#include "stdafx.h" static bool test(const char* in, const char* tag, bool once, acl::string& out, acl::string* left = NULL) { acl::json json; const char* ptr = NULL, *p1 = in; char buf[2]; if (once) ptr = json.update(p1); else { while (*p1) { buf[0] = *p1; buf[1] = 0; ptr = json.update(buf); p1++; } } const std::vector &receiver = json.getElementsByTagName(tag); std::vector::const_iterator cit; for (cit = receiver.begin(); cit != receiver.end(); ++cit) { acl::json_node* node = (*cit)->get_obj(); if (node == NULL) { printf("get_obj null\r\n"); break; } printf("--------list all elements of the array --------\r\n"); acl::json_node* child = node->first_child(); while (child) { const char* txt = child->get_text(); if (txt && *txt) printf("%s\r\n", txt); else printf("null\r\n"); child = node->next_child(); } printf("----------------- list end --------------------\r\n"); } printf("-------------------------------------------------------\r\n"); printf("%s\r\n", in); printf("-------------------------------------------------------\r\n"); printf("json finish: %s, left char: %s\r\n", json.finish() ? "yes" : "no", ptr); if (left) *left = ptr; printf(">>>to string: %s\r\n", json.to_string().c_str()); out = json.to_string(); return true; } int main() { #if 0 acl::string bf; const char* p = "\r\nhello\r\nworld\rzsx\nxsz\r\nzsxxsz\r\n\r\n\r\r\r"; bf = p; bf.strip("\r\n", true); bf.strip("l", true); printf("src: |%s|\r\n", p); printf("str:{%s}, len: %d\r\n", bf.c_str(), (int) bf.size()); return 0; #endif const char* ptr = "{\r\n" " \"data\" : \"dGVzdHFxcQ==\", \r\n" " \"receiver_id\" : [\r\n" " \"1442365683\"\r\n" " ],\r\n" " \"extra\" : \"\",\r\n" " \"group_id\" : \"\"\r\n" "}\r\n"; acl::string buf1, buf2; buf1 = ptr; if (test(ptr, "receiver_id", false, buf2) == false) return 1; buf1.trim_space().trim_line(); buf2.trim_space().trim_line().trim_line(); if (buf1 == buf2) printf("----OK----\r\n"); else { printf("----Error----\r\n"); printf("|%s|\r\n|%s|\r\n", buf1.c_str(), buf2.c_str()); return 1; } printf("Enter any key to continue ..."); fflush(stdout); getchar(); ptr = "{ \"forward\": [\r\n" " { \"disable\": \"false\" },\r\n" " { \"disable\": false },\r\n" " { \"status\": [ true, false, true ]},\r\n" " { \"status\": [ \"true\", \"false\", \"true\" ]},\r\n" " { \"status\": [ \"true\", false, \"true\" ]},\r\n" " { \"number\": 123456 },\r\n" " { \"number\": \"123456\" },\r\n" " { \"number\": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]},\r\n" " { \"number\": [ \"1\", \"2\", \"3\", \"4\", \"5\", \"6\" ]},\r\n" " { \"number\": [ \"1\", 2, \"3\", 4, \"5\", 6 ]},\r\n" " { \"url\" : \"\" },\r\n" " {\r\n" " \"deny\": [\r\n" " {\r\n" " \"host\": [\r\n" " \"baidu.com\",\r\n" " \"sina.com\"\r\n" " ]\r\n" " }\r\n" " ]\r\n" " },\r\n" " {\r\n" " \"allow\": [\r\n" " \"111\",\r\n" " \"222\"\r\n" " ]\r\n" " }\r\n" "]}\r\n"; //"{ \"user\": { \"name\": \"test\", age: 111, male: true }\r\n"; acl::string left; buf1 = ptr; if (test(ptr, "number", true, buf2, &left) == false) return 1; buf1.trim_space().trim_line(); buf2.trim_space().trim_line(); if (buf1 == buf2) printf("----OK----\r\n"); else { printf("----Error----\r\n"); printf("%s\r\n", buf1.c_str()); printf("%s\r\n", buf2.c_str()); return 1; } left.strip("\r\n", true).trim_space(); printf("left len: %d\r\n", (int) left.size()); if (!left.empty()) { printf("Enter any key to continue ..."); fflush(stdout); getchar(); buf1.clear(); if (test(left.c_str(), "number", false, buf1) == false) { printf("----Error----\r\n"); return 1; } printf("----OK----\r\n"); } return 0; }