#pragma once #include "../master_fiber.hpp" #include "../http_servlet.hpp" #include "../go_fiber.hpp" namespace acl { typedef std::function proc_jail_t; typedef std::function proc_init_t; typedef std::function proc_exit_t; typedef std::function proc_sighup_t; typedef std::function thread_init_t; typedef std::function thread_accept_t; class http_server_impl : public master_fiber { public: http_server_impl(const char* addr, bool use_redis) { if (use_redis) { redis_ = new redis_client_cluster; redis_->init(NULL, addr, 0, 10, 10); redis_->bind_thread(true); } } virtual ~http_server_impl(void) {} protected: void Service(int type, const char* path, http_handler_t fn) { if (type >= http_handler_get && type < http_handler_max && path && *path) { // The path should lookup like as "/xxx/" with // lower charactors. acl::string buf(path); if (buf[buf.size() - 1] != '/') { buf += '/'; } buf.lower(); handlers_[type][buf] = std::move(fn); } } protected: redis_client_cluster* redis_ = nullptr; proc_jail_t proc_jail_ = nullptr; proc_init_t proc_init_ = nullptr; proc_exit_t proc_exit_ = nullptr; proc_sighup_t proc_sighup_ = nullptr; thread_init_t thread_init_ = nullptr; thread_accept_t thread_accept_ = nullptr; http_handlers_t handlers_[http_handler_max]; // @override void on_accept(socket_stream& conn) { if (thread_accept_ && !thread_accept_(conn)) { return; } acl::session* session; if (redis_) { session = new redis_session(*redis_, 0); } else { session = new memcache_session("|11211"); } http_servlet servlet(handlers_, &conn, session); servlet.setLocalCharset("utf-8"); while (servlet.doRun()) {} delete session; } // @override void proc_pre_jail(void) { if (proc_jail_) { proc_jail_(); } } // @override void proc_on_init(void) { if (proc_init_) { proc_init_(); } } // @override void proc_on_exit(void) { if (proc_exit_) { proc_exit_(); } } // @override bool proc_on_sighup(acl::string& s) { if (proc_sighup_) { return proc_sighup_(s); } return true; } // @override void thread_on_init(void) { if (thread_init_) { thread_init_(); } } }; } // namespace acl