AngleSharp Dapper DocumentFormat.OpenXml Newtonsoft.Json System.Data.SqlClient Dapper Newtonsoft.Json System.Data.SqlClient System.Net.Http System.Threading.Tasks System.IO.Compression void Main() { using (var reader = new XlsxEasyRowsValueReader(@"D:\git\MiniExcel\samples\xlsx\TestCenterEmptyRow\TestCenterEmptyRow.xlsx")) { while (reader.Read()) { Console.WriteLine($"row : {reader.CurrentRowIndex}"); Console.Write("Cells : | "); for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { var v = reader.GetValue(i); Console.Write(v == null ? null : v); Console.Write(" | "); } Console.WriteLine(); } } } internal class Worksheet { public int RowCount { get; set; } public int FieldCount { get; set; } public Dictionary> Rows { get; set; } } // You can define other methods, fields, classes and namespaces here public class XlsxImpl { internal static Worksheet ConvertAsSheet(string path) { using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) using (ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Read, false, UTF8Encoding.UTF8)) { //sharedStrings must in memory cache Dictionary GetSharedStrings() { var sharedStringsEntry = archive.Entries.SingleOrDefault(w => w.FullName == "xl/sharedStrings.xml"); var xml = ConvertToString(sharedStringsEntry); var xl = XElement.Parse(xml); var ts = xl.Descendants(ExcelXName.T).Select((s, i) => new { i, v = s.Value?.ToString() }) .ToDictionary(s => s.i, s => s.v) ; return ts; } var sharedStrings = GetSharedStrings(); //notice: for performance just read first one and no care the order var rowIndexMaximum = int.MinValue; var columnIndexMaximum = int.MinValue; var datarows = new Dictionary>(); var firstSheetEntry = archive.Entries.First(w => w.FullName.StartsWith("xl/worksheets/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); { var xml = ConvertToString(firstSheetEntry); var xl = XElement.Parse(xml); foreach (var row in xl.Descendants(ExcelXName.Row)) { // var datarow = new Dictionary(); { var r = row.Attribute("r")?.Value?.ToString(); var rowIndex = int.MinValue; if (int.TryParse(r, out var _rowIndex)) rowIndex = _rowIndex - 1; // The row attribute is 1 - based rowIndexMaximum = Math.Max(rowIndexMaximum, rowIndex); datarows.Add(rowIndex, datarow); } foreach (var cell in row.Descendants(ExcelXName.C)) { var t = cell.Attribute("t")?.Value?.ToString(); var v = cell.Descendants(ExcelXName.V).SingleOrDefault()?.Value; if (t == "s") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v)) v = sharedStrings[int.Parse(v)]; } var r = cell.Attribute("r")?.Value?.ToString(); { var cellIndex = XlsxUtils.GetCellColumnIndex(r) - 1; columnIndexMaximum = Math.Max(columnIndexMaximum, cellIndex); datarow.Add(cellIndex, v); } } } } return new Worksheet { FieldCount=columnIndexMaximum+1,RowCount=rowIndexMaximum+1,Rows=datarows}; } } private static string ConvertToString(ZipArchiveEntry entry) { if (entry == null) return null; using (var eStream = entry.Open()) using (var reader = new StreamReader(eStream)) return reader.ReadToEnd(); } } internal static class XlsxUtils { /// /// Encode to XML (special characteres: ' " > < &) /// internal static string EncodeXML(object value) => value == null ? "" : value.ToString().Replace("&", "&").Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">").Replace("\"", """).Replace("'", "'"); /// X=CellLetter,Y=CellNumber,ex:A1=(1,1),B2=(2,2) internal static string ConvertXyToCell(Tuple xy) { return ConvertXyToCell(xy.Item1, xy.Item2); } /// X=CellLetter,Y=CellNumber,ex:A1=(1,1),B2=(2,2) internal static string ConvertXyToCell(int x, int y) { int dividend = x; string columnName = String.Empty; int modulo; while (dividend > 0) { modulo = (dividend - 1) % 26; columnName = Convert.ToChar(65 + modulo).ToString() + columnName; dividend = (int)((dividend - modulo) / 26); } return $"{columnName}{y}"; } /// X=CellLetter,Y=CellNumber,ex:A1=(1,1),B2=(2,2) internal static Tuple ConvertCellToXY(string cell) { return Tuple.Create(GetCellColumnIndex(cell), GetCellRowNumber(cell)); } internal static int GetColumnNumber(string name) { int number = -1; int pow = 1; for (int i = name.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { number += (name[i] - 'A' + 1) * pow; pow *= 26; } return number; } internal static int GetCellColumnIndex(string cell) { const string keys = " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; const int mode = 26; var x = 0; var cellLetter = GetCellColumnLetter(cell); //AA=27,ZZ=702 for (int i = 0; i < cellLetter.Length; i++) x = x * mode + keys.IndexOf(cellLetter[i]); return x; } internal static int GetCellRowNumber(string cell) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cell)) throw new Exception("cell is null or empty"); string cellNumber = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < cell.Length; i++) { if (Char.IsDigit(cell[i])) cellNumber += cell[i]; } return int.Parse(cellNumber); } internal static string GetCellColumnLetter(string cell) { string GetCellLetter = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < cell.Length; i++) { if (Char.IsLetter(cell[i])) GetCellLetter += cell[i]; } return GetCellLetter; } internal static string ConvertColumnName(int x) { int dividend = x; string columnName = String.Empty; int modulo; while (dividend > 0) { modulo = (dividend - 1) % 26; columnName = Convert.ToChar(65 + modulo).ToString() + columnName; dividend = (int)((dividend - modulo) / 26); } return columnName; } } internal static class ExcelXName { internal readonly static XNamespace ExcelNamespace = XNamespace.Get(""); internal readonly static XNamespace ExcelRelationshipsNamepace = XNamespace.Get(""); internal readonly static XName Row; internal readonly static XName R; internal readonly static XName V; internal readonly static XName T; internal readonly static XName C; internal readonly static XName Dimension; static ExcelXName() { Row = XNamespace.Get("") + "row"; R = XNamespace.Get("") + "r"; V = XNamespace.Get("") + "v"; T = XNamespace.Get("") + "t"; C = XNamespace.Get("") + "c"; Dimension = XNamespace.Get("") + "dimension"; } } public class XlsxEasyRowsValueReader : IDataReader { private static Worksheet[] _Sheets = new Worksheet[1]; private Dictionary> _Rows {get{return _Sheets[0].Rows;}} public XlsxEasyRowsValueReader(string filePath) { _Sheets[0] = XlsxImpl.ConvertAsSheet(filePath); } public int RowCount {get{return _Sheets[0].RowCount;}} public int FieldCount {get{return _Sheets[0].FieldCount;}} public int Depth { get; private set; } public int CurrentRowIndex { get { return Depth - 1; } } public object this[int i] => GetValue(i); public object this[string name] => GetValue(GetOrdinal(name)); public bool Read() { if (Depth == RowCount) return false; Depth++; return true; } public string GetName(int i) => XlsxUtils.ConvertColumnName(i + 1); public int GetOrdinal(string name) =>XlsxUtils.GetCellColumnIndex(name); public object GetValue(int i) { //if (CurrentRowIndex < 0) // throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid attempt to read when no data is present."); if (!_Rows.Keys.Contains(CurrentRowIndex)) return null; if (_Rows[this.CurrentRowIndex].TryGetValue(i, out var v)) return v; return null; } public int GetValues(object[] values) { return this.Depth; } //TODO: multiple sheets public bool NextResult() => false; public void Dispose() { } public void Close() { } public int RecordsAffected => throw new NotImplementedException(); bool IDataReader.IsClosed => this.RowCount - 1 == this.Depth; public string GetString(int i) => (string)GetValue(i); public bool GetBoolean(int i) => (bool)GetValue(i); public byte GetByte(int i) => (byte)GetValue(i); public long GetBytes(int i, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferoffset, int length) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public char GetChar(int i) => (char)GetValue(i); public long GetChars(int i, long fieldoffset, char[] buffer, int bufferoffset, int length) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public IDataReader GetData(int i) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public string GetDataTypeName(int i) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public DateTime GetDateTime(int i) => (DateTime)GetValue(i); public decimal GetDecimal(int i) => (decimal)GetValue(i); public double GetDouble(int i) => (double)GetValue(i); public Type GetFieldType(int i) { var v = GetValue(i); return v == null ? typeof(string) : v.GetType(); } public float GetFloat(int i) => (float)GetValue(i); public Guid GetGuid(int i) => (Guid)GetValue(i); public short GetInt16(int i) => (short)GetValue(i); public int GetInt32(int i) => (int)GetValue(i); public long GetInt64(int i) => (long)GetValue(i); public DataTable GetSchemaTable() { var dataTable = new DataTable("SchemaTable"); dataTable.Locale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; dataTable.Columns.Add("ColumnName", typeof(string)); dataTable.Columns.Add("ColumnOrdinal", typeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < this.FieldCount; i++) { dataTable.Rows.Add(this.GetName(i), i); } DataColumnCollection columns = dataTable.Columns; foreach (DataColumn item in columns) { item.ReadOnly = true; } return dataTable; } public bool IsDBNull(int i) => GetValue(i) == null; } internal static class DictionaryHelper { public static TValue GetValueOrDefault (this IDictionary dictionary, TKey key, TValue defaultValue) { TValue value; return dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value) ? value : defaultValue; } public static TValue GetValueOrDefault (this IDictionary dictionary, TKey key, Func defaultValueProvider) { TValue value; return dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value) ? value : defaultValueProvider(); } }