## Release Notes ### 0.2.2 - SavaAs support xl/sheet dimension - [Breaking Changes] SaveAs value type from object to DataTable & ICollection - Bug fix: ICollection with type but no data error (https://github.com/shps951023/MiniExcel/issues/105) ### 0.2.1 - Optimize type mapping bool and datetime auto check - Query Support xl/worksheets/Sheet Xml Xml `` without `r` attribute or without `` but `` with `r` attribute, but now performance is slow than with dimension ([](https://github.com/shps951023/MiniExcel/issues/2)) ### 0.2.0 - Release to nuget.org ### 0.1.0-preview - Add Query strongly typed mapping - Add QueryFirstOrDefault、QuerySingle、QuerySingleOrDefault ### 0.0.7-beta - Add QueryFirst method ### 0.0.6-beta - [Breaking Changes]Replace Create by SavaAs ### 0.0.5-beta - Release remove `assembly: InternalsVisibleTo` ### 0.0.4-beta - Support SaveAs Stream ### 0.0.3-beta - Support Query dynamic and IEnumrable lazy loading to avoid OOM - MiniExcelHelper.Create value type change to ICollection - Encode XML Value `' " > < &` - Check Multiple Sheet Index Order - Dynamic Query support A,B,C.. column name key - Support insert empty Rows between rows ### 0.0.2-beta - Remove System.IO.Packaging.Package Dependency, and replaced by System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive - Add MiniExcelHelper.Read Method ### 0.0.1-beta - Add MiniExcelHelper.Create ### 0.0.0 - Init