#pragma once #include "../acl_cpp_define.hpp" #include #include #include "../stdlib/string.hpp" #include "../stdlib/noncopyable.hpp" namespace acl { /** * 该类主要用于 redis_cluster 命令类获取有关集群 redis 结点信息 * this class is mainly used for redis_cluster command class to * get some information about the nodes in redis cluster */ class ACL_CPP_API redis_node : public noncopyable { public: /** * 当使用此构造函数实例化类对象时,需要调用 set_id 和 set_addr 方法设置 * 该 redis 结点的唯一标识符及服务监听地址,同时还可调用其它的 set_xxx 设置方法 */ redis_node(void); ~redis_node(void); /** * 除了在构造函数中的参数中传入该结点的 ID 标识符外,还可以通过此函数设置 * set the node's ID * @param id {const char*} 集群中 redis 结点的唯一标识符 * the unique ID for one redis node in the reids cluster * @return {redis_node&} */ redis_node& set_id(const char* id); /** * 除了在构造函数中的参数中传入该结点的地址外,还可以通过此函数设置 * set the node's listening addr * @param addr {const char*} 集群中 redis 结点的服务地址,格式:ip:port * the listening addr of one redis node in the reids cluster * @return {redis_node&} */ redis_node& set_addr(const char* addr); /** * 设置当前结点的类型 * set the current node's type * @param type {const char*} * @return {redis_node&} */ redis_node& set_type(const char* type); /** * 设置当前结点是否为当前的连接对象 * set if the current node is belonging to the current connection * @param yesno {bool} * @return {redis_node&} */ redis_node& set_myself(bool yesno); /** * 当本结点为从结点时,设置当前结点的主结点 * setting current slave node's master node * @param master {const redis_node*} 主结点对象 * the redis master node of the current slave in cluster * @return {redis_node&} */ redis_node& set_master(const redis_node* master); /** * 设置当前结点正处于握手阶段 * set the current node being in handshaking status * @param yesno {bool} * @return {redis_node&} */ redis_node& set_handshaking(bool yesno); /** * 设置当前结点处于连线状态 * set the node been connected in the cluster * @param yesno {bool} * @return {redis_node&} */ redis_node& set_connected(bool yesno); /** * 当本结点为从结点时,设置当前结点的主结点标识符 * setting current node's master node when the node is slave node * @param id {const char*} 主结点唯一标识符 * the unique ID of the master node * @return {redis_node&} */ redis_node& set_master_id(const char* id); /** * 当本结点为主结点时,添加一个从结点 * add one slave node to the current node if it's one master node * @return {bool} 添加是否成功,当从结点已经存在于当前主结点时则返回 false * false will be returned when the slave to be added is already * existing in the current master node */ bool add_slave(redis_node* slave); /** * 当本结点为主结点时,根据结点唯一标识符删除一个从结点 * when the current node is a master node, this function will * remove one slave node by the unique ID * @param id {const char*} redis 结点唯一标识符 * the unique ID of the redis node * @return {const redis_node*} 返回被删除的从结点,如果不存在则返回 NULL * the slave node according to the ID will be returned, and if * not exists NULL will be returned */ redis_node* remove_slave(const char* id); /** * 当本结点为主结点时,清空本结点的所有从结点 * clear all the slave nodes in the current master node * @param free_all {bool} 是否需要同时释放这些从结点 * if freeing the all slave nodes memory meanwhile */ void clear_slaves(bool free_all = false); /** * 当本结点为主结点时,添加哈希槽范围 * add hash-slots range to the master node * @param min {size_t} 哈希槽范围的起始值 * the begin hash-slot of the slots range * @param max {size_t} 哈希槽范围的结束值 * the end hash-slot of the slots range */ void add_slot_range(size_t min, size_t max); /** * 当本结点为主结点时,则获得主结点的哈希槽范围,当为从结点时则获得其对应的 * 主结点的哈希槽范围 * @return {const std::vector >&} */ const std::vector >& get_slots() const; /** * 获得当前结点的类型 * get the node's type * @return {const char*} */ const char* get_type() const { return type_.c_str(); } /** * 判断当前结点是否为当前的连接对象结点 * check if the node belongs to the current connection * @return {bool} */ bool is_myself() const { return myself_; } /** * 判断当前结点是否正处于握手阶段 * check if the node is in handshaking status * @return {bool} */ bool is_handshaking() const { return handshaking_; } /** * 判断当前结点是否已经处于连线状态 * check if the node is connected in the cluster * @return {bool} */ bool is_connected() const { return connected_; } /** * 当本结点为从结点时,获得该从结点的主结点对象 * get the current slave's master node * @return {const redis_node*} */ const redis_node* get_master() const { return master_; } /** * 当本结点为从结点时,获得该从结点对应的主结点的 ID 标识 * when the current node is slave, getting its master's ID * @return {const char*} */ const char* get_master_id() const { return master_id_.c_str(); } /** * 当本结点为主结点时,获得该主结点的所有从结点 * getting all the slaves of the master * @return {const std::vector*} */ const std::vector* get_slaves() const { return &slaves_; } /** * 判断当前结点是否为集群中的一个主结点 * check if the current node is a master in the redis cluster * @return {bool} */ bool is_master() const { return master_ == this; } /** * 获得当前结点的 ID 标识 * get the unique ID of the current node, set in constructor * @return {const char*} */ const char* get_id() const { return id_.c_str(); } /** * 获得当前结点的监听地址 * get the listening addr of the current node, set in constructor * @reutrn {const char*} */ const char* get_addr() const { return addr_.c_str(); } /** * result of CLUSTER NODES for redis.4.x.x: * d52ea3cb4cdf7294ac1fb61c696ae6483377bcfc master - 0 1428410625374 73 connected 5461-10922 * @return return for redis.4.x.x */ const char* get_addr_info() const { return addr_info_.c_str(); } private: string id_; string addr_; string addr_info_; string type_; bool myself_; bool handshaking_; bool connected_; const redis_node* master_; string master_id_; std::vector slaves_; std::vector > slots_; }; } // namespace acl