#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib_acl.h" #include "acl_cpp/lib_acl.hpp" static acl::atomic_long __aio_refer = 0; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef USE_AIO_OSTREAM class pipe_ostream : public acl::aio_ostream { public: pipe_ostream(acl::aio_handle& handle, int fd) : aio_stream(&handle), aio_ostream(&handle, fd) , handle_(handle) { } ~pipe_ostream(void) { if (--__aio_refer == 0) { printf("%s: stop aio engine now!\r\n", __FUNCTION__); handle_.stop(); } } protected: // @override void destroy(void) { printf("pipe_ostream: will be destroied!\r\n"); delete this; } private: acl::aio_handle& handle_; }; #endif class pipe_writer : public acl::aio_callback { public: pipe_writer(acl::aio_handle& handle, int fd) : handle_(handle) { #ifdef USE_AIO_OSTREAM out_ = new acl::aio_ostream(&handle_, fd); #else out_ = new pipe_ostream(handle_, fd); #endif ++__aio_refer; } void start(void) { out_->add_write_callback(this); out_->add_close_callback(this); } acl::aio_ostream& get_ostream(void) const { return *out_; } protected: // @override bool add_write_callback(void) { return true; } // @override void close_callback(void) { printf("pipe_writer->being closed!\r\n"); fflush(stdout); delete this; } private: acl::aio_handle& handle_; #ifdef USE_AIO_OSTREAM acl::aio_ostream* out_; #else pipe_ostream* out_; #endif ~pipe_writer(void) { printf("%s: writer pipe will deleted!\r\n", __FUNCTION__); } }; class pipe_reader : public acl::aio_callback { public: pipe_reader(acl::aio_handle& handle, int fd, pipe_writer& out) : handle_(handle) , out_(out) { in_ = new acl::aio_istream(&handle, fd); ++__aio_refer; } void start(void) { in_->add_read_callback(this); in_->add_close_callback(this); in_->read(); } protected: // @override bool read_callback(char* data, int len) { printf("pipe_reader <- %s", data); fflush(stdout); // transfer the data to thread_reader out_.get_ostream().write(data, len); return true; } // @override void close_callback(void) { printf("pipe_reader: being closed!\r\n"); fflush(stdout); printf("pipe_reader: close pipe_out\r\n"); out_.get_ostream().close(); delete this; } private: acl::aio_handle& handle_; acl::aio_istream* in_; pipe_writer& out_; ~pipe_reader(void) { printf("%s: reader pipe will be deleted!\r\n", __FUNCTION__); if (--__aio_refer == 0) { printf("%s: stop aio engine now!\r\n", __FUNCTION__); handle_.stop(); } } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class thread_writer : public acl::thread { public: thread_writer(int fd) { out_ = new acl::socket_stream; out_->open(fd); } ~thread_writer(void) {} protected: // @override void* run(void) { acl::string buf("hello world!\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { sleep(1); printf("\r\n"); printf("thread_writer -> %s", buf.c_str()); fflush(stdout); out_->write(buf); } printf("thread_writer: close out socket_stream\r\n"); delete out_; return NULL; } private: acl::socket_stream* out_; }; class thread_reader : public acl::thread { public: thread_reader(int fd) { in_ = new acl::socket_stream; in_->open(fd); } ~thread_reader(void) {} protected: // @override void* run(void) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { acl::string buf; if (!in_->read(buf, false)) { printf("thread_reader: read over!\r\n"); break; } printf("thread_reader <- %s", buf.c_str()); } printf("thread_reader: close in socket_stream\r\n"); delete in_; return NULL; } private: acl::socket_stream* in_; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class http_aio_client : public acl::http_aclient { public: http_aio_client(acl::aio_handle& handle, acl::polarssl_conf* ssl_conf, const char* host) : http_aclient(handle, ssl_conf) , host_(host) , debug_(false) , compressed_(false) , ws_mode_(false) { ++__aio_refer; } ~http_aio_client(void) { printf("delete http_aio_client!\r\n"); if (--__aio_refer == 0) { printf("%s: stop aio engine now!\r\n", __FUNCTION__); handle_.stop(); } } http_aio_client& enable_debug(bool on) { debug_ = on; return *this; } http_aio_client& enable_websocket(bool on) { ws_mode_ = on; return *this; } protected: // @override void destroy(void) { printf("http_aio_client will be deleted!\r\n"); fflush(stdout); delete this; } // @override bool on_connect(void) { printf("--------------- connect server ok ------------\r\n"); fflush(stdout); if (ws_mode_) { printf(">>> begin ws_handshake\r\n"); this->ws_handshake(); } else { printf(">>> begin send http request\r\n"); this->send_request(NULL, 0); } return true; } // @override void on_disconnect(void) { printf("disconnect from server\r\n"); fflush(stdout); } // @override void on_connect_timeout(void) { printf("connect timeout\r\n"); fflush(stdout); } // @override void on_connect_failed(void) { printf("connect failed\r\n"); fflush(stdout); } // @override bool on_read_timeout(void) { printf("read timeout\r\n"); return true; } // @override bool on_http_res_hdr(const acl::http_header& header) { acl::string buf; header.build_response(buf); compressed_ = header.is_transfer_gzip(); printf("---------------response header-----------------\r\n"); printf("[%s]\r\n", buf.c_str()); fflush(stdout); return true; } // @override bool on_http_res_body(char* data, size_t dlen) { if (debug_ && (!compressed_ || this->is_unzip_body())) { (void) write(1, data, dlen); } else { printf(">>>read body: %ld\r\n", dlen); } return true; } // @override bool on_http_res_finish(bool success) { printf("---------------response over-------------------\r\n"); printf("http finish: keep_alive=%s, success=%s\r\n", keep_alive_ ? "true" : "false", success ? "ok" : "failed"); fflush(stdout); return keep_alive_; } protected: // @override bool on_ws_handshake(void) { printf(">>> websocket handshake ok\r\n"); fflush(stdout); char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "hello, myname is zsx\r\n"); size_t len = strlen(buf); if (!this->ws_send_text(buf, len)) { return false; } // 开始进入 websocket 异步读过程 this->ws_read_wait(0); return true; } // @override void on_ws_handshake_failed(int status) { printf(">>> websocket handshake failed, status=%d\r\n", status); fflush(stdout); } // @override bool on_ws_frame_text(void) { printf(">>> got frame text type\r\n"); fflush(stdout); return true; } // @override bool on_ws_frame_binary(void) { printf(">>> got frame binaray type\r\n"); fflush(stdout); return true; } // @override void on_ws_frame_closed(void) { printf(">>> got frame closed type\r\n"); fflush(stdout); } // @override bool on_ws_frame_data(char* data, size_t dlen) { (void) write(1, data, dlen); return true; } // @override bool on_ws_frame_finish(void) { printf(">>> frame finish\r\n"); fflush(stdout); return true; } private: acl::string host_; bool debug_; bool compressed_; bool ws_mode_; }; static void usage(const char* procname) { printf("usage: %s -h[help]\r\n" " -s server_addr\r\n" " -D [if in debug mode, default: false]\r\n" " -c cocorrent\r\n" " -t connect_timeout[default: 5]\r\n" " -i rw_timeout[default: 5]\r\n" " -Z [enable_gzip, default: false]\r\n" " -U [enable_unzip response, default: false]\r\n" " -K [keep_alive, default: false]\r\n" " -S polarssl_lib_path[default: none]\n" " -N name_server[default:]\r\n" " -W [if using websocket, default: no]\r\n" , procname); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { acl::polarssl_conf* ssl_conf = NULL; int ch, conn_timeout = 5, rw_timeout = 5; acl::string addr(""), name_server(""); acl::string host("www.baidu.com"), ssl_lib_path; bool enable_gzip = false, keep_alive = false, debug = false; bool ws_enable = false, enable_unzip = false; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hs:S:N:H:t:i:ZUKDW")) > 0) { switch (ch) { case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return (0); case 's': addr = optarg; break; case 'S': ssl_lib_path = optarg; break; case 'N': name_server = optarg; break; case 'H': host = optarg; break; case 't': conn_timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 'i': rw_timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 'Z': enable_gzip = true; break; case 'U': enable_unzip = true; break; case 'K': keep_alive = true; break; case 'D': debug = true; break; case 'W': ws_enable = true; break; default: break; } } acl::acl_cpp_init(); acl::log::stdout_open(true); // 如果设置了 SSL 连接库,则启用 SSL 连接模式 if (!ssl_lib_path.empty()) { if (access(ssl_lib_path.c_str(), R_OK) == 0) { // 设置 libpolarssl.so 库全路径 acl::polarssl_conf::set_libpath(ssl_lib_path); // 动态加载 libpolarssl.so 库 acl::polarssl_conf::load(); // 创建全局 SSL 配置项 ssl_conf = new acl::polarssl_conf; } else { printf("disable ssl, %s not found\r\n", ssl_lib_path.c_str()); } } // 定义 AIO 事件引擎 acl::aio_handle handle(acl::ENGINE_KERNEL); int fds[2]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int ret = acl_sane_socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fds); if (ret < 0) { printf("acl_sane_socketpair error %s\r\n", acl::last_serror()); return 1; } thread_reader* thread_in = new thread_reader(fds[0]); pipe_writer* pipe_out = new pipe_writer(handle, fds[1]); thread_in->start(); pipe_out->start(); ret = acl_sane_socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fds); if (ret < 0) { printf("acl_sane_socketpair error %s\r\n", acl::last_serror()); return 1; } pipe_reader* pipe_in = new pipe_reader(handle, fds[0], *pipe_out); thread_writer* thread_out = new thread_writer(fds[1]); pipe_in->start(); thread_out->start(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 设置 DNS 域名服务器地址 handle.set_dns(name_server.c_str(), 5); // 开始异步连接远程 WEB 服务器 http_aio_client* conn = new http_aio_client(handle, ssl_conf, host); if (!conn->open(addr, conn_timeout, rw_timeout)) { printf("connect %s error\r\n", addr.c_str()); fflush(stdout); delete conn; return 1; } (*conn).enable_debug(debug) // 是否启用调试方式 .enable_websocket(ws_enable); // 是否启用 websocket conn->unzip_body(enable_unzip); // 针对 HTTP 是否自动解压 // 设置 HTTP 请求头,也可将此过程放在 conn->on_connect() 里 acl::http_header& head = conn->request_header(); head.set_url("/") .set_content_length(0) .set_host(host) .accept_gzip(enable_gzip) .set_keep_alive(keep_alive); acl::string buf; head.build_request(buf); printf("---------------request header-----------------\r\n"); printf("[%s]\r\n", buf.c_str()); fflush(stdout); // 开始 AIO 事件循环过程 while (true) { // 如果返回 false 则表示不再继续,需要退出 if (!handle.check()) { break; } } handle.check(); delete ssl_conf; thread_out->wait(NULL); thread_in->wait(NULL); delete thread_out; delete thread_in; return 0; }