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// Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Goodrain Co., Ltd.
// RAINBOND, Application Management Platform
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version. For any non-GPL usage of Rainbond,
// one or multiple Commercial Licenses authorized by Goodrain Co., Ltd.
// must be obtained first.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package parser
import (
//DockerComposeParse docker compose 文件解析
type DockerComposeParse struct {
services map[string]*ServiceInfoFromDC
errors []ParseError
dockerclient *client.Client
logger event.Logger
source string
user string
password string
//ServiceInfoFromDC service info from dockercompose
type ServiceInfoFromDC struct {
ports map[int]*types.Port
volumes map[string]*types.Volume
envs map[string]*types.Env
source string
memory int
image Image
args []string
depends []string
imageAlias string
serviceType string
name string
//GetPorts 获取端口列表
func (d *ServiceInfoFromDC) GetPorts() (ports []types.Port) {
for _, cv := range d.ports {
ports = append(ports, *cv)
return ports
//GetVolumes 获取存储列表
func (d *ServiceInfoFromDC) GetVolumes() (volumes []types.Volume) {
for _, cv := range d.volumes {
volumes = append(volumes, *cv)
//GetEnvs 环境变量
func (d *ServiceInfoFromDC) GetEnvs() (envs []types.Env) {
for _, cv := range d.envs {
envs = append(envs, *cv)
//CreateDockerComposeParse create parser
func CreateDockerComposeParse(source string, dockerclient *client.Client, user, pass string, logger event.Logger) Parser {
return &DockerComposeParse{
source: source,
dockerclient: dockerclient,
logger: logger,
services: make(map[string]*ServiceInfoFromDC),
user: user,
password: pass,
//Parse 解码
func (d *DockerComposeParse) Parse() ParseErrorList {
if d.source == "" {
d.errappend(Errorf(FatalError, "source can not be empty"))
return d.errors
comp := compose.Compose{}
co, err := comp.LoadBytes([][]byte{[]byte(d.source)})
if err != nil {
logrus.Warning("parse compose file error,", err.Error())
d.errappend(ErrorAndSolve(FatalError, fmt.Sprintf("ComposeFile解析错误"), SolveAdvice("modify_compose", "请确认ComposeFile输入是否语法正确")))
return d.errors
for kev, sc := range co.ServiceConfigs {
logrus.Debugf("service config is %v, container name is %s", sc, sc.ContainerName)
ports := make(map[int]*types.Port)
if sc.Image == "" {
d.errappend(ErrorAndSolve(FatalError, fmt.Sprintf("ComposeFile解析错误"), SolveAdvice(fmt.Sprintf("Service %s has no image specified", kev), fmt.Sprintf("请为%s指定一个镜像", kev))))
for _, p := range sc.Port {
pro := string(p.Protocol)
if pro != "udp" {
pro = GetPortProtocol(int(p.ContainerPort))
ports[int(p.ContainerPort)] = &types.Port{
ContainerPort: int(p.ContainerPort),
Protocol: pro,
volumes := make(map[string]*types.Volume)
for _, v := range sc.Volumes {
if strings.Contains(v.MountPath, ":") {
infos := strings.Split(v.MountPath, ":")
if len(infos) > 1 {
volumes[v.MountPath] = &types.Volume{
VolumePath: infos[1],
VolumeType: model.ShareFileVolumeType.String(),
} else {
volumes[v.MountPath] = &types.Volume{
VolumePath: v.MountPath,
VolumeType: model.ShareFileVolumeType.String(),
envs := make(map[string]*types.Env)
for _, e := range sc.Environment {
envs[e.Name] = &types.Env{
Name: e.Name,
Value: e.Value,
service := ServiceInfoFromDC{
ports: ports,
volumes: volumes,
envs: envs,
memory: int(sc.MemLimit / 1024 / 1024),
image: ParseImageName(sc.Image),
args: sc.Args,
depends: sc.Links,
imageAlias: sc.ContainerName,
name: kev,
if sc.DependsON != nil {
service.depends = sc.DependsON
service.serviceType = DetermineDeployType(service.image)
d.services[kev] = &service
for serviceName, service := range d.services {
existDepends := []string{}
for i, depend := range service.depends {
if strings.Contains(depend, ":") {
service.depends[i] = strings.Split(depend, ":")[0]
if _, ok := d.services[service.depends[i]]; !ok {
d.errappend(ErrorAndSolve(NegligibleError, fmt.Sprintf("服务%s依赖项定义错误", serviceName), SolveAdvice("modify_compose", fmt.Sprintf("请确认%s服务的依赖服务是否正确", serviceName))))
} else {
existDepends = append(existDepends, service.depends[i])
service.depends = existDepends
var hubUser = d.user
var hubPass = d.password
for _, env := range service.GetEnvs() {
if env.Name == "HUB_USER" {
hubUser = env.Value
if env.Name == "HUB_PASSWORD" {
hubPass = env.Value
//do not pull image, but check image exist
d.logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("start check service %s ", service.name), map[string]string{"step": "service_check", "status": "running"})
exist, err := sources.ImageExist(service.image.String(), hubUser, hubPass)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("check image(%s) exist failure %s", service.image.String(), err.Error())
if !exist {
d.errappend(ErrorAndSolve(FatalError, fmt.Sprintf("服务%s镜像%s检测失败", serviceName, service.image.String()), SolveAdvice("modify_compose", fmt.Sprintf("请确认%s服务镜像名称是否正确或镜像仓库访问是否正常", serviceName))))
return d.errors
func (d *DockerComposeParse) errappend(pe ParseError) {
d.errors = append(d.errors, pe)
//GetServiceInfo 获取service info
func (d *DockerComposeParse) GetServiceInfo() []ServiceInfo {
var sis []ServiceInfo
for _, service := range d.services {
si := ServiceInfo{
Ports: service.GetPorts(),
Envs: service.GetEnvs(),
Volumes: service.GetVolumes(),
Image: service.image,
Args: service.args,
DependServices: service.depends,
ImageAlias: service.imageAlias,
ServiceType: service.serviceType,
Name: service.name,
Cname: service.name,
OS: runtime.GOOS,
if service.memory != 0 {
si.Memory = service.memory
} else {
si.Memory = 512
sis = append(sis, si)
return sis
//GetImage 获取镜像名
func (d *DockerComposeParse) GetImage() Image {
return Image{}