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#pragma once
#include "acl_cpp/acl_cpp_define.hpp"
#include "acl_cpp/redis/redis_result.hpp"
namespace acl
class redis_client;
class redis_pool;
class redis_cluster;
* redis 客户端命令类的纯虚父类;
* the redis command classes's base virtual class, which includes the basic
* functions for all sub-classes
class ACL_CPP_API redis_command
redis_command(redis_client* conn);
redis_command(redis_cluster* cluster, size_t max_conns);
virtual ~redis_command() = 0;
* 在重复使用一个继承于 redis_command 的子类操作 redis 时,需要在
* 下一次调用前调用本方法以释放上次操作的临时对象;
* when reusing a redis command sub-class, the reset method should be
* called first to rlease some resources in last command operation
* @param save_slot {bool} 当采用集群模式时,该参数决定是否需要重新
* 计算哈希槽值,如果反复调用 redis 命令过程中的 key 值不变,则可以保留此
* 哈希槽值以减少内部重新进行计算的次数;
* when in cluster mode, if your operations is on the same key, you
* can set the param save_slot to false which can reduse the times
* of compute the same key's hash-slot.
void reset(bool save_slot = false);
* 在使用连接池方式时,通过本函数将从连接池获得的连接对象;
* when using connection pool and not in cluster mode, the function
* is used to set the connection for next redis command operation.
* @param conn {redis_client*} 与 redis 客户端命令进行关联;
* the redis connection to be set in next redis operation
void set_client(redis_client* conn);
* 获得当前 redis 客户端命令的连接对象;
* get redis connection set by set_client function
* @return {redis_client*} 返回 NULL 表示没有连接对象与当前的命令对象
* 进行绑定;
* the internal redis connection be returned, NULL if no redis
* connection be set
redis_client* get_client() const
return conn_;
* 设置连接池集群管理器;
* set the redis cluster object in redis cluster mode
* @param cluster {redis_cluster*} redis 集群连接对象;
* the redis_cluster connection object which can connect to any
* redis-server and support connection pool
* @param max_conns {size_t} 当内部动态创建连接池对象时,该值指定每个动态创建
* 的连接池的最大连接数量;
* when dynamicly creating connection pool to any redis-server, use
* this param to limit the max number for each connection pool
void set_cluster(redis_cluster* cluster, size_t max_conns);
* 获得所设置的连接池集群管理器;
* get redis_cluster object set by set_cluster function
* @return {redis_cluster*}
redis_cluster* get_cluster() const
return cluster_;
* 获得内存池句柄,该内存池由 redis_command 内部产生;
* get memory pool handle be set
* @return {dbuf_pool*}
dbuf_pool* get_pool() const
return pool_;
* 获得当前结果结点的数据类型;
* get the result type returned from redis-server
* @return {redis_result_t}
redis_result_t result_type() const;
* 当返回值为 REDIS_RESULT_STATUS 类型时,本方法返回状态信息;
* when result type is REDIS_RESULT_STATUS, the status info can be
* get by this function
* @return {const char*} 返回 "" 表示出错;
* "" will be returned on error
const char* result_status() const;
* 当出错时返回值为 REDIS_RESULT_ERROR 类型,本方法返回出错信息;
* when result type is REDIS_RESULT_ERROR, the error info can be
* get by this function
* @return {const char*} 返回空串 "" 表示没有出错信息;
* "" will be returned when no error info
const char* result_error() const;
* 获得当前结果结点存储的对象的个数, 该方法可以获得结果为下面两个方法
* (get_child/get_value) 所需要的数组元素的个数;
* get number of result objects, just for functions get_child/get_value
* @return {size_t} 返回值与存储类型的对应关系如下:
* the relation between return value and result type, as below:
* REDIS_RESULT_STRING: > 0 时表示该字符串数据被切分成非连接内存块的个数;
* when the result type is REDIS_RESULT_STRING and the the
* string is too large, the string was be cut into many small
* chunks, the returned value is the chunks number
* REDIS_RESULT_ARRAY: children_->size()
size_t result_size() const;
* 当返回值为 REDIS_RESULT_INTEGER 类型时,本方法返回对应的 32 位整数值;
* get 32-bits number value if result type is REDIS_RESULT_INTERGER
* @param success {bool*} 本指针非 NULL 时记录操作过程是否成功;
* if the param pointer is not NULL, which will save status of
* success or not for result from redis-server
* @return {int}
int result_number(bool* success = NULL) const;
* 当返回值为 REDIS_RESULT_INTEGER 类型时,本方法返回对应的 64 位整数值;
* get 64-bits number value if result type is REDIS_RESULT_INTERGER
* @param success {bool*} 本指针非 NULL 时记录操作过程是否成功;
* if the param pointer is not NULL, which will save status of
* success or not for result from redis-server
* @return {long long int}
long long int result_number64(bool* success = NULL) const;
* 返回对应下标的数据(当数据类型非 REDIS_RESULT_ARRAY 时);
* get string result when result type isn't REDIS_RESULT_ARRAY
* @param i {size_t} 数组下标;
* the array index
* @param len {size_t*} 当为非 NULL 指针时存储所返回数据的长度;
* *len will save the result's length if len is not NULL
* @return {const char*} 返回 NULL 表示下标越界;
* NULL will return if i beyonds the array's size
const char* get_result(size_t i, size_t* len = NULL) const;
* 判断当前所绑定的 redis 连接流对象(redis_client) 连接是否已经关闭;
* 只有内部的 conn_ 流对象非空时调用此函数才有意义;
* to judge if the redis connection was be closed, only redis_client
* object be set internal
* @return {bool}
bool eof() const;
* 获得本次 redis 操作过程的结果;
* get result object of last redis operation
* @return {redis_result*}
const redis_result* get_result() const;
* 当查询结果为数组对象时调用本方法获得一个数组元素对象;
* get one result ojbect of array if result type is REDIS_RESULT_ARRAY
* @param i {size_t} 数组对象的下标值;
* the result array's index
* @return {const redis_result*} 当结果非数组对象或结果为空或出错时
* 该方法返回 NULL;
* NULL will be resturned when result is not REDIS_RESULT_ARRAY or
* array empty or error
const redis_result* result_child(size_t i) const;
* 当从 redis-server 获得的数据是一组字符串类型的结果集时,可以调用
* 本函数获得某个指定下标位置的数据;
* @param i {size_t} 下标(从 0 开始)
* @param len {size_t*} 若该指针非空,则存储所返回结果的长度(仅当该
* 方法返回非空指针时有效)
* @return {const char*} 返回对应下标的值,当返回 NULL 时表示该下标没
* 有值,为了保证使用上的安全性,返回的数据总能保证最后是以 \0 结尾,
* 在计算数据长度时不包含该结尾符,但为了兼容二进制情形,调用者还是
* 应该通过返回的 len 存放的长度值来获得数据的真实长度
const char* result_value(size_t i, size_t* len = NULL) const;
* 设置是否对请求数据进行分片处理,如果为 true 则内部在组装请求协议的时候不会
* 将所有数据块重新组装成一个连续的大数据块
* @param on {bool} 内部默认值为 false
void set_slice_request(bool on);
* 设置是否对响应数据进行分片处理,如果为 true 则当服务器的返回数据比较大时则
* 将数据进行分片,分成一些不连续的数据块
* @param on {bool} 内部默认值为 false
void set_slice_respond(bool on);
const redis_result* run(size_t nchild = 0);
const redis_result* run(redis_cluster* cluster, size_t nchild);
void build_request(size_t argc, const char* argv[], size_t lens[]);
void reset_request();
const redis_result** scan_keys(const char* cmd, const char* key,
int& cursor, size_t& size, const char* pattern,
const size_t* count);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const std::map<string, string>& attrs);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const std::map<string, const char*>& attrs);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const std::map<int, string>& attrs);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const std::map<int, const char*>& attrs);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const std::vector<string>& names,
const std::vector<string>& values);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const std::vector<const char*>& names,
const std::vector<const char*>& values);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const std::vector<int>& names,
const std::vector<string>& values);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const std::vector<int>& names,
const std::vector<const char*>& values);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const char* names[], const char* values[], size_t argc);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const int names[], const char* values[], size_t argc);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const char* names[], const size_t names_len[],
const char* values[], const size_t values_len[], size_t argc);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const std::vector<string>& names);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const std::vector<const char*>& names);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const std::vector<int>& names);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const char* names[], size_t argc);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const int names[], size_t argc);
void build(const char* cmd, const char* key,
const char* names[], const size_t lens[], size_t argc);
int get_number(bool* success = NULL);
long long int get_number64(bool* success = NULL);
int get_number(std::vector<int>& out);
int get_number64(std::vector<long long int>& out);
bool check_status(const char* success = "OK");
int get_status(std::vector<bool>& out);
const char* get_status();
int get_string(string& buf);
int get_string(string* buf);
int get_string(char* buf, size_t size);
int get_strings(std::vector<string>& result);
int get_strings(std::vector<string>* result);
int get_strings(std::map<string, string>& result);
int get_strings(std::vector<string>& names,
std::vector<string>& values);
int get_strings(std::vector<const char*>& names,
std::vector<const char*>& values);
/************************** common *********************************/
dbuf_pool* pool_;
// 根据键值计算哈希槽值
void hash_slot(const char* key);
void hash_slot(const char* key, size_t len);
redis_client* conn_;
redis_cluster* cluster_;
size_t max_conns_;
unsigned long long used_;
int slot_;
int redirect_max_;
int redirect_sleep_;
redis_client* peek_conn(redis_cluster* cluster, int slot);
redis_client* redirect(redis_cluster* cluster, const char* addr);
const char* get_addr(const char* info);
/************************** request ********************************/
bool slice_req_;
string* request_buf_;
redis_request* request_obj_;
size_t argv_size_;
const char** argv_;
size_t* argv_lens_;
size_t argc_;
void argv_space(size_t n);
void build_request1(size_t argc, const char* argv[], size_t lens[]);
void build_request2(size_t argc, const char* argv[], size_t lens[]);
/************************** respond ********************************/
bool slice_res_;
const redis_result* result_;
} // namespace acl