#include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include "http_request.h" static bool __verbose = false; static long long __timeout = 5000; static void print_space(int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) putchar(' '); printf("\r\n"); } static void print_name(const char* name, int tabs = 1) { printf("\033[1;33;40m%-s\033[0m", name); for (int i = 0; i < tabs; i++) printf("\t"); } static void print_value(const char* value, int tabs = 1) { printf("\033[1;36;40m%-s\033[0m", value); for (int i = 0; i < tabs; i++) printf("\t"); } static void print_value(int value, int tabs = 1) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", value); print_value(buf, tabs); } static void print_head(void) { print_name("status"); print_name("service", 2); print_name("type"); print_name("proc_count", 1); print_name("owner"); print_name("conf"); printf("\r\n"); } static void print_server(const serv_info_t& server) { print_value(server.status); print_value(server.name, 2); print_value(server.type); print_value(server.proc_total, 2); print_value(server.owner); print_value(server.conf); printf("\r\n"); } static void println_underline(const char* name, const char* value) { printf("\033[4m\033[1;36;40m%c\033[0m\033[0m", *name); name++; printf("\033[1;33;40m%-18s\033[0m: %s\r\n", name, value); } static void println(const char* name, const char* value) { printf("\033[1;33;40m%-18s\033[0m: %s\r\n", name, value); } static void println(const char* name, int value) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", value); println(name, buf); } static const char* time_format(time_t t, char* buf, size_t size) { struct tm local_time; localtime_r(&t, &local_time); strftime(buf, size, "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S", &local_time); return buf; } static void println_server(const serv_info_t& server) { println("status", server.status); println("name", server.name.c_str()); println("type", server.type); println("owner", server.owner.c_str()); println("path", server.path.c_str()); println("conf", server.conf.c_str()); println("proc_max", server.proc_max); println("proc_prefork", server.proc_prefork); println("proc_total", server.proc_total); println("proc_avail", server.proc_avail); println("throttle_delay", server.throttle_delay); println("listen_fd_count", server.listen_fd_count); println("notify_addr", server.notify_addr.c_str()); println("notify_recipients", server.notify_recipients.c_str()); acl::string buf; size_t i = 0; for (std::list::const_iterator cit = server.procs.begin(); cit != server.procs.end(); ++cit) { if (i++ > 0) buf << " "; char tmp[128]; buf << "pid=" << (*cit).pid << ", start=" << time_format((time_t) (*cit).start, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); buf += ";\r\n"; } println("processes", buf); } static void print_servers(const std::vector& servers, bool verbose) { if (!verbose) print_head(); for (std::vector::const_iterator cit = servers.begin(); cit != servers.end(); ++cit) { if (!verbose) { print_server(*cit); continue; } if (cit != servers.begin()) print_space(100); println_server(*cit); } } static bool do_list(const char* addr, const char*) { list_req_t req; req.cmd = "list"; list_res_t res; if (!http_request(addr, req, res)) return false; print_servers(res.data, __verbose); char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\r\nservers count: %d\r\n", (int) res.data.size()); print_name(buf); return true; } static bool do_stat(const char* addr, const char* filepath) { if (*filepath == 0) { printf("filepath null\r\n"); return false; } stat_req_t req; req.cmd = "stat"; stat_req_data_t req_data; req_data.path = filepath; req.data.push_back(req_data); stat_res_t res; if (!http_request(addr, req, res)) return false; print_servers(res.data, true); return true; } static void print_start_result(const start_res_data_t& data) { println("status", data.status); println("name", data.name.c_str()); println("path", data.path.c_str()); } static void print_start_results(const std::vector& data) { for (std::vector::const_iterator cit = data.begin(); cit != data.end(); ++cit) { print_start_result(*cit); } } static bool do_start(const char* addr, const char* filepath) { if (*filepath == 0) { printf("filepath null\r\n"); return false; } start_req_t req; req.cmd = "start"; start_req_data_t req_data; req_data.path = filepath; req.data.push_back(req_data); start_res_t res; if (!http_request(addr, req, res)) return false; print_start_results(res.data); return true; } static void print_restart_result(const restart_res_data_t& data) { println("status", data.status); println("name", data.name.c_str()); println("path", data.path.c_str()); } static void print_restart_results(const std::vector& data) { for (std::vector::const_iterator cit = data.begin(); cit != data.end(); ++cit) { print_restart_result(*cit); } } static bool do_restart(const char* addr, const char* filepath) { if (*filepath == 0) { printf("filepath null\r\n"); return false; } restart_req_t req; req.cmd = "restart"; restart_req_data_t req_data; req_data.path = filepath; req.data.push_back(req_data); restart_res_t res; if (!http_request(addr, req, res)) return false; print_restart_results(res.data); return true; } static void print_stop_result(const stop_res_data_t& data) { println("status", data.status); println("path", data.path.c_str()); } static void print_stop_results(const std::vector& data) { for (std::vector::const_iterator cit = data.begin(); cit != data.end(); ++cit) { print_stop_result(*cit); } } static bool do_stop(const char* addr, const char* filepath) { if (*filepath == 0) { printf("filepath null\r\n"); return false; } stop_req_t req; req.cmd = "stop"; stop_req_data_t req_data; req_data.path = filepath; req.data.push_back(req_data); stop_res_t res; if (!http_request(addr, req, res)) return false; print_stop_results(res.data); return true; } static void print_kill_result(const kill_res_data_t& data) { println("status", data.status); println("path", data.path.c_str()); } static void print_kill_results(const std::vector& data) { for (std::vector::const_iterator cit = data.begin(); cit != data.end(); ++cit) { print_kill_result(*cit); } } static bool do_kill(const char* addr, const char* filepath) { if (*filepath == 0) { printf("filepath null\r\n"); return false; } kill_req_t req; req.cmd = "kill"; kill_req_data_t req_data; req_data.path = filepath; req.data.push_back(req_data); kill_res_t res; if (!http_request(addr, req, res)) return false; print_kill_results(res.data); return true; } static void print_reload(const reload_res_data_t& data) { println("status", data.status); println("proc_count", data.proc_count); println("proc_signaled", data.proc_signaled); println("path", data.path.c_str()); } static void print_reload_results(const std::vector& res) { for (std::vector::const_iterator cit = res.begin(); cit != res.end(); ++cit) { print_reload(*cit); } } static bool do_reload(const char* addr, const char* filepath) { if (*filepath == 0) { printf("filepath null\r\n"); return false; } reload_req_t req; req.cmd = "reload"; req.timeout = __timeout; reload_req_data_t req_data; req_data.path = filepath; req.data.push_back(req_data); reload_res_t res; if (!http_request(addr, req, res)) return false; print_reload_results(res.data); return true; } static void getline(acl::string& out) { const char* prompt = "\033[1;34;40mmaster_ctl>\033[0m "; char* ptr = readline(prompt); if (ptr == NULL) { printf("Bye!\r\n"); exit(0); } out = ptr; out.trim_right_line(); if (!out.empty() && !out.equal("y", false) && !out.equal("n", false)) add_history(out.c_str()); } static void help(void) { println("set", "set the service's configure"); println("server", "set the service's addr"); println_underline("verbose", "display verbose"); println_underline("clear", "clear the screan"); println_underline("list", "list all the running services"); println_underline("stat", "show one service's running status"); println("start", "start one service"); println("restart", "restart one service"); println("stop", "stop one service"); println("kill", "kill one service"); println("reload", "reload one service"); } static struct { const char* cmd; const char* shortcut; bool (*func)(const char*, const char*); } __actions[] = { { "list", "l", do_list }, { "stat", "s", do_stat }, { "start", NULL, do_start }, { "restart", NULL, do_restart }, { "stop", NULL, do_stop }, { "kill", NULL, do_kill }, { "reload", "r", do_reload }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }; static void run(const char* server, const char* filepath) { acl::string buf, fpath, addr(server); printf("server addr is %s\r\n", server); if (filepath && *filepath) fpath = filepath; while (true) { getline(buf); if (buf.equal("quit" ,false) || buf.equal("exit", false) || buf.equal("q", false)) { printf("Bye!\r\n"); break; } if (buf.empty() || buf.equal("help", false)) { help(); continue; } std::vector& tokens = buf.split2(" \t", true); acl::string cmd = tokens[0]; cmd.lower(); if (cmd == "clear" || cmd == "c") { #if !defined(__APPLE__) rl_clear_screen(0, 0); #endif printf("\r\n"); continue; } if (cmd == "set") { if (tokens.size() == 1) { printf("\033[1;34;40musage\033[0m: " "\033[1;33;40mset\033[0m configure_path timeout\r\n"); continue; } fpath = tokens[1]; if (tokens.size() >= 3) { __timeout = atoll(tokens[2]); if (__timeout <= 0) __timeout = 5000; } printf("set service to %s ok\r\n", fpath.c_str()); continue; } else if (cmd == "server") { if (tokens.size() > 1) { addr = tokens[1]; printf("set server to %s ok\r\n", addr.c_str()); } else if (addr.empty()) printf("\033[1;34;40musage\033[0m: " "\033[1;33;40mserver\033[0m addr\r\n"); else printf("server addr is %s\r\n", addr.c_str()); continue; } else if (cmd == "verbose" || cmd == "v") { if (tokens.size() > 1) { if (tokens[1].equal("on", false)) __verbose = true; else __verbose = false; } else __verbose = __verbose ? false : true; printf("set verbose %s\r\n", __verbose ? "on" : "off"); continue; } if (tokens.size() >= 2) fpath = tokens[1]; bool ret = false; int i; for (i = 0; __actions[i].cmd; i++) { if (cmd == __actions[i].cmd || (__actions[i].shortcut && cmd == __actions[i].shortcut)) { ret = __actions[i].func(addr, fpath); break; } } if (__actions[i].cmd == NULL) { help(); continue; } if (!__verbose) print_space(100); printf("\033[1;36;40m%s\033[0m ==> \033[1;32;40m%s\033[0m\r\n", __actions[i].cmd, ret ? "ok" : "err"); } } static void usage(const char* procname) { printf("usage: %s -h[help]\r\n" " -s master_manage_addr[default:]\r\n" " -f servicde_path\r\n" " -a cmd[list|stat|start|stop|reload]\r\n", procname); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { acl::string filepath, action, addr(""); int ch; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hs:f:a:")) > 0) { switch (ch) { case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return 0; case 's': addr = optarg; break; case 'f': filepath = optarg; break; case 'a': action = optarg; break; default: usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } action.lower(); acl::log::stdout_open(true); int i; for (i = 0; __actions[i].cmd; i++) { if (action == __actions[i].cmd) { (void) __actions[i].func(addr, filepath); break; } } if (__actions[i].cmd == NULL) run(addr, filepath); return 0; }