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* Copyright: JessMA Open Source (ldcsaa@gmail.com)
* Author : Bruce Liang
* Website : https://github.com/ldcsaa
* Project : https://github.com/ldcsaa/HP-Socket
* Blog : http://www.cnblogs.com/ldcsaa
* Wiki : http://www.oschina.net/p/hp-socket
* QQ Group : 44636872, 75375912
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "MiscHelper.h"
class CUdpNode : public IUdpNode
virtual BOOL Start(LPCTSTR lpszBindAddress = nullptr, USHORT usPort = 0, EnCastMode enCastMode = CM_UNICAST, LPCTSTR lpszCastAddress = nullptr);
virtual BOOL Stop();
virtual BOOL Send(LPCTSTR lpszRemoteAddress, USHORT usRemotePort, const BYTE* pBuffer, int iLength, int iOffset = 0);
virtual BOOL SendPackets(LPCTSTR lpszRemoteAddress, USHORT usRemotePort, const WSABUF pBuffers[], int iCount);
virtual BOOL SendCast(const BYTE* pBuffer, int iLength, int iOffset = 0);
virtual BOOL SendCastPackets(const WSABUF pBuffers[], int iCount);
virtual BOOL Wait(DWORD dwMilliseconds = INFINITE) {return m_evWait.Wait(dwMilliseconds);}
virtual BOOL HasStarted () {return m_enState == SS_STARTED || m_enState == SS_STARTING;}
virtual EnServiceState GetState () {return m_enState;}
virtual BOOL GetLocalAddress (TCHAR lpszAddress[], int& iAddressLen, USHORT& usPort);
virtual BOOL GetCastAddress (TCHAR lpszAddress[], int& iAddressLen, USHORT& usPort);
virtual BOOL GetPendingDataLength (int& iPending) {iPending = m_iPending; return HasStarted();}
virtual EnSocketError GetLastError () {return m_enLastError;}
virtual LPCTSTR GetLastErrorDesc () {return ::GetSocketErrorDesc(m_enLastError);}
virtual void SetReuseAddressPolicy (EnReuseAddressPolicy enReusePolicy){ENSURE_HAS_STOPPED(); m_enReusePolicy = enReusePolicy;}
virtual void SetWorkerThreadCount (DWORD dwWorkerThreadCount) {ENSURE_HAS_STOPPED(); m_dwWorkerThreadCount = dwWorkerThreadCount;}
virtual void SetFreeBufferPoolSize (DWORD dwFreeBufferPoolSize) {ENSURE_HAS_STOPPED(); m_dwFreeBufferPoolSize = dwFreeBufferPoolSize;}
virtual void SetFreeBufferPoolHold (DWORD dwFreeBufferPoolHold) {ENSURE_HAS_STOPPED(); m_dwFreeBufferPoolHold = dwFreeBufferPoolHold;}
virtual void SetPostReceiveCount (DWORD dwPostReceiveCount) {ENSURE_HAS_STOPPED(); m_dwPostReceiveCount = dwPostReceiveCount;}
virtual void SetMaxDatagramSize (DWORD dwMaxDatagramSize) {ENSURE_HAS_STOPPED(); m_dwMaxDatagramSize = dwMaxDatagramSize;}
virtual void SetMultiCastTtl (int iMCTtl) {ENSURE_HAS_STOPPED(); m_iMCTtl = iMCTtl;}
virtual void SetMultiCastLoop (BOOL bMCLoop) {ENSURE_HAS_STOPPED(); m_bMCLoop = bMCLoop;}
virtual void SetExtra (PVOID pExtra) {m_pExtra = pExtra;}
virtual EnReuseAddressPolicy GetReuseAddressPolicy () {return m_enReusePolicy;}
virtual DWORD GetWorkerThreadCount () {return m_dwWorkerThreadCount;}
virtual DWORD GetFreeBufferPoolSize () {return m_dwFreeBufferPoolSize;}
virtual DWORD GetFreeBufferPoolHold () {return m_dwFreeBufferPoolHold;}
virtual DWORD GetPostReceiveCount () {return m_dwPostReceiveCount;}
virtual DWORD GetMaxDatagramSize () {return m_dwMaxDatagramSize;}
virtual EnCastMode GetCastMode () {return m_enCastMode;}
virtual int GetMultiCastTtl () {return m_iMCTtl;}
virtual BOOL IsMultiCastLoop () {return m_bMCLoop;}
virtual PVOID GetExtra () {return m_pExtra;}
EnHandleResult FirePrepareListen(SOCKET soListen)
{return m_pListener->OnPrepareListen(this, soListen);}
EnHandleResult FireShutdown()
{return m_pListener->OnShutdown(this);}
EnHandleResult FireSend(TUdpBufferObj* pBufferObj);
EnHandleResult FireReceive(TUdpBufferObj* pBufferObj);
EnHandleResult FireError(TUdpBufferObj* pBufferObj, int iErrorCode);
void ProcessReceiveBufferObj(TUdpBufferObj* pBufferObj)
void SetLastError(EnSocketError code, LPCSTR func, int ec);
virtual BOOL CheckParams();
virtual void PrepareStart();
virtual void Reset();
virtual void OnWorkerThreadStart(THR_ID dwThreadID) {}
virtual void OnWorkerThreadEnd(THR_ID dwThreadID) {}
BOOL DoSend(HP_SOCKADDR& addrRemote, const BYTE* pBuffer, int iLength, int iOffset = 0);
BOOL DoSendPackets(HP_SOCKADDR& addrRemote, const WSABUF pBuffers[], int iCount);
int SendInternal(HP_SOCKADDR& addrRemote, TUdpBufferObjPtr& bufPtr);
friend void ContinueReceiveFrom<>(CUdpNode* pThis, TUdpBufferObj* pBufferObj);
static UINT WINAPI WorkerThreadProc(LPVOID pv);
BOOL CheckStarting();
BOOL CheckStoping();
BOOL CreateListenSocket(LPCTSTR lpszBindAddress, USHORT usPort, LPCTSTR lpszCastAddress);
BOOL CreateListenSocket(LPCTSTR lpszBindAddress, USHORT usPort, LPCTSTR lpszCastAddress, HP_SOCKADDR& bindAddr);
BOOL BindListenSocket(HP_SOCKADDR& bindAddr);
BOOL ConnectToGroup(const HP_SOCKADDR& bindAddr);
BOOL CreateCompletePort();
BOOL CreateWorkerThreads();
BOOL StartAccept();
void CloseListenSocket();
void WaitForPostReceiveRelease();
void WaitForWorkerThreadEnd();
void ReleaseFreeBuffer();
void CloseCompletePort();
TUdpBufferObj* GetFreeBufferObj(int iLen = -1);
void AddFreeBufferObj(TUdpBufferObj* pBufferObj);
EnIocpAction CheckIocpCommand(OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped, DWORD dwBytes, ULONG_PTR ulCompKey);
void HandleIo(TUdpBufferObj* pBufferObj, DWORD dwBytes, DWORD dwErrorCode);
void HandleError(TUdpBufferObj* pBufferObj, DWORD dwErrorCode);
void HandleSend(TUdpBufferObj* pBufferObj);
void HandleReceive(TUdpBufferObj* pBufferObj);
int ProcessReceive(TUdpBufferObj* pBufferObj);
int ProcessSend(TUdpBufferObj* pBufferObj);
int ProcessSend();
BOOL IsCanSend () {return m_iSending <= GetSendBufferSize();}
int GetSendBufferSize () {return (32 * DEFAULT_SOCKET_SNDBUFF_SIZE);}
BOOL IsValid () {return m_enState == SS_STARTED;}
BOOL IsPending () {return m_iPending > 0;}
SOCKET GetListenSocket () {return m_soListen;}
CUdpNode(IUdpNodeListener* pListener)
: m_pListener (pListener)
, m_sndBuff (m_bfObjPool)
, m_hCompletePort (nullptr)
, m_soListen (INVALID_SOCKET)
, m_iRemainPostReceives (0)
, m_iPending (0)
, m_iSending (0)
, m_enLastError (SE_OK)
, m_enState (SS_STOPPED)
, m_enReusePolicy (RAP_ADDR_ONLY)
, m_pExtra (nullptr)
, m_iMCTtl (1)
, m_bMCLoop (FALSE)
, m_enCastMode (CM_UNICAST)
, m_castAddr (AF_UNSPEC, TRUE)
, m_localAddr (AF_UNSPEC, TRUE)
, m_evWait (TRUE, TRUE)
virtual ~CUdpNode()
static const CInitSocket sm_wsSocket;
CEvt m_evWait;
EnReuseAddressPolicy m_enReusePolicy;
DWORD m_dwWorkerThreadCount;
DWORD m_dwFreeBufferPoolSize;
DWORD m_dwFreeBufferPoolHold;
DWORD m_dwMaxDatagramSize;
DWORD m_dwPostReceiveCount;
PVOID m_pExtra;
int m_iMCTtl;
BOOL m_bMCLoop;
EnCastMode m_enCastMode;
HP_SOCKADDR m_castAddr;
HP_SOCKADDR m_localAddr;
CUdpBufferObjPool m_bfObjPool;
TUdpBufferObjList m_sndBuff;
IUdpNodeListener* m_pListener;
SOCKET m_soListen;
HANDLE m_hCompletePort;
EnServiceState m_enState;
EnSocketError m_enLastError;
vector<HANDLE> m_vtWorkerThreads;
CSpinGuard m_csState;
volatile long m_iPending;
volatile long m_iSending;
volatile long m_iRemainPostReceives;