Star can make MiniExcel better 🙌
### 0.20.1
- [New] Support byte file import/export
- [New] SaveAs support to convert byte[] value to base64 string
- [New] Query support to convert base64 value to byte[]
- [New] OpenXmlConfiguration add `ConvertByteArrayToBase64String` to turn on/off base64 convertor
- [New] Query support ExcelInvalidCastException to store column, row index #309
### 0.20.0
- [New] SaveAs support image #304
- [Opt] Improve SaveAs efficiency
### 0.19.3-beta
- [Fix] Excelnumberformat 1.1.0 valid date expired (Valid from: 2018-04-10 08:00:00 to 2021-04-14 20:00:00) [link](https://github.com/andersnm/ExcelNumberFormat/issues/34)
### 0.19.2
- [New] SaveAsByTemplate support datareader [#I4HL54](https://gitee.com/dotnetchina/MiniExcel/issues/I4HL54)
### 0.19.1
- [New] QueryAsDataTable remove empty column keys. #298
- [Bug] Error NU3037: ExcelNumberFormat 1.1.0 #302
- [Bug] Prefix and suffix blank space will lost after SaveAs #294
### 0.19.0
- [New] SaveAs default style with autoFilter mode. #190
- [New] Add ConvertCsvToXlsx、ConvertXlsxToCsv method. #292
- [New] OpenXmlConfiguration add AutoFilter property.
- [Bug] Fix after CSV Query then SaveAs system will throw "Stream was not readable." exception. #293
- [Bug] Fix SaveAsByTemplate & convert to & [I4DQUN](https://gitee.com/dotnetchina/MiniExcel/issues/I4DQUN)
### 0.18.0
- [New] SaveAs support enum description #I49RYZ
- [New] Query strong type support multiple column names mapping to the same property. [#I40QA5](https://gitee.com/dotnetchina/MiniExcel/issues/I40QA5)
- [Breaking Change] SaveAs by empty IEnumerable