MiniExcel/drafts/【MiniExcel】XmlReader Read Styles.linq

370 lines
11 KiB

<Query Kind="Program">
#load "xunit"
void Main()
var path = @"D:\git\MiniExcel\MiniExcel\samples\xlsx\TestDatetimeSpanFormat_ClosedXml.xlsx";
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(path))
using (var zip = new ExcelOpenXmlZip(stream))
var style = new ExcelOpenXmlStyles(zip);
var value = style.ConvertValueByStyleFormat(1,"44274.8758969329");
namespace MiniExcelLibs.OpenXml
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml;
internal class ExcelOpenXmlStyles
const string NsSpreadsheetMl = "";
private static Dictionary<int, StyleRecord> _cellXfs = new Dictionary<int, StyleRecord>();
private static Dictionary<int, StyleRecord> _cellStyleXfs = new Dictionary<int, StyleRecord>();
private static readonly XmlReaderSettings XmlSettings = new XmlReaderSettings
IgnoreComments = true,
IgnoreWhitespace = true,
XmlResolver = null,
public ExcelOpenXmlStyles(ExcelOpenXmlZip zip)
using (var Reader = zip.GetXmlReader(@"xl/styles.xml"))
if (!Reader.IsStartElement("styleSheet", NsSpreadsheetMl))
if (!XmlReaderHelper.ReadFirstContent(Reader))
while (!Reader.EOF)
if (Reader.IsStartElement("cellXfs", NsSpreadsheetMl))
if (!XmlReaderHelper.ReadFirstContent(Reader))
var index = 0;
while (!Reader.EOF)
if (Reader.IsStartElement("xf", NsSpreadsheetMl))
int.TryParse(Reader.GetAttribute("xfId"), out var xfId);
int.TryParse(Reader.GetAttribute("numFmtId"), out var numFmtId);
_cellXfs.Add(index, new StyleRecord() { XfId = xfId, NumFmtId = numFmtId });
else if (!XmlReaderHelper.SkipContent(Reader))
else if (Reader.IsStartElement("cellStyleXfs", NsSpreadsheetMl))
if (!XmlReaderHelper.ReadFirstContent(Reader))
var index = 0;
while (!Reader.EOF)
if (Reader.IsStartElement("xf", NsSpreadsheetMl))
int.TryParse(Reader.GetAttribute("xfId"), out var xfId);
int.TryParse(Reader.GetAttribute("numFmtId"), out var numFmtId);
_cellStyleXfs.Add(index, new StyleRecord() { XfId = xfId, NumFmtId = numFmtId });
else if (!XmlReaderHelper.SkipContent(Reader))
else if (!XmlReaderHelper.SkipContent(Reader))
public NumberFormatString GetStyleFormat(int index)
if (_cellXfs.TryGetValue(index, out var styleRecord))
if (Formats.TryGetValue(styleRecord.NumFmtId, out var numberFormat))
return numberFormat;
return null;
return null;
public object ConvertValueByStyleFormat(int index, object value)
var sf = this.GetStyleFormat(index);
if (sf.Type == typeof(DateTime?))
if (double.TryParse(value?.ToString(), out var s))
return DateTimeHelper.FromOADate(s);
return value;
private static Dictionary<int, NumberFormatString> Formats { get; } = new Dictionary<int, NumberFormatString>()
{ 0, new NumberFormatString("General",typeof(string)) },
{ 1, new NumberFormatString("0",typeof(decimal?)) },
{ 2, new NumberFormatString("0.00",typeof(decimal?)) },
{ 3, new NumberFormatString("#,##0",typeof(decimal?)) },
{ 4, new NumberFormatString("#,##0.00",typeof(decimal?)) },
{ 5, new NumberFormatString("\"$\"#,##0_);(\"$\"#,##0)",typeof(decimal?)) },
{ 6, new NumberFormatString("\"$\"#,##0_);[Red](\"$\"#,##0)",typeof(decimal?)) },
{ 7, new NumberFormatString("\"$\"#,##0.00_);(\"$\"#,##0.00)",typeof(decimal?)) },
{ 8, new NumberFormatString("\"$\"#,##0.00_);[Red](\"$\"#,##0.00)",typeof(string)) },
{ 9, new NumberFormatString("0%",typeof(decimal?)) },
{ 10, new NumberFormatString("0.00%",typeof(string)) },
{ 11, new NumberFormatString("0.00E+00",typeof(string)) },
{ 12, new NumberFormatString("# ?/?",typeof(string)) },
{ 13, new NumberFormatString("# ??/??",typeof(string)) },
{ 14, new NumberFormatString("d/m/yyyy",typeof(DateTime?)) },
{ 15, new NumberFormatString("d-mmm-yy",typeof(DateTime?)) },
{ 16, new NumberFormatString("d-mmm",typeof(DateTime?)) },
{ 17, new NumberFormatString("mmm-yy",typeof(TimeSpan)) },
{ 18, new NumberFormatString("h:mm AM/PM",typeof(TimeSpan)) },
{ 19, new NumberFormatString("h:mm:ss AM/PM",typeof(TimeSpan)) },
{ 20, new NumberFormatString("h:mm",typeof(TimeSpan)) },
{ 21, new NumberFormatString("h:mm:ss",typeof(TimeSpan)) },
{ 22, new NumberFormatString("m/d/yy h:mm",typeof(DateTime?)) },
// 23..36 international/unused
{ 37, new NumberFormatString("#,##0_);(#,##0)",typeof(string)) },
{ 38, new NumberFormatString("#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)",typeof(string)) },
{ 39, new NumberFormatString("#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)",typeof(string)) },
{ 40, new NumberFormatString("#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)",typeof(string)) },
{ 41, new NumberFormatString("_(\"$\"* #,##0_);_(\"$\"* (#,##0);_(\"$\"* \"-\"_);_(@_)",typeof(string)) },
{ 42, new NumberFormatString("_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* \"-\"_);_(@_)",typeof(string)) },
{ 43, new NumberFormatString("_(\"$\"* #,##0.00_);_(\"$\"* (#,##0.00);_(\"$\"* \"-\"??_);_(@_)",typeof(string)) },
{ 44, new NumberFormatString("_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* \"-\"??_);_(@_)",typeof(string)) },
{ 45, new NumberFormatString("mm:ss",typeof(TimeSpan)) },
{ 46, new NumberFormatString("[h]:mm:ss",typeof(TimeSpan)) },
{ 47, new NumberFormatString("mm:ss.0",typeof(TimeSpan)) },
{ 48, new NumberFormatString("##0.0E+0",typeof(string)) },
{ 49, new NumberFormatString("@",typeof(string)) },
internal class NumberFormatString
public string FormatString { get; }
public Type Type { get; set; }
public NumberFormatString(string formatString, Type type)
FormatString = formatString;
Type = type;
internal class StyleRecord
public int XfId { get; set; }
public int NumFmtId { get; set; }
/// Copy & modified by ExcelDataReader ZipWorker
internal class ExcelOpenXmlZip : IDisposable
private readonly Dictionary<string, ZipArchiveEntry> _entries;
private bool _disposed;
private Stream _zipStream;
private ZipArchive _zipFile;
private static readonly XmlReaderSettings XmlSettings = new XmlReaderSettings
IgnoreComments = true,
IgnoreWhitespace = true,
XmlResolver = null,
public ExcelOpenXmlZip(Stream fileStream)
_zipStream = fileStream ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileStream));
_zipFile = new ZipArchive(fileStream);
_entries = new Dictionary<string, ZipArchiveEntry>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var entry in _zipFile.Entries)
_entries.Add(entry.FullName.Replace('\\', '/'), entry);
private ZipArchiveEntry GetEntry(string path)
if (_entries.TryGetValue(path, out var entry))
return entry;
return null;
public XmlReader GetXmlReader(string path)
var entry = GetEntry(path);
if (entry != null)
return XmlReader.Create(entry.Open(), XmlSettings);
return null;
public void Dispose()
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
// Check to see if Dispose has already been called.
if (!_disposed)
if (disposing)
if (_zipFile != null)
_zipFile = null;
if (_zipStream != null)
_zipStream = null;
_disposed = true;
internal static class XmlReaderHelper
public static bool ReadFirstContent(XmlReader xmlReader)
if (xmlReader.IsEmptyElement)
return false;
return true;
public static bool SkipContent(XmlReader xmlReader)
if (xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
return false;
return true;
internal static class DateTimeHelper
// All OA dates must be greater than (not >=) OADateMinAsDouble
public const double OADateMinAsDouble = -657435.0;
// All OA dates must be less than (not <=) OADateMaxAsDouble
public const double OADateMaxAsDouble = 2958466.0;
// From DateTime class to enable OADate in PCL
// Number of 100ns ticks per time unit
private const long TicksPerMillisecond = 10000;
private const long TicksPerSecond = TicksPerMillisecond * 1000;
private const long TicksPerMinute = TicksPerSecond * 60;
private const long TicksPerHour = TicksPerMinute * 60;
private const long TicksPerDay = TicksPerHour * 24;
// Number of milliseconds per time unit
private const int MillisPerSecond = 1000;
private const int MillisPerMinute = MillisPerSecond * 60;
private const int MillisPerHour = MillisPerMinute * 60;
private const int MillisPerDay = MillisPerHour * 24;
// Number of days in a non-leap year
private const int DaysPerYear = 365;
// Number of days in 4 years
private const int DaysPer4Years = DaysPerYear * 4 + 1;
// Number of days in 100 years
private const int DaysPer100Years = DaysPer4Years * 25 - 1;
// Number of days in 400 years
private const int DaysPer400Years = DaysPer100Years * 4 + 1;
// Number of days from 1/1/0001 to 12/30/1899
private const int DaysTo1899 = DaysPer400Years * 4 + DaysPer100Years * 3 - 367;
// Number of days from 1/1/0001 to 12/31/9999
private const int DaysTo10000 = DaysPer400Years * 25 - 366;
private const long MaxMillis = (long)DaysTo10000 * MillisPerDay;
private const long DoubleDateOffset = DaysTo1899 * TicksPerDay;
public static DateTime FromOADate(double d)
return new DateTime(DoubleDateToTicks(d), DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
// duplicated from DateTime
internal static long DoubleDateToTicks(double value)
if (value >= OADateMaxAsDouble || value <= OADateMinAsDouble)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid OA Date");
long millis = (long)(value * MillisPerDay + (value >= 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5));
// The interesting thing here is when you have a value like 12.5 it all positive 12 days and 12 hours from 01/01/1899
// However if you a value of -12.25 it is minus 12 days but still positive 6 hours, almost as though you meant -11.75 all negative
// This line below fixes up the millis in the negative case
if (millis < 0)
millis -= millis % MillisPerDay * 2;
millis += DoubleDateOffset / TicksPerMillisecond;
if (millis < 0 || millis >= MaxMillis)
throw new ArgumentException("OA Date out of range");
return millis * TicksPerMillisecond;