Revert "nginx修改"

This reverts commit d1457db0
This commit is contained in:
jiangzeyin 2019-04-12 18:18:57 +08:00
parent 7a3e7a8ee1
commit 772b5a14fd
2 changed files with 89 additions and 297 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package cn.keepbx.jpom.controller.system.nginx;
package cn.keepbx.jpom.controller.system;
import cn.hutool.core.text.StrSpliter;
import cn.hutool.core.util.CharsetUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil;
import cn.jiangzeyin.common.DefaultSystemLog;
@ -15,7 +14,10 @@ import cn.keepbx.jpom.service.system.NginxService;
import cn.keepbx.jpom.service.system.WhitelistDirectoryService;
import com.github.odiszapc.nginxparser.*;
import com.github.odiszapc.nginxparser.NgxBlock;
import com.github.odiszapc.nginxparser.NgxConfig;
import com.github.odiszapc.nginxparser.NgxDumper;
import com.github.odiszapc.nginxparser.NgxParam;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
@ -24,8 +26,6 @@ import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import java.util.List;
* @author Arno
public class NginxController extends BaseController {
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public class NginxController extends BaseController {
private NginxService nginxService;
@RequestMapping(value = "list.html", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.TEXT_HTML_VALUE)
@RequestMapping(value = "nginx", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.TEXT_HTML_VALUE)
public String ngx() {
JSONArray ngxDirectory = whitelistDirectoryService.getNgxDirectory();
setAttribute("nginx", ngxDirectory);
@ -55,17 +55,7 @@ public class NginxController extends BaseController {
return "system/nginx";
* 配置列表
@RequestMapping(value = "list_data.json", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
public String list() {
JSONArray array = nginxService.list();
return JsonMessage.getString(200, "", array);
@RequestMapping(value = "item.html", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.TEXT_HTML_VALUE)
@RequestMapping(value = "nginx_setting", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.TEXT_HTML_VALUE)
public String setting(String path, String name, String type) {
JSONArray ngxDirectory = whitelistDirectoryService.getNgxDirectory();
setAttribute("nginx", ngxDirectory);
@ -86,7 +76,15 @@ public class NginxController extends BaseController {
return "system/nginxSetting";
* 配置列表
@RequestMapping(value = "nginx/list", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.TEXT_HTML_VALUE)
public String list() {
JSONArray array = nginxService.list();
return JsonMessage.getString(200, "", array);
* 新增或修改配置
@ -94,7 +92,7 @@ public class NginxController extends BaseController {
* @param name 文件名
* @param whitePath 白名单路径
@RequestMapping(value = "updateNgx", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
@RequestMapping(value = "nginx/updateNgx", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
public String updateNgx(String name, String whitePath, String context, String type, String genre) {
if (StrUtil.isEmpty(name)) {
@ -109,14 +107,7 @@ public class NginxController extends BaseController {
if (!whitelistDirectoryService.checkNgxDirectory(whitePath)) {
return JsonMessage.getString(400, "请选择正确的白名单");
boolean add = false;
String msg = "修改";
if ("add".equals(genre)) {
msg = "新增";
add = true;
File file = FileUtil.file(whitePath, name);
boolean add = "add".equals(genre);
if ("quick".equals(type)) {
String port = getParameter("port");
if (StrUtil.isEmpty(port)) {
@ -126,20 +117,19 @@ public class NginxController extends BaseController {
if (StrUtil.isEmpty(domain)) {
return JsonMessage.getString(400, "请填写域名");
String location = getParameter("location");
if (StrUtil.isEmpty(location)) {
return JsonMessage.getString(400, "请填写代理地址");
if (!whitePath.endsWith("/")) {
whitePath += "/";
String cachePath = whitePath + name.substring(0, name.indexOf(".")) + "/";
context = getQuickNgx(cachePath, port, domain);
} else {
if (StrUtil.isEmpty(context)) {
return JsonMessage.getString(400, "请填写配置信息");
String convert = getParameter("convert");
String cert = getParameter("cert");
String key = getParameter("key");
boolean autoHttps = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(convert);
context = updateNgxServer(file.getAbsolutePath(), domain, cert, key, autoHttps, location);
if (StrUtil.isEmpty(context)) {
return JsonMessage.getString(400, "请填写配置信息");
try {
File file = FileUtil.file(whitePath, name);
if (add) {
if (file.exists()) {
return JsonMessage.getString(400, "该文件已存在");
@ -155,264 +145,70 @@ public class NginxController extends BaseController {
FileUtil.writeString(context, file, CharsetUtil.UTF_8);
} catch (Exception e) {
DefaultSystemLog.ERROR().error(e.getMessage(), e);
return JsonMessage.getString(400, msg + "失败");
return JsonMessage.getString(200, msg + "成功");
* 修改nginx
* @param path nginx路径
* @param domain 域名
* @param cert 证书地址
* @param key 私钥地址
* @param autoHttps 开启http自动跳转到https
* @param location 代理地址
private String updateNgxServer(String path, String domain, String cert, String key, boolean autoHttps, String location) {
boolean addCert = StrUtil.isNotEmpty(cert) || autoHttps;
try {
NgxConfig conf =;
Collection<NgxEntry> entries = conf.getEntries();
boolean hasCert = false;
List<NgxBlock> ngxEntries = new ArrayList<>();
NgxConfig config = new NgxConfig();
for (NgxEntry entry : entries) {
if (entry instanceof NgxBlock) {
NgxBlock block = (NgxBlock) entry;
NgxParam serverName = block.findParam("server_name");
String values = serverName.getValue();
if (checkDomain(values, domain)) {
NgxParam sslCertificate = block.findParam("ssl_certificate");
if (null != sslCertificate) {
hasCert = true;
if (addCert) {
updateNgxCert(config, ngxEntries, hasCert, domain, cert, key, autoHttps, location);
if (!add) {
return JsonMessage.getString(400, "修改失败");
} else {
NgxBlock block;
if (ngxEntries.size() <= 0) {
block = new NgxBlock();
} else {
block = ngxEntries.get(0);
updateNgxServer(block, domain, location);
return new NgxDumper(config).dump();
} catch (Exception e) {
DefaultSystemLog.ERROR().error(e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
* 判断域名是否相等
* @param serverName 配置中的域名
* @param domain 域名
private boolean checkDomain(String serverName, String domain) {
boolean pass = serverName.equalsIgnoreCase(domain);
if (!pass) {
List<String> list = StrSpliter.splitTrim(serverName, " ", true);
List<String> domainList = StrSpliter.splitTrim(domain, " ", true);
for (String str : domainList) {
if (list.contains(str)) {
pass = true;
return JsonMessage.getString(400, "新增失败");
return pass;
* 修改nginx
* @param conf 配置信息
* @param list 监听该域名的server集合
* @param hasCert server集合中是否有证书配置
* @param domain 域名
* @param cert 证书位置
* @param key 私钥路径
* @param autoHttps 开启http自动跳转到https
* @param location 代理地址
private void updateNgxCert(NgxConfig conf, List<NgxBlock> list, boolean hasCert, String domain, String
cert, String key, boolean autoHttps, String location) {
int size = list.size();
if (size <= 0) {
NgxBlock block = new NgxBlock();
updateNgxSSlServer(block, domain, cert, key, location);
if (autoHttps) {
NgxBlock block1 = addAutoHttps(domain);
if (size < 2 || !hasCert) {
NgxBlock block = list.get(0);
updateNgxSSlServer(block, domain, cert, key, location);
if (add) {
return JsonMessage.getString(200, "新增成功");
} else {
for (NgxBlock block : list) {
NgxParam sslCertificate = block.findParam("ssl_certificate");
if (null != sslCertificate) {
updateNgxSSlServer(block, domain, cert, key, location);
if (!autoHttps) {
return JsonMessage.getString(200, "修改成功");
* 添加配置信息
* @param cachePath 缓存地址
* @param port 端口
* @param domain 监听地址
private String getQuickNgx(String cachePath, String port, String domain) {
String location = getParameter("location");
String convert = getParameter("convert");
String cert = getParameter("cert");
String key = getParameter("key");
String cacheStatus = getParameter("cacheStatus");
NgxConfig config = new NgxConfig();
if ("true".equals(cacheStatus)) {
int cacheSize = getParameterInt("cacheSize", 1024);
int inactive = getParameterInt("inactive", 30);
String value = " proxy_cache_path " + cachePath + " levels=1:2 keys_zone=mycache:10m max_size=" + cacheSize +
"m inactive=" + inactive + "m use_temp_path=off";
addNgxParam(config, value);
NgxBlock sever = new NgxBlock();
addNgxParam(sever, "listen " + port);
addNgxParam(sever, "server_name " + domain);
if (StrUtil.isNotEmpty(cert)) {
addNgxParam(sever, "ssl on");
addNgxParam(sever, "ssl_certificate " + cert);
addNgxParam(sever, "ssl_certificate_key " + key);
addNgxParam(sever, "ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on");
addNgxParam(sever, "ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m");
addNgxParam(sever, "ssl_session_timeout 5m");
addNgxParam(sever, "ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5");
if ("true".equals(convert)) {
NgxBlock httpSever = new NgxBlock();
addNgxParam(httpSever, "listen 80");
addNgxParam(httpSever, "server_name " + domain);
addNgxParam(httpSever, "rewrite ^(.*)$ https://$host$1 permanent");
if (autoHttps) {
NgxBlock block1 = addAutoHttps(domain);
* 修改nginx证书配置
* @param block block
* @param domain 域名
* @param cert 证书地址
* @param key 私钥地址
* @param proxy 代理地址
private void updateNgxSSlServer(NgxBlock block, String domain, String cert, String key, String proxy) {
updateNgxBlockParam(block, "443 ssl", "listen");
updateNgxBlockParam(block, domain, "server_name");
updateNgxBlockParam(block, "on", "ssl");
updateNgxBlockParam(block, cert, "ssl_certificate");
updateNgxBlockParam(block, key, "ssl_certificate_key");
updateNgxBlockParam(block, "shared:SSL:1m", "ssl_session_cache");
updateNgxBlockParam(block, "5m", "ssl_session_timeout");
updateNgxBlockParam(block, "HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5", "ssl_ciphers");
updateNgxBlockParam(block, "on", "ssl_prefer_server_ciphers");
NgxBlock location = block.findBlock("location");
if (location == null) {
location = new NgxBlock();
location.addValue("location /");
updateLocation(location, proxy);
* 添加http自动跳转到https
* @param domain 域名
* @return block
private NgxBlock addAutoHttps(String domain) {
NgxBlock block = new NgxBlock();
addNgxParam(block, "server_name " + domain);
addNgxParam(block, "listen 80");
addNgxParam(block, "rewrite ^(.*)$ https://$host$1 permanent");
return block;
* 修改 server
* @param block block
* @param domain 域名
* @param proxy 代理地址
private void updateNgxServer(NgxBlock block, String domain, String proxy) {
updateNgxBlockParam(block, "80", "listen");
updateNgxBlockParam(block, domain, "server_name");
NgxBlock location = block.findBlock("location");
if (location == null) {
location = new NgxBlock();
location.addValue("location /");
updateLocation(location, proxy);
* 修改location
* @param block block
* @param proxy 代理地址
private void updateLocation(NgxBlock block, String proxy) {
updateNgxBlockParam(block, proxy, "proxy_pass");
updateNgxBlockParam(block, "$http_host", "proxy_set_header", "Host");
updateNgxBlockParam(block, "$remote_addr", "proxy_set_header", "X-Real-IP");
updateNgxBlockParam(block, "$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for", "proxy_set_header", "X-Forwarded-For");
* 修改参数
* @param block block
* @param name 参数名称
* @param value 参数值
private void updateNgxBlockParam(NgxBlock block, String value, String... name) {
NgxParam param = null;
if (1 == name.length) {
param = block.findParam(name);
} else {
List<NgxEntry> list = block.findAll(NgxParam.class, name);
for (NgxEntry entry : list) {
NgxParam ngxParam = (NgxParam) entry;
List<NgxToken> tokens = (List<NgxToken>) ngxParam.getTokens();
boolean pass = false;
for (int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
String tokenName = name[i].trim();
try {
String token = tokens.get(i).getToken();
if (!tokenName.equals(token)) {
pass = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
pass = false;
pass = true;
if (pass) {
param = ngxParam;
String join = StrUtil.join(" ", name);
if (param == null) {
param = new NgxParam();
param.addValue(join + " " + value);
} else {
param = new NgxParam();
param.addValue(join + " " + value);
NgxBlock locationBlock = new NgxBlock();
locationBlock.addValue("location /");
addNgxParam(locationBlock, "proxy_pass " + location);
addNgxParam(locationBlock, "proxy_set_header Host $http_host");
addNgxParam(locationBlock, "proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr");
addNgxParam(locationBlock, "proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for");
return new NgxDumper(config).dump();
private void addNgxParam(NgxBlock block, String value) {
@ -426,7 +222,7 @@ public class NginxController extends BaseController {
* @param whitePath 白名单路径
@RequestMapping(value = "uploadNgx", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
@RequestMapping(value = "nginx/uploadNgx", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
public String uploadNgx(String whitePath) {
if (StrUtil.isEmpty(whitePath)) {
@ -453,7 +249,7 @@ public class NginxController extends BaseController {
* @param path 文件路径
@RequestMapping(value = "delete", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
@RequestMapping(value = "nginx/delete", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
public String delete(String path, String name) {
if (!whitelistDirectoryService.checkNgxDirectory(path)) {

View File

@ -9,10 +9,6 @@
padding: 10px;
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height: 65vh;