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synced 2024-12-02 03:37:46 +08:00
Co-authored-by: 曲源成 <quyc@goodrain.com>
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496 lines
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package helm
import (
helmtime "helm.sh/helm/v3/pkg/time"
// ReleaseInfo -
type ReleaseInfo struct {
Revision int `json:"revision"`
Updated helmtime.Time `json:"updated"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Chart string `json:"chart"`
AppVersion string `json:"app_version"`
Description string `json:"description"`
// ReleaseHistory -
type ReleaseHistory []ReleaseInfo
// Helm -
type Helm struct {
cfg *action.Configuration
settings *cli.EnvSettings
namespace string
repoFile string
repoCache string
// NewHelm creates a new helm.
func NewHelm(namespace, repoFile, repoCache string) (*Helm, error) {
configFlags := genericclioptions.NewConfigFlags(true)
configFlags.Namespace = commonutil.String(namespace)
kubeClient := kube.New(configFlags)
cfg := &action.Configuration{
KubeClient: kubeClient,
Log: func(s string, i ...interface{}) {
logrus.Debugf(s, i)
RESTClientGetter: configFlags,
helmDriver := ""
settings := cli.New()
settings.Debug = true
// set namespace
namespacePtr := (*string)(unsafe.Pointer(settings))
*namespacePtr = namespace
settings.RepositoryConfig = repoFile
settings.RepositoryCache = repoCache
// initializes the action configuration
if err := cfg.Init(settings.RESTClientGetter(), settings.Namespace(), helmDriver, func(format string, v ...interface{}) {
logrus.Debugf(format, v)
}); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "init config")
return &Helm{
cfg: cfg,
settings: settings,
namespace: namespace,
repoFile: repoFile,
repoCache: repoCache,
}, nil
//UpdateRepo -
func (h *Helm) UpdateRepo(names string) error {
return h.repoUpdate(names, ioutil.Discard)
// PreInstall -
func (h *Helm) PreInstall(name, chart, version string) error {
_, err := h.install(name, chart, version, "", nil, true, ioutil.Discard)
return err
// Install -
func (h *Helm) Install(chartPath, name, chart, version string, overrides []string) (*release.Release, error) {
release, err := h.install(name, chart, version, chartPath, overrides, true, ioutil.Discard)
return release, err
func (h *Helm) locateChart(chart, version string) (string, error) {
repoAndName := strings.Split(chart, "/")
if len(repoAndName) != 2 {
return "", errors.New("invalid chart. expect repo/name, but got " + chart)
chartCache := path.Join(h.settings.RepositoryCache, chart, version)
cp := path.Join(chartCache, repoAndName[1]+"-"+version+".tgz")
if f, err := os.Open(cp); err == nil {
defer f.Close()
// check if the chart file is up to date.
hash, err := provenance.Digest(f)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "digist chart file")
// get digiest from repo index.
digest, err := h.getDigest(chart, version)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if hash == digest {
return cp, nil
cpo := &ChartPathOptions{}
cpo.Version = version
settings := h.settings
cp, err := cpo.LocateChart(chart, chartCache, settings)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return cp, err
func (h *Helm) getDigest(chart, version string) (string, error) {
repoAndApp := strings.Split(chart, "/")
if len(repoAndApp) != 2 {
return "", errors.New("wrong chart format, expect repo/name, but got " + chart)
repoName, appName := repoAndApp[0], repoAndApp[1]
indexFile, err := repo.LoadIndexFile(path.Join(h.repoCache, repoName+"-index.yaml"))
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "load index file")
entries, ok := indexFile.Entries[appName]
if !ok {
return "", errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("chart(%s) not found", chart))
for _, entry := range entries {
if entry.Version == version {
return entry.Digest, nil
return "", errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("chart(%s) version(%s) not found", chart, version))
func (h *Helm) install(name, chart, version, chartPath string, overrides []string, dryRun bool, out io.Writer) (*release.Release, error) {
client := action.NewInstall(h.cfg)
client.ReleaseName = name
client.Namespace = h.namespace
client.Version = version
client.DryRun = dryRun
//client.IsUpgrade = true
client.ClientOnly = true
var cp string
if chartPath != ""{
cp = chartPath
} else {
res, err := h.locateChart(chart, version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cp = res
logrus.Debugf("CHART PATH: %s\n", cp)
p := getter.All(h.settings)
// User specified a value via --set
vals, err := h.parseOverrides(overrides)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check chart dependencies to make sure all are present in /charts
chartRequested, err := loader.Load(cp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var crdYaml string
crds := chartRequested.CRDObjects()
for _, crd := range crds {
crdYaml += string(crd.File.Data)
if err := checkIfInstallable(chartRequested); err != nil {
return nil, err
if chartRequested.Metadata.Deprecated {
logrus.Warningf("This chart is deprecated")
if req := chartRequested.Metadata.Dependencies; req != nil {
// If CheckDependencies returns an error, we have unfulfilled dependencies.
// As of Helm 2.4.0, this is treated as a stopping condition:
// https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/2209
if err := action.CheckDependencies(chartRequested, req); err != nil {
if client.DependencyUpdate {
man := &downloader.Manager{
Out: out,
ChartPath: cp,
Keyring: client.ChartPathOptions.Keyring,
SkipUpdate: false,
Getters: p,
RepositoryConfig: h.settings.RepositoryConfig,
RepositoryCache: h.settings.RepositoryCache,
Debug: h.settings.Debug,
if err := man.Update(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Reload the chart with the updated Chart.lock file.
if chartRequested, err = loader.Load(cp); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed reloading chart after repoName update")
} else {
return nil, err
rel, err := client.Run(chartRequested, vals)
rel.Manifest = strings.TrimPrefix(crdYaml+"\n"+rel.Manifest, "\n")
return rel, err
func (h *Helm) parseOverrides(overrides []string) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
vals := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, value := range overrides {
if err := strvals.ParseInto(value, vals); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed parsing --set data")
return vals, nil
// Upgrade -
func (h *Helm) Upgrade(name string, chart, version string, overrides []string) error {
client := action.NewUpgrade(h.cfg)
client.Namespace = h.namespace
client.Version = version
chartPath, err := h.locateChart(chart, version)
if err != nil {
return err
// User specified a value via --set
vals, err := h.parseOverrides(overrides)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check chart dependencies to make sure all are present in /charts
ch, err := loader.Load(chartPath)
if err != nil {
return err
if req := ch.Metadata.Dependencies; req != nil {
if err := action.CheckDependencies(ch, req); err != nil {
return err
if ch.Metadata.Deprecated {
logrus.Warningf("This chart is deprecated")
upgrade := action.NewUpgrade(h.cfg)
upgrade.Namespace = h.namespace
_, err = upgrade.Run(name, ch, vals)
return err
// Status -
func (h *Helm) Status(name string) (*release.Release, error) {
// helm status RELEASE_NAME [flags]
client := action.NewStatus(h.cfg)
rel, err := client.Run(name)
return rel, errors.Wrap(err, "helm status")
// Uninstall -
func (h *Helm) Uninstall(name string) error {
logrus.Infof("uninstall helm app(%s/%s)", h.namespace, name)
uninstall := action.NewUninstall(h.cfg)
_, err := uninstall.Run(name)
return err
// Rollback -
func (h *Helm) Rollback(name string, revision int) error {
logrus.Infof("name: %s; revision: %d; rollback helm app", name, revision)
client := action.NewRollback(h.cfg)
client.Version = revision
if err := client.Run(name); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "helm rollback")
return nil
// History -
func (h *Helm) History(name string) (ReleaseHistory, error) {
logrus.Debugf("name: %s; list helm app history", name)
client := action.NewHistory(h.cfg)
client.Max = 256
hist, err := client.Run(name)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, driver.ErrReleaseNotFound) {
return nil, nil
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "list helm app history")
releaseutil.Reverse(hist, releaseutil.SortByRevision)
var rels []*release.Release
for i := 0; i < min(len(hist), client.Max); i++ {
rels = append(rels, hist[i])
if len(rels) == 0 {
logrus.Debugf("name: %s; helm app history not found", name)
return nil, nil
releaseHistory := getReleaseHistory(rels)
return releaseHistory, nil
// Load loads the chart from the repository.
func (h *Helm) Load(chart, version string) (string, error) {
return h.locateChart(chart, version)
// ChartPathOptions -
type ChartPathOptions struct {
// LocateChart looks for a chart directory in known places, and returns either the full path or an error.
func (c *ChartPathOptions) LocateChart(name, dest string, settings *cli.EnvSettings) (string, error) {
name = strings.TrimSpace(name)
version := strings.TrimSpace(c.Version)
if _, err := os.Stat(name); err == nil {
abs, err := filepath.Abs(name)
if err != nil {
return abs, err
if c.Verify {
if _, err := downloader.VerifyChart(abs, c.Keyring); err != nil {
return "", err
return abs, nil
if filepath.IsAbs(name) || strings.HasPrefix(name, ".") {
return name, errors.Errorf("path %q not found", name)
dl := downloader.ChartDownloader{
Out: os.Stdout,
Keyring: c.Keyring,
Getters: getter.All(settings),
Options: []getter.Option{
getter.WithBasicAuth(c.Username, c.Password),
getter.WithTLSClientConfig(c.CertFile, c.KeyFile, c.CaFile),
RepositoryConfig: settings.RepositoryConfig,
RepositoryCache: settings.RepositoryCache,
if c.Verify {
dl.Verify = downloader.VerifyAlways
if c.RepoURL != "" {
chartURL, err := repo.FindChartInAuthAndTLSRepoURL(c.RepoURL, c.Username, c.Password, name, version,
c.CertFile, c.KeyFile, c.CaFile, c.InsecureSkipTLSverify, getter.All(settings))
if err != nil {
return "", err
name = chartURL
if err := os.MkdirAll(dest, 0755); err != nil {
return "", err
filename, _, err := dl.DownloadTo(name, version, dest)
if err == nil {
lname, err := filepath.Abs(filename)
if err != nil {
return filename, err
return lname, nil
} else if settings.Debug {
return filename, err
atVersion := ""
if version != "" {
atVersion = fmt.Sprintf(" at version %q", version)
return filename, errors.Errorf("failed to download %q%s (hint: running `helm repo update` may help)", name, atVersion)
// checkIfInstallable validates if a chart can be installed
// Application chart type is only installable
func checkIfInstallable(ch *chart.Chart) error {
switch ch.Metadata.Type {
case "", "application":
return nil
return errors.Errorf("%s charts are not installable", ch.Metadata.Type)
func min(x, y int) int {
if x < y {
return x
return y
func getReleaseHistory(rls []*release.Release) (history ReleaseHistory) {
for i := len(rls) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
r := rls[i]
c := formatChartName(r.Chart)
s := r.Info.Status.String()
v := r.Version
d := r.Info.Description
a := formatAppVersion(r.Chart)
rInfo := ReleaseInfo{
Revision: v,
Status: s,
Chart: c,
AppVersion: a,
Description: d,
if !r.Info.LastDeployed.IsZero() {
rInfo.Updated = r.Info.LastDeployed
history = append(history, rInfo)
return history
func formatChartName(c *chart.Chart) string {
if c == nil || c.Metadata == nil {
// This is an edge case that has happened in prod, though we don't
// know how: https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/1347
return "MISSING"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", c.Name(), c.Metadata.Version)
func formatAppVersion(c *chart.Chart) string {
if c == nil || c.Metadata == nil {
// This is an edge case that has happened in prod, though we don't
// know how: https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/1347
return "MISSING"
return c.AppVersion()