fs.IntVar(&g.WorkerProcesses,"worker-processes",0,"Default get current compute cpu core number.This number should be, at maximum, the number of CPU cores on your system.")
fs.IntVar(&g.WorkerConnections,"worker-connections",4000,"Determines how many clients will be served by each worker process.")
fs.IntVar(&g.WorkerRlimitNofile,"worker-rlimit-nofile",200000,"Number of file descriptors used for Nginx. This is set in the OS with 'ulimit -n 200000'")
fs.BoolVar(&g.EnableEpool,"enable-epool",true,"essential for linux, optmized to serve many clients with each thread")
fs.BoolVar(&g.EnableMultiAccept,"enable-multi-accept",true,"Accept as many connections as possible, after nginx gets notification about a new connection.")
fs.StringVar(&g.NginxUser,"nginx-user","root","nginx user name")
fs.IntVar(&g.KeepaliveRequests,"keepalive-requests",100000,"Number of requests a client can make over the keep-alive connection. This is set high for testing.")
fs.IntVar(&g.KeepaliveTimeout,"keepalive-timeout",30,"Timeout for keep-alive connections. Server will close connections after this time.")