2024-07-07 13:29:28 +08:00

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## Release Notes
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### 1.33.0
- [New] Support Template formulas (#622) (via @meld-cp)
- [New] Update DynamicConfiguration format (#595) (via @wangboshun)
- [OPT] CSV enumeration and code reusage (#600) (via @duszekmestre)
- [OPT] 1900 year DateTime correction #599 (via @duszekmestre)
### 1.32.1
- [New] .NET5^ support image `ReadOnlySpan<byte>` (via @shps951023)
- [Bug] Remove bug with Portable.System.DateTimeOnly and only support DateOnly .NET6^ #594 (via @shps951023)
### 1.32.0
- [New] Using DynamicConfiguration when writing data using DataTable (via @pszybiak)
- [New] Make System.DateOnly available as date in Excel (#576) (via @ofthelit)
- [New] Allow ampersand in sheet names (via @ofthelit)
- [OPT] Use true async processing for excel writer (#573) (via @duszekmestre)
- [Bug] Fix nullable enumeration conversion failure #567) (via @PurplestViper)
- [Bug] IEnumerable traversed twice #422 (via @Discolai)
- [Bug] Fix Read empty string as null (via @pszybiak)
- [Bug] Fix CSV Reader Query faild on specific xlsx file, throws ExcelColumnNotFoundException (via @AZhrZho)
- [Bug] Fix DynamicExcelColumn configuration while saving IDictionary values (via @johannes-barta)
- [Bug] Fix propInfo.Key missing (via @shps951023)
- [Bug] Fix sharedStrings ref #549 (via @shps951023)
### 1.31.3
- [Bug] DescriptionAttr null check(via @wulaoh)
- [Bug] Throw custom exception when CSV column not found #543 (via @pszybiak)
- [Bug] SaveAsByTemplate rowInfo.IEnumerableMercell.Height null exception #553 (via @shps951023)
### 1.31.2
- [New] Support automatic merge for same vertical cells between @merge and @endmerge tags (via @eynarhaji)
- [New] Limit merge tagged columns with @mergelimit column. First merge limited column and then merge other columns accordingly. (via @eynarhaji)
- [New] Support dynamic columns when generating sheet by IDataReader to change columns names & widths #514 (via @Laxynium)
- [Bug] Fix R1C1 reference to A1 reference bug (via @ivan132)
### 1.31.1
- [OPT] Support property cache #23 (via @RRQM_Home)
### 1.31.0
- [New] Support Fields #490 (via @jsgervais)
- [New] Support skipping null values when writing to Excel #497 (via @0MG-DEN)
- [Bug] Fix calc chain.xml #491(via @ArgoZhang)
- [Bug] Support some sheet `/xl` location error #494 (via @ArgoZhang)
### 1.30.3
- [New] support if/else statements inside cell (via @eynarhaji)
### 1.30.2
- [New] support grouped rows (via @eynarhaji)
- [New] support automatic merge for same vertical cells (via @eynarhaji)
### 1.30.1
- [New] support function to custom separator (via @hyzx86)
- [New] support config for get sheet names (via @H4ad)
### 1.30.0
- [New] Remove .NET 5.0 support
- [New] support excel enum description string to enum #289 (via @KaneLeung)
### 1.29.0
- [New] SaveAs support FastMode
- [Bug] Fixed SaveAs OOM problem
### 1.28.2
- [New] Support Assembly Strong Name Signature #450
- [New] Support QueryRange (via @1ras1)
### 1.28.1
- [Optimization] Reduce string memory allocation when template save #439 (via @cupsos)
- [Optimization] Remove dependency System.Memory #441 (via @ping9719)
### 1.28.0
- [New] Support CSV Insert #I4X92G (via @shps951023)
### 1.27.0
- [New] Support DateTimeOffset and ExcelFormat #430 (via @Lightczx , @shps951023 )
- [Optimization] SaveAs by datareader support dimension #231 (via @shps951023)
### 1.26.7
- [OPT] Reduce memory allocation when using MemoryStream #427 (via @cupsos)
- [OPT] Add System.Memory pacakge #427 (via @cupsos)
- [OPT] Reduce memory allocation in GetImageFormat() #427 (via @cupsos)
- [Bug] Fixed MiniExcel.SaveAsByTemplate error when value is List<Dictionary<string, object>> #413 (via @shps951023)
### 1.26.6
- [OPT] Template save performance #425 (via @lileyzhao)
### 1.26.5
- [New] Added DataReader AutoFilter toggle #402 #401 (via @Rollerss)
- [New] SaveAs support empty sharedstring #405
### 1.26.4
- [Bug] Using stream.SaveAs will close the Stream automatically when Specifying excelType
- [OPT] Optimize Query big file _IntMappingAlphabet.Count hot loading count (#400 via @CollapseNav)
### 1.26.3
- [OPT] Export default buffersize from 1024 bytes -> 1024 * 512 bytes
- [New] Export support custom buffersize
- [New] SaveAsByTemplate number use InvariantCulture (via @psxbox)
### 1.26.2
- [Bug] Fixed DynamicColumnAttribute Ignore, Index error #377
### 1.26.1
- [New] DynamicColumnAttribute support Dictionary #370
- [Bug] Fixed MiniExcelDataReader SqlBulkCopy error (via @yfl8910)
### 1.26.0
- [New] Support DynamicColumnAttribute (via @y976362357, @shps951023)
- [New] Support ExcelColumnAttribute to merge attributes (#357 via @Weilence)
- [OPT] Only when necessary system will converts ExpandoObject type (#366 via @isdaniel)
- [OPT] Optimize startsWith & EndWith performance (#365 via @isdaniel)
### 1.25.2
- [New] Remove overdue ExcelNumberFormat Dependency #271
### 1.25.1
- [Bug] Fixed QueryAsDataTable read big file will throw NotImplementedException #360
### 1.25.0
- [New] Support SharingStrings disk cache (when this file size >= 5 MB), it can reduce reading 2GB SharingStrings only needs 1~13 MB memory #117(#346 via @Weilence) (via @shps951023)
- [New] Async support cancellationToken (#350 via @isdaniel)
- [New] SaveAs support overwriteFile parameter for enable/unable overwriting exist file #307
- [Bug] SaveAs by datareader, sometime it will add one more autoFilter column #352
### 1.24.3
- [Bug] Fixed multiple threads Async error 'The given key N was not present in the dictionary' #344
- [Bug] Fixed when CultureInfo likes`ff-Latn` , datareader field type is datetime that will get error OA Date format #343
### 1.24.2
- [Bug] Fiexd Query multiple same title will cause startcell to get wrong column index #I4YCLQ
- [OPT] Optimize Query<T> algorithm
### 1.24.1
- [Bug] Fiexd QueryAsync configulation not working #338
- [Bug] Fixed QueryAsync not return dynamic type
### 1.24.0
- [New] Query support strict open xml, thanks [Weilence (Lowell)]( #335
- [New] SaveAs use the configured CultureInfo to write format cell value, thanks [0xced (Cédric Luthi)]( #333
- [New] SaveAsByTemplate default ignore template missing parameter key exception, OpenXmlConfiguration.IgnoreTemplateParameterMissing can control it. #I4WXFB
- [New] SaveAsByTemplate will clean template string when parameter is IEnumerable and empty collection. #I4WM67
### 1.23.3
- [Bug] SaveAs CSV when value is DataTable, if Key contains `"` then column name will not show `"`#I4WDA9
### 1.23.2
- [New] Support System.ComponentModel.DisplayName's `[DisplayName]` as title [#I4TXGT](
- [Bug] Fix when CultureInfo like `Czech` will get invalid output with decimal numbers #331
### 1.23.0
- [New] Support `GetReader` method #328 #290 (Thanks [杨福来 Yang]( )
### 1.22.0
- [New] SaveAs support to custom CultureInfo #316
- [New] Query support to custom CultureInfo #316
- [New] New efficiency byte array Converter #327
- [Breaking Change] Remove Byte Array to base64 Converter
- [Breaking Change] Replace `ConvertByteArrayToBase64String` by `EnableConvertByteArray`
### 0.21.5
- [Bug] Fix SaveAs multiple sheet value error "Excel completed file level validation and repair. Some parts of this workbook may have been repaired or discarded." #325
### 0.21.4
- [New] Remove LISENCE_CODE check
### 0.21.1
- [New] Check License Code
### 0.21.0
- [New] ExcelFormat support DateTimeOffset/Decimal/double etc. type format #I49RZH #312 #305
- [New] Support byte file import/export
- [New] SaveAs support to convert byte[] value to base64 string
- [New] Query support to convert base64 value to byte[]
- [New] OpenXmlConfiguration add `ConvertByteArrayToBase64String` to turn on/off base64 convertor
- [New] Query support ExcelInvalidCastException to store column, row, value data #309
### 0.20.0
- [New] SaveAs support image #304
- [Opt] Improve SaveAs efficiency
### 0.19.3-beta
- [Fix] Excelnumberformat 1.1.0 valid date expired (Valid from: 2018-04-10 08:00:00 to 2021-04-14 20:00:00) [link](
### 0.19.2
- [New] SaveAsByTemplate support datareader [#I4HL54](
### 0.19.1
- [New] QueryAsDataTable remove empty column keys. #298
- [Bug] Error NU3037: ExcelNumberFormat 1.1.0 #302
- [Bug] Prefix and suffix blank space will lost after SaveAs #294
### 0.19.0
- [New] SaveAs default style with autoFilter mode. #190
- [New] Add ConvertCsvToXlsx、ConvertXlsxToCsv method. #292
- [New] OpenXmlConfiguration add AutoFilter property.
- [Bug] Fix after CSV Query then SaveAs system will throw "Stream was not readable." exception. #293
- [Bug] Fix SaveAsByTemplate & convert to &amp; [I4DQUN](
### 0.18.0
- [New] SaveAs support enum description #I49RYZ
- [New] Query strong type support multiple column names mapping to the same property. [#I40QA5](
- [Breaking Change] SaveAs by empty IEnumerable<StrongType> will generate header now empty rows now. #133
- [Bug] SaveAs sheet enum mapping cell number type #286
### 0.17.5
- [Bug] Fix xlsx file header column name with `&,<,>,",'`, the file cannot be opened.
### 0.17.4
- [Bug] Fix v0.17.3 SaveAs xlsx file will cause "XML error : Catastrophic failure"
### 0.17.3
- [New] Support set column width #280
- [Bug] Fix csv not support QueryAsDataTable #279
- [OPT] Clearer exception message when file is illegal excel zip format. #272
### 0.17.2
- [Bug] Fix v0.16.0-0.17.1 custom format contains specific format (eg:`#,##0.000_);[Red]\(#,##0.000\)`), automatic converter will convert double to datetime #267
### 0.17.1
- [New] Add QueryAsDataTableAsync(this Stream stream..)
- [OPT] More clear strong type conversion error message [#I3X2ZL](
### 0.17.0
- [New] Support Async/Task #52, contributor: [isdaniel ( SHIH,BING-SIOU)](
### 0.16.1
- [New] SaveAsByTemplate support DateTime custom format #255, contributor: [网虫 (landde) -](
### 0.16.0
- [New] Query support custom datetime format mapping datetime type #256
- [Bug] Fix Query call convertValueByStyleFormat method repeatedly, cause waste of resources #259
### 0.15.5
- [Bug] Chinese env datetime format InvalidCastException #257
### 0.15.4
- [Breaking Change] Set CSV Reader/Writer default encoding : UTF-8 => UTF-8-BOM
- [Breaking Change] Rename CsvConfiguration GetStreamReaderFunc => StreamReaderFunc
- [New] Csv SaveAs support custom StreamWriter
### 0.15.3
- [New] Csv SaveAs support datareader
### 0.15.2
- [New] Support Custom Datetime format #241
- [Bug] Csv type mapping Query error "cannot be converted to xxx type" #243
- [Bug] No error exception throw when reading xls file #242
- [Breaking Change] Stream cannot know the file type, please specify ExcelType manually
### 0.15.1
- [Bug] Fix Sheetxml writer error, it contains two ">" #240
### 0.15.0
- [New] SaveAs change default style and provide style options enum #132
- [New] Support SaveAs by DataSet #235
### 0.14.8
- [Bug] Fix csv Query split comma not correct #237 #I3R95M
- [Bug] QueryAsDataTable type check problem, e.g A2=5.5 , A3=0.55/1.1 will case double type check error #233
### 0.14.7
- [New] SaveAs Support Create Multiple Sheets
- [Breaking Change] Change GetSheetNames type IEnumerable<string> -> List<string>
### 0.14.6
- [Bug] Fix SaveAs by datareader error "Invalid attempt to call FieldCount when reader is closed" #230
### 0.14.5
- [Breaking Change] Rename OpenXmlConfiguration FillMergedCells
### 0.14.4
- [New] Query support Fill Merged Cells Down [#122](
- [Bug] Fix QueryAsDataTable error "Cannot set Column to be null" #229
### 0.14.3
- [Opt] Support Xlsm AutoCheck #227
- [Bug] Fix SaveAsByTemplate single column demension index error [#226](
### 0.14.2
- [Bug] Fix webform gridview datasource can't use QueryAsDataTable [#223](
### 0.14.1
- [Bug] Fix custom m/d format not convert datetime [#222](
### 0.14.0
- [New] Query、GetColumns support startCell [#147](
- [New] GetColumns support read headers
### 0.13.5
- [New] Support QueryAsDataTable method [#216](
- [New] SaveAs support IDataReader value parameter [#211](
- [Bug] Fix numeric format string will be cast to numeric type [#I3OSKV](
- [Opt] Optimize SaveAs convert value type logic to improve performance
### 0.13.4
- [Changed] DataTable use Caption for column name first, then use columname #217
- [New] Type Query support Enum mapping #89
- [OPT] Optimize stream excel type check #215
### 0.13.3
- [New] Support open with read only mode, avoid error of The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process [#87](
- [Breaking Change] Change CSV SaveAs datetime default format : "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
- [Bug] Fixed SaveAsByTemplate when merge cells will cause collection rendering error [#207](
- [Bug] Fixed MiniExcel.SaveAs(path, value,sheetName:"Name"), the actual sheetName is Sheet1
### 0.13.2
- [Bug] Fix Column more than 255 rows cannot be read error [#208](
### 0.13.1
- [New] SaveAsByTemplate by template bytes, convenient to cache and support multiple users to read the same template at the same time #189
- [New] SaveAsByTemplate support input `IEnmerable<IDicionary<string,object>> or DapperRows or DataTable` parameters [#201](
- [Bug] Fix after stream SaveAs/SaveAsByTemplate, miniexcel will close stream [#200](
### 0.13.0
- [New] Support .NET Framework 4.5
- [Bug] Fix template excel that with namespace prefix will cause parsing error #193
- [OPT] Optimize template paresing performance
### 0.12.2
- [Bug] Template concating cell value type problem #179
- [Bug] Template fix non-nullable numeric type cell type is 'str' #180
### 0.12.1
- [OPT] Optimize performance of filling excel
- [OPT] Template IEnumerable generate support type auto mapping (Issue #177)
- [New] Support GetColumns method #174
- [New] Template support $rowindex keyword to get current row index
- [Bug] Dimension without x prefix #175
### 0.12.0-beta
- [New] Support `Filling Excel` by SaveAsByTemplate method to fill data into excel by xlsx template
### 0.11.1
- [New] Support ColumnIndex Attribute [#142]( & [#I3I3EB](
- [Bug] Fix issue #157 : Special conditions will get the wrong worksheet name
- [Update] issue #150 : SaveAs input IEnuerable<valuetype> should throw clear msg exception
### 0.11.0
- [New] Added GetSheetNames method support multi-sheets Query
- [New] Query support by sheet name
- [New] Csv SaveAs support DataTable/Dictionary parameters
- [New] CsvConfiguration support custom newLine & seperator & GetStreamReaderFunc
- [OPT] Optimize SaveAs/Query excel file type auto-check
### 0.10.3(Don't use this version)
- [Bug] Fix Query SharedStrings control character not encoding (issue [Issue #149](
### 0.10.2(Don't use this version)
- [Bug] Fix SharedStrings get wrong index (issue [#153](
- [Bug] SaveAs support control character encoding (issue [Issue #149](
### 0.10.1(Don't use this version)
- [New] SaveAs support POCO excel column name/ignore attribute
### 0.10.0(Don't use this version)
- [New] Query dynamic with first head will ignore blank/whitespace columns
- [New] Query type mapping support Custom POCO excel column name/ignore attribute
### 0.9.1(Don't use this version)
- [Bug] Solve cannot convert Cell value to Nullable<T> (issue #138)
### 0.9.0(Don't use this version)
- [Bug] Solve System.IO.Compression referencing twice (issue #97)
- [Bug] StrongTypeMapping Query empty row will be generated repeatedly
### 0.8.0(Don't use this version)
- [New] Add MiniExcel.Query by file path method
### 0.7.0(Don't use this version)
- Optimize SaveAs logic
- [Breaking Change] SaveAs value parameter change type check logic
### 0.6.0(Don't use this version)
- [New] SaveAs support parameter IEnumerable deferred execution
- [Breaking Change] Remove SaveAs by object, now only support Datatable,IEnumerable<T>,ICollection<T>
- [Bug] Fix empty rows generate excel error (issue: #128)
### 0.5.0(Don't use this version)
- [New] Support OpenXml Xlsx SaveAs writer mode that avoids OOM
- [Breaking Change] Remove SaveAs startCell parameter
- [Bug] Fix SaveAs dimension printHeader:true not correct
### 0.4.0(Don't use this version)
- [New] Support create CSV by file path or stream
- [New] Support csv custom configuration setting
- [New] Support auto/manual specify excel type (xlsx or csv)
- [Breaking Changes] Remove Query First/FirstOrDefault/Single/SingleOrDefault, user can use LINQ method do it.
### 0.3.0(Don't use this version)
- [New] Support SaveAs by IEnumerable of DapperRow and IDictionary<string,object>
- [New] Support dynamic query timespan style format mapping to timespan type.
### 0.2.3(Don't use this version)
- [Bug] Fix ShMemory leak and static problem.
- [New] Support style datetime format mapping to datetime type.
### 0.2.2(Don't use this version)
- SavaAs support xl/sheet dimension
- [Breaking Changes] SaveAs value type from object to DataTable & ICollection
- [Bug] Fix ICollection with type but no data error (
### 0.2.1(Don't use this version)
- [Optimize] Optimize type mapping bool and datetime auto check
- [New] Query Support xl/worksheets/Sheet Xml Xml `<c>` without `r` attribute or without `<dimension>` but `<c>` with `r` attribute, but now performance is slow than with dimension ([](
### 0.2.0(Don't use this version)
- Release to
### 0.1.0-preview(Don't use this version)
- [New] Add Query strongly typed mapping
- [New] Add QueryFirstOrDefault、QuerySingle、QuerySingleOrDefault
### 0.0.7-beta(Don't use this version)
- [New] Add QueryFirst method
### 0.0.6-beta(Don't use this version)
- [Breaking Changes] Replace Create by SavaAs
### 0.0.5-beta(Don't use this version)
- Release remove `assembly: InternalsVisibleTo`
### 0.0.4-beta(Don't use this version)
- [New] Support SaveAs Stream
### 0.0.3-beta(Don't use this version)
- [New] Support Query dynamic and IEnumrable Deferred Execution to avoid OOM
- [New] MiniExcelHelper.Create value type change to ICollection
- [New] Encode XML Value `&apos; &quot; &gt; &lt; &amp;`
- [New] Check Multiple Sheet Index Order
- [New] Dynamic Query support A,B,C.. column name key
- [New] Support insert empty Rows between rows
### 0.0.2-beta(Don't use this version)
- [New] Add MiniExcelHelper.Read Method
- [Breaking Changes] Remove System.IO.Packaging.Package Dependency, and replaced by System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive
### 0.0.1-beta(Don't use this version)
- [New] Add MiniExcelHelper.Create
### 0.0.0
- Init