#include "stdafx.h" using namespace acl; static int __loop_count = 10; static connect_manager* __conn_manager = NULL; static acl_pthread_pool_t* __thr_pool = NULL; static bool __unzip = false; static void sleep_while(int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { putchar('.'); fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } printf("\r\n"); } // 初始化过程 static void init(const char* addrs, int count) { // 创建 HTTP 请求连接池集群管理对象 __conn_manager = new http_request_manager(); __conn_manager->set_timeout(100, 120); // 添加服务器集群地址 __conn_manager->init(addrs, addrs, 100); printf(">>>start monitor thread\r\n"); int check_inter = 1, conn_timeout = 5; acl::connect_monitor* monitor = new acl::connect_monitor(*__conn_manager); (*monitor).set_check_inter(check_inter).set_conn_timeout(conn_timeout); // 启动后台检测线程 __conn_manager->start_monitor(monitor); int n = 10; printf(">>>sleep %d seconds for monitor check\r\n", n); sleep_while(n); printf(">>>create thread pool\r\n"); // 创建线程池 __thr_pool = acl_thread_pool_create(count, 60); } // 进程退出前清理资源 static void end(void) { // 销毁线程池 acl_pthread_pool_destroy(__thr_pool); #if 0 int n = 10; printf("\r\n>>>sleep %d seconds to stop monitor\r\n", n); sleep_while(n); #endif // 打印所有连接池集群的存活状态 printf("\r\n"); std::vector& pools = __conn_manager->get_pools(); std::vector::const_iterator cit = pools.begin(); for (; cit != pools.end(); ++cit) { printf(">>>server: %s, %s\r\n", (*cit)->get_addr(), (*cit)->aliving() ? "alive" : "dead"); } printf("\r\n>>> STOPPING check thread now\r\n"); // 停止后台检测线程 acl::connect_monitor* monitor = __conn_manager->stop_monitor(true); // 删除检测器对象 delete monitor; // 销毁连接池 delete __conn_manager; } // HTTP 请求过程,向服务器发送请求后从服务器读取响应数据 static bool http_get(http_request* conn, const char* addr, int n) { if (0) printf(">>>check addr: %s, n: %d\r\n", addr, n); // 创建 HTTP 请求头数据 http_header& header = conn->request_header(); header.set_url("/") .set_host(addr) .set_keep_alive(true) .set_method(HTTP_METHOD_GET) .accept_gzip(__unzip); if (0) printf("%lu--%d: begin send request\r\n", (unsigned long) acl_pthread_self(), n); // 发送 HTTP 请求数据同时接收 HTTP 响应头 if (conn->request(NULL, 0) == false) { printf("%lu--%d: send GET request error\r\n", (unsigned long) acl_pthread_self(), n); return false; } char buf[8192]; int ret, length = 0; // 接收 HTTP 响应体数据 while (true) { ret = conn->read_body(buf, sizeof(buf)); if (ret == 0) break; else if (ret < 0) { printf("%lu--%d: error, length: %d\r\n", (unsigned long) acl_pthread_self(), n, length); return false; } length += ret; if (0) printf("%lu--%d: read length: %d, %d\r\n", (unsigned long) acl_pthread_self(), n, length, ret); } if (0) printf("%lu--%d: read body over, length: %d\r\n", (unsigned long) acl_pthread_self(), n, length); return true; } static void check_all_connections(void) { std::vector& pools = __conn_manager->get_pools(); std::vector::const_iterator cit = pools.begin(); for (; cit != pools.end(); ++cit) printf(">>>addr: %s %s\r\n", (*cit)->get_addr(), (*cit)->aliving() ? "alive" : "dead"); } // 线程处理过程 static void thread_main(void*) { for (int i = 0; i < __loop_count; i++) { http_request_pool* pool = (http_request_pool*) __conn_manager->peek(); if (pool == NULL) { printf("\r\n>>>%lu(%d): peek pool failed<<<\r\n", (unsigned long) acl_pthread_self(), __LINE__); check_all_connections(); exit (1); } // 从连接池中获取一个 HTTP 连接 http_request* conn = (http_request*) pool->peek(); if (conn == NULL) { printf("\r\n>>>%lu: peek connect failed from %s<<<\r\n", (unsigned long) acl_pthread_self(), pool->get_addr()); check_all_connections(); exit (1); } // 需要对获得的连接重置状态,以清除上次请求过程的临时数据 else conn->reset(); // 开始新的 HTTP 请求过程 if (http_get(conn, pool->get_addr(), i) == false) { printf("one request failed, close connection\r\n"); // 错误连接需要关闭 pool->put(conn, false); } else pool->put(conn, true); } if (0) printf(">>>>thread: %lu OVER<<<<\r\n", (unsigned long) acl_pthread_self()); } static void run(int cocurrent) { // 向线程池中添加任务 for (int i = 0; i < cocurrent; i++) acl_pthread_pool_add(__thr_pool, thread_main, NULL); } static void usage(const char* procname) { printf("usage: %s -h [help]\r\n" " -s http_server_addrs [www.sina.com.cn:80;www.263.net:80;www.qq.com:80]\r\n" " -z [unzip response body, default: false]\r\n" " -c cocurrent [default: 10]\r\n" " -n loop_count[default: 10]\r\n", procname); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int ch, cocurrent = 10; string addrs("www.sina.com.cn:80;www.263.net:80;www.qq.com:81"); // 初始化 acl 库 acl::acl_cpp_init(); // 日志输出至标准输出 acl::log::stdout_open(true); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hs:n:c:z")) > 0) { switch (ch) { case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return 0; case 's': addrs = optarg; break; case 'c': cocurrent = atoi(optarg); break; case 'n': __loop_count = atoi(optarg); break; case 'z': __unzip = true; break; default: usage(argv[0]); return 0; } } init(addrs, cocurrent); run(cocurrent); end(); #ifdef WIN32 printf("enter any key to exit...\r\n"); getchar(); #endif return 0; }