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// Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Goodrain Co., Ltd.
// RAINBOND, Application Management Platform
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version. For any non-GPL usage of Rainbond,
// one or multiple Commercial Licenses authorized by Goodrain Co., Ltd.
// must be obtained first.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package option
import (
client "github.com/coreos/etcd/clientv3"
var (
confFile = flag.String("conf",
"conf/files/base.json", "config file path")
Config = new(Conf)
initialized bool
watcher *fsnotify.Watcher
exitChan = make(chan struct{})
//Init 初始化
func Init() error {
if initialized {
return nil
if err := Config.parse(); err != nil {
return err
// This instance is only used to check collector creation and logging.
nc, err := collector.NewNodeCollector()
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("Couldn't create collector: %s", err)
logrus.Infof("Enabled collectors:")
for n := range nc.Collectors {
logrus.Infof(" - %s", n)
initialized = true
return nil
//Conf Conf
type Conf struct {
APIAddr string //api server listen port
PrometheusAPI string //Prometheus server listen port
K8SConfPath string //absolute path to the kubeconfig file
LogLevel string
HostIDFile string
HostIP string
RunMode string //ACP_NODE 运行模式:master,node
NodeRule string //节点属性 compute manage storage
Service string //服务注册与发现
InitStatus string
NodePath string //永久节点信息存储路径
OnlineNodePath string //上线节点信息存储路径
Proc string // 当前节点正在执行任务存储路径
StaticTaskPath string // 配置静态task文件宿主机路径
JobPath string // 节点执行任务保存路径
Lock string // job lock 路径
Group string // 节点分组
Noticer string // 通知
EventLogServer []string
ExecutionRecordPath string
ConfigStoragePath string
K8SNode string
BuildIn string
BuildInExec string
CompJobStatus string
FailTime int
CheckIntervalSec int
InstalledMarker string
DBType string
DBConnectionInfo string
TTL int64 // node heartbeat to master TTL
ReqTimeout int // 请求超时时间,单位秒
// 执行任务信息过期时间,单位秒
// 0 为不过期
ProcTTL int64
// 记录任务执行中的信息的执行时间阀值,单位秒
// 0 为不限制
ProcReq int64
// 单机任务锁过期时间,单位秒
// 默认 300
LockTTL int64
Etcd client.Config
StatsdConfig StatsdConfig
UDPMonitorConfig UDPMonitorConfig
//StatsdConfig StatsdConfig
type StatsdConfig struct {
StatsdListenAddress string
StatsdListenUDP string
StatsdListenTCP string
MappingConfig string
ReadBuffer int
//UDPMonitorConfig UDPMonitorConfig
type UDPMonitorConfig struct {
ListenHost string
ListenPort string
//AddFlags AddFlags
func (a *Conf) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
fs.StringVar(&a.LogLevel, "log-level", "info", "the log level")
fs.StringVar(&a.PrometheusAPI, "prometheus", "http://localhost:9999", "the prometheus api")
fs.StringVar(&a.NodePath, "nodePath", "/rainbond/nodes", "the path of node in etcd")
fs.StringVar(&a.HostIDFile, "nodeid-file", "/opt/rainbond/etc/node/node_host_uuid.conf", "the unique ID for this node. Just specify, don't modify")
fs.StringVar(&a.OnlineNodePath, "onlineNodePath", "/rainbond/onlinenodes", "the path of master node in etcd")
fs.StringVar(&a.Proc, "procPath", "/rainbond/task/proc/", "the path of proc in etcd")
fs.StringVar(&a.HostIP, "hostIP", "", "the host ip you can define. default get ip from eth0")
fs.StringVar(&a.ExecutionRecordPath, "execRecordPath", "/rainbond/exec_record", "the path of job exec record")
fs.StringSliceVar(&a.EventLogServer, "event-log-server", []string{""}, "host:port slice of event log server")
fs.StringVar(&a.K8SNode, "k8sNode", "/store/nodes/", "the path of k8s node")
fs.StringVar(&a.InstalledMarker, "installed-marker", "/etc/acp_node/check/install/success", "the path of a file for check node is installed")
fs.StringVar(&a.ConfigStoragePath, "config-path", "/rainbond/acp_configs", "the path of config to store(new)")
fs.StringVar(&a.InitStatus, "init-status", "/rainbond/init_status", "the path of init status to store")
fs.StringVar(&a.Service, "servicePath", "/traefik/backends", "the path of service info to store")
fs.StringVar(&a.JobPath, "jobPath", "/rainbond/jobs", "the path of job in etcd")
fs.StringVar(&a.Lock, "lockPath", "/rainbond/lock", "the path of lock in etcd")
fs.IntVar(&a.FailTime, "failTime", 3, "the fail time of healthy check")
fs.IntVar(&a.CheckIntervalSec, "checkInterval-second", 5, "the interval time of healthy check")
fs.StringSliceVar(&a.Etcd.Endpoints, "etcd", []string{""}, "the path of node in etcd")
fs.DurationVar(&a.Etcd.DialTimeout, "etcd-dialTimeOut", 2*time.Second, "etcd cluster dialTimeOut.")
fs.IntVar(&a.ReqTimeout, "reqTimeOut", 2, "req TimeOut.")
fs.Int64Var(&a.TTL, "ttl", 10, "node timeout second")
fs.Int64Var(&a.ProcTTL, "procttl", 600, "proc ttl")
fs.Int64Var(&a.ProcReq, "procreq", 5, "proc req")
fs.Int64Var(&a.LockTTL, "lockttl", 600, "lock ttl")
fs.StringVar(&a.APIAddr, "api-addr", ":6100", "the api server listen address")
fs.StringVar(&a.StaticTaskPath, "static-task-path", "/etc/goodrain/rainbond-node", "the file path of static task")
fs.StringVar(&a.K8SConfPath, "kube-conf", "", "absolute path to the kubeconfig file ./kubeconfig")
//fs.StringVar(&a.PrometheusMetricPath, "metric", "/metrics", "prometheus metrics path")
fs.StringVar(&a.RunMode, "run-mode", "worker", "the acp_node run mode,could be 'worker' or 'master'")
fs.StringVar(&a.NodeRule, "noderule", "compute", "current node rule,maybe is `compute` `manage` `storage` ")
//fs.StringSliceVar(&a.EventServerAddress, "event-servers", []string{""}, "event message server address.")
fs.StringVar(&a.DBType, "db-type", "mysql", "db type mysql or etcd")
fs.StringVar(&a.DBConnectionInfo, "mysql", "admin:admin@tcp(", "mysql db connection info")
fs.StringVar(&a.StatsdConfig.StatsdListenAddress, "statsd.listen-address", "", "The UDP address on which to receive statsd metric lines. DEPRECATED, use statsd.listen-udp instead.")
fs.StringVar(&a.StatsdConfig.StatsdListenUDP, "statsd.listen-udp", ":9125", "The UDP address on which to receive statsd metric lines. \"\" disables it.")
fs.StringVar(&a.StatsdConfig.StatsdListenTCP, "statsd.listen-tcp", ":9125", "The TCP address on which to receive statsd metric lines. \"\" disables it.")
fs.StringVar(&a.StatsdConfig.MappingConfig, "statsd.mapping-config", "", "Metric mapping configuration file name.")
fs.IntVar(&a.StatsdConfig.ReadBuffer, "statsd.read-buffer", 0, "Size (in bytes) of the operating system's transmit read buffer associated with the UDP connection. Please make sure the kernel parameters net.core.rmem_max is set to a value greater than the value specified.")
//SetLog 设置log
func (a *Conf) SetLog() {
level, err := logrus.ParseLevel(a.LogLevel)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("set log level error." + err.Error())
type webConfig struct {
BindAddr string
UIDir string
Auth struct {
Enabled bool
Session SessionConfig
type SessionConfig struct {
Expiration int
CookieName string
StorePrefixPath string
// 返回前后包含斜杆的 /a/b/ 的前缀
func cleanKeyPrefix(p string) string {
p = path.Clean(p)
if p[0] != '/' {
p = "/" + p
p += "/"
return p
func (c *Conf) parse() error {
err := utils.LoadExtendConf(*confFile, c)
if err != nil {
return err
if c.Etcd.DialTimeout > 0 {
c.Etcd.DialTimeout *= time.Second
if c.TTL <= 0 {
c.TTL = 10
if c.LockTTL < 2 {
c.LockTTL = 300
c.NodePath = cleanKeyPrefix(c.NodePath)
c.Proc = cleanKeyPrefix(c.Proc)
c.JobPath = cleanKeyPrefix(c.JobPath)
c.Lock = cleanKeyPrefix(c.Lock)
c.Group = cleanKeyPrefix(c.Group)
c.Noticer = cleanKeyPrefix(c.Noticer)
c.HostIDFile = "/opt/rainbond/etc/node/node_host_uuid.conf"
return nil
func Exit(i interface{}) {
if watcher != nil {