mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 04:28:51 +08:00
fix(测试跟踪): 测试跟踪首页关联用例数量统计忽略掉回收站中的接口和场景
--bug=1015414 --user=宋天阳 【测试跟踪】首页-关联用例数量统计,统计了回收站中的接口用例和场景 https://www.tapd.cn/55049933/s/1212890
This commit is contained in:
@ -78,9 +78,9 @@
<if test='${condition}.tags != null and ${objectKey}.operator == "not like"'>
and (test_case.tags is null or test_case.tags
<include refid="io.metersphere.base.mapper.ext.ExtBaseMapper.condition">
<property name="object" value="${condition}.tags"/>
<include refid="io.metersphere.base.mapper.ext.ExtBaseMapper.condition">
<property name="object" value="${condition}.tags"/>
<if test='${condition}.tags != null and ${objectKey}.operator == "like"'>
@ -109,36 +109,39 @@
<if test="${condition}.customs != null and ${condition}.customs.size() > 0">
<foreach collection="${condition}.customs" item="custom" separator="" open="" close="">
and test_case.id in (
select resource_id from custom_field_test_case where field_id = #{custom.id}
<when test="custom.type == 'multipleMember' or custom.type == 'checkbox' or custom.type == 'multipleSelect'">
and JSON_CONTAINS(`value`, #{custom.value})
<when test="custom.type == 'date' or custom.type == 'datetime'">
and left(replace(unix_timestamp(trim(both '"' from `value`)), '.', ''), 13)
<include refid="io.metersphere.base.mapper.ext.ExtBaseMapper.condition">
<property name="object" value="custom"/>
<when test="custom.type == 'richText' or custom.type == 'textarea'">
and text_value
<include refid="io.metersphere.base.mapper.ext.ExtBaseMapper.condition">
<property name="object" value="custom"/>
and trim(both '"' from value)
<include refid="io.metersphere.base.mapper.ext.ExtBaseMapper.condition">
<property name="object" value="custom"/>
select resource_id from custom_field_test_case where field_id = #{custom.id}
<when test="custom.type == 'multipleMember' or custom.type == 'checkbox' or custom.type == 'multipleSelect'">
and JSON_CONTAINS(`value`, #{custom.value})
<when test="custom.type == 'date' or custom.type == 'datetime'">
and left(replace(unix_timestamp(trim(both '"' from `value`)), '.', ''), 13)
<include refid="io.metersphere.base.mapper.ext.ExtBaseMapper.condition">
<property name="object" value="custom"/>
<when test="custom.type == 'richText' or custom.type == 'textarea'">
and text_value
<include refid="io.metersphere.base.mapper.ext.ExtBaseMapper.condition">
<property name="object" value="custom"/>
and trim(both '"' from value)
<include refid="io.metersphere.base.mapper.ext.ExtBaseMapper.condition">
<property name="object" value="custom"/>
<update id="updateTestCaseCustomNumByProjectId">
update test_case set custom_num = num where (custom_num is null or custom_num = '') and project_id = #{projectId}
update test_case
set custom_num = num
where (custom_num is null or custom_num = '')
and project_id = #{projectId}
<select id="getTestCaseByNotInReview" resultType="io.metersphere.track.dto.TestCaseDTO">
@ -151,7 +154,8 @@
project_version.id as versionId
from test_case
left join test_case_review_test_case as T2 on test_case.id=T2.case_id and T2.review_id =#{request.reviewId}
left join project_version on test_case.version_id = project_version.id and test_case.project_id = project_version.project_id
left join project_version on test_case.version_id = project_version.id and test_case.project_id =
<include refid="notInQueryWhereCondition"/>
and T2.case_id is null
<include refid="io.metersphere.base.mapper.ext.ExtBaseMapper.orders"/>
@ -214,7 +218,8 @@
<select id="getTestCaseNames" resultType="io.metersphere.base.domain.TestCase">
select test_case.id, test_case.name, test_case.priority, test_case.type, test_case.review_status,test_case.num,test_case.custom_num
select test_case.id, test_case.name, test_case.priority, test_case.type,
from test_case
<if test="request.combine != null">
@ -268,7 +273,7 @@
<select id="publicList" resultType="io.metersphere.track.dto.TestCaseDTO">
<if test="request.selectFields != null and request.selectFields.size() > 0">
<foreach collection="request.selectFields" item="field" separator=",">
@ -276,7 +281,8 @@
<if test="request.selectFields == null or request.selectFields.size() == 0">
test_case.id, test_case.node_id, test_case.node_path, test_case.project_id, test_case.`name`, test_case.version_id,
test_case.id, test_case.node_id, test_case.node_path, test_case.project_id, test_case.`name`,
test_case.`type`, test_case.maintainer, test_case.priority, test_case.`method`,
test_case.create_time, test_case.update_time, test_case.test_id, test_case.sort, test_case.num,
test_case.other_test_name, test_case.review_status, test_case.tags,
@ -325,7 +331,8 @@
<select id="getTestReviewRelateCountNodes" resultType="io.metersphere.track.dto.TestCaseNodeDTO">
select tcn.id, count(*) as caseNum, test_case.project_id
from test_case
left join test_case_review_test_case tcrtc on tcrtc.case_id = test_case.id and tcrtc.review_id = #{request.reviewId}
left join test_case_review_test_case tcrtc on tcrtc.case_id = test_case.id and tcrtc.review_id =
left join test_case_node tcn on test_case.node_id = tcn.id
<include refid="queryWhereCondition"/>
and tcrtc.case_id is null
@ -333,15 +340,18 @@
<select id="listByMethod" resultType="io.metersphere.track.dto.TestCaseDTO">
select load_test.id, load_test.name, load_test.project_id,'性能测试' as type, project_version.name as version_name
from load_test inner join project_version on project_version.project_id = load_test.project_id and project_version.id = load_test.version_id
from load_test inner join project_version on project_version.project_id = load_test.project_id and
project_version.id = load_test.version_id
<if test="request.projectId!=null">
and load_test.project_id= #{request.projectId}
select api_scenario.id, api_scenario.name, api_scenario.project_id,'接口场景' as type, project_version.name as version_name
from api_scenario inner join project_version on project_version.project_id = api_scenario.project_id and project_version.id = api_scenario.version_id
select api_scenario.id, api_scenario.name, api_scenario.project_id,'接口场景' as type, project_version.name as
from api_scenario inner join project_version on project_version.project_id = api_scenario.project_id and
project_version.id = api_scenario.version_id
<if test="request.projectId!=null">
and api_scenario.project_id= #{request.projectId}
@ -350,7 +360,7 @@
and api_scenario.status!='Trash'
select b.id,b.name,b.project_id,'接口用例' as type, project_version.name as version_name
from api_test_case b inner join api_definition a on b.api_definition_id = a.id and a.status != 'Trash'
from api_test_case b inner join api_definition a on b.api_definition_id = a.id and a.status != 'Trash'
inner join project_version on project_version.project_id = a.project_id and project_version.id = a.version_id
<if test="request.projectId!=null">
@ -375,7 +385,7 @@
<if test="request.orders != null and request.orders.size() > 0">
order by
<foreach collection="request.orders" separator="," item="order">
`${order.name}` ${order.type}
`${order.name}` ${order.type}
@ -384,8 +394,7 @@
FROM test_case
WHERE test_case.project_id = #{projectId}
<select id="checkIsHave" resultType="int">
@ -580,9 +589,9 @@
<when test="key.startsWith('custom')">
and test_case.id in (
select resource_id from custom_field_test_case where concat('custom',field_id) = #{key}
and trim(both '"' from value) in
<include refid="io.metersphere.base.mapper.ext.ExtBaseMapper.filterInWrapper"/>
select resource_id from custom_field_test_case where concat('custom',field_id) = #{key}
and trim(both '"' from value) in
<include refid="io.metersphere.base.mapper.ext.ExtBaseMapper.filterInWrapper"/>
<when test="key=='create_user'">
@ -657,10 +666,28 @@
<include refid="filters"/>
<if test="request.caseCoverage == 'uncoverage' ">
and test_case.id not in (select distinct test_case_test.test_case_id from test_case_test)
and test_case.id not in (
SELECT test_case_id FROM test_case_test WHERE test_type = 'testCase' and test_id IN (select id FROM
api_test_case WHERE `STATUS` is null or status != 'Trash')
SELECT test_case_id FROM test_case_test WHERE test_type = 'performance' and test_id IN (select id from
SELECT test_case_id FROM test_case_test WHERE test_type = 'automation' and test_id IN (select id FROM
api_scenario WHERE `STATUS` != 'Trash')
<if test="request.caseCoverage == 'coverage' ">
and test_case.id in (select distinct test_case_test.test_case_id from test_case_test)
and test_case.id in (
SELECT test_case_id FROM test_case_test WHERE test_type = 'testCase' and test_id IN (select id FROM
api_test_case WHERE `STATUS` is null or status != 'Trash')
SELECT test_case_id FROM test_case_test WHERE test_type = 'performance' and test_id IN (select id from
SELECT test_case_id FROM test_case_test WHERE test_type = 'automation' and test_id IN (select id FROM
api_scenario WHERE `STATUS` != 'Trash')
<include refid="queryVersionCondition">
<property name="versionTable" value="test_case"/>
@ -733,44 +760,94 @@
SELECT test_case.priority as groupField, count(DISTINCT ref_id) AS countNumber
FROM test_case
WHERE project_id = #{projectId}
AND test_case.status != 'Trash'
AND test_case.status != 'Trash'
and latest = true
GROUP BY test_case.priority
<select id="countCreatedThisWeek" resultType="java.lang.Long">
SELECT count(DISTINCT ref_id) AS countNumber FROM test_case WHERE test_case.project_id = #{projectId} and test_case.status != 'Trash' and latest = 1
AND create_time BETWEEN #{firstDayTimestamp} AND #{lastDayTimestamp}
SELECT count(DISTINCT ref_id) AS countNumber
FROM test_case
WHERE test_case.project_id = #{projectId}
and test_case.status != 'Trash' and latest = 1
AND create_time BETWEEN #{firstDayTimestamp}
AND #{lastDayTimestamp}
<select id="countStatus" resultType="io.metersphere.track.response.TrackCountResult">
SELECT review_status AS groupField,count(id) AS countNumber FROM test_case
WHERE project_id = #{projectId} and test_case.status != 'Trash' and latest = 1
SELECT review_status AS groupField, count(id) AS countNumber
FROM test_case
WHERE project_id = #{projectId}
and test_case.status != 'Trash' and latest = 1
GROUP BY test_case.review_status
<select id="countRelevance" resultType="io.metersphere.track.response.TrackCountResult">
SELECT test_case_test.test_type AS groupField, count(test_case_test.test_case_id) AS countNumber
FROM test_case join test_case_test on test_case.id = test_case_test.test_case_id
WHERE test_case.project_id = #{projectId} and test_case.status != 'Trash' and latest = 1 GROUP BY test_case_test.test_type
SELECT test_case_test.test_type AS groupField,
count(test_case_test.test_case_id) AS countNumber
FROM test_case
INNER JOIN (SELECT test_case_id, test_id, test_type
FROM test_case_test
WHERE test_type = 'testCase'
and test_id IN (select id FROM api_test_case WHERE `STATUS` is null or status != 'Trash')
SELECT test_case_id, test_id, test_type
FROM test_case_test
WHERE test_type = 'performance'
and test_id IN (select id from load_test)
SELECT test_case_id, test_id, test_type
FROM test_case_test
WHERE test_type = 'automation'
and test_id IN (select id FROM api_scenario WHERE `STATUS` != 'Trash')
ON test_case.id = test_case_test.test_case_id
test_case.project_id = #{projectId}
AND test_case.STATUS != 'Trash'
AND latest = 1
<select id="countRelevanceCreatedThisWeek" resultType="java.lang.Long">
SELECT count(distinct test_case.ref_id) AS countNumber FROM test_case join test_case_test on test_case.id = test_case_test.test_case_id
WHERE test_case.project_id = #{projectId} and test_case.status != 'Trash' and latest = 1
AND test_case_test.create_time BETWEEN #{firstDayTimestamp} AND #{lastDayTimestamp}
SELECT count(distinct test_case.ref_id) AS countNumber
FROM test_case
join test_case_test on test_case.id = test_case_test.test_case_id
WHERE test_case.project_id = #{projectId}
and test_case.status != 'Trash' and latest = 1
AND test_case_test.create_time BETWEEN #{firstDayTimestamp}
AND #{lastDayTimestamp}
<select id="countCoverage" resultType="int">
select count(test_case.id) from test_case where test_case.project_id = #{projectId} and test_case.status != 'Trash' and latest = 1
and test_case.id in (select distinct test_case_test.test_case_id from test_case_test)
select count(test_case.id)
from test_case
where test_case.project_id = #{projectId}
and test_case.status != 'Trash' and latest = 1
and test_case.id in (
SELECT test_case_id FROM test_case_test WHERE test_type = 'testCase' and test_id IN (select id FROM
api_test_case WHERE `STATUS` is null or status != 'Trash')
SELECT test_case_id FROM test_case_test WHERE test_type = 'performance' and test_id IN (select id from load_test)
SELECT test_case_id FROM test_case_test WHERE test_type = 'automation' and test_id IN (select id FROM
api_scenario WHERE `STATUS` != 'Trash')
<select id="countFuncMaintainer" resultType="io.metersphere.track.response.TrackCountResult">
select count(tc.id) as countNumber, user.name as groupField from test_case tc right join user on tc.maintainer = user.id
where tc.project_id = #{projectId} and tc.status != 'Trash' and tc.latest = 1
select count(tc.id) as countNumber, user.name as groupField
from test_case tc
right join user on tc.maintainer = user.id
where tc.project_id = #{projectId}
and tc.status != 'Trash' and tc.latest = 1
group by tc.maintainer
<select id="countRelevanceMaintainer" resultType="io.metersphere.track.response.TrackCountResult">
select count(tc.id) as countNumber, user.name as groupField from test_case tc right join user on tc.maintainer = user.id
where tc.project_id = #{projectId} and tc.status != 'Trash' and tc.latest = 1 and tc.id in (select distinct test_case_test.test_case_id from test_case_test)
select count(tc.id) as countNumber, user.name as groupField
from test_case tc
right join user on tc.maintainer = user.id
where tc.project_id = #{projectId}
and tc.status != 'Trash' and tc.latest = 1 and tc.id in (select distinct test_case_test.test_case_id from test_case_test)
group by tc.maintainer
<select id="getTestPlanBug" resultType="int">
@ -788,50 +865,57 @@
<select id="getTestPlanCase" resultType="int">
select count(s)
from (
select tptc.id as s
from test_plan_test_case tptc join test_case on tptc.case_id = test_case.id
where tptc.plan_id = #{planId} and (test_case.status != 'Trash' or test_case.status is null)
from (select tptc.id as s
from test_plan_test_case tptc
join test_case on tptc.case_id = test_case.id
where tptc.plan_id = #{planId}
and (test_case.status != 'Trash' or test_case.status is null)
union all
union all
select tpas.id as s
from test_plan_api_scenario tpas join api_scenario on tpas.api_scenario_id = api_scenario.id
where tpas.test_plan_id = #{planId} and (api_scenario.status != 'Trash' or api_scenario.status is null)
select tpas.id as s
from test_plan_api_scenario tpas
join api_scenario on tpas.api_scenario_id = api_scenario.id
where tpas.test_plan_id = #{planId}
and (api_scenario.status != 'Trash' or api_scenario.status is null)
union all
union all
select tpac.id as s
from test_plan_api_case tpac join api_test_case on tpac.api_case_id = api_test_case.id
join api_definition on api_test_case.api_definition_id = api_definition.id
where tpac.test_plan_id = #{planId} and (api_definition.status != 'Trash' or api_definition.status is null)
select tpac.id as s
from test_plan_api_case tpac
join api_test_case on tpac.api_case_id = api_test_case.id
join api_definition on api_test_case.api_definition_id = api_definition.id
where tpac.test_plan_id = #{planId}
and (api_definition.status != 'Trash' or api_definition.status is null)
union all
union all
select tplc.id as s
from test_plan_load_case tplc join load_test on tplc.load_case_id = load_test.id
where tplc.test_plan_id = #{planId}
) as temp
select tplc.id as s
from test_plan_load_case tplc
join load_test on tplc.load_case_id = load_test.id
where tplc.test_plan_id = #{planId}) as temp
<select id="getTestPlanPassCase" resultType="int">
select count(s)
from (
select id as s
from test_plan_test_case tptc
where tptc.plan_id = #{planId} and tptc.status = 'Pass'
union all
select id as s
from test_plan_api_scenario tpas
where tpas.test_plan_id = #{planId} and tpas.last_result = 'Success'
union all
select id as s
from test_plan_api_case tpac
where tpac.test_plan_id = #{planId} and tpac.status = 'success'
union all
select id as s
from test_plan_load_case tplc
where tplc.test_plan_id = #{planId} and tplc.status = 'success'
) as temp
from (select id as s
from test_plan_test_case tptc
where tptc.plan_id = #{planId}
and tptc.status = 'Pass'
union all
select id as s
from test_plan_api_scenario tpas
where tpas.test_plan_id = #{planId}
and tpas.last_result = 'Success'
union all
select id as s
from test_plan_api_case tpac
where tpac.test_plan_id = #{planId}
and tpac.status = 'success'
union all
select id as s
from test_plan_load_case tplc
where tplc.test_plan_id = #{planId}
and tplc.status = 'success') as temp
<select id="listForMinder" resultType="io.metersphere.track.dto.TestCaseDTO">
@ -894,13 +978,19 @@
<select id="getTestCaseStep" resultType="io.metersphere.base.domain.TestCaseWithBLOBs">
select id, prerequisite, steps, step_description, expected_result, step_model from test_case where id = #{id}
select id, prerequisite, steps, step_description, expected_result, step_model
from test_case
where id = #{id}
<select id="selectProjectIds" resultType="java.lang.String">
select DISTINCT project_id from test_case;
select DISTINCT project_id
from test_case;
<select id="getIdsOrderByUpdateTime" resultType="java.lang.String">
select id from test_case where project_id = #{projectId} order by update_time ASC;
select id
from test_case
where project_id = #{projectId}
order by update_time ASC;
<select id="getLastOrder" resultType="java.lang.Long">
@ -934,7 +1024,8 @@
project_version.id versionId
test_case AS test_case
inner join project_version on project_version.project_id = test_case.project_id and project_version.id = test_case.version_id
inner join project_version on project_version.project_id = test_case.project_id and project_version.id =
<include refid="notInQueryWhereCondition"></include>
<include refid="io.metersphere.base.mapper.ext.ExtBaseMapper.orders"/>
@ -961,27 +1052,27 @@
<update id="deleteToGc">
update test_case
set original_status=status,
status = 'Trash',
delete_time = #{request.deleteTime},
delete_user_id = #{request.deleteUserId}
status = 'Trash',
delete_time = #{request.deleteTime},
delete_user_id = #{request.deleteUserId}
where ref_id in (
select a.ref_id from (
select ref_id from test_case
select a.ref_id from (
select ref_id from test_case
<if test="request.id != null and request.id != ''">
id = #{request.id}
<if test="request.ids != null and request.ids.size() != 0">
and id in
<foreach collection="request.ids" item="id" separator="," open="(" close=")">
<if test="request.id != null and request.id != ''">
id = #{request.id}
<if test="request.ids != null and request.ids.size() != 0">
and id in
<foreach collection="request.ids" item="id" separator="," open="(" close=")">
) a
) a
<update id="deletePublic">
@ -992,7 +1083,7 @@
ref_id =#{request.refId}
<if test="request.versionId != null">
and version_id =#{request.versionId}
and version_id =#{request.versionId}
@ -1027,21 +1118,17 @@
<select id="countByWorkSpaceId" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
select count(distinct ref_id)
from test_case
where project_id in (
select id
from project
where workspace_id = #{workSpaceId})
where project_id in (select id
from project
where workspace_id = #{workSpaceId})
and case_public = true
and test_case.status != 'Trash'
<select id="trashCount" resultType="java.lang.Long">
count(DISTINCT ref_id)
project_id = #{projectId}
SELECT count(DISTINCT ref_id)
FROM test_case
WHERE project_id = #{projectId}
AND STATUS = 'Trash'
@ -1060,12 +1147,10 @@
<select id="selectRefIdsForVersionChange" resultType="java.lang.String">
FROM test_case
WHERE ref_id NOT IN (
FROM test_case
WHERE version_id = #{versionId}
AND project_id = #{projectId}
FROM test_case
WHERE version_id = #{versionId}
AND project_id = #{projectId})
AND project_id = #{projectId}
<select id="getMaintainerMap" resultType="io.metersphere.base.domain.TestCase">
@ -1087,8 +1172,8 @@
<select id="getForCompatibleCustomField" resultType="io.metersphere.track.dto.CustomFieldResourceCompatibleDTO">
select id, custom_fields
from test_case
where project_id = #{projectId}
limit #{offset},#{pageSize}
where project_id = #{projectId} limit #{offset}
, #{pageSize}
<update id="addLatestVersion">
Reference in New Issue
Block a user