diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5f3ec227..f327efcd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
## Special thanks to
diff --git a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/DemoInfo.json b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/DemoInfo.json
index 5ad15cc0..bd53b554 100644
--- a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/DemoInfo.json
+++ b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/DemoInfo.json
@@ -1,96 +1,105 @@
- "style": [
- [ "Brush", "BrushDemoCtl", "Brush_16x", "" ],
- [ "Button", "ButtonDemoCtl", "ButtonClick_16x", "" ],
- [ "RepeatButton", "RepeatButtonDemoCtl", "RepeatButton_16x", "" ],
- [ "ToggleButton", "ToggleButtonDemoCtl", "Toggle_16x", "" ],
- [ "RadioButton", "RadioButtonDemoCtl", "RadioButton_16x", "" ],
- [ "CheckBox", "CheckBoxDemoCtl", "CheckBox_16x", "" ],
- [ "ScrollViewer", "NativeScrollViewerDemoCtl", "ScrollBox_16x", "" ],
- [ "Slider", "SliderDemoCtl", "Slider_16x", "" ],
- [ "TextBlock", "TextBlockDemoCtl", "TextBlock_16x", "" ],
- [ "TextBox", "NativeTextBoxDemoCtl", "TextBox_16x", "" ],
- [ "ComboBox", "NativeComboBoxDemoCtl", "ComboBox_16x", "" ],
- [ "PasswordBox", "NativePasswordBoxDemoCtl", "PasswordBox_16x", "" ],
- [ "Expander", "ExpanderDemoCtl", "Expander_16x", "" ],
- [ "ProgressBar", "NativeProgressBarDemoCtl", "ProgressBar_16x", "" ],
- [ "Calendar", "CalendarDemoCtl", "Calendar_16x", "" ],
- [ "DatePicker", "NativeDatePickerDemoCtl", "DatePicker_16x", "" ],
- [ "TabControl", "NativeTabControlDemoCtl", "TabPage_16x", "" ],
- [ "DataGrid", "DataGridDemoCtl", "DataGrid_16x", "" ],
- [ "TreeView", "TreeViewDemoCtl", "TreeView_16x", "" ],
- [ "ListBox", "ListBoxDemoCtl", "ListBox_16x", "" ],
- [ "ListView", "ListViewDemoCtl", "ListView_16x", "" ],
- [ "GroupBox", "GroupBoxDemoCtl", "GroupBox_16x", "" ],
- [ "Menu", "MenuDemoCtl", "ContextMenu_16x", "" ],
- [ "RichTextBox", "RichTextBoxDemoCtl", "RichTextBox_16x", "" ],
- [ "ToolBar", "ToolBarDemoCtl", "ToolBar_16x", "" ],
- [ "Border", "BorderDemoCtl", "BorderElement_16x", "" ],
- [ "Label", "LabelDemoCtl", "Label_16x", "" ]
- ],
- "control": [
- [ "FloatingBlock", "FloatingBlockDemoCtl", "thumbs_up", "1" ],
- [ "ImageBlock", "ImageBlockDemoCtl", "ImageStack_16x", "" ],
- [ "Magnifier", "MagnifierDemoCtl", "Search_16x", "" ],
- [ "Gravatar", "GravatarDemoCtl", "User_16x", "" ],
- [ "Badge", "BadgeDemoCtl", "DotLarge_16x", "" ],
- [ "GotoTop", "GotoTopDemoCtl", "GoToTop_16x", "" ],
- [ "SplitButton", "SplitButtonDemoCtl", "SplitButton_16x", "1" ],
- [ "ButtonGroup", "ButtonGroupDemoCtl", "ButtonGroup_16x", "" ],
- [ "ProgressButton", "ProgressButtonDemoCtl", "ProgressButton_16x", "" ],
- [ "ChatBubble", "ChatBubbleDemoCtl", "Bubble_16xLG", "" ],
- [ "Poptip", "PoptipDemoCtl", "PopupCursor_16x", "1" ],
- [ "NotifyIcon", "NotifyIconDemoCtl", "NotificationHub_16x", "" ],
- [ "NumericUpDown", "NumericUpDownDemoCtl", "NumericListBox_16x", "" ],
- [ "TextBox", "TextBoxDemoCtl", "TextBox_16x", "" ],
- [ "ComboBox", "ComboBoxDemoCtl", "ComboBox_16x", "" ],
- [ "PasswordBox", "PasswordBoxDemoCtl", "PasswordBox_16x", "" ],
- [ "DatePicker", "DatePickerDemoCtl", "DatePicker_16x", "" ],
- [ "Clock", "ClockDemoCtl", "Time_color_16x", "" ],
- [ "TimePicker", "TimePickerDemoCtl", "TimePicker_16x", "" ],
- [ "CalendarWithClock", "CalendarWithClockDemoCtl", "Calendar_16x", "" ],
- [ "DateTimePicker", "DateTimePickerDemoCtl", "DatePicker_16x", "" ],
- [ "Transfer", "TransferDemoCtl", "Transfer_16x", "" ],
- [ "FlipClock", "FlipClockDemoCtl", "FlipVertical_16x", "" ],
- [ "Rate", "RateDemoCtl", "Star", "" ],
- [ "Shield", "ShieldDemoCtl", "Shield_16x", "" ],
- [ "SearchBar", "SearchBarDemoCtl", "Search_16x", "" ],
- [ "Tag", "TagDemoCtl", "Tag_16x", "" ],
- [ "GifImage", "GifImageDemoCtl", "Animation_16x", "" ],
- [ "OutlineText", "OutlineTextDemoCtl", "TextBlock_16x", "" ],
- [ "RunningBlock", "RunningBlockDemoCtl", "Dynamic_16x", "" ],
- [ "Card", "CardDemoCtl", "VSO_Card_16x", "" ],
- [ "Divider", "DividerDemoCtl", "DottedSplitter_16x", "1" ],
- [ "CirclePanel", "CirclePanelDemoCtl", "ColorWheel_16x", "" ],
- [ "Grid", "GridDemoCtl", "GridPane_16x", "" ],
- [ "WaterfallPanel", "WaterfallPanelDemoCtl", "Panel_16x", "" ],
- [ "HoneycombPanel", "HoneycombPanelDemoCtl", "PolygonHexagon_16x", "1" ],
- [ "TransitioningContentControl", "TransitioningContentControlDemoCtl", "TransitioningContentControl_16x", "" ],
- [ "CoverView", "CoverViewDemoCtl", "DetailDataView_16x", "" ],
- [ "CoverFlow", "CoverFlowDemoCtl", "LinearCarousel_16x", "" ],
- [ "ProgressBar", "ProgressBarDemoCtl", "ProgressBar_16x", "" ],
- [ "StepBar", "StepBarDemoCtl", "Flow_16x", "" ],
- [ "Growl", "GrowlDemoCtl", "Message_16x", "" ],
- [ "Loading", "LoadingDemoCtl", "Loading_Blue_16x", "" ],
- [ "ImageBrowser", "ImageBrowserDemoCtl", "ImageBrowser_16x", "" ],
- [ "ColorPicker", "ColorPickerDemoCtl", "ColorPalette_16x", "" ],
- [ "Carousel", "CarouselDemoCtl", "Carousel_16x", "" ],
- [ "CompareSlider", "CompareSliderDemoCtl", "SplitterControl_16x", "" ],
- [ "PreviewSlider", "PreviewSliderDemoCtl", "HoverMenu_16x", "" ],
- [ "RangeSlider", "RangeSliderDemoCtl", "brackets_Square_16xLG", "" ],
- [ "TimeBar", "TimeBarDemoCtl", "Timeline_16x", "" ],
- [ "Pagination", "PaginationDemoCtl", "Paginator_16x", "" ],
- [ "AnimationPath", "AnimationPathDemoCtl", "Path_16x", "" ],
- [ "TabControl", "TabControlDemoCtl", "TabPage_16x", "" ],
- [ "SideMenu", "SideMenuDemoCtl", "MainMenuControl_16x", "" ],
- [ "ScrollViewer", "ScrollViewerDemoCtl", "ScrollBox_16x", "" ],
- [ "Sprite", "SpriteDemoCtl", "HandyControl", "" ],
- [ "Notification", "NotificationDemoCtl", "Procedure_16x", "" ],
- [ "Dialog", "DialogDemoCtl", "Dialog_16x", "" ],
- [ "Window", "WindowDemoCtl", "WindowsForm_16x", "" ]
- ],
- "tool": [
- [ "HatchBrushGenerator", "HatchBrushGeneratorDemoCtl", "DataGenerator_16x", "" ],
- [ "Morphing Animation", "GeometryAnimationDemoCtl", "Animation_16x", "" ]
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+ {
+ "title": "Styles",
+ "demoItemList": [
+ [ "Brush", "BrushDemoCtl", "Brush_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Button", "ButtonDemoCtl", "ButtonClick_16x", "" ],
+ [ "RepeatButton", "RepeatButtonDemoCtl", "RepeatButton_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ToggleButton", "ToggleButtonDemoCtl", "Toggle_16x", "" ],
+ [ "RadioButton", "RadioButtonDemoCtl", "RadioButton_16x", "" ],
+ [ "CheckBox", "CheckBoxDemoCtl", "CheckBox_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ScrollViewer", "NativeScrollViewerDemoCtl", "ScrollBox_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Slider", "SliderDemoCtl", "Slider_16x", "" ],
+ [ "TextBlock", "TextBlockDemoCtl", "TextBlock_16x", "" ],
+ [ "TextBox", "NativeTextBoxDemoCtl", "TextBox_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ComboBox", "NativeComboBoxDemoCtl", "ComboBox_16x", "" ],
+ [ "PasswordBox", "NativePasswordBoxDemoCtl", "PasswordBox_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Expander", "ExpanderDemoCtl", "Expander_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ProgressBar", "NativeProgressBarDemoCtl", "ProgressBar_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Calendar", "CalendarDemoCtl", "Calendar_16x", "" ],
+ [ "DatePicker", "NativeDatePickerDemoCtl", "DatePicker_16x", "" ],
+ [ "TabControl", "NativeTabControlDemoCtl", "TabPage_16x", "" ],
+ [ "DataGrid", "DataGridDemoCtl", "DataGrid_16x", "" ],
+ [ "TreeView", "TreeViewDemoCtl", "TreeView_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ListBox", "ListBoxDemoCtl", "ListBox_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ListView", "ListViewDemoCtl", "ListView_16x", "" ],
+ [ "GroupBox", "GroupBoxDemoCtl", "GroupBox_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Menu", "MenuDemoCtl", "ContextMenu_16x", "" ],
+ [ "RichTextBox", "RichTextBoxDemoCtl", "RichTextBox_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ToolBar", "ToolBarDemoCtl", "ToolBar_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Border", "BorderDemoCtl", "BorderElement_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Label", "LabelDemoCtl", "Label_16x", "" ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Controls",
+ "demoItemList": [
+ [ "FloatingBlock", "FloatingBlockDemoCtl", "thumbs_up", "1" ],
+ [ "ImageBlock", "ImageBlockDemoCtl", "ImageStack_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Magnifier", "MagnifierDemoCtl", "Search_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Gravatar", "GravatarDemoCtl", "User_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Badge", "BadgeDemoCtl", "DotLarge_16x", "" ],
+ [ "GotoTop", "GotoTopDemoCtl", "GoToTop_16x", "" ],
+ [ "SplitButton", "SplitButtonDemoCtl", "SplitButton_16x", "1" ],
+ [ "ButtonGroup", "ButtonGroupDemoCtl", "ButtonGroup_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ProgressButton", "ProgressButtonDemoCtl", "ProgressButton_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ChatBubble", "ChatBubbleDemoCtl", "Bubble_16xLG", "" ],
+ [ "Poptip", "PoptipDemoCtl", "PopupCursor_16x", "1" ],
+ [ "NotifyIcon", "NotifyIconDemoCtl", "NotificationHub_16x", "" ],
+ [ "NumericUpDown", "NumericUpDownDemoCtl", "NumericListBox_16x", "" ],
+ [ "TextBox", "TextBoxDemoCtl", "TextBox_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ComboBox", "ComboBoxDemoCtl", "ComboBox_16x", "" ],
+ [ "PasswordBox", "PasswordBoxDemoCtl", "PasswordBox_16x", "" ],
+ [ "DatePicker", "DatePickerDemoCtl", "DatePicker_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Clock", "ClockDemoCtl", "Time_color_16x", "" ],
+ [ "TimePicker", "TimePickerDemoCtl", "TimePicker_16x", "" ],
+ [ "CalendarWithClock", "CalendarWithClockDemoCtl", "Calendar_16x", "" ],
+ [ "DateTimePicker", "DateTimePickerDemoCtl", "DatePicker_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Transfer", "TransferDemoCtl", "Transfer_16x", "" ],
+ [ "FlipClock", "FlipClockDemoCtl", "FlipVertical_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Rate", "RateDemoCtl", "Star", "" ],
+ [ "Shield", "ShieldDemoCtl", "Shield_16x", "" ],
+ [ "SearchBar", "SearchBarDemoCtl", "Search_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Tag", "TagDemoCtl", "Tag_16x", "" ],
+ [ "GifImage", "GifImageDemoCtl", "Animation_16x", "" ],
+ [ "OutlineText", "OutlineTextDemoCtl", "TextBlock_16x", "" ],
+ [ "RunningBlock", "RunningBlockDemoCtl", "Dynamic_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Card", "CardDemoCtl", "VSO_Card_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Divider", "DividerDemoCtl", "DottedSplitter_16x", "1" ],
+ [ "CirclePanel", "CirclePanelDemoCtl", "ColorWheel_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Grid", "GridDemoCtl", "GridPane_16x", "" ],
+ [ "WaterfallPanel", "WaterfallPanelDemoCtl", "Panel_16x", "" ],
+ [ "HoneycombPanel", "HoneycombPanelDemoCtl", "PolygonHexagon_16x", "1" ],
+ [ "TransitioningContentControl", "TransitioningContentControlDemoCtl", "TransitioningContentControl_16x", "" ],
+ [ "CoverView", "CoverViewDemoCtl", "DetailDataView_16x", "" ],
+ [ "CoverFlow", "CoverFlowDemoCtl", "LinearCarousel_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ProgressBar", "ProgressBarDemoCtl", "ProgressBar_16x", "" ],
+ [ "StepBar", "StepBarDemoCtl", "Flow_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Growl", "GrowlDemoCtl", "Message_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Loading", "LoadingDemoCtl", "Loading_Blue_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ImageBrowser", "ImageBrowserDemoCtl", "ImageBrowser_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ColorPicker", "ColorPickerDemoCtl", "ColorPalette_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Carousel", "CarouselDemoCtl", "Carousel_16x", "" ],
+ [ "CompareSlider", "CompareSliderDemoCtl", "SplitterControl_16x", "" ],
+ [ "PreviewSlider", "PreviewSliderDemoCtl", "HoverMenu_16x", "" ],
+ [ "RangeSlider", "RangeSliderDemoCtl", "brackets_Square_16xLG", "" ],
+ [ "TimeBar", "TimeBarDemoCtl", "Timeline_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Pagination", "PaginationDemoCtl", "Paginator_16x", "" ],
+ [ "AnimationPath", "AnimationPathDemoCtl", "Path_16x", "" ],
+ [ "TabControl", "TabControlDemoCtl", "TabPage_16x", "" ],
+ [ "SideMenu", "SideMenuDemoCtl", "MainMenuControl_16x", "" ],
+ [ "ScrollViewer", "ScrollViewerDemoCtl", "ScrollBox_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Sprite", "SpriteDemoCtl", "HandyControl", "" ],
+ [ "Notification", "NotificationDemoCtl", "Procedure_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Dialog", "DialogDemoCtl", "Dialog_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Window", "WindowDemoCtl", "WindowsForm_16x", "" ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Tools",
+ "demoItemList": [
+ [ "HatchBrushGenerator", "HatchBrushGeneratorDemoCtl", "DataGenerator_16x", "" ],
+ [ "Morphing Animation", "GeometryAnimationDemoCtl", "Animation_16x", "" ]
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/MessageToken.cs b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/MessageToken.cs
index 31a98a9a..a06921d7 100644
--- a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/MessageToken.cs
+++ b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/MessageToken.cs
@@ -2,195 +2,7 @@
public class MessageToken
- /*-------------------- Controls --------------------*/
- public static readonly string GrowlDemoCtl = nameof(GrowlDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string LoadingDemoCtl = nameof(LoadingDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ImageBrowserDemoCtl = nameof(ImageBrowserDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ColorPickerDemoCtl = nameof(ColorPickerDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string CarouselDemoCtl = nameof(CarouselDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string CompareSliderDemoCtl = nameof(CompareSliderDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string TimeBarDemoCtl = nameof(TimeBarDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string PaginationDemoCtl = nameof(PaginationDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string AnimationPathDemoCtl = nameof(AnimationPathDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string StepBarDemoCtl = nameof(StepBarDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ClockDemoCtl = nameof(ClockDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string TimePickerDemoCtl = nameof(TimePickerDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string CirclePanelDemoCtl = nameof(CirclePanelDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string NumericUpDownDemoCtl = nameof(NumericUpDownDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string WindowDemoCtl = nameof(WindowDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ScrollViewerDemoCtl = nameof(ScrollViewerDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string PreviewSliderDemoCtl = nameof(PreviewSliderDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ProgressBarDemoCtl = nameof(ProgressBarDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string TextBoxDemoCtl = nameof(TextBoxDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ComboBoxDemoCtl = nameof(ComboBoxDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string PasswordBoxDemoCtl = nameof(PasswordBoxDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string DatePickerDemoCtl = nameof(DatePickerDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string DateTimePickerDemoCtl = nameof(DateTimePickerDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string CalendarWithClockDemoCtl = nameof(CalendarWithClockDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string SearchBarDemoCtl = nameof(SearchBarDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string TagDemoCtl = nameof(TagDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string GifImageDemoCtl = nameof(GifImageDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string OutlineTextDemoCtl = nameof(OutlineTextDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string FlipClockDemoCtl = nameof(FlipClockDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string QQGroupView = nameof(QQGroupView);
- public static readonly string BlurWindow = nameof(BlurWindow);
- public static readonly string NoNonClientAreaDragableWindow = nameof(NoNonClientAreaDragableWindow);
- public static readonly string RateDemoCtl = nameof(RateDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ShieldDemoCtl = nameof(ShieldDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string WaterfallPanelDemoCtl = nameof(WaterfallPanelDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string CoverViewDemoCtl = nameof(CoverViewDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string CoverFlowDemoCtl = nameof(CoverFlowDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ProgressButtonDemoCtl = nameof(ProgressButtonDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string TransferDemoCtl = nameof(TransferDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ChatBubbleDemoCtl = nameof(ChatBubbleDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string GotoTopDemoCtl = nameof(GotoTopDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string NotifyIconDemoCtl = nameof(NotifyIconDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string BadgeDemoCtl = nameof(BadgeDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string GravatarDemoCtl = nameof(GravatarDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string DialogDemoCtl = nameof(DialogDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string SideMenuDemoCtl = nameof(SideMenuDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string GridDemoCtl = nameof(GridDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string PoptipDemoCtl = nameof(PoptipDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string RangeSliderDemoCtl = nameof(RangeSliderDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ButtonGroupDemoCtl = nameof(ButtonGroupDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string CardDemoCtl = nameof(CardDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string MagnifierDemoCtl = nameof(MagnifierDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ImageBlockDemoCtl = nameof(ImageBlockDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string RunningBlockDemoCtl = nameof(RunningBlockDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string HoneycombPanelDemoCtl = nameof(HoneycombPanelDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string SpriteDemoCtl = nameof(SpriteDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string NotificationDemoCtl = nameof(NotificationDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string FloatingBlockDemoCtl = nameof(FloatingBlockDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string SplitButtonDemoCtl = nameof(SplitButtonDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string DividerDemoCtl = nameof(DividerDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string TransitioningContentControlDemoCtl = nameof(TransitioningContentControlDemoCtl);
- /*-------------------- Tools --------------------*/
- public static readonly string HatchBrushGeneratorDemoCtl = nameof(HatchBrushGeneratorDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string GeometryAnimationDemoCtl = nameof(GeometryAnimationDemoCtl);
- /*-------------------- Styles --------------------*/
- public static readonly string ButtonDemoCtl = nameof(ButtonDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string RepeatButtonDemoCtl = nameof(RepeatButtonDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ToggleButtonDemoCtl = nameof(ToggleButtonDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ExpanderDemoCtl = nameof(ExpanderDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string NativeProgressBarDemoCtl = nameof(NativeProgressBarDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string TabControlDemoCtl = nameof(TabControlDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string CalendarDemoCtl = nameof(CalendarDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string NativeDatePickerDemoCtl = nameof(NativeDatePickerDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string NativeTextBoxDemoCtl = nameof(NativeTextBoxDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string TextBlockDemoCtl = nameof(TextBlockDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string NativeComboBoxDemoCtl = nameof(NativeComboBoxDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string NativePasswordBoxDemoCtl = nameof(NativePasswordBoxDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string NativeTabControlDemoCtl = nameof(NativeTabControlDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string DataGridDemoCtl = nameof(DataGridDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string CheckBoxDemoCtl = nameof(CheckBoxDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ListBoxDemoCtl = nameof(ListBoxDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string MenuDemoCtl = nameof(MenuDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string TreeViewDemoCtl = nameof(TreeViewDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string BorderDemoCtl = nameof(BorderDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string RadioButtonDemoCtl = nameof(RadioButtonDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string NativeScrollViewerDemoCtl = nameof(NativeScrollViewerDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string BrushDemoCtl = nameof(BrushDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string SliderDemoCtl = nameof(SliderDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string GroupBoxDemoCtl = nameof(GroupBoxDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ListViewDemoCtl = nameof(ListViewDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string RichTextBoxDemoCtl = nameof(RichTextBoxDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string ToolBarDemoCtl = nameof(ToolBarDemoCtl);
- public static readonly string LabelDemoCtl = nameof(LabelDemoCtl);
- /*-------------------- Windows --------------------*/
+ /*-------------------- Windows --------------------*/
public static readonly string CommonWindow = nameof(CommonWindow);
@@ -224,5 +36,11 @@
public static readonly string NotifyIconContextDemo = nameof(NotifyIconContextDemo);
+ public static readonly string QQGroupView = nameof(QQGroupView);
+ public static readonly string BlurWindow = nameof(BlurWindow);
+ public static readonly string NoNonClientAreaDragableWindow = nameof(NoNonClientAreaDragableWindow);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/MessageToken.tt b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/MessageToken.tt
index 10c881f8..66986682 100644
--- a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/MessageToken.tt
+++ b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/MessageToken.tt
@@ -2,106 +2,6 @@
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic"#>
<#@ output extension=".cs" #>
-var controlList = new List
- "GrowlDemoCtl",
- "LoadingDemoCtl",
- "ImageBrowserDemoCtl",
- "ColorPickerDemoCtl",
- "CarouselDemoCtl",
- "CompareSliderDemoCtl",
- "TimeBarDemoCtl",
- "PaginationDemoCtl",
- "AnimationPathDemoCtl",
- "StepBarDemoCtl",
- "ClockDemoCtl",
- "TimePickerDemoCtl",
- "CirclePanelDemoCtl",
- "NumericUpDownDemoCtl",
- "WindowDemoCtl",
- "ScrollViewerDemoCtl",
- "PreviewSliderDemoCtl",
- "ProgressBarDemoCtl",
- "TextBoxDemoCtl",
- "ComboBoxDemoCtl",
- "PasswordBoxDemoCtl",
- "DatePickerDemoCtl",
- "DateTimePickerDemoCtl",
- "CalendarWithClockDemoCtl",
- "SearchBarDemoCtl",
- "TagDemoCtl",
- "GifImageDemoCtl",
- "OutlineTextDemoCtl",
- "FlipClockDemoCtl",
- "QQGroupView",
- "BlurWindow",
- "NoNonClientAreaDragableWindow",
- "RateDemoCtl",
- "ShieldDemoCtl",
- "WaterfallPanelDemoCtl",
- "CoverViewDemoCtl",
- "CoverFlowDemoCtl",
- "ProgressButtonDemoCtl",
- "TransferDemoCtl",
- "ChatBubbleDemoCtl",
- "GotoTopDemoCtl",
- "NotifyIconDemoCtl",
- "BadgeDemoCtl",
- "GravatarDemoCtl",
- "DialogDemoCtl",
- "SideMenuDemoCtl",
- "GridDemoCtl",
- "PoptipDemoCtl",
- "RangeSliderDemoCtl",
- "ButtonGroupDemoCtl",
- "CardDemoCtl",
- "MagnifierDemoCtl",
- "ImageBlockDemoCtl",
- "RunningBlockDemoCtl",
- "HoneycombPanelDemoCtl",
- "SpriteDemoCtl",
- "NotificationDemoCtl",
- "FloatingBlockDemoCtl",
- "SplitButtonDemoCtl",
- "DividerDemoCtl",
- "TransitioningContentControlDemoCtl"
-var styleList = new List
- "ButtonDemoCtl",
- "RepeatButtonDemoCtl",
- "ToggleButtonDemoCtl",
- "ExpanderDemoCtl",
- "NativeProgressBarDemoCtl",
- "TabControlDemoCtl",
- "CalendarDemoCtl",
- "NativeDatePickerDemoCtl",
- "NativeTextBoxDemoCtl",
- "TextBlockDemoCtl",
- "NativeComboBoxDemoCtl",
- "NativePasswordBoxDemoCtl",
- "NativeTabControlDemoCtl",
- "DataGridDemoCtl",
- "CheckBoxDemoCtl",
- "ListBoxDemoCtl",
- "MenuDemoCtl",
- "TreeViewDemoCtl",
- "BorderDemoCtl",
- "RadioButtonDemoCtl",
- "NativeScrollViewerDemoCtl",
- "BrushDemoCtl",
- "SliderDemoCtl",
- "GroupBoxDemoCtl",
- "ListViewDemoCtl",
- "RichTextBoxDemoCtl",
- "ToolBarDemoCtl",
- "LabelDemoCtl"
-var toolList = new List
- "HatchBrushGeneratorDemoCtl",
- "GeometryAnimationDemoCtl"
var windowList = new List
@@ -121,32 +21,17 @@ var messageList = new List
- "NotifyIconContextDemo"
+ "NotifyIconContextDemo",
+ "QQGroupView",
+ "BlurWindow",
+ "NoNonClientAreaDragableWindow"
namespace HandyControlDemo.Data
public class MessageToken
- /*-------------------- Controls --------------------*/
- <#foreach(var item in controlList){#>
- public static readonly string <#=item#> = nameof(<#=item#>);
- <#}#>
- /*-------------------- Tools --------------------*/
- <#foreach(var item in toolList){#>
- public static readonly string <#=item#> = nameof(<#=item#>);
- <#}#>
- /*-------------------- Styles --------------------*/
- <#foreach(var item in styleList){#>
- public static readonly string <#=item#> = nameof(<#=item#>);
- <#}#>
- /*-------------------- Windows --------------------*/
+ /*-------------------- Windows --------------------*/
<#foreach(var item in windowList){#>
public static readonly string <#=item#> = nameof(<#=item#>);
diff --git a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/Model/DemoInfoModel.cs b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/Model/DemoInfoModel.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9692dcab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/Model/DemoInfoModel.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+namespace HandyControlDemo.Data
+ public class DemoInfoModel
+ {
+ public string Title { get; set; }
+ public int SelectedIndex { get; set; }
+ public IList DemoItemList { get; set; }
+ }
diff --git a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/Model/DemoItemModel.cs b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/Model/DemoItemModel.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31344903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Data/Model/DemoItemModel.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+namespace HandyControlDemo.Data
+ public class DemoItemModel
+ {
+ public string Name { get; set; }
+ public string TargetCtlName { get; set; }
+ public string ImageName { get; set; }
+ public bool IsNew { get; set; }
+ public bool IsSelected { get; set; }
+ }
diff --git a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared.projitems b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared.projitems
index ec4ff019..6d09742c 100644
--- a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared.projitems
+++ b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared.projitems
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
@@ -60,6 +62,9 @@
+ DrawerDemoCtl.xaml
@@ -475,6 +480,10 @@
+ Designer
+ MSBuild:Compile
diff --git a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Service/Data/DataService.cs b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Service/Data/DataService.cs
index 8e753131..acb94de8 100644
--- a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Service/Data/DataService.cs
+++ b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/Service/Data/DataService.cs
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Globalization;
+using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
+using System.Windows;
using HandyControl.Data;
using HandyControlDemo.Data;
using HandyControlDemo.Tools.Converter;
@@ -341,5 +343,56 @@ namespace HandyControlDemo.Service
+ internal List GetDemoInfo()
+ {
+ var infoList = new List();
+ var stream = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("Data/DemoInfo.json", UriKind.Relative))?.Stream;
+ if (stream == null) return infoList;
+ string jsonStr;
+ using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
+ {
+ jsonStr = reader.ReadToEnd();
+ }
+ var jsonObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonStr);
+ foreach (var item in jsonObj)
+ {
+ var title = Properties.Langs.Lang.ResourceManager.GetString((string)item.title);
+ var list = Convert2DemoItemList(item.demoItemList);
+ infoList.Add(new DemoInfoModel
+ {
+ Title = title,
+ DemoItemList = list
+ });
+ }
+ return infoList;
+ }
+ private List Convert2DemoItemList(dynamic list)
+ {
+ var resultList = new List();
+ foreach (var item in list)
+ {
+ var name = Properties.Langs.Lang.ResourceManager.GetString((string) item[0]);
+ string targetCtlName = item[1];
+ string imageName = item[2];
+ var isNew = !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string) item[3]);
+ resultList.Add(new DemoItemModel
+ {
+ Name = name,
+ TargetCtlName = targetCtlName,
+ ImageName = $"../../Resources/Img/LeftMainContent/{imageName}.png",
+ IsNew = isNew
+ });
+ }
+ return resultList;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Controls/DrawerDemoCtl.xaml b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Controls/DrawerDemoCtl.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cec99401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Controls/DrawerDemoCtl.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Controls/DrawerDemoCtl.xaml.cs b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Controls/DrawerDemoCtl.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81259d96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Controls/DrawerDemoCtl.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+namespace HandyControlDemo.UserControl
+ public partial class DrawerDemoCtl
+ {
+ public DrawerDemoCtl()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Main/LeftMainContent.xaml b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Main/LeftMainContent.xaml
index 3fd46ca8..36596d31 100644
--- a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Main/LeftMainContent.xaml
+++ b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Main/LeftMainContent.xaml
@@ -3,529 +3,66 @@
- xmlns:data="clr-namespace:HandyControlDemo.Data"
Background="{Binding Background,RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Window}}"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Main/LeftMainContent.xaml.cs b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Main/LeftMainContent.xaml.cs
index b99fe9c9..37a47402 100644
--- a/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Main/LeftMainContent.xaml.cs
+++ b/src/Shared/HandyControlDemo_Shared/UserControl/Main/LeftMainContent.xaml.cs
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
using System.ComponentModel;
-using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
+using GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Messaging;
using HandyControl.Data;
using HandyControl.Tools;
using HandyControl.Tools.Extension;
+using HandyControlDemo.Data;
namespace HandyControlDemo.UserControl
@@ -19,27 +20,36 @@ namespace HandyControlDemo.UserControl
- /*You have to ask me why I made Border special.
- What drives me crazy is that if you don't do this,
- the content of ListBoxItemBorder will always be 1 !
- How amazing!
- I wish someone could tell me why. */
- ListBoxItemBorder.Content = Properties.Langs.Lang.Border;
+ //Messenger.Default.Register