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CDroid is a android like GUI toolkit base on C++11,It is a cross-platform GUI engine for embedded system.
- Multi Layer/Multi Window
- Integrated with 40+ UI Components and 20+ Drawables(compatible with android)
- All UI Components(Layouts,Drawables...)can be designed in AndroidStudio or Eclipse
- Vector Graph supported via Cairo
Screen Shots
UI Components:
- View
- TextView
- EditText
- Button
- ImageView
- ImageButton,
- CompoundButton
- ToggleButton
- CheckBox
- RadioButton
- ProgressBar
- SeekBar
- Chronometer
- AnalogClock,
- SimpleMonthView
- ViewGroup
- RadioGroup
- ScrollView
- HorizontalScrollView
- CalendarView
- ViewPager
- TabWidget
- NumberPicker
- AdapterView
- AbsListView
- Spinner
- ListView
- GridView
- YearPickerView
Supported Layouts:
- FrameLayout
- LinearLayout
- TableRow
- TableLayout
- AbsoluteLayout
- GridLayout
Supported Drawables:
- ColorDrawable
- BitmapDrawable
- NinepatchDrawable
- InsetDrawable
- ShapeDrawable
- TransitionDrawable
- LayerDrawable
- StateListDrawable
- LevelListDrawable
- ClipDrawable
- GradientDrawable
- RotateDrawable
- ScaleDrawable
- AnimatedRotateDrawable
- AnimatedImageDrawable
- TransitionDrawable
Porting guide:
- 1, A new product porting should be placed to src/porting/xxx(where xxx is you chipset name)
- 2, implement your porting api to xxx directory
- 3, modify build.sh to support your port(you should configure sysroot toolchain...).
- 4, call build.sh --product=xxx
- 5, make you project(SeeAlso Building CDROID)
Building CDROID:
- 1.install dependencs: sudo apt install autoconf libtool build-essential cmake gdb pkg-config zip gettext libx11-dev bison python>=3.7
- 2.install vcpkg (git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git)
- 3.install cdroid deplibs: vcpkg install gtest sdl2 libunibreak libjpeg-turbo[jpeg8] libzip cairo --triplet=x64-linux-dynamic (Recommand you use dynamic triplet(static is not tested)
- 4.create buildings:./build.sh --product=x64 --build=debug
- 5.enter directory out${product}-${build} and make the cdroid project