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synced 2024-12-04 21:08:30 +08:00
i18n: pages/system/mail
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,47 +1,48 @@
export default {
c: {
address: 'Address: [smtp',
email: 'Email',
type: 'Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Email',
ssl: 'Email SSL'
c: {},
p: {
smtpServer: 'SMTP Server',
smtpDomain: 'SMTP Server Domain',
smtpPort: 'SMTP Port',
serverPort: 'SMTP Server Port',
username: 'Username',
senderName: 'Sender Name',
password: 'Password',
authCode: 'Email Password or Authorization Code',
emailAccount: 'Email Account',
rfcSupport: 'Support configuration sender: Follow RFC-822 standard. The sender can be in the following form:',
fromAccount: 'Sender Email Account',
sslEnabled: 'SSL Connection',
enabled: 'Enabled',
disabled: 'Disabled',
timeout: 'Timeout',
timeoutUnit: 'Unit seconds, default 10 seconds, minimum 3 seconds',
submit: 'Submit',
aliyunConfig: 'Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Email Configuration',
smtpAddress: 'Address: smtp',
'SMTP .mxhichina.com, use port 465 and enable SSL. The username must be the same as the email sender, and the password is the login password of the email.',
qqConfig: 'QQ Email Configuration',
'SMTP .qq.com], the username is usually the QQ number, the password is the email authorization code, and the default port is 587/465',
'163Config': '163 Email Configuration',
'SMTP .163.com, smtp.126.com...], the password is the email authorization code, the default port is 25, and the SSL port is 465',
gmailConfig: 'Gmail Email Configuration',
toComplete: 'To be completed',
smtpHost: 'Please enter the SMTP host',
inputPassword: 'Please enter the password',
inputUsername: 'Please enter the username',
inputEmail: 'Please enter the email account',
referenceData: 'Reference Data',
aliyunSsl: 'Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Email SSL',
generalEmail: 'General Email',
generalSsl: 'General Email SSL'
hlr145: 'Support configuring sender: Follow RFC-822 standard. The sender can be in the following forms:',
'1i9kfq': 'Submit',
'555k7g': 'SMTP Server',
'7585gx': 'SMTP Server Domain Name',
g1x2v0: 'SMTP Port',
b43f3c: 'SMTP Server Port',
x123f5: 'Username',
e3x5s6: 'Sender Name',
'967dv3': 'Password',
'24bc67': 'Email Password or Authorization Code',
'11lc4u': 'Email Account',
jo851t: 'Sender Email Account',
'65jswb': 'SSL Connection',
'9m81o3': 'Enable',
'12qqll': 'Disable',
'3ke6sj': 'Timeout',
'1h5ni7': 'Unit: seconds, default is 10 seconds, minimum is 3 seconds',
'17x6wc': 'Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Email Configuration',
'SMTP Address: smtp.mxhichina.com, use port 465 and enable SSL. The username should be consistent with the email sender, and the password is the login password of the email account',
jl3v34: 'QQ Email Configuration',
'SMTP Address: [smtp.qq.com]. The username is usually the QQ number, and the password is the email authorization code. The default ports are 587/465',
'6k71aq': '163 Email Configuration',
'SMTP Address: [smtp.163.com, smtp.126.com...]. The password is the email authorization code. The default port is 25, and the SSL port is 465',
'2puoo6': 'Gmail Email Configuration',
yp8615: 'To be improved',
dj8v8p: 'Please enter the SMTP host',
'5p2791': 'Please enter the password',
e113am: 'Please enter the username',
dw7gk9: 'Please enter the email account',
cp4ium: 'Reference Data',
'88m1o4': 'QQ Email',
'87531i': '163 Email',
qy3mk5: '126 Email',
'3g1t1h': 'Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Email',
'24wg08': 'Gmail Email',
'1u96ou': 'QQ Email SSL',
ddrbyl: '163 Email SSL',
'65lhy6': 'Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Email SSL',
c1c5d2: 'General Email',
'5ehoes': 'General Email SSL'
@ -1,44 +1,45 @@
export default {
c: {
address: '地址:【smtp',
email: '邮箱',
type: '阿里云企业邮箱',
ssl: '邮箱 SSL'
p: {
smtpServer: 'SMTP 服务器',
smtpDomain: 'SMTP 服务器域名',
smtpPort: 'SMTP 端口',
serverPort: 'SMTP 服务器端口',
username: '用户名',
senderName: '发件人名称',
password: '密码',
authCode: '邮箱密码或者授权码',
emailAccount: '邮箱账号',
rfcSupport: '支持配置发送方:遵循RFC-822标准 发件人可以是以下形式:',
fromAccount: '发送方邮箱账号',
sslEnabled: 'SSL 连接',
enabled: '启用',
disabled: '停用',
timeout: '超时时间',
timeoutUnit: '单位秒,默认 10 秒,最小 3 秒',
submit: '提交',
aliyunConfig: '阿里云企业邮箱配置',
smtpAddress: '地址:smtp',
aliyunInfo: 'SMTP .mxhichina.com,端口使用 465 并且开启 SSL,用户名需要和邮件发送人一致,密码为邮箱的登录密码',
qqConfig: 'QQ 邮箱配置',
qqInfo: 'SMTP .qq.com】,用户名一般是QQ号码,密码是邮箱授权码,端口默认 587/465',
'163Config': '163 邮箱配置',
'163Info': 'SMTP .163.com, smtp.126.com...】,密码是邮箱授权码,端口默认 25,SSL 端口 465',
gmailConfig: 'Gmail 邮箱配置',
toComplete: '待完善',
smtpHost: '请输入 SMTP host',
inputPassword: '请输入密码',
inputUsername: '请输入用户名',
inputEmail: '请输入邮箱账号',
referenceData: '参考数据',
aliyunSsl: '阿里云企业邮箱 SSL',
generalEmail: '通用邮箱',
generalSsl: '通用邮箱 SSL'
hlr145: '支持配置发送方:遵循RFC-822标准 发件人可以是以下形式:',
'1i9kfq': '提交',
'555k7g': 'SMTP 服务器',
'7585gx': 'SMTP 服务器域名',
g1x2v0: 'SMTP 端口',
b43f3c: 'SMTP 服务器端口',
x123f5: '用户名',
e3x5s6: '发件人名称',
'967dv3': '密码',
'24bc67': '邮箱密码或者授权码',
'11lc4u': '邮箱账号',
jo851t: '发送方邮箱账号',
'65jswb': 'SSL 连接',
'9m81o3': '启用',
'12qqll': '停用',
'3ke6sj': '超时时间',
'1h5ni7': '单位秒,默认 10 秒,最小 3 秒',
'17x6wc': '阿里云企业邮箱配置',
'SMTP 地址:smtp.mxhichina.com,端口使用 465 并且开启 SSL,用户名需要和邮件发送人一致,密码为邮箱的登录密码',
jl3v34: 'QQ 邮箱配置',
x5fn7v: 'SMTP 地址:【smtp.qq.com】,用户名一般是QQ号码,密码是邮箱授权码,端口默认 587/465',
'6k71aq': '163 邮箱配置',
'276h03': 'SMTP 地址:【smtp.163.com, smtp.126.com...】,密码是邮箱授权码,端口默认 25,SSL 端口 465',
'2puoo6': 'Gmail 邮箱配置',
yp8615: '待完善',
dj8v8p: '请输入 SMTP host',
'5p2791': '请输入密码',
e113am: '请输入用户名',
dw7gk9: '请输入邮箱账号',
cp4ium: '参考数据',
'88m1o4': 'QQ邮箱',
'87531i': '163邮箱',
qy3mk5: '126邮箱',
'3g1t1h': '阿里云企业邮箱',
'24wg08': 'gmail邮箱',
'1u96ou': 'QQ邮箱 SSL',
ddrbyl: '163邮箱 SSL',
'65lhy6': '阿里云企业邮箱 SSL',
c1c5d2: '通用邮箱',
'5ehoes': '通用邮箱 SSL'
@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
<div class="">
<a-form ref="editForm" :model="temp" :rules="rules" :label-col="{ span: 4 }" :wrapper-col="{ span: 16 }">
<a-form-item label="SMTP 服务器" name="host">
<a-auto-complete v-model:value="temp.host" :options="hostDataSource" placeholder="SMTP 服务器域名">
<a-form-item :label="$tl('p.555k7g')" name="host">
<a-auto-complete v-model:value="temp.host" :options="hostDataSource" :placeholder="$tl('p.7585gx')">
<template #option="item"> {{ item.title }} {{ item.value }} </template>
<a-form-item label="SMTP 端口" name="port">
<a-auto-complete v-model:value="temp.port" placeholder="SMTP 服务器端口" :options="portDataSource">
<a-form-item :label="$tl('p.g1x2v0')" name="port">
<a-auto-complete v-model:value="temp.port" :placeholder="$tl('p.b43f3c')" :options="portDataSource">
<template #option="item"> {{ item.title }} {{ item.value }} </template>
<a-form-item label="用户名" name="user">
<a-input v-model:value="temp.user" type="text" placeholder="发件人名称" />
<a-form-item :label="$tl('p.x123f5')" name="user">
<a-input v-model:value="temp.user" type="text" :placeholder="$tl('p.e3x5s6')" />
<a-form-item label="密码" :name="`${temp.type === 'add' ? 'pass' : 'pass-update'}`">
<a-input-password v-model:value="temp.pass" type="text" placeholder="邮箱密码或者授权码" />
<a-form-item :label="$tl('p.967dv3')" :name="`${temp.type === 'add' ? 'pass' : 'pass-update'}`">
<a-input-password v-model:value="temp.pass" type="text" :placeholder="$tl('p.24bc67')" />
<a-form-item label="邮箱账号" name="from">
<a-form-item :label="$tl('p.11lc4u')" name="from">
<!-- <a-input v-model="temp.from" type="text" placeholder="发送方邮箱账号" /> -->
<template #title>
支持配置发送方:遵循RFC-822标准 发件人可以是以下形式:
<template #title
>{{ $tl('p.hlr145') }}
<li>1. user@xxx.xx</li>
<li>2. name <user@xxx.xx></li>
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<template #option="{ value: val }">
@ -40,46 +40,35 @@
<a-form-item label="SSL 连接" name="sslEnable">
<a-switch v-model:checked="temp.sslEnable" checked-children="启用" un-checked-children="停用" />
<a-form-item :label="$tl('p.65jswb')" name="sslEnable">
<!-- <a-input v-show="temp.sslEnable" v-model="temp.socketFactoryPort" type="text" placeholder="SSL 端口" /> -->
<a-form-item label="超时时间" name="timeout">
<a-form-item :label="$tl('p.3ke6sj')" name="timeout">
style="width: 100%"
placeholder="单位秒,默认 10 秒,最小 3 秒"
<a-form-item :wrapper-col="{ span: 14, offset: 4 }">
<a-button type="primary" class="btn" :disabled="submitAble" @click="onSubmit">提交</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" class="btn" :disabled="submitAble" @click="onSubmit">{{ $tl('p.1i9kfq') }}</a-button>
description="SMTP 地址:smtp.mxhichina.com,端口使用 465 并且开启 SSL,用户名需要和邮件发送人一致,密码为邮箱的登录密码"
<a-alert :message="$tl('p.17x6wc')" :description="$tl('p.kj0r1z')" type="info" show-icon />
<br />
message="QQ 邮箱配置"
description="SMTP 地址:【smtp.qq.com】,用户名一般是QQ号码,密码是邮箱授权码,端口默认 587/465"
<a-alert :message="$tl('p.jl3v34')" type="info" :description="$tl('p.x5fn7v')" show-icon />
<br />
message="163 邮箱配置"
description="SMTP 地址:【smtp.163.com, smtp.126.com...】,密码是邮箱授权码,端口默认 25,SSL 端口 465"
<a-alert :message="$tl('p.6k71aq')" :description="$tl('p.276h03')" type="info" show-icon />
<br />
<a-alert message="Gmail 邮箱配置" description="待完善" type="info" show-icon />
<a-alert :message="$tl('p.2puoo6')" :description="$tl('p.yp8615')" type="info" show-icon />
@ -95,22 +84,22 @@ export default {
host: [
required: true,
message: '请输入 SMTP host',
message: this.$tl('p.dj8v8p'),
trigger: 'blur'
pass: [{ required: true, message: '请输入密码', trigger: 'blur' }],
pass: [{ required: true, message: this.$tl('p.5p2791'), trigger: 'blur' }],
user: [
required: true,
message: '请输入用户名',
message: this.$tl('p.e113am'),
trigger: 'blur'
from: [
required: true,
message: '请输入邮箱账号',
message: this.$tl('p.dw7gk9'),
trigger: 'blur'
@ -118,26 +107,26 @@ export default {
fromResult: [],
hostDataSource: [
title: '参考数据',
title: this.$tl('p.cp4ium'),
options: [
title: 'QQ邮箱',
title: this.$tl('p.88m1o4'),
value: 'smtp.qq.com'
title: '163邮箱',
title: this.$tl('p.87531i'),
value: 'smtp.163.com'
title: '126邮箱',
title: this.$tl('p.qy3mk5'),
value: 'smtp.126.com'
title: '阿里云企业邮箱',
title: this.$tl('p.3g1t1h'),
value: 'smtp.mxhichina.com'
title: 'gmail邮箱',
title: this.$tl('p.24wg08'),
value: 'smtp.gmail.com'
@ -145,45 +134,45 @@ export default {
portDataSource: [
title: 'QQ邮箱',
title: this.$tl('p.88m1o4'),
options: [
title: 'QQ邮箱',
title: this.$tl('p.88m1o4'),
value: '587'
title: 'QQ邮箱 SSL',
title: this.$tl('p.1u96ou'),
value: '465'
title: '163邮箱',
title: this.$tl('p.87531i'),
options: [
title: '163邮箱',
title: this.$tl('p.87531i'),
value: '25'
title: '163邮箱 SSL',
title: this.$tl('p.ddrbyl'),
value: '465'
title: '阿里云企业邮箱',
title: this.$tl('p.3g1t1h'),
options: [
title: '阿里云企业邮箱 SSL',
title: this.$tl('p.65lhy6'),
value: '465'
title: '通用邮箱',
title: this.$tl('p.c1c5d2'),
options: [
title: '通用邮箱 SSL',
title: this.$tl('p.5ehoes'),
value: '465'
@ -195,6 +184,9 @@ export default {
methods: {
$tl(key, ...args) {
return this.$t(`pages.system.mail.${key}`, ...args)
// load data
loadData() {
getMailConfigData().then((res) => {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user