#include "stdafx.h" static acl::string __keypre("test_key_cluster"); static bool test_del(acl::redis_key& cmd, int i) { acl::string key; key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); int ret = cmd.del(key.c_str()); if (ret < 0) { printf("del key: %s error: %s\r\n", key.c_str(), cmd.result_error()); return false; } else if (i < 10) { printf("del ok, key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); } return true; } static bool test_expire(acl::redis_key& cmd, int i) { acl::string key; key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); if (cmd.expire(key.c_str(), 100) < 0) { printf("expire key: %s error: %s\r\n", key.c_str(), cmd.result_error()); return false; } else if (i < 10) { printf("expire ok, key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); } return true; } static bool test_ttl(acl::redis_key& cmd, int i) { acl::string key; int ttl; key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); if ((ttl = cmd.ttl(key.c_str())) < 0) { printf("get ttl key: %s error: %s\r\n", key.c_str(), cmd.result_error()); return false; } else if (i < 10) { printf("ttl ok, key: %s, ttl: %d\r\n", key.c_str(), ttl); } return true; } static bool test_exists(acl::redis_key& cmd, int i) { acl::string key; key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); if (!cmd.exists(key.c_str())) { if (i < 10) { printf("no exists key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); } } else { if (i < 10) { printf("exists key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); } } return true; } static bool test_type(acl::redis_key& cmd, int i) { acl::string key; key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); acl::redis_key_t ret = cmd.type(key.c_str()); if (ret == acl::REDIS_KEY_NONE) { printf("unknown type key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); return false; } else if (i < 10) { printf("type ok, key: %s, ret: %d\r\n", key.c_str(), ret); } return true; } static bool test_set(acl::redis_string& cmd, int i) { acl::string key; key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); acl::string value; value.format("value_%s", key.c_str()); bool ret = cmd.set(key.c_str(), value.c_str()); return ret; if (i < 10) { printf("set key: %s, value: %s %s\r\n", key.c_str(), value.c_str(), ret ? "ok" : "error"); } return ret; } static bool test_get(acl::redis_string& cmd, int i) { acl::string key; key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); acl::string value; bool ret = cmd.get(key.c_str(), value); if (i < 10) { printf("get key: %s, value: %s %s, len: %d\r\n", key.c_str(), value.c_str(), ret ? "ok" : "error", (int) value.length()); } return ret; } static bool test_hmset(acl::redis_hash& cmd, int i) { acl::string key; key.format("hash-%s-%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); std::map attrs; attrs["name1"] = "value1"; attrs["name2"] = "value2"; attrs["name3"] = "value3"; if (!cmd.hmset(key, attrs)) { printf("hmset %s error=%s\r\n", key.c_str(), cmd.result_error()); return false; } if (i < 10) { printf("hmset %s ok\r\n", key.c_str()); } return true; } static bool test_hmget(acl::redis_hash& cmd, int i) { acl::string key; key.format("hash-%s-%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); std::vector names; names.push_back("name1"); names.push_back("name2"); names.push_back("name3"); std::vector values; if (!cmd.hmget(key, names,&values)) { printf("hmget error %s\r\n", cmd.result_error()); return false; } if (i < 10) { printf("key=%s:", key.c_str()); assert(names.size() == values.size()); size_t n = names.size(); for (size_t j = 0; j < n; j++) { printf(" %s->%s", names[j].c_str(), values[j].c_str()); } printf("\r\n"); } return true; } static int __threads_exit = 0; class test_fiber : public acl::fiber { public: test_fiber(acl::redis_client_pipeline& conns, const char* cmd, int n) : conns_(conns) , cmd_(cmd) , n_(n) {} ~test_fiber(void) {} protected: // @override void run(void) { bool ret; acl::redis redis; redis.set_pipeline(&conns_); for (int i = 0; i < n_; i++) { if (cmd_ == "set") { ret = test_set(redis, i); } else if (cmd_ == "get") { ret = test_get(redis, i); } else if (cmd_ == "del") { ret = test_del(redis, i); } else if (cmd_ == "expire") { ret = test_expire(redis, i); } else if (cmd_ == "ttl") { ret = test_ttl(redis, i); } else if (cmd_ == "exists") { ret = test_exists(redis, i); } else if (cmd_ == "type") { ret = test_type(redis, i); } else if (cmd_ == "all") { if (!test_set(redis, i) || !test_get(redis, i) || !test_exists(redis, i) || !test_type(redis, i) || !test_expire(redis, i) || !test_ttl(redis, i) || !test_del(redis, i)) { ret = false; } else { ret = true; } } else if (cmd_ == "hmset") { ret = test_hmset(redis, i); } else if (cmd_ == "hmget") { ret = test_hmget(redis, i); } else { printf("unknown cmd: %s\r\n", cmd_.c_str()); break; } if (!ret) { printf("cmd: %s error, tid: %lu\r\n", cmd_.c_str(), acl::thread::self()); break; } /* if (i > 0 && i % 50000 == 0) { char tmp[128]; acl::safe_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", i); acl::meter_time(__FILE__, __LINE__, tmp); } */ redis.clear(); } } private: acl::redis_client_pipeline& conns_; acl::string cmd_; int n_; }; class test_thread : public acl::thread { public: test_thread(acl::locker& locker, acl::redis_client_pipeline& conns, const char* cmd, int n, size_t nfibers, size_t stack_size, bool share_stack) : locker_(locker) , conns_(conns) , cmd_(cmd) , n_(n) , nfibers_(nfibers) , stack_size_(stack_size) , share_stack_(share_stack) {} ~test_thread(void) {} protected: void* run(void) { std::vector fibers; for (size_t i = 0; i < nfibers_; i++) { test_fiber* fb = new test_fiber(conns_, cmd_, n_); fibers.push_back(fb); fb->start(stack_size_, share_stack_); } acl::fiber::schedule(); for (std::vector::iterator it = fibers.begin(); it != fibers.end(); ++it) { delete *it; } locker_.lock(); __threads_exit++; locker_.unlock(); return NULL; } private: acl::locker& locker_; acl::redis_client_pipeline& conns_; acl::string cmd_; int n_; size_t nfibers_; size_t stack_size_; bool share_stack_; }; static void usage(const char* procname) { printf("usage: %s -h[help]\r\n" "-s one_redis_addr[]\r\n" "-n count[default: 10]\r\n" "-C connect_timeout[default: 10]\r\n" "-I rw_timeout[default: 10]\r\n" "-t max_threads[default: 10]\r\n" "-c fibers_count[default: 50]]\r\n" "-S [if use shared stack, default: false]\r\n" "-z stack_size[default: 64000]\r\n" "-w wait_for_cluster_resume[default: 500 ms]\r\n" "-r retry_for_cluster_resnum[default: 10]\r\n" "-p password [set the password of redis cluster]\r\n" "-a cmd[set|get|hmset|hmget|expire|ttl|exists|type|del]\r\n", procname); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int ch, n = 1, conn_timeout = 10, rw_timeout = 10; int max_threads = 10, nfibers = 50; size_t stack_size = 64000; bool share_stack = false; acl::string addr(""), cmd, passwd; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hs:n:C:I:t:c:a:p:Sz:")) > 0) { switch (ch) { case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return 0; case 's': addr = optarg; break; case 'n': n = atoi(optarg); break; case 'C': conn_timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 'I': rw_timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': max_threads = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': nfibers = atoi(optarg); break; case 'a': cmd = optarg; break; case 'p': passwd = optarg; break;; case 'S': share_stack = true; break; case 'z': stack_size = (size_t) atoi(optarg); break; default: usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } acl::acl_cpp_init(); acl::log::stdout_open(true); acl::redis_client_pipeline pipeline(addr); pipeline.set_timeout(conn_timeout, rw_timeout); if (!passwd.empty()) { pipeline.set_password(passwd); } // start pipeline thread to handle all redis command messages pipeline.start_thread(); struct timeval begin; gettimeofday(&begin, NULL); acl::locker locker; std::vector threads; for (int i = 0; i < max_threads; i++) { test_thread* thread = new test_thread(locker, pipeline, cmd.c_str(), n, nfibers, stack_size, share_stack); threads.push_back(thread); thread->set_detachable(true); thread->start(); } while (true) { locker.lock(); if (__threads_exit == max_threads) { locker.unlock(); printf("All threads over now!\r\n"); break; } locker.unlock(); //printf("max_threads: %d, threads_exit: %d\r\n", // max_threads, __threads_exit); sleep(1); } long long int total = max_threads * n * nfibers; struct timeval end; gettimeofday(&end, NULL); double inter = acl::stamp_sub(end, begin); printf("total %s: %lld, spent: %0.2f ms, speed: %0.2f\r\n", cmd.c_str(), total, inter, (total * 1000) /(inter > 0 ? inter : 1)); std::vector::iterator it = threads.begin(); for (; it != threads.end(); ++it) { // don't wait for the thread to exit because it has beeen // detached when started. delete (*it); } // stop pipeline thread pipeline.stop_thread(); printf("The pipeline thread has stopped!\r\n"); #ifdef WIN32 printf("enter any key to exit\r\n"); getchar(); #endif return 0; }