Star can make MiniExcel better 🙌
### 0.16.0
- [New] Query support custom datetime format mapping datetime type #256
- [Bug] Fix Query call convertValueByStyleFormat method repeatedly, cause waste of resources #259
### 0.15.5
- [Bug] Chinese env datetime format InvalidCastException #257
### 0.15.4
- [Breaking Change] Set CSV Reader/Writer default encoding : UTF-8 => UTF-8-BOM
- [Breaking Change] Rename CsvConfiguration GetStreamReaderFunc => StreamReaderFunc
- [New] Csv SaveAs support custom StreamWriter
### 0.15.3
- [New] Csv SaveAs support datareader
### 0.15.2
- [New] Support Custom Datetime format #241
- [Bug] Csv type mapping Query error "cannot be converted to xxx type" #243
- [Bug] No error exception throw when reading xls file #242
- [Breaking Change] Stream cannot know the file type, please specify ExcelType manually
### 0.15.1
- [Bug] Fix Sheetxml writer error, it contains two ">" #240
### 0.15.0
- [New] SaveAs change default style and provide style options enum #132
- [New] Support SaveAs by DataSet #235
### 0.14.8
- [Bug] Fix csv Query split comma not correct #237 #I3R95M
- [Bug] QueryAsDataTable type check problem, e.g A2=5.5 , A3=0.55/1.1 will case double type check error #233
### 0.14.7
- [New] SaveAs Support Create Multiple Sheets
- [Breaking Change] Change GetSheetNames type IEnumerable