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* Copyright: JessMA Open Source (ldcsaa@gmail.com)
* Author : Bruce Liang
* Website : https://github.com/ldcsaa
* Project : https://github.com/ldcsaa/HP-Socket
* Blog : http://www.cnblogs.com/ldcsaa
* Wiki : http://www.oschina.net/p/hp-socket
* QQ Group : 44636872, 75375912
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "../Include/HPSocket/HPTypeDef.h"
#include "Common/RWLock.h"
#define COOKIE_DOMAIN "domain"
#define COOKIE_PATH "path"
#define COOKIE_EXPIRES "expires"
#define COOKIE_MAX_AGE "Max-Age"
#define COOKIE_HTTPONLY "HttpOnly"
#define COOKIE_SECURE "secure"
#define COOKIE_SAMESITE "SameSite"
#define COOKIE_FIELD_SEP ";"
#define COOKIE_KV_SEP_CHAR '='
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4503)
class CCookie
enum EnSameSite
SS_NONE = 0,
SS_LAX = 2
CStringA name;
CStringA value;
CStringA domain;
CStringA path;
__time64_t expires;
BOOL httpOnly;
BOOL secure;
EnSameSite sameSite;
CCookie(LPCSTR lpszName = nullptr, LPCSTR lpszValue = nullptr, LPCSTR lpszDomain = nullptr, LPCSTR lpszPath = nullptr, int iMaxAge = -1, BOOL bHttpOnly = FALSE, BOOL bSecure = FALSE, EnSameSite enSameSite = SS_NONE)
: name (lpszName)
, value (lpszValue)
, domain (lpszDomain)
, path (lpszPath)
, expires (MaxAgeToExpires(iMaxAge))
, httpOnly (bHttpOnly)
, secure (bSecure)
, sameSite (enSameSite)
static __time64_t CurrentUTCTime() {return _time64(nullptr);}
static __time64_t MaxAgeToExpires(int iMaxAge) {return iMaxAge > 0 ? _time64(nullptr) + iMaxAge : (iMaxAge < 0 ? -1 : 0);}
static int ExpiresToMaxAge(__time64_t tmExpires) {if(tmExpires < 0) return -1; __time64_t tmDiff = tmExpires - _time64(nullptr); return (tmDiff > 0 ? (int)tmDiff : 0);}
static __time64_t GetUTCTime(tm& t, int iSecondOffsetTZ);
static void ParseFieldKV(const CStringA& strField, CStringA& strKey, CStringA& strVal, char chSep);
static BOOL ParseExpires(LPCSTR lpszExpires, __time64_t& tmExpires);
static BOOL AdjustDomain(CStringA& strDomain, LPCSTR lpszDefaultDomain = nullptr);
static BOOL AdjustPath(CStringA& strPath, LPCSTR lpszDefaultPath = nullptr);
static CStringA MakeExpiresStr(__time64_t tmExpires);
static BOOL MakeExpiresStr(char lpszBuff[], int& iBuffLen, __time64_t tmExpires);
static CCookie* FromString(const CStringA& strCookie, LPCSTR lpszDefaultDomain = nullptr, LPCSTR lpszDefaultPath = nullptr);
static CStringA ToString(LPCSTR lpszName, LPCSTR lpszValue, LPCSTR lpszDomain, LPCSTR lpszPath, int iMaxAge = -1, BOOL bHttpOnly = FALSE, BOOL bSecure = FALSE, EnSameSite enSameSite = SS_NONE);
static BOOL ToString(char lpszBuff[], int& iBuffLen, LPCSTR lpszName, LPCSTR lpszValue, LPCSTR lpszDomain, LPCSTR lpszPath, int iMaxAge = -1, BOOL bHttpOnly = FALSE, BOOL bSecure = FALSE, EnSameSite enSameSite = SS_NONE);
CStringA ToString();
BOOL Match(LPCSTR lpszDomain, LPCSTR lpszPath, BOOL bHttp, BOOL bSecure);
BOOL IsSameDomain(LPCSTR lpszDomain);
BOOL IsTransient() const {return expires < 0;}
BOOL IsExpired() const {return !IsTransient() && expires <= _time64(nullptr);}
BOOL IsValid() const {return !name.IsEmpty() && !domain.IsEmpty() && !path.IsEmpty();}
struct ccookie_hash_func
struct hash
size_t operator() (const CCookie& c) const
return hash_value((LPCSTR)(c.name));
struct equal_to
bool operator () (const CCookie& cA, const CCookie& cB) const
return (cA.name == cB.name);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
typedef unordered_set<const CCookie*> CCookiePtrSet;
typedef CCookiePtrSet::const_iterator CCookiePtrSetCI;
typedef CCookiePtrSet::iterator CCookiePtrSetI;
typedef unordered_set<CCookie,
ccookie_hash_func::hash, ccookie_hash_func::equal_to> CCookieSet;
typedef CCookieSet::const_iterator CCookieSetCI;
typedef CCookieSet::iterator CCookieSetI;
typedef unordered_map<CStringA, CCookieSet,
cstringa_hash_func::hash, cstringa_hash_func::equal_to> CCookiePathMap;
typedef CCookiePathMap::const_iterator CCookiePathMapCI;
typedef CCookiePathMap::iterator CCookiePathMapI;
typedef unordered_map<CStringA, CCookiePathMap,
cstringa_nc_hash_func::hash, cstringa_nc_hash_func::equal_to> CCookieDomainMap;
typedef CCookieDomainMap::const_iterator CCookieDomainMapCI;
typedef CCookieDomainMap::iterator CCookieDomainMapI;
class CCookieMgr
BOOL LoadFromFile(LPCSTR lpszFile, BOOL bKeepExists = TRUE);
BOOL SaveToFile(LPCSTR lpszFile, BOOL bKeepExists = TRUE);
BOOL ClearCookies(LPCSTR lpszDomain = nullptr, LPCSTR lpszPath = nullptr);
BOOL RemoveExpiredCookies(LPCSTR lpszDomain = nullptr, LPCSTR lpszPath = nullptr);
BOOL GetCookies(CCookieSet& cookies, LPCSTR lpszDomain, LPCSTR lpszPath, BOOL bHttp, BOOL bSecure);
BOOL SetCookie(LPCSTR lpszName, LPCSTR lpszValue, LPCSTR lpszDomain, LPCSTR lpszPath, int iMaxAge = -1, BOOL bHttpOnly = FALSE, BOOL bSecure = FALSE, CCookie::EnSameSite enSameSite = CCookie::SS_NONE, BOOL bOnlyUpdateValueIfExists = TRUE);
BOOL SetCookie(const CStringA& strCookie, BOOL bOnlyUpdateValueIfExists = TRUE);
BOOL SetCookie(const CCookie& cookie, BOOL bOnlyUpdateValueIfExists = TRUE);
BOOL DeleteCookie(LPCSTR lpszDomain, LPCSTR lpszPath, LPCSTR lpszName);
BOOL DeleteCookie(const CCookie& cookie);
void ClearDomainCookiesNoLock(LPCSTR lpszDomain = nullptr, LPCSTR lpszPath = nullptr);
void ClearPathCookiesNoLock(CCookiePathMap& paths, LPCSTR lpszPath = nullptr);
void RemoveExpiredCookiesNoLock(LPCSTR lpszDomain = nullptr, LPCSTR lpszPath = nullptr);
void RemoveDomainExpiredCookiesNoLock(CCookiePathMap& paths, LPCSTR lpszPath = nullptr);
void RemovePathExpiredCookiesNoLock(CCookieSet& cookies);
const CCookie* GetCookieNoLock(LPCSTR lpszDomain, LPCSTR lpszPath, LPCSTR lpszName);
const CCookie* GetCookieNoLock(const CCookie& cookie);
void MatchCookiesNoLock(CCookieSet& cookies, LPCSTR lpszDomain, LPCSTR lpszPath, BOOL bHttp = TRUE, BOOL bSecure = FALSE);
BOOL SetCookieNoLock(const CCookie& cookie, BOOL bOnlyUpdateValueIfExists = TRUE);
BOOL DeleteCookieNoLock(const CCookie& cookie);
CCookieSet* GetCookieSetNoLock(LPCSTR lpszDomain, LPCSTR lpszPath);
static BOOL LoadDomainAndPath(LPSTR lpszBuff, CStringA& strDomain, CStringA& strPath);
static BOOL LoadCookie(LPSTR lpszBuff, LPCSTR lpszDomain, LPCSTR lpszPath, CCookie& cookie);
static BOOL AdjustDomainAndPath(LPCSTR& lpszDomain, LPCSTR& lpszPath, CStringA& strDomain, CStringA& strPath, BOOL bKeepNull = TRUE);
CCookieMgr(BOOL bEnableThirdPartyCookie = TRUE);
void SetEnableThirdPartyCookie (BOOL bEnableThirdPartyCookie = TRUE) {m_bEnableThirdPartyCookie = bEnableThirdPartyCookie;}
BOOL IsEnableThirdPartyCookie () {return m_bEnableThirdPartyCookie;}
CSimpleRWLock m_cs;
CCookieDomainMap m_cookies;
BOOL m_bEnableThirdPartyCookie;
extern CCookieMgr g_CookieMgr;
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif |