When a novice learns a web crawler, in the face of a website that needs to log in, it is necessary to analyze data packets, JS source code, construct complex requests, and often have to deal with verification codes, JS confusion, signature parameters and other measures, which is difficult to learn. When acquiring data, some data is generated by JavaScript calculation. If you only get the source data, you must also reproduce the calculation process. The experience is not good and the development efficiency is not high.
Using selenium can avoid these problems to a great extent, but selenium is not efficient. Therefore, what this library has to do is to combine selenium and requests into one, and provide a humanized use method to improve development and operation efficiency.
In addition to merging the two, this library also encapsulates commonly used functions in units of web pages, which simplifies selenium operations and statements. When used in web page automation operations, it reduces the consideration of details, focuses on function implementation, and is more convenient to use.
Only python3.6 and above are supported. Driver mode currently only supports chrome.
To use the driver mode, you must download chrome and ** corresponding version ** of chromedriver. [chromedriver download](https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads)
Currently only tested in the Windows environment.
# Instructions
## import
from DrissionPage import *
## Initialization
Before using selenium, you must configure the path of chrome.exe and chromedriver.exe and ensure that their versions match.
If you only use session mode, you can skip this section.
There are three ways to configure the path:
-Write two paths to system variables.
-Pass in the path manually when using it.
-Write the path to the ini file of this library (recommended).
If you choose the third method, please run these lines of code before using the library for the first time, and record these two paths in the ini file.
from DrissionPage.easy_set import set_paths
driver_path = 'C:\\chrome\\chromedriver.exe' # Your chromedriver.exe path, optional
chrome_path = 'D:\\chrome\\chrome.exe' # Your chrome.exe path, optional
set_paths(driver_path, chrome_path)
This method also checks if the chrome and chromedriver versions match, and displays:
After the inspection is passed, the driver mode can be used normally.
In addition to the above two paths, this method can also set the following paths:
debugger_address # Opened browser address, eg.
download_path # Download path
global_tmp_path # Temporary folder path
-Different projects may require different versions of chrome and chromedriver. You can also save multiple ini files to use as needed.
-It is recommended to use the green version of chrome, and manually set the path to avoid browser upgrades that do not match the chromedriver version.
-It is recommended to set debugger_address when debugging a project, and use a manually opened browser to debug, saving time and effort.
## Create Drission Object
Drission objects are used to manage driver and session objects. It can be created by directly reading the configuration information of the ini file, or it can be passed in during initialization.
# Created by ini file
drission = Drission()
To manually pass in the configuration:
# Create with incoming configuration information (ignore ini file)
element.text # Returns the text value after removing the html tag in the element
element.tag # Return element tag name
element.attrs # Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the element
element.attr('class') # Returns the element's class attribute
element.is_valid # Driver mode only, used to determine whether the element is still available
# Operating element
element.click() # Click element
element.input(text) # Enter text
element.run_script(js) # Run js
element.submit() # submit Form
element.clear() # Clear element
element.is_selected() # Is selected
element.is_enabled() # it's usable or not
element.is_displayed() # Is it visible
element.is_valid() # Whether it is valid, used to judge the situation where the page jump causes the element to fail
element.select(text) # Select the drop-down list option
element.set_attr(attr,value) # Set element attributes
element.size # Returns the element size
element.location # Returns the element position
## Save configuration
Because chrome and headers have many configurations, an ini file is set up to save commonly used configurations. You can use the OptionsManager object to get and save the configuration, and use the DriverOptions object to modify the chrome configuration. You can also save multiple ini files and call them according to different projects.
Tips:It is recommended to save common configuration files to another path to prevent the configuration from being reset when the library is upgraded.
### ini file
The ini file has three parts by default: paths, chrome_options, and session_options. The initial contents are as follows.
; chromedriver.exe path
chromedriver_path =
; Temporary folder path, used to save screenshots, download files, etc.
global_tmp_path =
; The opened browser address and port, such as
debugger_address =
; chrome.exe path
binary_location =
; Configuration information
arguments = [
; Hide browser window
; Mute
; No sandbox
; Google documentation mentions the need to add this attribute to avoid bugs
driver_path = options_manager.get_value('paths', 'chromedriver_path') # Read path information
drission = Drission(driver_options, driver_path) # Create a Drission object using configuration
### OptionsManager object
The OptionsManager object is used to read, set, and save configurations.
get_value(section, item) -> str # Get the value of a configuration
get_option(section) -> dict # Return all configuration properties in dictionary format
set_item(section, item, value) # Set configuration properties
save() # Save configuration to default ini file
save('D:\\settings.ini') # Save to other path
** Note **: If you do not pass in the path when saving, it will be saved to the ini file in the module directory, even if you are not reading the default ini file.
### DriverOptions object
The DriverOptions object inherits from the Options object of selenium.webdriver.chrome.options, and adds the following methods to it:
remove_argument(value) # Delete an argument value
remove_experimental_option(key) # Delete a experimental_option setting
remove_all_extensions() # Remove all plugins
save() # Save configuration to ini file
save('D:\\settings.ini') # Save to other path
# PO mode
MixPage encapsulates common page operations and can be easily used for expansion.
Example: Expand a list page reading class.
import re
from time import sleep
from DrissionPage import *
class ListPage(MixPage):
"""This class encapsulates the method of reading the list page, according to the necessary 4 elements, can read the homogeneous list page"""
- driver_path - chromedriver.exe path, if not set, system variables must be set in the system
### session
Returns the HTMLSession object, which is created automatically when called.
### driver
Obtain the WebDriver object, which is automatically created when it is called and initialized according to the incoming configuration or ini file configuration.
### session_options
Return or set session configuration in dictionary format.
Copy cookies from session to driver. By default, self.session is copied to self.driver, and driver and session can also be received for operation. Need to specify url or domain name.
Copy the user agent from the driver to the session. By default, self.driver is copied to self.session, and driver and session can also be received for operation.
Parameter Description:
- driver - WebDriver object, copy user agent
- session - Session object, receiving user agent
### close_driver
close_driver() -> None
Close the browser and set the driver to None.
### close_session
close_session() -> None
Close the session and set it to None.
### close
close() -> None
Close the driver and session.
## MixPage class
class **MixPage**(drission: Drission, mode='d', timeout: float = 10)
MixPage encapsulates common functions for page operations and can seamlessly switch between driver and session modes. Cookies are automatically synchronized when switching.
The function of obtaining information is common to the two modes, and the function of operating page elements is only available in the d mode. Calling a function unique to a certain mode will automatically switch to that mode.
It inherits from DriverPage and SessionPage classes. These functions are implemented by these two classes. MixPage exists as a scheduling role.
Parameter Description:
- drission - Drission object
- mode - Mode, optional 'd' or 's', default is 'd'
- timeout - Search element time-out time (can also be set separately each time element search)
### url
Returns the currently visited URL.
### mode
Returns the current mode ('s' or 'd').
### drission
Returns the currently used Dirssion object.
### driver
Returns the driver object, if not created, it will switch to driver mode when called.
### session
Returns the session object, if not created.
### response
Return the Response object and switch to session mode when calling.
### cookies
Returns cookies, obtained from the current mode.
Get elements according to query parameters and return elements or element lists.
If the query parameter is a string, you can select the '@property name:', 'tag:', 'text:', 'css:', 'xpath:' method. When there is no control mode, it is searched by text mode by default.
If it is loc, query directly according to the content.
Parameter Description:
- loc_or_str - Query condition parameters, if an element object is passed in, return directly
- mode - Find one or more, pass in 'single' or 'all'
- timeout - Search element timeout time, valid in driver mode
- show_errmsg - Whether to throw and display when an exception occurs
- page.ele('@id:ele_id') - Find elements by attributes
- page.ele('tag:div') - Find elements by tag name
- page.ele('text:some text') - Find elements by text
- page.ele('some text') - Find elements by text
- page.ele('css:>div') - Find elements by css selector
- page.ele('xpath://div') - Find elements by xpath
- page.ele((By.ID, 'ele_id')) - Find elements by loc
Download a file, return success and download information string. Changing the method will automatically avoid renaming the existing file in the target path.
Parameter Description:
- file_url - File URL
- goal_path - Storage path, the default is the temporary folder specified in the ini file
- rename - Rename the file name, not renamed by default
- kwargs - Connection parameters for requests
The following methods only take effect in driver mode, and will automatically switch to driver mode when called
### check_page
check_page() -> bool
After the subclass is derived, it is used to check whether the domain name meets expectations, and the function is implemented by the subclass.
### run_script
run_script(script: str) -> Any
Execute JavaScript code.
Parameter Description:
- script - JavaScript code text
### get_tabs_sum
get_tabs_sum() -> int
Returns the number of browser tabs.
### get_tab_num
get_tab_num() -> int
Returns the serial number of the current tab.
### to_tab
to_tab(index: int = 0) -> None
Jump to a tab page with a serial number.
Parameter Description:
- index - The serial number of the target tab, start from 0
### close_current_tab
close_current_tab() -> None
Close the current tab.
### close_other_tabs
close_other_tabs(tab_index: int = None) -> None
Close the tab page except the serial number.
Parameter Description:
- index - The serial number of the reserved tab, start from 0
If the query parameter is a string, you can select the '@property name:', 'tag:', 'text:', 'css:', and 'xpath:' methods. When there is no control mode, it is searched by text mode by default.
If it is loc, query directly according to the content.
Parameter Description:
- loc_or_str - Query condition parameters
- mode - Find one or more, pass in 'single' or 'all'
- show_errmsg - Whether to throw and display when an exception occurs
- timeout - Find Element Timeout
- element.ele('@id:ele_id') - Find elements by attributes
- element.ele('tag:div') - Find elements by tag name
- element.ele('text:some text') - Find elements by text
- element.ele('some text') - Find elements by text
- element.ele('css:>div') - Find elements by css selector
- element.ele('xpath://div') - Find elements by xpath
- element.ele((By.ID, 'ele_id')) - Find elements by loc
If the query parameter is a string, you can select the '@property name:', 'tag:', 'text:', 'css:', and 'xpath:' methods. When there is no control mode, it is searched by text mode by default.
If it is loc, query directly according to the content.
Parameter Description:
- loc_or_str - Query condition parameters
- mode - Find one or more, pass in 'single' or 'all'
- show_errmsg - Whether to throw and display when an exception occurs
- element.ele('@id:ele_id') - Find elements by attributes
- element.ele('tag:div') - Find elements by tag name
- element.ele('text:some text') - Find elements by text
- element.ele('some text') - Find elements by text
- element.ele('css:>div') - Find elements by css selector
- element.ele('xpath://div') - Find elements according to xpath
- element.ele((By.ID, 'ele_id')) - Find elements according to loc
- path - The path of the ini file, which is saved to the module folder by default
## DriverOptions class
class DriverOptions(read_file=True)
The chrome browser configuration class, inherited from the Options class of selenium.webdriver.chrome.options, adds methods to delete configuration and save to file.
Parameter Description:
- read_file - Boolean, specifies whether to read configuration information from the ini file when creating
### remove_argument
remove_argument(value: str) -> None
Remove a setting.
Parameter Description:
- value - The attribute value to be removed
### remove_experimental_option
remove_experimental_option(key: str) -> None
Remove an experiment setting and delete the incoming key value.
Parameter Description:
- key - The key value of the experiment to be removed
### remove_argument
remove_argument() -> None
Remove all plug-ins, because the plug-in is stored in the entire file, it is difficult to remove one of them, so if you need to set, remove all and reset.
### save()
save(path: str = None) -> None
Save the settings to a file.
Parameter Description:
- path - The path of the ini file, which is saved to the module folder by default