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24) 2018.11.15
24.1) feature: http_client::do_reply 璁板綍璇锋眰淇℃伅锛屼互渚夸簬鎺掓煡闂
2018-10-23 21:29:55 +08:00
23) 2018.10.23
23.1) feature: master_listen.cpp, master_listen_sock() 涓殑 defer_accept
23.2) bugfix: master_listen.cpp, master_bind_udp() 涓湪闈<E6B9AA> reuseport 鏂瑰紡涓嬪鏋<EE9BA7>
2018-10-23 21:29:55 +08:00
22) 2018.10.17
22.1) bugfix: 瀵逛簬 Centos7.x 浠ヤ笅鐗堟湰锛屽綋闇€ acl_master 缁戝畾 UDP 鏈嶅姟鏃讹紝浼氶€犳垚
鍥犵被鍨嬪垽鏂湁璇鑷寸殑宕╂簝闂锛孋entos7.x 浠ヤ笂鐗堟湰涓嶅瓨鍦ㄦ闂锛屽洜涓<E6B49C> UDP 鏈嶅姟鏄<E5A79F>
21) 2017.3.21
21.1) feature: http_client.cpp 閲岄渶瑕佽褰曞鎴风鍙戞潵鐨勫懡浠ゅ瓧
20) 2017.1.31
20.1) bugfix: master_conf.cpp check_xxx should be override after reloading services' configures.
19) 2018.1.24
19.1) feature: web interface adds many checking parameters.
18) 2018.1.23
18.1) feature: web interface adds version info for every services.
17) 2018.1.19
17.1) log: don't save some command reply information
16) 2018.1.5
16.1) bugfix: remove command in ACL_MASTER_SERV struct, which maybe be misused
15) 2018.1.3
15.1) bugfix: the service start item is lost in action/service_list.cpp
14) 2017.12.22
14.1) bugfix: master_conf.cpp 涓<> master_add_service 鍦ㄨ皟鐢<E79A9F> acl_master_ent_find
鏃讹紝搴旇浣跨敤 entry->conf (閰嶇疆鏂囦欢璺緞) 鑰屼笉鏄<E7AC89> entry->path 绋嬪簭璺緞
14.2) bugfix: master_api.cpp 杩滅▼璋冪敤 restart 鍛戒护鏃讹紝娌℃湁閲嶆柊璇诲彇閰嶇疆鏂囦欢锛<E6ACA2>
13) 2017.11.21
13.1) feature: add master_config command for getting the configure of master
12) 2017.11.12
12.1) bugfix: master should not fork child process after starting service failed.
11) 2017.11.11
11.1) feature: master can start services which are specified in file.
10) 2017.11.7
10.1) feature: master can start one service with the specified path
9) 2017.10.26
9.1) feature: when starting one or more services remotely, sync or async can be used.
8) 2017.9.22
8.1) workaround: restructure the manage module of acl_master.
7) 2017.9.9
7.1) feature: master can wait callback from children when reloading the specific children
2017-06-25 11:46:43 +08:00
6) 2017.9.5
6.1) feature: master can wait children to exit with sync or async
6.2) feature: master can kill SIGTERM children when reloading
6.3) bugfix: master_params.cpp 涓殑 init_conf_str_vars 鍑芥暟鍦<E69A9F> master reload 鏃<>
5) 2017.8.11
5.1) safety: master can't fatal for some configure error of any app service.
4) 2017.7.7
4.1) feature: master can stop or kill one service, stopping service is graceful
by closing the IPC pipe, and killing service is rude by signal SIGTEM children.
4.2) feature: add graceful stop API in master's web management interface.
3) 2017.6.26
3.1) protocol: changed the web management protocols.
2017-06-25 11:46:43 +08:00
2) 2017.6.25
2.1) feature: acl_master uses kernel event mode
1) 2017.6.18
1.1) feature: In Docker's running time, the master's pid was set to 1; When
stopping master by sending TERM singal to master's pid, master_sigdeath func
will be called and which'll send TERM to -pid that's the master's pid group,
but in docker the pid is 1, so we should stop the children in the other way.