5fffb9dc-a56f-4ffa-a582-f9da6bc9fdad true true sa AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAyumoRWrbXEqda8ynsoawYAAAAAACAAAAAAAQZgAAAAEAACAAAACumZoBhp4lj0R4mTg98suX0pykwksNIARbRIh49xu5/QAAAAAOgAAAAAIAACAAAADoNABocqodkXYmDtdW0GqBvGuMfAJeL++I3kdCYqM4rxAAAADANn2PCQ6OByhczsa8iMQPQAAAAKx4dlXxPcHN4uDHZRcYbnhkQZ52tjk6YEm+q+GruBVhVPrtz22hjCT4VMaK2N6EtZF2Rfr2P8fUTQH/ZPns5GA= kn2015 Dapper MiniExcel System.Data.SqlClient Xunit System.Data System.Diagnostics System.IO System.Linq.Expressions System.Text System.Text.RegularExpressions System.Threading System.Transactions System.Xml System.Xml.Linq System.Xml.XPath //[c# Reflection - Find the Generic Type of a Collection - Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2561070/c-sharp-reflection-find-the-generic-type-of-a-collection) #load "xunit" #region private::Tests [Fact] void ValueGenericTypeTest() { var strings = new List(); var props = Helpers.GetSubtypeGetProperties(strings); Assert.Equal(0,props.Length); } public class TestType { public string A { get; set; } public string B { get; set; } } [Fact()] void IListUpcastingTest() { IList datas = new List(); var props = Helpers.GetSubtypeGetProperties(datas).ToList(); Assert.Equal(2, props.Count()); Assert.Equal("A", props[0].Name); Assert.Equal("B", props[1].Name); } [Fact()] void ArrayTest() { ICollection datas = new[] { new { A = "1", B = "2" } }; var props = Helpers.GetSubtypeGetProperties(datas); Assert.Equal(2, props.Count()); } [Fact()] void OnlyValidOGenericTypes_Test() { ICollection datas = new[] { new { A = "1", B = "2" } }; var df = datas.GetType().GetGenericTypeDefinition(); //InvalidOperationException: This operation is only valid on generic types. } [Fact()] void DictionaryTest() { ICollection datas = new[] { new Dictionary() { { "A", "A" }, { "B", "B" } } }; var props = Helpers.GetSubtypeGetProperties(datas); } #endregion internal static class Helpers { public static PropertyInfo[] GetSubtypeGetProperties(ICollection value) { var collectionType = value.GetType(); Type gType; if (collectionType.IsGenericTypeDefinition || collectionType.IsGenericType) gType = collectionType.GetGenericArguments().Single(); else if (collectionType.IsArray) gType = collectionType.GetElementType(); else throw new NotImplementedException($"{collectionType.Name} type not implemented,please issue for me, https://github.com/shps951023/MiniExcel/issues"); if (typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(gType)) throw new NotImplementedException($"{gType.Name} type not implemented,please issue for me, https://github.com/shps951023/MiniExcel/issues"); var props = gType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); return props; } } void Main() { //RunTests(); // Call RunTests() or press Alt+Shift+T to initiate testing. } // You can define other methods, fields, classes and namespaces here