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synced 2024-12-15 09:20:52 +08:00
422 lines
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422 lines
10 KiB
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "http_servlet.h"
static acl::atomic_long __counter = 0;
http_servlet::http_servlet(acl::socket_stream* stream, acl::session* session)
: acl::HttpServlet(stream, session)
, fsize1_(-1)
, fsize2_(-1)
, fsize3_(-1)
handlers_["/upload"] = &http_servlet::onUpload;
bool http_servlet::doError(request_t&, response_t& res)
res.setContentType("text/xml; charset=utf-8");
// ·¢ËÍ http ÏìÓ¦Ìå
acl::string buf;
buf.format("<root error='some error happened!' />\r\n");
res.write(NULL, 0);
return false;
bool http_servlet::doOther(request_t&, response_t& res, const char* method)
res.setContentType("text/xml; charset=utf-8");
// ·¢ËÍ http ÏìÓ¦Ìå
acl::string buf;
buf.format("<root error='unkown request method %s' />\r\n", method);
res.write(NULL, 0);
return false;
bool http_servlet::doGet(request_t& req, response_t& res)
return doPost(req, res);
bool http_servlet::doPut(request_t& req, response_t& res)
const char* filename = "./test.tmp";
long long length = req.getContentLength();
if (length <= 0) {
printf("invalid length=%lld\r\n", length);
return false;
const char* expect = req.getHeader("Expect");
if (expect && strcasecmp(expect, "100-continue") == 0) {
const char* reply = "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n";
acl::ostream& out = res.getOutputStream();
if (out.write(reply, strlen(reply)) == -1) {
printf("writer %s error\r\n", reply);
return false;
printf("reply: [%s]\r\n", reply);
acl::ofstream fp;
if (!fp.open_write(filename, true)) {
printf("open file %s error %s\r\n", filename, acl::last_serror());
return false;
acl::istream& in = req.getInputStream();
char buf[4096];
long long read_length = 0;
while (length > read_length) {
size_t size = (size_t) (length - read_length);
if (size > sizeof(buf)) {
size = sizeof(buf);
int ret = in.read(buf, size);
if (ret <= 0) {
if (fp.write(buf, ret) == -1) {
logger_error("write error %s", acl::last_serror());
(void) doReplyPlain(req, res, "write to local file error");
return false;
read_length += ret;
if (in.eof()) {
logger_error("read error from http client");
return false;
printf("read over, total read=%lld\r\n", read_length);
return doReplyPlain(req, res, "+ok");
bool http_servlet::doPost(request_t& req, response_t& res)
const char* ptr = req.getPathInfo();
if (ptr == NULL || *ptr == 0) {
logger_error("path null");
return doError(req, res);
acl::string path(ptr);
// ¸ù¾Ý uri path ²éÕÒ¶ÔÓ¦µÄ´¦Àí¾ä±ú£¬´Ó¶øʵÏÖ HTTP ·Óɹ¦ÄÜ
std::map<std::string, handler_t>::iterator it =
if (it == handlers_.end()) {
return onPage(req, res);
return (this->*it->second)(req, res);
// ȱʡ HTTP ÇëÇ󣬽« upload.html Ò³Ãæ·µ»Ø¸ø HTTP ¿Í»§¶Ë
bool http_servlet::onPage(request_t& req, response_t& res)
res.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8") // ÉèÖÃÏìÓ¦×Ö·û¼¯
.setKeepAlive(req.isKeepAlive()) // ÉèÖÃÊÇ·ñ±£³Ö³¤Á¬½Ó
.setContentEncoding(true) // ×Ô¶¯Ö§³ÖѹËõ´«Êä
.setChunkedTransferEncoding(true); // ²ÉÓà chunk ´«Ê䷽ʽ
const char* page_html = "upload.html";
acl::string buf;
if (!acl::ifstream::load(page_html, &buf)) {
buf.format("load %s error %s", page_html, acl::last_serror());
return res.write(buf) && res.write(NULL, 0);
bool http_servlet::onUpload(request_t& req, response_t& res)
res.setContentType("text/xml; charset=utf-8") // ÉèÖÃÏìÓ¦×Ö·û¼¯
.setKeepAlive(req.isKeepAlive()) // ÉèÖÃÊÇ·ñ±£³Ö³¤Á¬½Ó
.setContentEncoding(true) // ×Ô¶¯Ö§³ÖѹËõ´«Êä
.setChunkedTransferEncoding(true); // ²ÉÓà chunk ´«Ê䷽ʽ
// »ñµÃ HTTP ÇëÇóµÄÊý¾ÝÀàÐÍ£¬Õý³£µÄ²ÎÊýÀàÐÍ£¬¼´ name&value ·½Ê½
acl::http_request_t request_type = req.getRequestType();
if (request_type != acl::HTTP_REQUEST_MULTIPART_FORM) {
logger_warn("should be acl::HTTP_REQUEST_MULTIPART_FORM");
return onPage(req, res);
// ÏÈ»ñµÃ Content-Type ¶ÔÓ¦µÄ http_ctype ¶ÔÏó
acl::http_mime* mime = req.getHttpMime();
if (mime == NULL) {
logger_error("http_mime null");
return onPage(req, res);
// »ñµÃÊý¾ÝÌåµÄ³¤¶È
long long content_length = req.getContentLength();
if (content_length <= 0) {
logger_error("body empty");
return onPage(req, res);
acl::string path;
long long n = ++__counter;
long long i = __counter.value();
printf("i=%lld, n=%lld\r\n", i, n);
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
var_cfg_var_path, (unsigned) _getpid(), n);
var_cfg_var_path, (unsigned) getpid(), n);
acl::meter_time(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "begin");
acl::ofstream fp;
if (!fp.open_write(path)) {
logger_error("open %s error %s",
path.c_str(), acl::last_serror());
return doReplyXml(req, res, "open file error");
// ÉèÖÃÔʼÎļþ´æÈë·¾¶
if (!upload(req, res, content_length, fp, *mime)) {
return false;
if (!parse(req, res, *mime)) {
return false;
return true;
bool http_servlet::upload(request_t& req, response_t& res,
long long content_length, acl::ofstream& fp, acl::http_mime& mime)
// »ñµÃÊäÈëÁ÷
acl::istream& in = req.getInputStream();
bool finish = false;
char buf[8192];
//logger(">>>>>>>>>>read: %lld, total: %lld<<<<<",
// read_length_, content_length_);
long long read_length = 0;
// ¶ÁÈ¡ HTTP ¿Í»§¶ËÇëÇóÊý¾Ý
while (content_length > read_length) {
size_t size = (size_t) (content_length - read_length);
if (size > sizeof(buf)) {
size = sizeof(buf);
int ret = in.read(buf, size);
if (ret <= 0) {
//printf(">>>size: %d\r\n", ret);
if (fp.write(buf, ret) == -1) {
logger_error("write error %s", acl::last_serror());
(void) doReplyXml(req, res, "write error");
return false;
read_length += ret;
// ½«¶ÁµÃµ½µÄÊý¾ÝÊäÈëÖÁ½âÎöÆ÷½øÐнâÎö
// Èç¹ûÔÙ¶Áµ½¶àÓàÊý¾Ý£¬¿ÉÒÔÖ±½Ó¶ªµô£¬²»±ØÔÙ·ÅÈë mime ½âÎöÆ÷ÖÐ
if (!finish && mime.update(buf, (size_t) ret)) {
finish = true;
if (in.eof()) {
logger_error("read error from http client");
return false;
return true;
bool http_servlet::parse(request_t& req, response_t& res, acl::http_mime& mime)
const char* ptr = req.getParameter("name1");
if (ptr) {
param1_ = ptr;
ptr = req.getParameter("name2");
if (ptr) {
param2_ = ptr;
ptr = req.getParameter("name3");
if (ptr) {
param3_ = ptr;
acl::string path;
// ±éÀúËùÓÐµÄ MIME ½áµã£¬ÕÒ³öÆäÖÐΪÎļþ½áµãµÄ²¿·Ö½øÐÐת´¢
const std::list<acl::http_mime_node*>& nodes = mime.get_nodes();
std::list<acl::http_mime_node*>::const_iterator cit = nodes.begin();
for (; cit != nodes.end(); ++cit) {
const char* name = (*cit)->get_name();
if (name == NULL) {
acl::http_mime_t mime_type = (*cit)->get_mime_type();
if (mime_type == acl::HTTP_MIME_FILE) {
const char* filename = (*cit)->get_filename();
if (filename == NULL) {
logger("filename null");
// ÓеÄä¯ÀÀÆ÷£¨ÈçIE£©ÉÏ´«Îļþʱ»á´ø×ÅÎļþ·¾¶£¬ËùÒÔ
// ÐèÒªÏȽ«Â·¾¶È¥µô
filename = acl_safe_basename(filename);
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
path.format("%s\\%s", var_cfg_var_path, filename);
path.format("%s/%s", var_cfg_var_path, filename);
(void) (*cit)->save(path.c_str());
if (strcmp(name, "file1") == 0) {
file1_ = filename;
fsize1_ = get_fsize(var_cfg_var_path, filename);
} else if (strcmp(name, "file2") == 0) {
file2_ = filename;
fsize2_ = get_fsize(var_cfg_var_path, filename);
} else if (strcmp(name, "file3") == 0) {
file3_ = filename;
fsize3_ = get_fsize(var_cfg_var_path, filename);
// ²éÕÒÉÏÔصÄij¸öÎļþ²¢×ª´¢
const acl::http_mime_node* node = mime.get_node("file1");
if (node && node->get_mime_type() == acl::HTTP_MIME_FILE) {
ptr = node->get_filename();
if (ptr) {
// ÓеÄä¯ÀÀÆ÷£¨ÈçIE£©ÉÏ´«Îļþʱ»á´ø×ÅÎļþ·¾¶£¬ËùÒÔ
// ÐèÒªÏȽ«Â·¾¶È¥µô
ptr = acl_safe_basename(ptr);
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
path.format("%s\\1_%s", var_cfg_var_path, ptr);
path.format("%s/1_%s", var_cfg_var_path, ptr);
(void) node->save(path.c_str());
return doReplyXml(req, res, "OK");
bool http_servlet::doReplyXml(request_t& req, response_t& res, const char* info)
// ´´½¨ xml ¸ñʽµÄÊý¾ÝÌå
acl::xml1 body;
body.get_root().add_child("root", true)
.add_child("content_type", true)
.add_attr("type", (int) req.getRequestType())
.add_child("info", true)
.add_child("params", true)
.add_child("param", true)
.add_attr("name1", param1_)
.add_child("param", true)
.add_attr("name2", param2_)
.add_child("param", true)
.add_attr("name3", param3_)
.add_child("files", true)
.add_child("file", true)
.add_attr("filename", file1_)
.add_attr("fsize", fsize1_)
.add_child("file", true)
.add_attr("filename", file2_)
.add_attr("fsize", fsize2_)
.add_child("file", true)
.add_attr("filename", file3_)
.add_attr("fsize", fsize3_);
acl::string buf;
logger(">>%s<<", buf.c_str());
return res.write(buf) && res.write(NULL, 0);
bool http_servlet::doReplyPlain(request_t&, response_t& res, const char* info)
size_t len = strlen(info);
if (res.write(info, len) && res.write(NULL, 0)) {
printf("reply to client ok!\r\n");
return true;
printf("reply to client error!\r\n");
return false;
long long http_servlet::get_fsize(const char* dir, const char* filename)
acl::string path;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
path.format("%s\\%s", dir, filename);
path.format("%s/%s", dir, filename);
acl::ifstream in;
if (in.open_read(path) == false) {
logger_error("open %s error %s", path.c_str(), acl::last_serror());
return -1;
return in.fsize();
void http_servlet::reset(void)
fsize1_ = -1;
fsize2_ = -1;
fsize3_ = -1;