refund function',
'payment_plugins_no_exist_tips' => 'Payment plug-in does not exist',
'no_wallet_payment_plugins_tips' => 'Please install the wallet plug-in first',
'order_update_fail_tips' => 'Master order update failed',
'order_detail_update_fail_tips' => 'Failed to update order details',
'goods_sales_count_release_fail_tips' => 'Product sales release failed',
'refund_message_business_type_name' => 'Order aftersales',
'refund_user_message_title' => 'Order refund',
'order_aftersale_update_fail_tips' => 'After-sales order update failed',
'pay_log_trade_empty_tips' => 'The platform document number is empty, please confirm whether the payment log exists',
'pay_log_refund_reason' => '{:order_no} Order refund {:price} yuan',
'payment_plugins_tetrace_fail_tips' => 'Payment plug-in refund processing error',
'wallet_update_fail_tips' => 'Wallet update failed',
'wallet_log_insert_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add wallet log',
'wallet_log_refund_user_message_title' => 'Change in account balance',
// 商品退货地址
'return_goods_address_data' => [
'name' => 'Name',
'tel' => 'Tel',
'address' => 'Address',
// 订单售后进度
'orderaftersale_step_data' => [
// 仅退款
0 => [
'add' => 'Apply for refund only',
'audit' => 'Admin Audit',
'success' => 'Refund Succeeded',
// 退款退货
1 => [
'add' => 'Apply for return refund',
'confirm' => 'Admin Confirm',
'delivery' => 'User Delivery',
'audit' => 'Admin Audit',
'success' => 'Refund Succeeded',
// 售后环节提示信息
'orderaftersale_step_tips_msg' => [
0 => 'The order aftersales service has submitted the application, waiting for the confirmation of the administrator!',
1 => 'After the order, the administrator has confirmed, please complete the return as soon as possible!',
2 => 'The order has been returned after sales, waiting for the administrator to review!',
3 => 'The order aftersales processing has ended!',
4 => 'The order aftersales application has been rejected!',
5 => 'The order aftersales application has been closed!',
// 订单货币
'ordercurrency' => [
'order_currency_insert_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add order currency',
// 订单
'order' => [
// 业务类型名称
'business_type_name' => 'Order',
// 基础
'order_user_invalid_tips' => 'Invalid order user',
'pay_api_abnormal_tips' => 'Abnormal payment interface',
'pay_subject_name' => 'Order payment',
'pay_params_error_tips' => 'Payment transfer parameter error',
'pay_price_error_tips' => 'The order amount is incorrect, please initiate payment normally',
'only_under_line_error_tips' => 'Only offline payment method processing',
'order_pay_user_message_msg' => 'The order was paid successfully, with the amount of {:price} yuan',
'order_update_fail_tips' => 'Order update failed',
'user_under_line_pay_history_desc' => 'User offline payment',
'order_status_history_insert_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add order log',
'order_status_history_update_fail_tips' => 'Log order update failed',
'order_submit_await_confirm_tips' => 'Submitted successfully, please contact the administrator to confirm the payment information as soon as possible',
'pay_log_already_pay_tips' => 'The log order has been paid without repeated processing',
'pay_price_less_than_order_price_tips' => 'The payment amount is less than the log order amount',
'pay_log_error_tips' => 'Payment log order error',
'pay_log_value_error_tips' => 'The payment log order associated information is incorrect',
'order_data_empty_or_format_error_tips' => 'The order data does not exist or the type is incorrect',
'order_take_status_name' => 'To be picked up',
'order_under_line_pay_status_name' => 'To be confirmed',
'order_under_line_name' => 'Offline payment',
'order_item_summary_desc' => '共{:buy_number_count}件 合计:{:currency_symbol}{:total_price}元',
'order_goods_sales_count_inc_fail_tips' => 'Failed to increase sales volume of order goods',
'order_detail_goods_empty_tips' => 'There is an error in the order. No related goods were found',
'pay_have_in_hand_tips' => 'In payment',
// 取消
'order_cancel_message_data' => [
'title' => 'Order cancel',
'desc' => 'Order canceled successfully',
// 发货/取货
'delivery_express_id_message' => 'Incorrect delivery method',
'delivery_express_number_message' => 'Incorrect express order number',
'take_extraction_code_message' => 'Wrong pickup code',
'take_extraction_code_empty_tips' => 'The order pickup code does not exist. Please contact the administrator',
'take_extraction_code_error_tips' => 'Incorrect pickup code',
'order_delivery_message_data' => [
'title' => 'Order shipment',
'desc' => 'Order shipped',
// 收货
'order_collect_message_data' => [
'title' => 'Order receipt',
'desc' => 'Order received successfully',
// 确认
'order_confirm_message_data' => [
'title' => 'Order confirmed',
'desc' => 'Order confirmed successfully',
// 删除
'order_delete_message_data' => [
'title' => 'Order delete',
'desc' => 'Order deleted successfully',
// 订单状态进度
'order_status_setp_data' => [
'add' => 'Take Merchandise',
'cancel' => 'Order Cancel',
'close' => 'Order Close',
'pay' => 'Payment',
'delivery' => 'Seller Delivery',
'collect' => 'Confirm Receipt',
'comments' => 'Comments',
// 订单售后
'orderaftersale_create_title_data' => [
'default' => 'Refund/Return',
'collect' => 'Apply Aftersale',
'step' => 'View Progress',
'success' => 'View Refund',
// 软件安装服务
'packageinstall' => [
'package_no_exist_tips' => 'The software package does not exist, please reinstall',
'mini_theme_terminal_not_choice_tips' => 'Applet terminal type not specified',
'download_url_empty_tips' => 'The download address is empty',
'plugins_type_error_tips' => 'Wrong plug-in type',
'operate_key_error_tips' => 'Incorrect operation key',
'store_respond_error_tips' => 'The store responded incorrectly',
// 支付日志
'paylog' => [
'save_user_id_empty_tips' => 'User ID is empty',
'save_business_type_empty_tips' => 'Business type is empty',
'save_business_ids_format_tips' => 'Wrong business ID data type',
'save_total_price_error_tips' => 'Incorrect business amount',
'pay_log_insert_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add payment order',
'pay_log_id_empty_tips' => 'The log ID is incorrect',
'pay_log_update_fail_tips' => 'Log order update failed',
// 支付方式
'payment' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format 2~30 characters',
'form_item_apply_terminal' => 'Applicable Terminal',
'form_item_apply_terminal_message' => 'Select at least one applicable terminal',
'form_item_logo' => 'LOGO',
'form_item_is_open_user' => 'Open to Users',
// 生成
'create_payment_empty_tips' => 'Payment unique mark cannot be empty',
'create_respond_empty_tips' => 'Payment synchronization address parameter cannot be empty',
'create_notify_empty_tips' => 'The payment asynchronous address parameter cannot be empty',
// 基础
'dir_no_power_tips' => 'Directory does not have operation permission',
'upload_success_tips' => 'Upload succeeded [{:success} payment plug-ins succeeded, {:error} invalid files failed]',
'upload_fail_tips' => 'Upload failed. {:error} invalid files, such as function plug-ins, please upload and install them in the [Application Center ->Application Management] module',
'payment_not_allow_delete_tips' => 'This payment method cannot be deleted',
'file_no_power_tips' => 'No operation permission',
'pay_respond_file_no_exist_tips' => 'The payment return entry file does not exist. Please contact the administrator for processing',
'pay_notify_file_no_exist_tips' => 'The payment notification entry file does not exist. Please contact the administrator for processing',
// 支付请求日志
'payrequestlog' => [
'save_business_type_empty_tips' => 'Business type is empty',
'pay_request_log_insert_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add payment request log',
'pay_request_log_update_fail_tips' => 'Payment request log update failed',
// 插件管理
'pluginsadmin' => [
// 表单
'form_item_upload_tips' => 'Upload an application installation package in zip compression format',
'form_create_error_tips' => 'Please fill in again!',
'form_create_first_step_button_name' => 'Next Step',
'form_item_plugins' => 'Apply unique tags',
'form_item_plugins_tips' => 'Use numbers, lowercase letters and underscores',
'form_item_plugins_message' => 'Apply unique tag format of 2~60 characters',
'form_item_logo' => 'LOGO',
'form_item_logo_tips' => '600 * 600px proposal',
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format: 2~30 characters',
'form_item_author' => 'Author',
'form_item_author_message' => 'Author format 2~30 characters',
'form_item_author_url' => 'Author URI',
'form_item_author_url_tips' => 'Start with http://or https://',
'form_item_author_url_message' => 'Please fill in the authors homepage',
'form_item_version' => 'Version',
'form_item_version_tips' => 'Major version, minor version number and revision number, each segment shall not exceed 6 digits, such as 1.0.0',
'form_item_version_message' => 'Incorrect version format',
'form_item_desc' => 'Describe',
'form_item_desc_message' => 'Description content format: 2~60 characters',
'form_item_apply_terminal' => 'Applicable Terminal',
'form_item_apply_terminal_message' => 'Select at least one applicable terminal',
'form_item_apply_version' => 'Applicable system version',
'form_item_apply_version_message' => 'Select at least one applicable system version',
'form_item_is_home' => 'Whether there is front-end entrance',
'form_item_is_home_tips' => 'Front independent page entry',
// 保存
'app_dir_create_fial_tips' => 'App home directory creation failed',
'app_file_create_fail_tips' => 'Application file creation failed',
'app_static_dir_create_fail_tips' => 'Application static directory creation failed',
'app_static_file_create_fail_tips' => 'Application static file creation failed',
'app_admin_dir_create_fail_tips' => 'Application backend directory creation failed',
'app_home_dir_create_fail_tips' => 'App front-end directory creation failed',
'app_view_dir_create_fail_tips' => 'Failed to create the application view directory',
'app_view_file_create_fail_tips' => 'Application view file creation failed',
'app_config_no_power_tips' => 'The application profile does not have operation Application profile creation failed',
'app_config_create_tail_tips' => 'Application profile creation failed',
'app_name_exclude_tips' => 'Cannot use restricted name',
// 操作权限
'app_dir_no_power_tips' => 'The application directory does not have operation permissions',
'app_view_dir_no_power_tips' => 'The application view directory does not have operation permissions',
'app_css_dir_no_power_tips' => 'The application css directory does not have operation permissions',
'app_js_dir_no_power_tips' => 'The application js directory does not have operation permissions',
'app_images_dir_no_power_tips' => 'The application images directory does not have operation permissions',
'app_upload_dir_no_power_tips' => 'The application upload directory does not have operation permissions',
// 基础
'file_no_power_tips' => 'File does not have permission',
'dir_no_power_tips' => 'Directory operation permissions',
'app_deployment_fail_tips' => 'Application hook deployment failed',
'app_no_exist_tips' => 'App does not exist',
'please_uninstall_tips' => 'Please uninstall the app first',
'app_name_exist_tips' => 'App name already exists',
'app_name_appoint_error_tips' => 'The application ID is inconsistent with the specified',
'plugins_package_empty_tips' => 'Wrong plug-in package',
'plugins_package_error_tips' => 'Please upload and install the payment plug-in in the [Website Management ->Payment Method] module',
'plugins_package_invalid_tips' => 'Invalid plug-in package',
'plugins_identification_error_tips' => 'Wrong plug-in identification',
'plugins_identification_empty_tips' => 'Plug-in ID is empty',
'plugins_copy_control_fail_tips' => 'controller',
'plugins_copy_view_fail_tips' => 'view',
'plugins_new_config_error_tips' => 'The new configuration file is incorrect',
'plugins_new_config_update_fail_tips' => 'Failed to update the new app profile',
'app_update_no_exist_tips' => 'The application does not exist [{:plugins}]. Please install it first',
'sort_save_data_empty_tips' => 'No plug-in data to save',
'sort_save_data_error_tips' => 'The plug-in sorting data is incorrect',
// 插件服务
'plugins' => [
'plugins_identification_empty_tips' => 'Application tag cannot be empty',
'data_params_empty_tips' => 'Data parameter cannot be empty',
'plugins_invalid_tips' => 'Invalid plug-in',
'plugins_not_install_tips' => 'App not installed',
'plugins_not_enable_tips' => 'App not enabled',
'plugins_call_control_undefined_tips' => 'Application controller is not defined',
'plugins_call_action_undefined_tips' => 'Application method is not defined',
'plugins_call_config_error_tips' => 'Incorrect application configuration information',
'plugins_event_undefined_tips' => 'Application event is not defined',
'plugins_event_action_undefined_tips' => 'Application event method is not defined',
'plugins_new_version_update_tips' => '({:plugins} v{:version})The plug-in has a new version to be updated',
'plugins_no_update_tips' => 'No plug-ins need to be updated',
// 插件主题更新服务
'pluginsupgrade' => [
'package_no_exist_tips' => 'The software package does not exist, please update it again',
'terminal_not_appoint_error_tips' => 'No terminal type specified',
'plugins_type_undefined_tips' => 'Plug-in operation type is not defined',
'download_url_empty_tips' => 'The download address is empty',
'plugins_download_fail_tips' => 'Plug-in download failed',
'plugins_config_error_tips' => 'The application plug-in configuration information is incorrect',
'payment_config_error_tips' => 'The payment plug-in configuration information is incorrect',
'plugins_identification_error_tips' => 'Wrong plug-in identification',
'update_type_error_tps' => 'Wrong update type',
'operate_key_error_tips' => 'Incorrect operation key',
// 快捷导航
'quicknav' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format: 2~60 characters',
'form_item_images_url' => 'Navigation Icon',
// 地区
'region' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format 2~16 characters',
'form_item_code' => 'Unique code',
'form_item_code_message' => 'Unique code format can be up to 30 characters',
'form_item_lng' => 'Longitude',
'form_item_lng_message' => 'Please fill in the longitude',
'form_item_lat' => 'Latitude',
'form_item_lat_message' => 'Please fill in the latitude',
'form_item_letters' => 'Initial',
'form_item_letters_message' => 'Please fill in the initials',
// 基础
'region_code_search_empty_tips' => 'Please enter the region number',
'region_no_data_tips' => 'No relevant regions',
// 资源
'resources' => [
// 保存
'save_attachment_title_tips' => 'Wrong name',
'save_attachment_original_tips' => 'Wrong original name',
'save_attachment_path_type_tips' => 'Wrong path mark',
'save_attachment_url_tips' => 'Wrong address',
'save_attachment_size_tips' => 'Wrong file size',
'save_attachment_ext_tips' => 'Incorrect extension',
'save_attachment_hash_tips' => 'Incorrect hash value',
// 基础
'delete_no_power_tips' => 'File does not have permission to delete',
'sync_file_to_db_tips' => 'total[{:count}], success[{:success}], fail[{:error}]',
// 安全
'safety' => [
// 表单
'form_item_email' => 'E-mail',
'form_item_email_message' => 'Email format error',
'form_item_mobile' => 'Phone Number',
'form_item_mobile_message' => 'Mobile number format error',
'form_item_current_password' => 'Current Password',
'form_item_current_password_message' => 'The current password format is between 6 and 18 characters',
'form_item_new_password' => 'New Password',
'form_item_new_password_message' => 'The new password format is between 6 and 18 characters',
'form_item_confirm_password' => 'Confirm Password',
'form_item_confirm_password_message' => 'Confirm that the password format is between 6 and 18 characters, consistent with the new password',
// 基础
'current_password_error_tips' => 'Current password error',
'confirm_new_password_atypism_tips' => 'The confirmed password is inconsistent with the new password',
'mobile_already_exist_tips' => 'Mobile number already exists',
'email_already_exist_tips' => 'Email already exists',
'accounts_no_exist_tips' => 'Account does not exist',
'accounts_emptyr_tips' => 'Account cannot be empty',
'accounts_type_error_tips' => 'Wrong account type',
'send_verify_email_title' => 'E-mail binding',
'accounts_logout_refuse_msg' => 'There are {:count} unfinished orders',
// 筛选价格
'screeningprice' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format 2~16 characters',
'form_item_min_price' => 'Minimum Price',
'form_item_min_price_message' => 'Incorrect minimum price',
'form_item_max_price' => 'Maximum Price',
'form_item_max_price_message' => 'Incorrect maximum price',
// 搜索
'search' => [
'search_breadcrumb_result_last_text' => 'search result',
// 站点配置
'site' => [
'redis_extend_no_install_tips' => 'Please install the Redis extension first',
'redis_connect_success_tips' => 'Redis connection succeeded',
'redis_connect_fail_tips' => 'Redis connection failed',
// 轮播
'slide' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format: 2~60 characters',
'form_item_images_url' => 'Slide Pictures',
'form_item_images_url_tips' => [
'1. Recommended size of PC end: 1920 * 480px',
'2. Recommended size of mobile terminal: 1200 * 360px',
// sql控制台
'sqlconsole' => [
// 表单
'form_sql_placeholder' => 'SQL Statement',
'form_sql_message' => 'Please fill in the SQL statement to be executed',
'form_dev_tips' => 'If you need to execute SQL statements, change the [is_develop] value in the [config/shopxo. php] file to [true] to enable developer mode.',
// 基础
'implement_fail_tips' => '[{:failure}] failed to run sql',
'implement_success_tips' => 'SQL run successfully[success: {:success}, failure: {:failure}]',
// 统计
'statistical' => [
// 时间区间
'time_section_day_3_name' => 'Last3Day',
'time_section_day_7_name' => 'Last7Day',
'time_section_day_15_name' => 'Last15Day',
'time_section_day_30_name' => 'Last30Day',
'time_section_day_180_name' => 'LastHalfYear',
'time_section_day_365_name' => 'Last1Year',
'time_section_this_month_name' => 'ThisMonth',
'time_section_last_month_name' => 'LastMonth',
'time_section_this_year_name' => 'ThisYear',
'time_section_last_year_name' => 'LastYear',
// 基础
'stats_total_name' => 'Total',
'stats_type_empty_tips' => 'Type is empty',
'stats_type_error_tips' => 'Wrong type',
'stats_time_start_tips' => 'Start time cannot be empty',
'stats_time_end_tips' => 'End time cannot be empty',
'stats_time_error_tips' => 'Start time cannot be less than end time',
// 系统更新
'systemupgrade' => [
'system_package_no_exist_tips' => 'The system package does not exist, please download again',
'update_package_no_exist_tips' => 'The upgrade package does not exist. Please download it again',
'package_download_fail_tips' => 'Package download failed',
// 主题
'theme' => [
'view_dir_no_power_tips' => 'View directory does not have permission',
'static_dir_no_power_tips' => 'The resource directory does not have permission',
'package_invalid_tips' => 'Invalid theme pack',
'template_id_error_tips' => 'Incorrect template id',
'theme_name_error_tips' => 'Incorrect subject name',
'system_theme_not_delete_tips' => 'System template cannot be deleted',
'current_use_theme_error_tips' => 'Cannot delete the theme in use',
'theme_copy_view_fail_tips' => 'View',
'theme_copy_static_fail_tips' => 'Static file',
'theme_new_config_error_tips' => 'The new configuration file is incorrect',
'theme_new_config_update_fail_tips' => 'Failed to update the new app profile',
'config_file_no_exist_tips' => 'Theme profile does not exist',
'config_error_tips' => 'The subject configuration information is incorrect',
// 附件上传
'ueditor' => [
'request_action_error_tips' => 'Request action error',
// 用户地址
'useraddress' => [
// 表单
'form_item_user_id' => 'User ID',
'form_item_user_id_message' => 'Please fill in user id',
'form_item_name' => 'Full Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format is between 2 and 30 characters',
'form_item_alias' => 'Alias',
'form_item_alias_message' => 'Alias format can be up to 16 characters',
'form_item_tel' => 'Telephone',
'form_item_tel_message' => 'Incorrect phone format',
'form_item_address' => 'Detailed Address',
'form_item_address_message' => 'Detailed address format is between 1 and 80 characters',
'form_item_idcard_name' => 'ID Card Name',
'form_item_idcard_name_tips' => 'please be consistent with the uploaded ID name',
'form_item_idcard_name_message' => 'The name format of ID card can be up to 30 characters',
'form_item_idcard_number' => 'ID No',
'form_item_idcard_number_tips' => 'please be consistent with the uploaded ID number',
'form_item_idcard_number_message' => 'ID card number format can be up to 18 characters',
'form_item_idcard_images' => 'ID Card Photo',
'form_item_idcard_images_tips' => 'Please use the original ID card to shoot, and the picture should be clear',
'form_item_idcard_front_button_name' => 'Upload IDCard Front Pictures',
'form_item_idcard_back_button_name' => 'Upload IDCard Back Pictures',
'form_item_idcard_no_user_tips' => 'Associate users before uploading ID card images',
// 基础
'address_id_empty_tips' => 'Address ID cannot be empty',
'province_matching_fail_tips' => 'Province matching failed',
'city_matching_fail_tips' => 'City matching failed',
'address_exist_tips' => 'Address already exists',
// 用户
'user' => [
// 表单
'form_item_username' => 'Username',
'form_item_username_message' => 'User name 2~30 characters',
'form_item_nickname' => 'Nickname',
'form_item_nickname_message' => 'Nickname can be up to 30 characters',
'form_item_mobile' => 'Phone Number',
'form_item_mobile_message' => 'Mobile number format error',
'form_item_email' => 'E-mail',
'form_item_email_message' => 'Email format error',
'form_item_province' => 'Province',
'form_item_province_message' => 'Maximum 60 characters in the province',
'form_item_city' => 'City',
'form_item_city_message' => 'Maximum 60 characters in the city',
'form_item_county' => 'District/County',
'form_item_county_message' => '60 characters at most in the district/county',
'form_item_address' => 'Detail Address',
'form_item_address_message' => 'Detail Address format is up to 80 characters',
'form_item_integral' => 'Valid Integral',
'form_item_integral_message' => 'Please enter valid points',
'form_item_locking_integral' => 'Lock Integral',
'form_item_locking_integral_message' => 'Please enter locked points',
'form_item_birthday' => 'Birthday',
'form_item_birthday_message' => 'Incorrect birthday format',
'form_item_referrer' => 'Invite User ID',
'form_item_referrer_message' => 'Please enter the invitation user ID',
'form_item_pwd' => 'Login Password',
'form_item_pwd_tips' => 'Enter to change the password',
'form_item_pwd_message' => 'Login password format is between 6 and 18 characters',
// 详情
'detail_platform_title' => 'User Platform Info',
'detail_system_type' => 'System Type',
'detail_platform' => 'Platform',
'detail_alipay_openid' => 'Alipay openid',
'detail_baidu_openid' => 'Baidu openid',
'detail_toutiao_openid' => 'Toutiao openid',
'detail_toutiao_unionid' => 'Toutiao unionid',
'detail_qq_openid' => 'QQopenid',
'detail_qq_unionid' => 'QQunionid',
'detail_weixin_openid' => 'WeChat openid',
'detail_weixin_unionid' => 'WeChat unionid',
'detail_web_weixin_openid' => 'WeChat webopenid',
'detail_kuaishou_openid' => 'Kwai openid',
// 保存
'save_admin_info_error_tips' => 'The current operation administrator information is incorrect',
'save_user_already_exist_tips' => 'User already exists[{$var}]',
'save_gender_range_error_tips' => 'The gender value range is incorrect',
'save_status_range_error_tips' => 'The status value range is incorrect',
'save_user_info_no_exist_tips' => 'User information does not exist',
'save_nickname_format_error_tips' => 'Nickname is between 2 and 16 characters',
// 基础
'user_no_exist_tips' => 'The user does not exist or has been deleted',
'user_status_error_tips' => 'Incorrect user status',
'admin_operate_name' => 'Administrator Action',
'user_not_audit_tips' => 'User waiting for approval',
'user_register_success_no_login_tips' => 'Registration succeeded. Please log in to the login page',
'mobile_already_exist_tips' => 'Mobile number already exists',
'email_already_exist_tips' => 'Email already exists',
'username_format_error_tips' => 'The user name format is 2~18 characters with alphanumeric underscore',
'login_email_send_title' => 'User Login',
'register_email_send_title' => 'User Register',
'forget_pwd_email_send_title' => 'Password Recovery',
'mobile_or_email_format_error_tips' => 'Incorrect format of mobile phone/email',
'mobile_already_bind_account_tips' => 'The phone has been bound to another account',
'mobile_empty_tips' => 'Mobile phone number cannot be empty',
'mobile_current_mobile_identical_tips' => 'Please use a new mobile number',
'account_already_exist_tips' => 'Account already exists',
'user_openid_empty_tips' => 'User openid cannot be empty',
'token_empty_tips' => 'Token cannot be empty',
// 仓库商品
'warehousegoods' => [
// 表单
'add_goods_title' => 'Goods Add',
'form_item_warehouseg_placeholder' => 'Warehouse...',
'form_item_warehouseg_message' => 'Please select a warehouse',
'form_item_inventory_message' => 'Inventory quantity 0~100000000',
// 保存
'save_inventory_data_error_tips' => 'Incorrect inventory data',
'save_md5_key_data_error_tips' => 'The inventory unique value is incorrect',
'save_spec_data_error_tips' => 'Incorrect inventory specification',
'save_inventory_spec_insert_fail_tips' => 'Failed to add specification inventory',
'save_warehouse_goods_update_fail_tips' => 'Inventory item update failed',
// 基础
'row_delete_fail_tips' => '{:index} deletion failed',
'warehouse_id_empty_tips' => 'The warehouse ID is incorrect',
'order_warehouse_id_empty_tips' => 'The order warehouse ID is incorrect',
'goods_spec_sync_inventory_fail_tips' => 'The order warehouse ID is incorrect',
'goods_sync_inventory_fail_tips' => 'Product inventory synchronization failed',
'goods_spec_inventory_not_enough_tips' => 'Warehouse goods specification inventory is insufficient',
'goods_spec_inventory_dec_fail_tips' => 'Failed to deduct inventory of warehouse goods specification',
'goods_inventory_not_enough_tips' => 'Insufficient inventory of warehouse goods',
'goods_inventory_dec_fail_tips' => 'Failed to deduct the inventory of warehouse goods',
'goods_spec_inventory_inc_fail_tips' => 'Rollback of warehouse goods specification inventory failed',
'goods_inventory_inc_fail_tips' => 'Failed to roll back the inventory of warehouse goods',
// 仓库商品
'warehouse' => [
// 表单
'form_item_name' => 'Full Name',
'form_item_name_message' => 'Name format is between 2 and 30 characters',
'form_item_alias' => 'Alias',
'form_item_alias_message' => 'Alias format can be up to 16 characters',
'form_item_level' => 'Weight',
'form_item_level_tips' => 'The higher the weight value, the higher the weight',
'form_item_level_message' => 'Please enter a valid weight value',
'form_item_contacts_name' => 'Contacts Name',
'form_item_contacts_name_message' => 'Contact format is between 2 and 16 characters',
'form_item_contacts_tel' => 'Contact Tel',
'form_item_contacts_tel_message' => 'Please fill in the contact number',
'form_item_address' => 'Detail Address',
'form_item_address_message' => 'Address format is between 1 and 80 characters',
// 基础
'warehouse_not_enable_name' => 'NotEnabled',
'warehouse_already_delete_name' => 'Deleted',
// -------------------- 可视化设计 --------------------
'layout' => [
// 边线样式类型
'border_style_type_list' => [
'solid' => 'Solid',
'dashed' => 'Dashed',
'dotted' => 'Dotted',
'double' => 'Double',
// 商品样式类型
'goods_view_list_show_style' => [
'routine' => 'General mode',
'leftright' => 'Left and right',
'rolling' => 'Scroll mode',
// 多图样式类型
'many_images_view_list_show_style' => [
'routine' => 'Rotation mode',
'rolling' => 'Scroll mode',
'list' => 'List Mode',
// 图文样式类型
'images_text_view_list_show_style' => [
'updown' => 'Below',
'leftright' => 'Left and right',
'rolling' => 'Scroll mode',
// 图片魔方样式类型
'images_magic_cube_view_list_show_style' => [
'g1' => '1 Figure',
'v2' => '2 Vertical Figure',
'v3' => '3 Vertical Figure',
'v4' => '4 Vertical Figure',
'h2' => '2 Horizontal Figure',
'h3' => '3 Horizontal Figure',
'h4' => '4 Horizontal Figure',
'lr12' => '1 Left Right 2',
'lr13' => '1 Left Right 3',
'lr21' => '2 Left Right 1',
'lr31' => '3 Left Right 1',
'tb12' => '1 Up and Down 2',
'tb13' => '1 Up and Down 3',
'tb21' => '2 Up and Down 1',
'tb31' => '3 Up and Down 1',
'lrv2h2' => '2 Vertical, Left, Right, Horizontal 2',
'lrh2v2' => '2 Horizontal, Left, Right, and Vertical 2',
'g4' => '4 Figure',
// 基础
'base_goods_category_empty_tips' => 'The product category id is empty',
'base_goods_id_empty_tips' => 'Product ID is empty',
'base_goods_empty_tips' => 'No product information',
'base_data_type_not_handle_tips' => 'Data type not processed',
'base_module_not_config_tips' => 'Module not configured',
// 页面-系统基础
'page_system_title' => 'System page',
'page_goods_category' => 'All product categories',
'page_goods_search' => 'Product Search',
'page_goods_search_tips' => 'Can have parameters (keywords, product classification ID, brand ID)',
'page_goods' => 'Single item',
'page_cart' => 'Shopping Cart',
'page_user_center' => 'User Center',
'page_user_order_list' => 'My Order',
'page_user_order_aftersale_list' => 'Order AfterSales',
'page_user_goods_favor_list' => 'Product Favor',
'page_user_address_list' => 'My Address',
'page_user_goods_browse_list' => 'My Tracks',
'page_user_integral_list' => 'My Points',
'page_user_message_list' => 'My Message',
'page_user_answer_list' => 'Q&A/Message',
// 页面-扩展模块
'page_plugins_title' => 'Expansion module',
// 页面
'view_goods_category_choice_title' => 'The product category you currently selected is:',
'view_goods_category_empty_tips' => 'No product classification',
'view_module_container_tips' => 'Module Content Area',
'view_show_model_title' => 'Show mode',
'view_show_model_not_choice_tips' => 'Please select a presentation mode first',
'view_media_fixed_width_title' => 'Container width',
'view_media_fixed_width_message' => 'Please enter a number with a container width of up to 6000',
'view_media_fixed_height_title' => 'Container height',
'view_media_fixed_height_message' => 'Please enter a number for the container height and a maximum of 6000',
'view_media_fixed_border_radius_title' => 'Radius',
'view_media_fixed_border_radius_message' => 'Please enter a number with rounded corners and a maximum of 1000',
'view_media_fixed_border_style_title' => 'Edge Type',
'view_media_fixed_border_style_message' => 'Please select an edge type',
'view_media_fixed_border_width_title' => 'Edge Size',
'view_media_fixed_border_width_message' => 'Please enter a number with a maximum margin of 100',
'view_media_fixed_border_placeholder' => 'Outer',
'view_media_fixed_border_color_title' => 'Border Color',
'view_media_fixed_border_color_message' => 'Please select a border color',
'view_media_fixed_margin_title' => 'Margin',
'view_media_fixed_margin_message' => 'Please enter a number with an outer margin of up to 100',
'view_media_fixed_padding_title' => 'Padding',
'view_media_fixed_padding_message' => 'Please enter a number with an inner padding of up to 100',
'view_media_fixed_mouse_hover_images_amplify_title' => 'Mouse over image to zoom in',
'view_media_fixed_width_100_title' => 'Width 100%',
'view_media_fixed_height_100_title' => 'Height 100%',
'view_media_fixed_center_title' => 'Center or not',
'view_media_fixed_cover_title' => 'Whether the container is fully paved',
'view_media_fixed_four_sides_top' => 'Top',
'view_media_fixed_four_sides_right' => 'Right',
'view_media_fixed_four_sides_bottom' => 'Bottom',
'view_media_fixed_four_sides_left' => 'Left',
'view_media_fixed_four_sides_tips' => 'Top -> Right -> Bottom -> Left',
// 行展示配置
'view_show_row_number_title' => 'Line display quantity',
'view_show_row_number_sm_placeholder' => 'Small screen',
'view_show_row_number_sm_message' => 'Small screen up to 12',
'view_show_row_number_md_placeholder' => 'Medium screen',
'view_show_row_number_md_message' => 'Medium screen maximum 12',
'view_show_row_number_lg_placeholder' => 'Large screen',
'view_show_row_number_lg_message' => 'Large screen up to 12',
// 地址选择页面
'view_pages_tabs_system_title' => 'System page',
'view_pages_tabs_plugins_title' => 'Expansion module',
'view_pages_tabs_custom_title' => 'Custom Links',
'view_pages_tabs_custom_tips' => [
'type' => 'web',
'name' => 'WEB terminal',
'item' => [
'1. Start with http',
'2. If a web page is used in an applet, it is necessary to add a whitelist in the background of the applet',
'type' => 'mini',
'name' => 'Internal page (applet/APP internal address)',
'item' => [
'1. The applet starts with /pages',
'2. For example: /pages/user/user',
'3. Support with parameters ?x=xx',
'tips' => 'Applet page address configuration instructions',
'type' => 'out-mini',
'name' => 'Open external applet',
'item' => [
'1. Starts with appid://',
'2. For example: appid://wx88888888',
'type' => 'tel',
'name' => 'Making phone calls',
'item' => [
'1. Starts with tel://',
'2. For example: tel://wx13222222222',
'type' => 'map',
'name' => 'Jump to the native map to view the specified location',
'item' => [
'1. Start with map://',
'2. For example: map://name|address|longitude|latitude',
'3. Example: map://ShopXO|No. XXX, Zhangjiang High tech Park, Pudong New Area, Shanghai|121.626444|31.20843',
// 滚动配置
'view_module_rolling_config_item_width' => 'Data item width',
'view_module_rolling_config_item_width_tips' => 'Default 200',
'view_module_rolling_config_item_width_message' => 'Maximum data item width 600',
'view_module_rolling_config_item_margin' => 'Data item spacing',
'view_module_rolling_config_item_margin_message' => 'Maximum data item spacing 100',
'view_module_rolling_config_is_auto_play' => 'Whether to automatically play',
'view_module_rolling_config_is_nav_dot' => 'Show navigation points',
// 关键字信息
'view_module_title_keywords' => 'Keywords',
'view_module_title_keywords_tips' => 'Not displayed under small screen',
'view_module_title_keywords_message' => 'Please fill in the keyword and format with 1 to 8 characters',
'view_module_title_keywords_add' => 'Add Keyword',
// 指向url地址信息
'view_module_title_url' => 'Link Address',
'view_module_title_url_message' => 'Please select a jump link',
// 基础样式
'view_style_screen_md' => 'Medium screen style',
'view_style_screen_sm' => 'Small screen style',
'view_style_screen_lg' => 'Large screen style',
'view_style_setup' => 'Style Settings',
'view_style_content' => 'Content Styles',
'view_style_images' => 'Picture Styles',
'view_content_setup' => 'Content Settings',
'view_content_custom_html' => 'Custom html code',
'view_style_width_max_limit_value' => 'System standard width limit(1000px、1200px)',
'view_style_height' => 'Height',
// 容器
'view_offcanvas_layout_base_title' => 'Base Style',
'view_offcanvas_layout_background_images' => 'Background image',
'view_offcanvas_layout_background_images_center' => 'Center',
'view_offcanvas_layout_background_images_cover' => 'Cover',
'view_offcanvas_layout_background_images_no_repeat' => 'NoRepeat',
// 商品模块
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_tabs_goods_title' => 'Choice Goods',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_tabs_category_title' => 'Choice Category',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_not_choice' => 'Please select a product',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_choice_tips' => 'Add up to 50 items',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_category_not_choice' => 'Please select a product category',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_sort_type' => 'Sort Type',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_sort_type_tips' => 'Default Synthesis',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_sort_type_message' => 'Please select a product sorting type',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_sort_type_alert' => 'Comprehensively: Heat ->Sales ->Latest Descending',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_sort_rule' => 'Collation',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_sort_rule_tips' => 'Default descending order(desc)',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_sort_rule_message' => 'Please select a collation',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_limit_number' => 'Product quantity',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_limit_number_message' => 'Maximum quantity of goods 50',
'view_offcanvas_module_goods_style' => 'Product Style',
// 图片
'view_offcanvas_module_images' => 'Picture',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_tips' => 'Image and title are required',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_add' => 'Add Image Text',
// 图文
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_font_size' => 'Size',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_title' => 'Title',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_margin_top' => 'Margin Top',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_margin_right' => 'Margin Right',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_margin_bottom' => 'Margin Bottom',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_margin_left' => 'Margin Left',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_position_left' => 'Left',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_position_center' => 'Center',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_position_right' => 'Right',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_desc' => 'Desc',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_margin_title_message' => 'Maximum outer margin of title: 1000',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_margin_desc_message' => 'Description Outer Margin Max 1000',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_title_font_size_message' => 'Title font maximum 1000',
'view_offcanvas_module_images_text_desc_font_size_message' => 'Description font maximum 1000',
// 标题
'view_offcanvas_module_title_main_title' => 'Main Title',
'view_offcanvas_module_title_main_title_message' => 'The main title can have a maximum of 1 to 8 characters',
'view_offcanvas_module_title_vice_title' => 'Subtitle',
'view_offcanvas_module_title_vice_title_message' => 'Subtitle up to 16 characters',
'view_offcanvas_module_title_right' => 'Right button',
'view_offcanvas_module_title_right_tips' => 'Empty does not display',
'view_offcanvas_module_title_right_name' => 'Right button name',
'view_offcanvas_module_title_right_name_message' => 'The right button name can have up to 4 characters',
// 视频
'view_offcanvas_module_video_images' => 'Cover Photo',
// 弹窗商品搜索
'view_popup_goods_search_tabs_brand' => 'Brand',
'view_popup_goods_search_tabs_brand_message' => 'Please select a brand',
'view_popup_goods_search_tabs_keywords' => 'Keywords',
'view_popup_goods_search_tabs_other' => 'No conditions required',
'view_popup_goods_search_keywords_tips' => 'Search keyword format: 1~30 characters',
'view_popup_goods_search_other_tips' => 'Directly enter the search page without search criteria',
// 弹窗商品选择
'view_popup_goods_search_choice_category_not_choice' => 'Please select a product category',
'view_popup_goods_search_choice_category_placeholder' => 'Category...',
'view_popup_goods_search_choice_init_tips' => 'Please search for products',
// 页面基础
'view_base_tabs_list' => [
'structure' => 'Structure',
'module' => 'Module',
'view_base_structure_list' => [
'100' => '100%',
'6:6' => '6 : 6',
'8:4' => '8 : 4',
'4:8' => '4 : 8',
'9:3' => '9 : 3',
'3:9' => '3 : 9',
'6:3:3' => '6 : 3 : 3',
'3:6:3' => '3 : 6 : 3',
'3:3:6' => '3 : 3 : 6',
'4:4:4' => 'x 3',
'3:3:3:3' => 'x 4',
'2:2:2:2:2:2' => 'x 6',
'view_base_module_list' => [
'images' => 'Single Picture',
'many-images' => 'Multigraph',
'images-text' => 'Image & Text',
'images-magic-cube' => 'Picture Rubiks Cube',
'video' => 'Video',
'goods' => 'Goods',
'title' => 'Title',
'custom' => 'Custom html',
'border' => 'Border',
'height' => 'Auxiliary Blank',
'view_base_custom_url_tips' => 'Please fill in at least one address',
'view_base_show_modal_not_choice_tips' => 'Please select a data presentation mode',
'view_base_show_modal_error_tips' => 'Incorrect display mode',
'view_base_layout_container_tips' => 'Drag and drop the layout to this area and release the mouse',
'view_base_before_choice_page_tips' => 'Please select a page first',
'view_base_before_choice_url_position_tips' => 'Please select a link location first',
'view_base_before_config_goods_search_tips' => 'Please configure product search first',
'view_base_config_images_tips' => 'Please add a picture and configure it first',
'view_base_url_not_set_tips' => 'Link address not set',
'view_base_config_images_text_tips' => 'Please add images and text and configure them first',
'view_base_upload_images_or_title_tips' => 'Image and title are required',
'view_base_config_first_tips' => 'Please config',
'view_base_module_tab_tips' => 'Incorrect module attribute',
'view_base_module_attr_tips' => 'Incorrect module marking',
'view_base_type_event_not_exist_tips' => 'Type event not defined',
'view_base_module_assembly_not_exist_tips' => 'Module component not defined',
'view_base_module_not_exist_tips' => 'Module not defined',
'view_base_module_del_title' => 'Module Removal',
'view_base_module_set_title' => 'Module Settings',
'view_base_module_drag_title' => 'Drag and sort',
'view_base_layout_del_title' => 'Layout Removal',
'view_base_layout_set_title' => 'Layout Settings',
'view_base_layout_content_set_tips' => 'Container Settings',
// -------------------- 扩展模块 --------------------
'common_extend' => [
// 基础
'base' => [
// 公共
'common' => [
'page_empty_tips' => 'The page address cannot be empty',
'scene_empty_tips' => 'The scene parameter is between 1 and 32 characters',
'access_token_request_fail_tips' => 'access_token获取失败',
'get_qrcode_fail_tips' => 'Failed to obtain QR code',
'api_request_fail_tips' => 'Interface request failed',
'auth_api_request_fail_tips' => 'Authorization interface call failed',
'auth_api_request_error_tips' => 'Authorization interface exception error',
'session_key_empty_tips' => 'SessionKey does not exist',
'iv_error_tips' => 'Iv Length error',
'auth_code_empty_tips' => 'Incorrect authorization code',
'please_try_again_tips' => 'Please try again!',
'appid_mismatch_tips' => 'Appid mismatch',
'openssl_no_support_tips' => 'Openssl does not support',
// 分页
'page' => [
'each_page_name' => 'Each Page',
'page_strip' => 'Strip',
'page_unit' => 'Page',
'jump_to_text' => 'Jump to',
'data_total' => 'Total {:total} Data',
'page_total' => 'Total {:total} Page',
// 支付宝
'alipay' => [
'appid_empty_tips' => 'Applet appid cannot be empty',
'sign_error_tips' => 'Signature verification failed',
// 百度
'baidu' => [
'mcrypt_no_support_tips' => 'mcrypt_module_open Method not supported',
'decrypt_error_tips' => 'Decryption failed',
'appkey_error_tips' => 'Appkey does not match',
// 微信
'wechat' => [
'touser_openid_empty_tips' => 'Openid cannot be empty',
'template_id_empty_tips' => 'template_ ID cannot be empty',
'data_empty_tips' => 'Data cannot be empty',
// 邮件
'email' => [
'email_empty_tips' => 'The recipient mailbox cannot be empty',
'content_empty_tips' => 'The sent content cannot be empty',
'title_empty_tips' => 'The message header cannot be empty',
// excel
'excel' => [
'file_empty_tips' => 'File is empty',
'excel_format_error_tips' => 'Invalid excel type file',
'error_title' => 'Error prompt',
'close_page_title' => 'Close Page',
// 二维码
'qrcode' => [
'content_empty_tips' => 'Content cannot be empty',
'qrcode_create_fail_tips' => 'QR code creation failed',
'url_empty_tips' => 'The url address is incorrect',
'url_illegal_tips' => 'The url address is illegal',
'url_invalid_tips' => 'Invalid url address',
'images_url_invalid_tips' => 'Invalid picture address',
'dir_create_fail_tips' => 'Directory creation failed',
// 条形码
'barcode' => [
'content_empty_tips' => 'Content cannot be empty',
'barcode_create_fail_tips' => 'Bar code creation failed',
'url_empty_tips' => 'The url address is incorrect',
'url_illegal_tips' => 'The url address is illegal',
'url_invalid_tips' => 'Invalid url address',
'images_url_invalid_tips' => 'Invalid picture address',
'dir_create_fail_tips' => 'Directory creation failed',
// PDF
'pdf' => [
'content_empty_tips' => 'Content cannot be empty',
'dir_create_fail_tips' => 'Directory creation failed',
// zip解压缩
'zipfolder' => [
'env_no_support_tips' => 'There is no Zip extension in the current PHP environment',
// 文件上传
'fileupload' => [
'file_illegal_tips' => 'Illegal file',
// 富文本附件上传
'uploader' => [
'error_tmp_file' => 'Temporary file error',
'error_tmp_file_not_found' => 'Temporary file not found',
'error_size_exceed' => 'The file size exceeds the site limit',
'error_type_not_allowed' => 'File type is not allowed',
'error_create_dir' => 'Directory creation failed',
'error_dir_not_writeable' => 'Directory does not have write permission',
'error_file_move' => 'Save error, file error',
'error_file_not_found' => 'Uploaded file not found',
'error_write_conent' => 'Error writing file contents',
'error_dead_link' => 'link unavailable',
'error_http_link' => 'Link is not an http link',
'invalid_url' => 'Illegal URL',
'invalid_ip' => 'Illegal IP',
'invalid_file' => 'Illegal File',
'error_image_save' => 'Save error, picture error',
'error_upload_type' => 'Wrong operation type',
// -------------------- 公共方法 --------------------
'common_function' => [
'module_view_control_undefined_tips' => 'Module view controller not defined',
'module_view_action_undefined_tips' => 'Module view method not defined',
'hook_empty_tips' => 'No hook information',
'plugins_status_error_tips' => 'Plug-in status is abnormal',
'plugins_class_no_exist_tips' => 'Class not defined',
'plugins_class_action_no_exist_tips' => 'Class method not defined',
'check_config_error_tips' => 'Incorrect configuration of internal call parameters',
'check_checked_data_in_empty_tips' => 'The specified verification data is empty',
'check_checked_data_in_error_tips' => 'The specified verification data format is incorrect',
'check_checked_data_length_empty_tips' => 'Length rule value is not defined',
'check_checked_data_fun_error_tips' => 'Validation function is null or undefined',
'check_checked_data_min_error_tips' => 'Verify that the minimum value is not defined',
'check_checked_data_max_error_tips' => 'Verify that the maximum value is not defined',
'check_checked_data_eq_error_tips' => 'Verify equality undefined',
'check_checked_data_neq_error_tips' => 'Verify inequality undefined',
'check_checked_data_unique_empty_tips' => 'Verify that the unique table parameter is not defined',
'check_checked_data_unique_error_name' => 'Unique auth',
// -------------------- 配置信息 --------------------
'common_config' => [
'common_page_size' => [
'name' => 'Number of pages',
'desc' => 'Number of paged displays',
'tips' => 'Pagination cannot exceed 3 digits',
'common_deduction_inventory_rules' => [
'name' => 'Order item deduction inventory rule',
'desc' => 'It can be effective only after the inventory is deducted. By default, the order is paid successfully',
'tips' => '',
'common_is_deduction_inventory' => [
'name' => 'Whether to deduct inventory',
'desc' => 'It is recommended not to modify at will to avoid confusion of inventory data. Closing does not affect inventory rollback',
'tips' => '',
'admin_excel_charset' => [
'name' => 'Excel coding',
'desc' => 'Code selection of Excel module',
'tips' => 'Please select code',
'home_seo_site_title' => [
'name' => 'Site title',
'desc' => 'Browser title, generally no more than 80 characters',
'tips' => 'The site title cannot be empty',
'home_seo_site_keywords' => [
'name' => 'Site keywords',
'desc' => 'Generally no more than 100 characters, and multiple keywords are separated by semicircular commas [,]',
'tips' => 'Site keyword cannot be empty',
'home_seo_site_description' => [
'name' => 'Site description',
'desc' => 'Site description, generally no more than 200 characters',
'tips' => 'Site description cannot be empty',
'home_site_icp' => [
'name' => 'ICP Certificate No',
'desc' => 'For example: Shanghai ICP Bei No. XXX',
'tips' => '',
'home_statistics_code' => [
'name' => 'Bottom statistics code',
'desc' => 'Support HTML, which can be used to add traffic statistics code',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_state' => [
'name' => 'Site status',
'desc' => 'The site can be closed temporarily, and other people cannot access it, but it does not affect the administrators access to the background',
'tips' => 'Please select site status',
'home_site_close_reason' => [
'name' => 'Closing reason',
'desc' => 'Support HTML. When the website is closed, the reason for closing will be displayed in the foreground',
'tips' => '',
'common_timezone' => [
'name' => 'Default time zone',
'desc' => 'Default Asia / Shanghai [standard time + 8]',
'tips' => 'Please select the default time zone',
'home_footer_info' => [
'name' => 'Bottom code',
'desc' => 'Support HTML, which can be used to add traffic statistics code',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_name' => [
'name' => 'Site name',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Site name cannot be empty',
'home_seo_url_model' => [
'name' => 'Link mode',
'desc' => 'Incompatible mode, please ensure that the pseudo static rules are configured',
'tips' => 'Please select url mode',
'home_max_limit_image' => [
'name' => 'Picture maximum limit',
'desc' => 'Unit B [Uploading pictures is also limited by the maximum upload capacity of 20M in the server space PHP configuration]',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the maximum limit for uploading pictures',
'home_max_limit_file' => [
'name' => 'Maximum file limit',
'desc' => 'Unit B [Uploading files is also limited by the maximum upload capacity of 20M in server space PHP configuration]',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the maximum limit of file upload',
'home_max_limit_video' => [
'name' => 'Video maximum limit',
'desc' => 'Unit B [Uploading video is also limited by the maximum upload capacity of 20M in server space PHP configuration]',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the maximum limit of video upload',
'home_seo_url_html_suffix' => [
'name' => 'Pseudo static suffix',
'desc' => 'Suffix alias after link, default [HTML]',
'tips' => 'Lowercase letters, no more than 8 characters',
'common_register_is_enable_audit' => [
'name' => 'User registration is enabled for review',
'desc' => 'It is closed by default. After being opened, user registration needs to be approved before login',
'tips' => 'Please select user registration to enable audit',
'home_site_logo_wap' => [
'name' => 'Mobile logo',
'desc' => 'Support [JPG, PNG, GIF], 220x66px recommended',
'tips' => 'Please upload the logo of the mobile website',
'home_site_logo' => [
'name' => 'Computer logo',
'desc' => 'Support [JPG, PNG, GIF], 220x60px recommended',
'tips' => 'Please upload the logo of the computer website',
'home_content_max_width' => [
'name' => 'Maximum page width',
'desc' => 'Maximum page width, unit px, 0=100%',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the page width value',
'home_site_logo_square' => [
'name' => 'Square logo',
'desc' => 'PNG format is recommended. 300x300px is recommended',
'tips' => 'Please upload the square logo',
'home_user_reg_type' => [
'name' => 'Registration method',
'desc' => 'If it is not selected, the front-end site cannot be registered. You can select [SMS, email, user name]',
'tips' => 'Please select the registration method',
'home_user_login_type' => [
'name' => 'Login mode',
'desc' => 'Default account password, you can select [account password, email verification code, mobile phone verification code]',
'tips' => 'Please select the login method',
'common_img_verify_state' => [
'name' => 'Get the verification code - turn on the picture verification code',
'desc' => 'Prevent SMS bombing',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to enable the mandatory picture verification code',
'common_verify_interval_time' => [
'name' => 'Get verification code interval',
'desc' => 'Prevent frequent access to verification code, generally between 30 and 120 seconds, unit: [seconds]',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the time interval for obtaining verification code',
'home_sms_user_reg' => [
'name' => 'User registration - SMS template ID',
'desc' => 'Verification code',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the content of user registration SMS template',
'common_sms_sign' => [
'name' => 'SMS signature',
'desc' => 'Signature included in sending SMS',
'tips' => '3~8 Chinese and English characters of SMS signature',
'common_sms_apikey' => [
'name' => 'SMS keyID',
'desc' => 'Access Key ID',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the Access Key ID',
'home_sms_user_forget_pwd' => [
'name' => 'Password retrieval - SMS template ID',
'desc' => 'Verification code',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the password to retrieve the content of the SMS template',
'common_verify_expire_time' => [
'name' => 'Valid time of verification code',
'desc' => 'Expiration time of verification code, generally about 10 minutes, unit [seconds]',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the valid time of verification code',
'common_email_smtp_host' => [
'name' => 'SMTP server',
'desc' => 'Set the address of the SMTP server, such as SMTP 163.com',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the SMTP server',
'common_email_smtp_port' => [
'name' => 'SMTP port',
'desc' => 'Set the port of the SMTP server. The default is 25',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the SMTP port number',
'common_email_smtp_account' => [
'name' => 'Sender email address',
'desc' => 'Sender email address, email address sent using SMTP protocol, such as shopxo@163.com',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the senders email address',
'common_email_smtp_name' => [
'name' => 'SMTP authentication user name',
'desc' => 'Such as shopxo@163.com',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the SMTP authentication user name',
'common_email_smtp_pwd' => [
'name' => 'SMTP authentication password',
'desc' => 'shopxo@163.com Password or authorization code of the mail',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the SMTP authentication password',
'common_email_smtp_send_name' => [
'name' => 'Sender display name',
'desc' => 'Such as ShopXO',
'tips' => '',
'common_sms_currency_template' => [
'name' => 'General - SMS template ID',
'desc' => 'Verification code',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the content of the general SMS template',
'common_sms_apisecret' => [
'name' => 'SMS keysecret',
'desc' => 'Access Key Secret',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the Access Key Secret',
'common_customer_store_tel' => [
'name' => 'Store phone',
'desc' => 'If it is blank, it will not be displayed',
'tips' => '',
'common_email_currency_template' => [
'name' => 'Generic - Mail Template',
'desc' => 'Verification code variable identifier [# code #]',
'tips' => '',
'common_default_theme' => [
'name' => 'Default template',
'desc' => 'Default foreground template',
'tips' => 'Please select the default template',
'common_baidu_map_ak' => [
'name' => 'Baidu map API key',
'desc' => 'AK key must be configured from Baidu map 2.0',
'tips' => 'Please fill in Baidu Map api key',
'home_email_user_reg' => [
'name' => 'User registration - mail template',
'desc' => 'Verification code variable identifier [# code #]',
'tips' => '',
'home_email_user_forget_pwd' => [
'name' => 'Password retrieval - mail template',
'desc' => 'Verification code variable identifier [# code #]',
'tips' => '',
'home_email_user_email_binding' => [
'name' => 'Mailbox binding - mail template',
'desc' => 'Verification code variable identifier [# code #]',
'tips' => '',
'home_static_cache_version' => [
'name' => 'CSS / JS version tag',
'desc' => 'For CSS / JS browser cache version recognition',
'tips' => '',
'home_sms_user_mobile_binding' => [
'name' => 'Mobile number binding - SMS template ID',
'desc' => 'Verification code',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the content of mobile phone number binding SMS template',
'home_search_keywords' => [
'name' => 'Search keywords',
'desc' => 'Popular keywords under the search box (enter)',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the keyword',
'home_search_keywords_type' => [
'name' => 'Search keyword type',
'desc' => 'The following keywords need to be configured for customization',
'tips' => 'Please select keyword type',
'common_order_is_booking' => [
'name' => 'Order reservation mode',
'desc' => 'After opening, the user submits the order and needs the confirmation of the administrator',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to enable the reservation mode',
'common_app_mini_alipay_title' => [
'name' => 'name',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the name',
'common_app_mini_alipay_describe' => [
'name' => 'describe',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the description',
'common_app_customer_service_tel' => [
'name' => 'customer service telephone numbers',
'desc' => 'If it is blank, it will not be displayed',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the customer service telephone',
'common_app_mini_alipay_appid' => [
'name' => 'AppID',
'desc' => 'Applet ID',
'tips' => 'Please fill in AppID',
'common_app_mini_alipay_rsa_public' => [
'name' => 'Apply public key',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the application public key',
'common_cache_session_redis_prefix' => [
'name' => 'prefix',
'desc' => 'Default shopxo',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the prefix',
'common_app_mini_alipay_rsa_private' => [
'name' => 'Apply private key',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the application private key',
'home_index_floor_goods_order_by_type' => [
'name' => 'Home floor goods sorting type',
'desc' => 'Default synthesis',
'tips' => 'Please select the sort type of goods on the home floor',
'home_navigation_main_quick_name' => [
'name' => 'Quick navigation name',
'desc' => 'Default Gallery',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the shortcut navigation name',
'home_index_floor_goods_order_by_rule' => [
'name' => 'Sorting rules of home floor products',
'desc' => 'Default descending order (DESC)',
'tips' => 'Please select the sorting rule of goods on the home floor',
'common_app_mini_weixin_default_theme' => [
'name' => 'Default theme',
'desc' => 'WeChat applet default theme',
'tips' => 'Please select the default theme of WeChat applet',
'common_user_onekey_bind_mobile_list' => [
'name' => 'Get an account and log in with one key',
'desc' => 'Default off',
'tips' => 'Please select to access the account and login with one button',
'home_is_enable_order_bulk_pay' => [
'name' => 'Enable order batch payment',
'desc' => 'Default no',
'tips' => 'Please select the enabled order batch payment',
'common_session_is_use_cache' => [
'name' => 'Session uses cache',
'desc' => 'Default no',
'tips' => 'Please select Session to use cache',
'common_data_is_use_cache' => [
'name' => 'Data usage cache',
'desc' => 'Default no',
'tips' => 'Please select data to use cache',
'common_app_is_enable_search' => [
'name' => 'Enable search',
'desc' => 'Default is',
'tips' => '',
'common_app_mini_alipay_out_rsa_public' => [
'name' => 'Alipay public key',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in Alipay public key',
'common_cdn_public_host' => [
'name' => 'CSS / JS static file CDN domain name',
'desc' => 'CSS / JS static file',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the correct css/js static file cdn domain name',
'home_index_floor_goods_max_count' => [
'name' => 'Home floor goods quantity',
'desc' => 'Default 8',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the quantity of goods on the first floor',
'home_index_floor_top_right_keywords' => [
'name' => 'Top keyword of right floor',
'desc' => 'Keywords under floor (enter)',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the keywords on the top right of the first floor',
'common_app_is_enable_answer' => [
'name' => 'Whether to enable message',
'desc' => 'Default no',
'tips' => '',
'common_spec_add_max_number' => [
'name' => 'Maximum quantity of goods specifications that can be added',
'desc' => 'No more than 3 specifications are recommended',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the maximum number of Google',
'common_route_separator' => [
'name' => 'Route separator',
'desc' => 'It is recommended to fill in [-] default [-], which is only valid in pathinfo mode + short address mode',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the route separator',
'common_app_mini_weixin_appid' => [
'name' => 'AppID',
'desc' => 'Applet ID',
'tips' => 'Please fill in appid',
'common_app_mini_weixin_appsecret' => [
'name' => 'AppSecret ',
'desc' => 'Applet key',
'tips' => 'Please fill in appsecret',
'common_app_mini_weixin_title' => [
'name' => 'name',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the name',
'common_app_mini_weixin_describe' => [
'name' => 'describe',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the description',
'common_user_center_notice' => [
'name' => 'User center announcement',
'desc' => 'If it is empty, the announcement will not be displayed',
'tips' => '',
'common_shop_notice' => [
'name' => 'Mall announcement',
'desc' => 'If it is empty, the announcement will not be displayed',
'tips' => '',
'common_customer_store_email' => [
'name' => 'Store mailbox',
'desc' => 'If it is blank, it will not be displayed',
'tips' => 'Incorrect format of customer service email',
'common_customer_store_qrcode' => [
'name' => 'Store QR code',
'desc' => 'If it is empty, it will not be displayed',
'tips' => '',
'common_self_extraction_address' => [
'name' => 'Self-service address',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the self-service address',
'common_customer_store_address' => [
'name' => 'Store address',
'desc' => 'If it is empty, it will not be displayed',
'tips' => '',
'common_agreement_userregister' => [
'name' => 'User registration agreement',
'desc' => 'Up to 105000 characters',
'tips' => 'The user registration agreement can have a maximum of 105000 characters',
'home_site_user_register_bg_images' => [
'name' => 'User registration background image',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please upload the user registration background image',
'home_site_user_login_ad1_images' => [
'name' => 'picture',
'desc' => 'Picture 1 [450X350 images recommended]',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_login_ad2_images' => [
'name' => 'picture',
'desc' => 'Picture 2 [450X350 images recommended]',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_login_ad3_images' => [
'name' => 'picture',
'desc' => 'Picture 2 [450X350 images recommended]',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_login_ad1_url' => [
'name' => 'URL address',
'desc' => 'Address 1 [with http:// or https://]',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_login_ad2_url' => [
'name' => 'URL address',
'desc' => 'Address 2 [with http:// or https://]',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_login_ad3_url' => [
'name' => 'URL address',
'desc' => 'Address 3 [with http:// or https://]',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_login_ad1_bg_color' => [
'name' => 'Background color',
'desc' => 'Background color 1',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_login_ad2_bg_color' => [
'name' => 'Background color',
'desc' => 'Background color 2',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_login_ad3_bg_color' => [
'name' => 'Background color',
'desc' => 'Background color 3',
'tips' => '',
'home_user_login_img_verify_state' => [
'name' => 'Login picture verification code',
'desc' => 'Off by default, which can prevent illegal login',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to open the login image verification code',
'home_site_user_forgetpwd_ad1_images' => [
'name' => 'picture',
'desc' => 'Picture 1 [450X350 images recommended]',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_forgetpwd_ad2_images' => [
'name' => 'picture',
'desc' => 'Picture 2 [450X350 images recommended]',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_forgetpwd_ad3_images' => [
'name' => 'picture',
'desc' => 'Picture 2 [450X350 images recommended]',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_forgetpwd_ad1_url' => [
'name' => 'URL address',
'desc' => 'Address 1 [with http:// or https://]',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_forgetpwd_ad2_url' => [
'name' => 'URL address',
'desc' => 'Address 2 [with http:// or https://]',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_forgetpwd_ad3_url' => [
'name' => 'URL address',
'desc' => 'Address 3 [with http:// or https://]',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_forgetpwd_ad1_bg_color' => [
'name' => 'Background color',
'desc' => 'Background color 1',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_forgetpwd_ad2_bg_color' => [
'name' => 'Background color',
'desc' => 'Background color 2',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_user_forgetpwd_ad3_bg_color' => [
'name' => 'Background color',
'desc' => 'Background color 3',
'tips' => '',
'home_user_register_img_verify_state' => [
'name' => 'User registration picture verification code',
'desc' => 'It is off by default to prevent illegal registration',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to enable user registration picture verification code',
'common_images_verify_rules' => [
'name' => 'Picture verification code rules',
'desc' => 'The default is black text on a white background, which can increase the difficulty of verification code identification according to demand i',
'tips' => '',
'common_email_is_use_ssl' => [
'name' => 'SSL encryption',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to use SSL encryption',
'home_order_aftersale_return_only_money_reason' => [
'name' => 'Refund reason only',
'desc' => 'Can wrap, one line at a time',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the reason for refund only',
'home_order_aftersale_return_money_goods_reason' => [
'name' => 'Reason for return and refund',
'desc' => 'Can wrap, one line at a time',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the reason for return refund',
'home_is_enable_userregister_agreement' => [
'name' => 'User registration agreement',
'desc' => 'It is closed by default. After it is enabled, user registration can only be registered after agreeing to the agreement',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to enable user registration agreement',
'home_order_aftersale_return_goods_address' => [
'name' => 'Return address',
'desc' => 'Receiving address of goods returned by users',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the return address',
'common_app_is_use_mobile_detail' => [
'name' => 'Details of using independent mobile phone',
'desc' => 'Use web details by default',
'tips' => 'Please select the details of using independent mobile phone',
'common_user_is_mandatory_bind_mobile' => [
'name' => 'Force phone binding',
'desc' => 'Default no',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to bind the phone forcibly',
'common_app_is_header_nav_fixed' => [
'name' => 'Fixed top navigation',
'desc' => 'By default, search must be enabled',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to fix the top navigation',
'common_app_is_online_service' => [
'name' => 'Open online customer service',
'desc' => 'Default no',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to open online customer service',
'home_index_floor_left_goods_category_max_count' => [
'name' => 'Number of secondary goods categories on the left side of the first floor',
'desc' => 'Default 6',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the secondary goods classification quantity on the left side of the first floor',
'home_order_aftersale_return_launch_day' => [
'name' => 'After sales time limit can be initiated after order completion',
'desc' => 'Unit day, 0 means the aftersales service is closed, and 30 days are recommended',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the time limit for launching aftersales service after the order is completed',
'common_goods_give_integral_limit_time' => [
'name' => 'Credit duration of goods',
'desc' => 'Unit minute, 21600 minutes/15 days by default',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the time length of goods gift points',
'common_app_mini_baidu_appid' => [
'name' => 'AppID',
'desc' => 'Smart applet ID',
'tips' => 'Please fill in AppID',
'common_app_mini_baidu_appkey' => [
'name' => 'AppKey',
'desc' => 'Smart applet KEY',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the AppKey',
'common_app_mini_baidu_appsecret' => [
'name' => 'AppSecret',
'desc' => 'Smart applet key',
'tips' => 'Please fill in AppSecret',
'common_app_mini_baidu_title' => [
'name' => 'name',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the name',
'common_app_mini_baidu_describe' => [
'name' => 'describe',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the description',
'common_is_login_answer' => [
'name' => 'Message needs to be logged in',
'desc' => 'Default no',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to log in for message',
'common_order_close_limit_time' => [
'name' => 'Order closing script duration',
'desc' => 'Unit minute, 30 minutes by default',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the order closing script duration',
'common_order_success_limit_time' => [
'name' => 'Time length of order automatic receipt script',
'desc' => 'Unit minute, 21600 minutes/15 days by default',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the time length of order automatic receipt script',
'common_app_mini_toutiao_appid' => [
'name' => 'AppID',
'desc' => 'Applet ID',
'tips' => 'Please fill in AppID',
'common_app_mini_toutiao_appsecret' => [
'name' => 'AppSecret',
'desc' => 'Applet Secret',
'tips' => 'Please fill in AppSecret',
'common_app_mini_toutiao_title' => [
'name' => 'name',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the name',
'common_app_mini_toutiao_describe' => [
'name' => 'describe',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the description',
'home_site_security_record_name' => [
'name' => 'Public security record No',
'desc' => 'For example: Jinggong Anbei No. XXX',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the public security record number',
'home_site_security_record_url' => [
'name' => 'Public Security Filing address',
'desc' => 'URL address of filing display page',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the public security record address',
'common_app_mini_qq_appid' => [
'name' => 'AppID',
'desc' => 'Applet ID',
'tips' => 'Please fill in AppID',
'common_app_mini_qq_appsecret' => [
'name' => 'AppSecret',
'desc' => 'Applet Secret',
'tips' => 'Please fill in AppSecret',
'common_app_mini_qq_apptoken' => [
'name' => 'AppToken',
'desc' => 'Applet Token',
'tips' => 'Please fill in AppToken',
'common_app_mini_qq_title' => [
'name' => 'name',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the name',
'common_app_mini_qq_describe' => [
'name' => 'describe',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the description',
'common_app_is_head_vice_nav' => [
'name' => 'Enable small navigation of user center head',
'desc' => 'Default is',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to enable small navigation of user center head',
'common_site_type' => [
'name' => 'Site type',
'desc' => 'Default Express',
'tips' => 'Please select the site type',
'common_is_exhibition_mode_btn_text' => [
'name' => 'Display type operation name',
'desc' => 'Default immediate consultation',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the name of display type operation',
'common_site_fictitious_return_title' => [
'name' => 'Virtual information title',
'desc' => 'Default key information',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the title of virtual information',
'common_site_fictitious_return_tips' => [
'name' => 'Prompt information',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the prompt information',
'common_app_mini_alipay_tnt_inst_id' => [
'name' => 'Online customer service - enterprise code',
'desc' => 'If it is empty, online customer service will not be displayed',
'tips' => 'Please fill in online customer service - enterprise code',
'common_app_mini_alipay_scene' => [
'name' => 'Online customer service - chat window code',
'desc' => 'If it is empty, online customer service will not be displayed',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the online customer service - chat window code',
'common_is_goods_detail_show_photo' => [
'name' => 'Product detail page display album',
'desc' => 'Default no',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to display the album on the goods details page',
'common_is_mobile_concise_model' => [
'name' => 'Mobile phone simple mode',
'desc' => 'Default no',
'tips' => 'Please select whether the phone is in compact mode',
'common_app_weixin_liveplayer' => [
'name' => 'Enable live broadcast',
'desc' => 'No by default, you need to regenerate the applet package (if enabled, you need to apply for permission in the background of WeChat applet)',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to enable live broadcast',
'common_app_weixin_liveplayer_ver' => [
'name' => 'Live component version number',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the version number of the live broadcast component',
'admin_login_info_bg_images_rand' => [
'name' => 'Random background image of background login page',
'desc' => 'Enabled by default',
'tips' => 'Please select the random background map of background login page',
'common_pay_log_order_close_limit_time' => [
'name' => 'Payment log order closing script duration',
'desc' => 'Unit minute, 30 minutes by default',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the payment log order closing script duration',
'common_show_goods_category_level' => [
'name' => 'Classification display level',
'desc' => 'Default level 0',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the classification display level',
'common_cdn_attachment_host' => [
'name' => 'Attachment CDN domain name',
'desc' => 'Pictures / videos / files',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the correct attachment cdn domain name',
'common_cache_data_redis_host' => [
'name' => 'Connection address',
'desc' => 'Default',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the connection address',
'common_cache_data_redis_port' => [
'name' => 'Port number',
'desc' => 'Default 6379',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the port number',
'common_cache_data_redis_password' => [
'name' => 'password',
'desc' => 'Default no password',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the password',
'common_cache_data_redis_expire' => [
'name' => 'Effective time:',
'desc' => 'Default 0 means permanent',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the valid time',
'common_cache_data_redis_prefix' => [
'name' => 'prefix',
'desc' => 'Default shopxo',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the prefix',
'common_app_mini_alipay_default_theme' => [
'name' => 'Default theme',
'desc' => 'Default theme of Alipay applet',
'tips' => 'Please select the default theme of Alipay applet',
'common_app_mini_baidu_default_theme' => [
'name' => 'Default theme',
'desc' => 'Baidu applet default theme',
'tips' => 'Please select the default theme of Baidu applet',
'common_app_mini_toutiao_default_theme' => [
'name' => 'Default theme',
'desc' => 'Headline applet default theme',
'tips' => 'Please select the default theme of the headline applet',
'common_app_mini_qq_default_theme' => [
'name' => 'Default theme',
'desc' => 'QQ applet default theme',
'tips' => 'Please select the default theme of QQ applet',
'home_index_floor_data_type' => [
'name' => 'Home floor data mode type',
'desc' => 'Default automatic mode',
'tips' => 'Please select the home floor data mode type',
'home_index_floor_manual_mode_goods' => [
'name' => 'Home floor goods configuration',
'desc' => 'Custom add item',
'tips' => 'Please select the goods configuration of the first floor',
'home_index_floor_left_top_category' => [
'name' => 'Second level goods classification on the left side of the home floor',
'desc' => 'Classification under floor (drop-down multiple selection)',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the second level goods classification on the left side of the home floor',
'home_navigation_main_quick_status' => [
'name' => 'Quick navigation status',
'desc' => 'Default off',
'tips' => 'Please select the shortcut navigation status',
'home_user_address_map_status' => [
'name' => 'User address map',
'desc' => 'Default off',
'tips' => 'Please select user address map',
'home_user_address_idcard_status' => [
'name' => 'User address ID card',
'desc' => 'Default off',
'tips' => 'Please select user address ID card',
'home_index_banner_left_status' => [
'name' => 'Commodity classification on the left of home page rotation',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select the goods classification on the left side of the homepage rotation',
'home_index_banner_right_status' => [
'name' => 'Home page rotation right aggregate content',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select the aggregate content on the right side of the home page',
'home_search_limit_number' => [
'name' => 'Number of search display data',
'desc' => 'Default 20',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the number of search display data',
'home_index_friendship_link_status' => [
'name' => 'Friendly link status in mobile mode',
'desc' => 'Default off',
'tips' => 'Please select the status of friendship link in mobile mode',
'common_is_pay_price_must_max_equal' => [
'name' => 'The order payment status change payment amount must be greater than or equal to',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select the order payment status change payment amount must be greater than or equal to',
'home_search_is_spec' => [
'name' => 'Search page opening specification',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select the search page opening specification',
'home_search_is_params' => [
'name' => 'Search page opening parameters',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select search page opening parameters',
'home_search_is_price' => [
'name' => 'Search page opening price',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select the search page to start the price',
'home_header_top_is_home' => [
'name' => 'Top small navigation non-home page entry',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select the top small navigation non-home page entry',
'home_search_is_brand' => [
'name' => 'Search page opens brand',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select the search page to open the brand',
'home_search_is_category' => [
'name' => 'Search page open classification',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select the search page to open the classification',
'admin_login_type' => [
'name' => 'Login mode',
'desc' => 'Default account password, you can select [account password, email verification code, mobile phone verification code]',
'tips' => 'Please select at least one login method',
'admin_login_img_verify_state' => [
'name' => 'Login picture verification code',
'desc' => 'Off by default, which can prevent illegal login',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to open the login image verification code',
'admin_sms_login_template' => [
'name' => 'Background login - SMS template ID',
'desc' => 'Verification code',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the background login SMS template content',
'admin_email_login_template' => [
'name' => 'Background login - mail template',
'desc' => 'Verification code variable identifier [# code #]',
'tips' => '',
'home_sms_login_template' => [
'name' => 'User login - SMS template ID',
'desc' => 'Verification code',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the user login SMS template content',
'home_email_login_template' => [
'name' => 'User login - mail template',
'desc' => 'Verification code variable identifier [# code #]',
'tips' => '',
'home_extraction_address_position' => [
'name' => 'Self-selected geographical location',
'desc' => 'Default off',
'tips' => 'Please select Self-delivery and geographical location',
'home_search_is_keywords_where_and' => [
'name' => 'Search for multiple keywords and relationships',
'desc' => 'Default No, or Relationship',
'tips' => 'Please select to search multiple keywords and relationships',
'common_is_https_connect_store' => [
'name' => 'Connect to the store using HTTPS',
'desc' => 'Default http',
'tips' => 'Please select https for the connection store',
'is_close_goods_discount_overlap' => [
'name' => 'Close the goods discount overlap',
'desc' => 'Default no',
'tips' => 'Please select to close the goods discount overlap',
'home_theme_footer_bottom_powered' => [
'name' => 'Copyright information at the bottom of the web',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the copyright information at the bottom of the web',
'common_store_accounts' => [
'name' => 'App store account',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the store account',
'admin_theme_site_name' => [
'name' => 'Back-end site name',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the back-end site name',
'home_search_params_type' => [
'name' => 'Search parameter type',
'desc' => 'Default basis',
'tips' => 'Please select search parameter type',
'common_store_password' => [
'name' => 'Store password',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the store password',
'home_search_is_keywords_seo_fields' => [
'name' => 'Search keywords contain SEO fields',
'desc' => 'Default no',
'tips' => 'Please select the search keyword to include SEO field',
'common_agreement_userprivacy' => [
'name' => 'User privacy policy',
'desc' => 'Up to 105000 characters',
'tips' => 'User privacy policy can be 105000 characters at most',
'admin_notice' => [
'name' => 'Background management announcement',
'desc' => 'If it is blank, it is not displayed and only visible to background managers',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the background management announcement',
'home_order_aftersale_is_use_warehouse_address' => [
'name' => 'Use warehouse address for return address',
'desc' => 'No by default, according to the warehouse of the order',
'tips' => 'Please select whether the return address uses the warehouse address',
'common_goods_sales_count_inc_rules' => [
'name' => 'Rules for increasing sales volume of order goods',
'desc' => 'Default order receipt. Do not switch this configuration at will, which will cause inconsistent sales volume',
'tips' => 'Please select the order item sales increase rule',
'common_is_show_goods_comments' => [
'name' => 'Show goods evaluation',
'desc' => 'Default is',
'tips' => 'Please select whether to display goods evaluation',
'common_app_h5_url' => [
'name' => 'Mobile terminal h5 address',
'desc' => 'The uniapp end address ends with (#/), such as: https://h5.shopxo.vip/#/',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the mobile terminal h5 address',
'common_is_under_line_order_normal' => [
'name' => 'Offline payment is normal',
'desc' => 'No by default, the offline payment submission enters the normal order status process, and the subsequent administrator can confirm the operation collection in the background',
'tips' => 'Please select offline payment to proceed normally',
'home_site_telecom_license' => [
'name' => 'Value added telecom business license',
'desc' => 'For example: Hu B2 XXX',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_web_home_state' => [
'name' => 'Web homepage access',
'desc' => 'It is enabled by default, only for the home page of the web, and other pages are not affected',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_company_license' => [
'name' => 'Lighting of electronic business license',
'desc' => 'License page display address and application address: https://zzlz.gsxt.gov.cn/businessShow',
'tips' => '',
'home_site_web_pc_state' => [
'name' => 'Web PC access',
'desc' => 'Enabled by default, only for web PC',
'tips' => '',
'common_tianditu_map_ak' => [
'name' => 'Skymap api secret key',
'desc' => 'Application Key of Sky Map',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the Skymap api secret key',
'common_domain_host' => [
'name' => 'Primary domain name',
'desc' => 'Site address',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the correct primary domain name',
'common_user_address_platform_import_list' => [
'name' => 'One-click import of account address',
'desc' => 'Default off',
'tips' => 'Please select to get the account address and click to import',
'common_app_mini_kuaishou_appid' => [
'name' => 'AppID',
'desc' => 'Applet ID',
'tips' => 'Please fill in AppID',
'common_app_mini_kuaishou_appsecret' => [
'name' => 'AppSecret',
'desc' => 'Applet Secret',
'tips' => 'Please fill in AppSecret',
'common_app_mini_kuaishou_title' => [
'name' => 'name',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the name',
'common_app_mini_kuaishou_describe' => [
'name' => 'describe',
'desc' => '',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the description',
'common_data_encryption_secret' => [
'name' => 'Data encryption key',
'desc' => 'The default installation system has been automatically generated and can be modified',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the data encryption key',
'common_cookie_domain' => [
'name' => 'Cookie valid domain name',
'desc' => 'If it is empty by default, the currently accessed domain name is valid',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the valid domain name of the cookie',
'common_excel_export_type' => [
'name' => 'Excel export type',
'desc' => 'Default CSV',
'tips' => 'Please select Excel export type',
'common_map_type' => [
'name' => 'Map type',
'desc' => 'Default Baidu map',
'tips' => 'Please select a map type',
'common_amap_map_ak' => [
'name' => 'Gaode map api secret key',
'desc' => 'Application Key and Security Secret Key of Gaud Map',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the api secret key of Gaode Map',
'common_tencent_map_ak' => [
'name' => 'Tencent map api secret key',
'desc' => 'Application Key of Tencent Map',
'tips' => 'Please fill in Tencent map api secret key',
'common_amap_map_safety_ak' => [
'name' => 'Security key of Gaud Map',
'desc' => 'Application security key of Gaode map',
'tips' => 'Please fill in the security key of Gaode map',
'common_default_payment' => [
'name' => 'Default payment method',
'desc' => 'Corresponding platform settings',
'tips' => 'Please select the default payment method',
'common_fictitious_order_direct_pay' => [
'name' => 'Direct submission and payment of virtual order',
'desc' => 'No by default, the virtual order automatically creates an order and directly enters the order list to initiate payment, and the order confirmation phase is omitted (please set the default payment method first)',
'tips' => 'Please select whether the virtual order is directly submitted for payment',
'home_search_history_record' => [
'name' => 'Turn on search record',
'desc' => 'Default no',
'tips' => 'Please select to open search record',
'common_agreement_userlogout' => [
'name' => 'Account cancellation agreement',
'desc' => 'Up to 105000 characters',
'tips' => 'Account cancellation agreement can be 105000 characters at most',
'home_main_header_status' => [
'name' => 'Main navigation',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select the main navigation status',
'home_main_top_header_status' => [
'name' => 'Top small navigation',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select the top small navigation status',
'home_main_logo_search_status' => [
'name' => 'Logo and search bar',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select logo and search bar status',
'home_main_breadcrumb_header_status' => [
'name' => 'Breadcrumb navigation',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select breadcrumb navigation status',
'home_main_footer_content_status' => [
'name' => 'Bottom Footer Content',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select the bottom footer content status',
'common_multilingual_choose_list' => [
'name' => 'Available in multiple languages',
'desc' => 'Check to use',
'tips' => 'Please tick the language you want to use',
'admin_use_multilingual_status' => [
'name' => 'Backend uses multiple languages',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select a backend that uses multiple languages',
'home_use_multilingual_status' => [
'name' => 'Multilingual front-end',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select multiple languages for the front end',
'common_multilingual_auto_status' => [
'name' => 'Automatically recognize user language',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select an automatically recognized user language',
'common_user_unique_system_type_model' => [
'name' => 'The user identifies the dimension with a system class',
'desc' => 'Default on',
'tips' => 'Please select a user to identify the dimension with a system class',