[EasyFlash](https://github.com/armink/EasyFlash)是一款开源的轻量级嵌入式Flash存储器库,主要为MCU(Micro Control Unit)提供便捷、通用的上层应用接口,使得开发者更加高效实现基于的Flash存储器常见应用开发。该库目前提供 **三大实用功能**:
[EasyFlash](https://github.com/armink/EasyFlash) is an open source lightweight embedded flash memory library. It provides convenient application interface for MCU (Micro Control Unit). The developers can achieve more efficient and common application development based on Flash memory. The library currently provides **three useful features**:
EasyFlash can store **setting parameters** or **running logs** and other information which you want to keep after power down. It contains add, delete, modify and query methods. It helps developer to process the product parameters, and makes sure the product has better scalability after upgrade. Turns the Flash into a small NoSQL (non-relational databases) model and Key-Value stores database.
The library encapsulates the IAP (In-Application Programming) feature common interface. Support CRC32 checksum. While supporting the bootloader and application upgrade.
- **Log** : The logs can store to product's flash which has no file-system.
It's very suitable for small without a file system products. The developer can easy to locate and query problem when system crashes or freezes. You can use [EasyLogger](https://github.com/armink/EasyLogger)( A super-lightweight, high-performance C log library which open source by me. It provides a seamless interface with EasyFlash) at the same time. So, it's so easy to store the logs to flash.
Hardware platform has been ported SPI Flash, `stm32f10x` and `stm32f4xx` series of on-chip Flash. These are my product platforms. Remaining platform porting difficulty is little. To port it just modify [`\easyflash\port\ef_port.c`](https://github.com/armink/EasyFlash/blob/master/easyflash/port/ef_port.c) file. Implement erase, write, read, print feature.
Welcome everyone to **fork and pull request**([Github](https://github.com/armink/EasyFlash)|[OSChina](http://git.oschina.net/armink/EasyFlash)|[Coding](https://coding.net/u/armink/p/EasyFlash/git)). If you think this open source project is awesome. You can press the **Star** on the top right corner of [project home page](https://github.com/armink/EasyFlash), and recommend it to more friends.
The figure below shows the process of upgrading software through the console by IAP. It use this library comes with IAP function interface. It uses a serial port + Ymodem protocol mode. You can also be achieved through CAN, 485, Ethernet bus to online upgrade.
The following figure is the output of the log process through the console. The logs are saved to flash at real time. Then the board is rebooted and the logs back are read back from flash. At last logs will be erased.
All documents are in the [`\docs\en\`](https://github.com/armink/EasyFlash/tree/master/docs/en) folder. Please **read the documents** before porting it and using it.