/* * Copyright: JessMA Open Source (ldcsaa@gmail.com) * * Author : Bruce Liang * Website : https://github.com/ldcsaa * Project : https://github.com/ldcsaa/HP-Socket * Blog : http://www.cnblogs.com/ldcsaa * Wiki : http://www.oschina.net/p/hp-socket * QQ Group : 44636872, 75375912 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "TcpAgent.h" #include "HttpHelper.h" #ifdef _HTTP_SUPPORT template class CHttpAgentT : public IComplexHttpRequester, public T { protected: typedef CHttpObjPoolT CHttpObjPool; typedef THttpObjT THttpObj; friend struct THttpObj; public: virtual BOOL SendRequest(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszMethod, LPCSTR lpszPath, const THeader lpHeaders[] = nullptr, int iHeaderCount = 0, const BYTE* pBody = nullptr, int iLength = 0); virtual BOOL SendLocalFile(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszFileName, LPCSTR lpszMethod, LPCSTR lpszPath, const THeader lpHeaders[] = nullptr, int iHeaderCount = 0); virtual BOOL SendChunkData(CONNID dwConnID, const BYTE* pData = nullptr, int iLength = 0, LPCSTR lpszExtensions = nullptr); virtual BOOL SendPost(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszPath, const THeader lpHeaders[], int iHeaderCount, const BYTE* pBody, int iLength) {return SendRequest(dwConnID, HTTP_METHOD_POST, lpszPath, lpHeaders, iHeaderCount, pBody, iLength);} virtual BOOL SendPut(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszPath, const THeader lpHeaders[], int iHeaderCount, const BYTE* pBody, int iLength) {return SendRequest(dwConnID, HTTP_METHOD_PUT, lpszPath, lpHeaders, iHeaderCount, pBody, iLength);} virtual BOOL SendPatch(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszPath, const THeader lpHeaders[], int iHeaderCount, const BYTE* pBody, int iLength) {return SendRequest(dwConnID, HTTP_METHOD_PATCH, lpszPath, lpHeaders, iHeaderCount, pBody, iLength);} virtual BOOL SendGet(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszPath, const THeader lpHeaders[] = nullptr, int iHeaderCount = 0) {return SendRequest(dwConnID, HTTP_METHOD_GET, lpszPath, lpHeaders, iHeaderCount);} virtual BOOL SendDelete(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszPath, const THeader lpHeaders[] = nullptr, int iHeaderCount = 0) {return SendRequest(dwConnID, HTTP_METHOD_DELETE, lpszPath, lpHeaders, iHeaderCount);} virtual BOOL SendHead(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszPath, const THeader lpHeaders[] = nullptr, int iHeaderCount = 0) {return SendRequest(dwConnID, HTTP_METHOD_HEAD, lpszPath, lpHeaders, iHeaderCount);} virtual BOOL SendTrace(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszPath, const THeader lpHeaders[] = nullptr, int iHeaderCount = 0) {return SendRequest(dwConnID, HTTP_METHOD_TRACE, lpszPath, lpHeaders, iHeaderCount);} virtual BOOL SendOptions(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszPath, const THeader lpHeaders[] = nullptr, int iHeaderCount = 0) {return SendRequest(dwConnID, HTTP_METHOD_OPTIONS, lpszPath, lpHeaders, iHeaderCount);} virtual BOOL SendConnect(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszHost, const THeader lpHeaders[] = nullptr, int iHeaderCount = 0) {return SendRequest(dwConnID, HTTP_METHOD_CONNECT, lpszHost, lpHeaders, iHeaderCount);} virtual BOOL SendWSMessage(CONNID dwConnID, BOOL bFinal, BYTE iReserved, BYTE iOperationCode, const BYTE lpszMask[4], const BYTE* pData = nullptr, int iLength = 0, ULONGLONG ullBodyLen = 0); virtual BOOL StartHttp(CONNID dwConnID); public: virtual void SetUseCookie(BOOL bUseCookie) {ENSURE_HAS_STOPPED(); m_pCookieMgr = bUseCookie ? &g_CookieMgr : nullptr;} virtual void SetHttpAutoStart(BOOL bAutoStart) {ENSURE_HAS_STOPPED(); m_bHttpAutoStart = bAutoStart;} virtual void SetLocalVersion(EnHttpVersion enLocalVersion) {ENSURE_HAS_STOPPED(); m_enLocalVersion = enLocalVersion;} virtual BOOL IsUseCookie() {return m_pCookieMgr != nullptr;} virtual BOOL IsHttpAutoStart() {return m_bHttpAutoStart;} virtual EnHttpVersion GetLocalVersion() {return m_enLocalVersion;} virtual BOOL IsUpgrade(CONNID dwConnID); virtual BOOL IsKeepAlive(CONNID dwConnID); virtual USHORT GetVersion(CONNID dwConnID); virtual ULONGLONG GetContentLength(CONNID dwConnID); virtual LPCSTR GetContentType(CONNID dwConnID); virtual LPCSTR GetContentEncoding(CONNID dwConnID); virtual LPCSTR GetTransferEncoding(CONNID dwConnID); virtual EnHttpUpgradeType GetUpgradeType(CONNID dwConnID); virtual USHORT GetParseErrorCode(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR* lpszErrorDesc = nullptr); virtual BOOL GetHeader(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszName, LPCSTR* lpszValue); virtual BOOL GetHeaders(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszName, LPCSTR lpszValue[], DWORD& dwCount); virtual BOOL GetAllHeaders(CONNID dwConnID, THeader lpHeaders[], DWORD& dwCount); virtual BOOL GetAllHeaderNames(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszName[], DWORD& dwCount); virtual BOOL GetCookie(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszName, LPCSTR* lpszValue); virtual BOOL GetAllCookies(CONNID dwConnID, TCookie lpCookies[], DWORD& dwCount); virtual USHORT GetStatusCode(CONNID dwConnID); virtual BOOL GetWSMessageState(CONNID dwConnID, BOOL* lpbFinal, BYTE* lpiReserved, BYTE* lpiOperationCode, LPCBYTE* lpszMask, ULONGLONG* lpullBodyLen, ULONGLONG* lpullBodyRemain); private: BOOL StartHttp(TSocketObj* pSocketObj); THttpObj* DoStartHttp(TSocketObj* pSocketObj); private: virtual BOOL CheckParams(); virtual void PrepareStart(); virtual EnHandleResult FireConnect(TSocketObj* pSocketObj); virtual EnHandleResult DoFireConnect(TSocketObj* pSocketObj); virtual EnHandleResult DoFireHandShake(TSocketObj* pSocketObj); virtual EnHandleResult DoFireReceive(TSocketObj* pSocketObj, const BYTE* pData, int iLength); virtual EnHandleResult DoFireClose(TSocketObj* pSocketObj, EnSocketOperation enOperation, int iErrorCode); virtual EnHandleResult DoFireShutdown(); EnHandleResult DoFireSuperReceive(TSocketObj* pSocketObj, const BYTE* pData, int iLength) {return __super::DoFireReceive(pSocketObj, pData, iLength);} EnHttpParseResult FireMessageBegin(TSocketObj* pSocketObj) {return m_pListener->OnMessageBegin((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID);} EnHttpParseResult FireRequestLine(TSocketObj* pSocketObj, LPCSTR lpszMethod, LPCSTR lpszUrl) {return m_pListener->OnRequestLine((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID, lpszMethod, lpszUrl);} EnHttpParseResult FireStatusLine(TSocketObj* pSocketObj, USHORT usStatusCode, LPCSTR lpszDesc) {return m_pListener->OnStatusLine((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID, usStatusCode, lpszDesc);} EnHttpParseResult FireHeader(TSocketObj* pSocketObj, LPCSTR lpszName, LPCSTR lpszValue) {return m_pListener->OnHeader((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID, lpszName, lpszValue);} EnHttpParseResult FireHeadersComplete(TSocketObj* pSocketObj) {return m_pListener->OnHeadersComplete((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID);} EnHttpParseResult FireBody(TSocketObj* pSocketObj, const BYTE* pData, int iLength) {return m_pListener->OnBody((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID, pData, iLength);} EnHttpParseResult FireChunkHeader(TSocketObj* pSocketObj, int iLength) {return m_pListener->OnChunkHeader((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID, iLength);} EnHttpParseResult FireChunkComplete(TSocketObj* pSocketObj) {return m_pListener->OnChunkComplete((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID);} EnHttpParseResult FireMessageComplete(TSocketObj* pSocketObj) {return m_pListener->OnMessageComplete((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID);} EnHttpParseResult FireUpgrade(TSocketObj* pSocketObj, EnHttpUpgradeType enUpgradeType) {return m_pListener->OnUpgrade((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID, enUpgradeType);} EnHttpParseResult FireParseError(TSocketObj* pSocketObj, int iErrorCode, LPCSTR lpszErrorDesc) {return m_pListener->OnParseError((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID, iErrorCode, lpszErrorDesc);} EnHandleResult FireWSMessageHeader(TSocketObj* pSocketObj, BOOL bFinal, BYTE iReserved, BYTE iOperationCode, const BYTE lpszMask[4], ULONGLONG ullBodyLen) {return m_pListener->OnWSMessageHeader((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID, bFinal, iReserved, iOperationCode, lpszMask, ullBodyLen);} EnHandleResult FireWSMessageBody(TSocketObj* pSocketObj, const BYTE* pData, int iLength) {return m_pListener->OnWSMessageBody((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID, pData, iLength);} EnHandleResult FireWSMessageComplete(TSocketObj* pSocketObj) {return m_pListener->OnWSMessageComplete((IHttpAgent*)this, pSocketObj->connID);} inline THttpObj* FindHttpObj(CONNID dwConnID); inline THttpObj* FindHttpObj(TSocketObj* pSocketObj); CCookieMgr* GetCookieMgr() {return m_pCookieMgr;} LPCSTR GetRemoteDomain(TSocketObj* pSocketObj) {LPCSTR lpszDomain; pSocketObj->GetRemoteHost(&lpszDomain); return lpszDomain;} public: CHttpAgentT(IHttpAgentListener* pListener) : T (pListener) , m_pListener (pListener) , m_pCookieMgr (&g_CookieMgr) , m_bHttpAutoStart (TRUE) , m_enLocalVersion (DEFAULT_HTTP_VERSION) { } virtual ~CHttpAgentT() { ENSURE_STOP(); } private: IHttpAgentListener* m_pListener; CCookieMgr* m_pCookieMgr; EnHttpVersion m_enLocalVersion; BOOL m_bHttpAutoStart; CHttpObjPool m_objPool; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // typedef CHttpAgentT CHttpAgent; #ifdef _SSL_SUPPORT #include "SSLAgent.h" typedef CHttpAgentT CHttpsAgent; #endif #endif