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<a-upload v-bind="{ ...props }" :accept="UploadAcceptEnum[props.accept]">
<template #upload-button>
<div class="ms-upload-area">
<div class="ms-upload-icon-box">
<div class="ms-upload-icon ms-upload-icon--excel"></div>
<div v-if="props.mainText" class="ms-upload-main-text">{{ t(props.mainText) }}</div>
<div v-if="props.subText" class="ms-upload-sub-text">{{ t(props.subText) }}</div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/useI18n';
import { UploadAcceptEnum } from '@/enums/uploadEnum';
import type { UploadType } from './types';
const { t } = useI18n();
// 上传 组件 props
type UploadProps = Partial<{
mainText: string;
subText: string;
multiple: boolean;
limit: number;
imagePreview: boolean;
showFileList: boolean;
}> & {
accept: UploadType;
const props = defineProps<UploadProps>();
<style lang="less" scoped>
.ms-upload-area {
@apply flex w-full flex-col items-center justify-center;
height: 154px;
border: 1px dashed var(--color-text-input-border);
border-radius: var(--border-radius-small);
background-color: var(--color-text-n9);
.ms-upload-icon-box {
@apply rounded-full bg-white;
margin-bottom: 16px;
padding: 8px;
width: 48px;
height: 48px;
.ms-upload-icon {
@apply h-full w-full bg-cover bg-no-repeat;
background-image: url('@/assets/svg/icons/uploadfile.svg');
&--excel {
background-image: url('@/assets/svg/icons/excel.svg');
&--word {
background-image: url('@/assets/svg/icons/word.svg');
&--pdf {
background-image: url('@/assets/svg/icons/pdf.svg');
&--txt {
background-image: url('@/assets/svg/icons/txt.svg');
&--vedio {
background-image: url('@/assets/svg/icons/vedio.svg');
&--sql {
background-image: url('@/assets/svg/icons/sql.svg');
&--csv {
background-image: url('@/assets/svg/icons/csv.svg');
&--zip {
background-image: url('@/assets/svg/icons/zip.svg');
&--xmind {
background-image: url('@/assets/svg/icons/xmind.svg');
&--image {
background-image: url('@/assets/svg/icons/image.svg');
.ms-upload-main-text {
color: var(--color-text-1);
.ms-upload-sub-text {
margin-bottom: 6px;
font-size: 12px;
color: var(--color-text-4);
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
// 上传类型
export type UploadType = 'excel' | 'word' | 'pdf' | 'txt' | 'vedio' | 'sql' | 'csv' | 'zip' | 'xmind' | 'image';
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
export enum UploadAcceptEnum {
excel = '.xlsx,.xls',
word = '.docx,.doc',
pdf = '.pdf',
txt = '.txt',
vedio = '.mp4',
sql = '.sql',
csv = '.csv',
zip = '.zip',
xmind = '.xmind',
image = '.jpg,.png',
export default UploadAcceptEnum;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
class="ms-modal-form ms-modal-medium"
<a-form ref="inviteFormRef" class="rounded-[4px]" :model="emailForm" layout="vertical">
:rules="[{ required: true, message: t('system.user.createUserEmailNotNull') }]"
<a-input-tag v-model="emailForm.emails" :placeholder="t('system.user.inviteEmailPlaceholder')" allow-clear />
<a-form-item class="mb-0" field="userGroup" :label="t('system.user.createUserUserGroup')">
<a-option v-for="item of userGroupOptions" :key="item.value">{{ item.label }}</a-option>
<template #footer>
<a-button type="secondary" @click="cancelInvite">{{ t('system.user.inviteCancel') }}</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" @click="emailInvite">
{{ t('system.user.inviteSendEmail') }}
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, watch } from 'vue';
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash-es';
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/useI18n';
import { FormInstance, Message, ValidatedError } from '@arco-design/web-vue';
const { t } = useI18n();
const props = defineProps<{
visible: boolean;
const emit = defineEmits(['update:visible']);
const inviteVisible = ref(false);
const inviteLoading = ref(false);
const inviteFormRef = ref<FormInstance | null>(null);
const defaulInviteForm = {
emails: [],
userGroup: [],
const emailForm = ref(cloneDeep(defaulInviteForm));
const userGroupOptions = ref([
label: 'Beijing',
value: 'Beijing',
label: 'Shanghai',
value: 'Shanghai',
label: 'Guangzhou',
value: 'Guangzhou',
() => props.visible,
(val) => {
inviteVisible.value = val;
() => inviteVisible.value,
(val) => {
emit('update:visible', val);
function cancelInvite() {
inviteVisible.value = false;
emailForm.value = cloneDeep(defaulInviteForm);
function emailInvite() {
inviteFormRef.value?.validate(async (errors: Record<string, ValidatedError> | undefined) => {
if (!errors) {
try {
inviteLoading.value = true;
} catch (error) {
} finally {
inviteLoading.value = false;
<style lang="less" scoped></style>
@ -182,39 +182,6 @@
class="ms-modal-form ms-modal-medium"
<a-form ref="inviteFormRef" class="rounded-[4px]" :model="emailForm" layout="vertical">
:rules="[{ required: true, message: t('system.user.createUserEmailNotNull') }]"
<a-input-tag v-model="emailForm.emails" :placeholder="t('system.user.inviteEmailPlaceholder')" allow-clear />
<a-form-item class="mb-0" field="userGroup" :label="t('system.user.createUserUserGroup')">
<a-option v-for="item of userGroupOptions" :key="item.value">{{ item.label }}</a-option>
<template #footer>
<a-button type="secondary" @click="cancelInvite">{{ t('system.user.inviteCancel') }}</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" @click="emailInvite">
{{ t('system.user.inviteSendEmail') }}
@ -226,17 +193,13 @@
{{ t('system.user.importModalTip') }}
<a-button type="text" size="small">{{ t('system.user.importDownload') }} </a-button>
<a-upload action="/" accept=".xls,.xlsx" :show-file-list="false">
<template #upload-button>
<div class="ms-upload-area">
<div class="ms-upload-icon-box">
<div class="ms-upload-icon ms-upload-icon--excel"></div>
<div class="ms-upload-main-text">{{ t('system.user.importModalDragtext') }}</div>
<div class="ms-upload-sub-text">{{ t('system.user.importModalFileTip') }}</div>
<template #footer>
<a-button type="secondary" @click="cancelImport">{{ t('system.user.importModalCancel') }}</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" @click="importUser">
@ -288,6 +251,7 @@
<inviteModal v-model:visible="inviteVisible"></inviteModal>
@ -310,6 +274,8 @@
import { getUserList, batchCreateUser } from '@/api/modules/system/user';
import { validateEmail, validatePhone } from '@/utils/validate';
import batchModal from './components/batchModal.vue';
import inviteModal from './components/inviteModal.vue';
import MsUpload from '@/components/pure/ms-upload/index.vue';
import type { FormInstance, ValidatedError } from '@arco-design/web-vue';
import type { MsTableColumn } from '@/components/pure/ms-table/type';
@ -609,14 +575,6 @@
list: [0],
userGroup: [],
interface UserForm {
list: number[];
userGroup: string[];
[key: string]: any;
const userForm = ref<UserForm>(cloneDeep(defaulUserForm));
const userGroupOptions = ref([
label: 'Beijing',
@ -632,6 +590,14 @@
interface UserForm {
list: number[];
userGroup: string[];
[key: string]: any;
const userForm = ref<UserForm>(cloneDeep(defaulUserForm));
* 触发创建用户表单校验
* @param cb 校验通过后执行回调
@ -785,6 +751,11 @@
* 显示用户表单弹窗
* @param mode 模式,编辑或创建
* @param record 编辑时传入的用户信息
function showUserModal(mode: UserModalMode, record?: UserListItem) {
visible.value = true;
userFormMode.value = mode;
@ -797,28 +768,10 @@
const inviteVisible = ref(false);
const inviteLoading = ref(false);
const inviteFormRef = ref<FormInstance | null>(null);
const defaulInviteForm = {
emails: [],
userGroup: [],
const emailForm = ref(cloneDeep(defaulInviteForm));
function showEmailInviteModal() {
inviteVisible.value = true;
function emailInvite() {
function cancelInvite() {
inviteVisible.value = false;
emailForm.value = cloneDeep(defaulInviteForm);
const importVisible = ref(false);
const importLoading = ref(false);
const importResultVisible = ref(false);
@ -872,37 +825,4 @@
<style lang="less" scoped>
.ms-upload-area {
@apply flex w-full flex-col items-center justify-center;
height: 154px;
border: 1px dashed var(--color-text-input-border);
border-radius: var(--border-radius-small);
background-color: var(--color-text-n9);
.ms-upload-icon-box {
@apply rounded-full bg-white;
margin-bottom: 16px;
padding: 8px;
width: 48px;
height: 48px;
.ms-upload-icon {
@apply h-full w-full bg-cover bg-no-repeat;
background-image: url('@/assets/svg/icons/uploadfile.svg');
&--excel {
background-image: url('@/assets/svg/icons/excel.svg');
.ms-upload-main-text {
color: var(--color-text-1);
.ms-upload-sub-text {
margin-bottom: 6px;
font-size: 12px;
color: var(--color-text-4);
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