2014-11-19 00:25:21 +08:00
#include "stdafx.h"
int main()
const char* type = "set";
const char* tablename = "\txmailuser";
const char* name = " chenzhen";
printf(">>>>{%s}\r\n", tablename);
acl::json json;
acl::json_node& first = json.get_root().add_child(false, true);
first.add_child("type", type);
first.add_child("tablename", tablename);
first.add_child("name", name);
// <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>json<6F>ַ<EFBFBD><D6B7><EFBFBD>
printf("json to string:%s\r\n", json.to_string().c_str());
printf("first json node to string: %s\r\n", first.to_string().c_str());
acl::string buf;
acl::json json2(first);
acl::json_node* root2 = &json2.get_root();
acl::json_node* child = root2->first_child();
printf(">>>json2: %s|%s\r\n", json2.to_string().c_str(), buf.c_str());
const char* tag, *txt;
while (child != NULL)
if ((tag = child->tag_name()) != NULL && *tag != 0
&& (txt = child->get_text()) != NULL && *txt != 0)
printf("tag: %s, txt: %s\n", tag, txt);
printf("no tag name or no txt in json node");
child = root2->next_child();
const char* sss = "{\"DataKey\": \"BindRule\", \"DataValue\": {\"waittime\": \"7\"}}";
acl::json json3(sss);
const char* tags = "DataValue";
printf(">>%s\r\n", sss);
acl::json_node* iter = json3.first_node();
while (iter)
tag = iter->tag_name();
txt = iter->get_text();
if (txt)
printf("tag: %s, txt: %s\r\n", tag ? tag : "null", txt ? txt : "null");
iter = json3.next_node();
const std::vector<acl::json_node*>& nodes = json3.getElementsByTags(tags);
if (nodes.empty() == false)
printf(">>>%s\r\n", nodes[0]->to_string().c_str());
return 0;