2020-07-31 11:19:51 +08:00
; /*!examples/index.jsx*/
amis . define ( "ca626e1" , function ( e , t ) { "use strict" ; function o ( e ) { l . render ( a . default . createElement ( n . default , null ) , e ) } Object . defineProperty ( t , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) , t . bootstrap = void 0 ; var d = e ( "node_modules/tslib/tslib" ) , a = d . _ _importDefault ( e ( "node_modules/react/index" ) ) , l = e ( "node_modules/react-dom/index" ) , n = d . _ _importDefault ( e ( "5f106aa" ) ) ; t . bootstrap = o } ) ;
; /*!examples/polyfills/Object.assign.ts*/
amis . define ( "d89b1f2" , function ( ) { "function" != typeof Object . assign && Object . defineProperty ( Object , "assign" , { value : function ( e ) { "use strict" ; if ( null == e ) throw new TypeError ( "Cannot convert undefined or null to object" ) ; for ( var n = Object ( e ) , t = 1 ; t < arguments . length ; t ++ ) { var r = arguments [ t ] ; if ( null != r ) for ( var o in r ) Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( r , o ) && ( n [ o ] = r [ o ] ) } return n } , writable : ! 0 , configurable : ! 0 } ) } ) ;
; /*!examples/polyfills/Array.from.ts*/
amis . define ( "804ccfd" , function ( ) { Array . from || ( Array . from = function ( ) { var r = Object . prototype . toString , n = function ( n ) { return "function" == typeof n || "[object Function]" === r . call ( n ) } , e = function ( r ) { var n = Number ( r ) ; return isNaN ( n ) ? 0 : 0 !== n && isFinite ( n ) ? ( n > 0 ? 1 : - 1 ) * Math . floor ( Math . abs ( n ) ) : n } , t = Math . pow ( 2 , 53 ) - 1 , o = function ( r ) { var n = e ( r ) ; return Math . min ( Math . max ( n , 0 ) , t ) } ; return function ( r ) { var e = this , t = Object ( r ) ; if ( null == r ) throw new TypeError ( "Array.from requires an array-like object - not null or undefined" ) ; var a , i = arguments . length > 1 ? arguments [ 1 ] : void 0 ; if ( "undefined" != typeof i ) { if ( ! n ( i ) ) throw new TypeError ( "Array.from: when provided, the second argument must be a function" ) ; arguments . length > 2 && ( a = arguments [ 2 ] ) } for ( var u , f = o ( t . length ) , c = n ( e ) ? Object ( new e ( f ) ) : new Array ( f ) , h = 0 ; f > h ; ) u = t [ h ] , c [ h ] = i ? "undefined" == typeof a ? i ( u , h ) : i . call ( a , u , h ) : u , h += 1 ; return c . length = f , c } } ( ) ) } ) ;
; /*!examples/polyfills/Array.find.ts*/
amis . define ( "5982bcf" , function ( ) { Array . prototype . find || Object . defineProperty ( Array . prototype , "find" , { value : function ( r ) { if ( null == this ) throw new TypeError ( '"this" is null or not defined' ) ; var e = Object ( this ) , t = e . length >>> 0 ; if ( "function" != typeof r ) throw new TypeError ( "predicate must be a function" ) ; for ( var n = arguments [ 1 ] , i = 0 ; t > i ; ) { var o = e [ i ] ; if ( r . call ( n , o , i , e ) ) return o ; i ++ } return void 0 } , configurable : ! 0 , writable : ! 0 } ) } ) ;
; /*!examples/polyfills/cloest.ts*/
amis . define ( "ba41ebe" , function ( ) { Element . prototype . matches || ( Element . prototype . matches = Element . prototype . msMatchesSelector || Element . prototype . webkitMatchesSelector ) , Element . prototype . closest || ( Element . prototype . closest = function ( e ) { var t = this ; if ( ! document . documentElement . contains ( t ) ) return null ; do { if ( t . matches ( e ) ) return t ; t = t . parentElement } while ( null !== t ) ; return null } ) } ) ;
; /*!examples/polyfills/index.ts*/
amis . define ( "835699d" , function ( e , d ) { "use strict" ; Object . defineProperty ( d , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) , e ( "d89b1f2" ) , e ( "804ccfd" ) , e ( "5982bcf" ) , e ( "ba41ebe" ) , e ( "node_modules/promise/polyfill" ) , e ( "node_modules/es6-symbol/implement" ) } ) ;
; /*!examples/embed.tsx*/
amis . define ( "2ab197b" , function ( e , t ) { "use strict" ; function n ( e , t , n , c ) { if ( "string" == typeof e && ( e = document . querySelector ( e ) ) , ! e ) return void console . error ( "选择器不对,页面上没有此元素" ) ; if ( "BODY" === e . tagName ) { var l = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; e . appendChild ( l ) , e = l } e . classList . add ( "amis-scope" ) ; var f , p = function ( e ) { e = e || "" ; var t = window . location ; e && "#" === e [ 0 ] ? e = t . pathname + t . search + e : e && "?" === e [ 0 ] && ( e = t . pathname + e ) ; var n = e . indexOf ( "?" ) , r = e . indexOf ( "#" ) , o = ~ n ? e . substring ( 0 , n ) : ~ r ? e . substring ( 0 , r ) : e , a = ~ n ? e . substring ( n , ~ r ? r : void 0 ) : "" , i = ~ r ? e . substring ( r ) : t . hash ; if ( o ) { if ( "/" != o [ 0 ] && ! /^https?\:\/\// . test ( o ) ) { var s = t . pathname , u = s . split ( "/" ) ; u . pop ( ) ; for ( var d = void 0 ; d = /^\.\.?\// . exec ( o ) ; ) "../" === d [ 0 ] && u . pop ( ) , o = o . substring ( d [ 0 ] . length ) ; o = u . concat ( o ) . join ( "/" ) } } else o = t . pathname ; return o + a + i } , m = function ( e ) { return function ( t ) { var n = t . data ; if ( c && c . responseAdpater ) { var o = ( e . url , e . url . indexOf ( "?" ) ) , a = ~ o ? u . default . parse ( e . url . substring ( o ) ) : { } , i = r . _ _assign ( r . _ _assign ( { } , e ) , { query : a , body : e . data } ) ; n = c . responseAdpater ( e , n , a , i ) } else n . hasOwnProperty ( "errno" ) ? ( n . status = n . errno , n . msg = n . errmsg ) : n . hasOwnProperty ( "no" ) && ( n . status = n . no , n . msg = n . error ) ; var s = r . _ _assign ( r . _ _assign ( { } , t ) , { data : n } ) ; return s } } ; return a . render ( o . default . createElement ( "div" , { className : "amis-routes-wrapper" } , o . default . createElement ( d . ToastComponent , { position : c && c . toastPosition || "top-right" , closeButton : ! 1 , timeOut : 5e3 , extendedTimeOut : 3e3 } ) , o . default . createElement ( d . AlertComponent , { container : e } ) , d . render ( t , r . _ _assign ( r . _ _assign ( { } , n ) , { scopeRef : function ( e ) { return f = e } } ) , r . _ _assign ( { getModalContainer : function ( ) { return document . querySelector ( ".amis-scope" ) } , notify : function ( e , t ) { return d . toast [ e ] ? d . toast [ e ] ( t , "error" === e ? "系统错误" : "系统消息" ) : console . warn ( "[Notify]" , e , t ) } , alert : d . alert , confirm : d . confirm , updateLocation : function ( e , t ) { return "goBack" === e ? window . history . back ( ) : void ( t || ( location . href = p ( e ) ) ) } , isCurrentUrl : function ( e ) { var t = p ( e ) , n = window . location , r = t , o = "" , a = t . indexOf ( "?" ) ; if ( ~ a && ( r = t . substring ( 0 , a ) , o = t . substring ( a ) ) , o ) { if ( r !== n . pathname || ! n . search ) return ! 1 ; var i = u . default . parse ( o . substring ( 1 ) ) , s = u . default . parse ( n . search . substring ( 1 ) ) ; return Object . keys ( i ) . every ( function ( e ) { return i [ e ] === s [ e ] } ) } return r === n . pathname ? ! 0 : ! 1 } , jumpTo : function ( e , t ) { return "goBack" === e ? window . history . back ( ) : ( e = p ( e ) , t && "url" === t . actionType ? void ( t . blank === ! 1 ? window . location . href = e : window . open ( e ) ) : void ( /^https?:\/\// . test ( e ) ? window . location . replace ( e ) : location . href = e ) ) } , fetcher : function ( e ) { var t = e . url , n = e . method , r = e . data , o = e . responseType , a = e . config , s = e . headers ; return a = a || { } , a . withCredentials = ! 0 , o && ( a . responseType = o ) , a . cancelExecutor && ( a . cancelToken = new i . default . CancelToken ( a . cancelExecutor ) ) , a . headers = s || { } , a . method = n , "get" === n && r ? a . params = r : r && r instanceof FormData || ! r || "string" == typeof r || r instanceof Blob || r instanceof ArrayBuffer || ( r = JSON . stringify ( r ) , a . headers [ "Content-Type" ] = "application/json" ) , r && ( a . data = r ) , i . default ( t , a ) . then ( m ( e ) ) } , isCancel : function ( e ) { return i . default . isCancel ( e ) } , copy : function ( e , t ) { void 0 === t && ( t = { } ) ; var n = s . default ( e , t ) ; return n && t . shutup !== ! 0 && d . toast . info ( "内容已拷贝到剪切板" ) , n } , richTextToken : "" , affixOffsetBottom : 0 } , c ) ) ) , e ) , f } Object . defineProperty ( t , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) , t . embed = void 0 ; var r = e ( "node_modules/tslib/tslib" ) ; e ( "835699d" ) ; var o = r . _ _importDefault ( e ( "node_modules/react/index" ) ) , a = e ( "node_modules/react-dom/index" ) , i = r . _ _importDefault ( e ( "node_modules/axios/index" ) ) , s = r . _ _importDefault ( e ( "node_modules/copy-to-clipboard/index" ) ) , u = r . _ _importDefault ( e ( "node_modules/qs/lib/index" ) ) , d = e ( "d019970" ) ; t . embed = n } ) ;
; /*!examples/loader.ts*/
amis . define ( "3be4436" , function ( ) { function e ( ) { for ( var e = [ ] , o = 0 ; o < arguments . length ; o ++ ) e [ o ] = arguments [ o ] ; var n = e . shift ( ) ; return n = Array . isArray ( n ) ? n . map ( function ( e ) { return d [ e ] || e } ) : d [ n ] || n , e . unshift ( n ) , amis . require . apply ( this , e ) } var d = { jquery : "node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery" , react : "node_modules/react/index" , "react-dom" : "node_modules/react-dom/index" , "react-addons-update" : "node_modules/react-addons-update/index" , "immutability-helper" : "node_modules/react-addons-update/index" , "react-cropper" : "node_modules/react-cropper/dist/react-cropper" , "react-dropzone" : "node_modules/react-dropzone/dist/index" , classnames : "node_modules/classnames/index" , axios : "node_modules/axios/index" , moment : "node_modules/moment/moment" , mobx : "node_modules/mobx/lib/index" , "mobx-state-tree" : "node_modules/mobx-state-tree/dist/mobx-state-tree" , "react-transition-group" : "node_modules/react-transition-group/index" , echarts : "node_modules/echarts/index" , zrender : "node_modules/zrender/index" , sortablejs : "node_modules/sortablejs/Sortable" , amis : "d019970" , "amis/embed" : "2ab197b" , "prop-types" : "node_modules/prop-types/index" , "async/mapLimit" : "node_modules/async/mapLimit" , qs : "node_modules/qs/lib/index" } ; window . amisRequire = e } ) ;
; /*!src/components/RichText.tsx*/
amis . define ( "1e5b785" , function ( e , i ) { "use strict" ; Object . defineProperty ( i , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) ; var t = e ( "node_modules/tslib/tslib" ) , o = t . _ _importDefault ( e ( "node_modules/react/index" ) ) , n = t . _ _importDefault ( e ( "node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery" ) ) ; [ e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/froala_editor.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/align.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/char_counter.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/code_beautifier.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/code_view.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/colors.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/draggable.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/emoticons.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/entities.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/font_family.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/font_size.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/forms.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/fullscreen.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/help.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/image.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/image_manager.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/inline_class.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/inline_style.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/line_breaker.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/line_height.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/link.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/lists.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/paragraph_format.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/paragraph_style.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/print.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/quick_insert.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/quote.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/save.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/special_characters.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/table.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/url.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/video.min" ) , e ( "node_modules/froala-editor/js/plugins/word_paste.min" ) ] . forEach ( function ( e ) { return e ( ) } ) ; var a = e ( "67d35e6" ) , l = function ( e ) { function i ( i ) { var t = e . call ( this , i ) || this ; return t . listeningEvents = [ ] , t . $element = null , t . $editor = null , t . config = { immediateReactModelUpdate : ! 1 , reactIgnoreAttrs : null } , t . editorInitialized = ! 1 , t . oldModel = null , t . textareaRef = t . textareaRef . bind ( t ) , t } return t . _ _extends ( i , e ) , i . prototype . componentDidUpdate = function ( ) { JSON . stringify ( this . oldModel ) != JSON . stringify ( this . props . model ) && this . setContent ( ) } , i . prototype . textareaRef = function ( e ) { e ? this . createEditor ( e ) : this . destroyEditor ( ) } , i . prototype . createEditor = function ( e ) { this . editorInitialized || ( this . config = this . props . config || this . config , this . $element = n . default ( e ) , this . setContent ( ! 0 ) , this . registerEvents ( ) , a . resizeSensor ( e . parentElement , function ( ) { n . default ( e ) . prev ( ".fr-box" ) . find ( ".fr-toolbar" ) . css ( "width" , "" ) } ) , this . $editor = this . $element . froalaEditor ( this . config ) . data ( "froala.editor" ) . $el , this . initListeners ( ) , this . editorInitialized = ! 0 ) } , i . prototype . setContent = function ( e ) { void 0 === e && ( e = ! 1 ) , ( this . editorInitialized || e ) && ( this . props . model || "" == this . props . model ) && ( this . oldModel = this . props . model , this . setNormalTagContent ( e ) ) } , i . prototype . setNormalTagContent = function ( e ) { function i ( ) { t . $element . froalaEditor ( "html.set" , t . props . model || "" , ! 0 ) , t . $element . froalaEditor ( "undo.reset" ) , t . $element . froalaEditor ( "undo.saveStep" ) } var t = this ; e ? this . registerEvent ( this . $element , "froalaEditor.initialized" , i ) : i ( ) } , i . prototype . getEditor = function ( ) { return this . $element ? this . $element . froalaEditor . bind ( this . $element ) : null } , i . prototype . updateModel = function ( ) { if ( this . props . onModelChange ) { var e = "" , i = this . $element . froalaEditor ( "html.get" ) ; "string" == typeof i && ( e = i ) , this . oldModel = e , this . props . onModelChange ( e ) } } , i . prototype . initListeners = function ( ) { var e = this ; this . registerEvent ( this . $element , "froalaEditor.contentChanged" , function ( ) { e . updateModel ( ) } ) , this . config . immediateReactModelUpdate && this . registerEvent ( this . $editor , "keyup" , function ( ) { e . updateModel ( ) } ) } , i . prototype . registerEvent = f
; /*!examples/loadMonacoEditor.ts*/
amis . define ( "b961301" , function ( s , a ) { "use strict" ; function e ( s ) { var a = "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/loader_e45cf1a.js" , e = amis . require . loadJs ( c ( a ) ) ; e . onload = function ( ) { return i ( window . require , s ) } } function c ( s ) { return s } function i ( s , a ) { var e = { "vs/nls" : { availableLanguages : { "*" : "zh-cn" } } , paths : { vs : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/editor/editor.main_147bfda.js" . replace ( /\/vs\/.*$/ , "" ) , "vs/base/worker/workerMain" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/base/worker/workerMain_3c46a35.js" , "vs/basic-languages/apex/apex" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/apex/apex_d4ae4dd.js" , "vs/basic-languages/azcli/azcli" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/azcli/azcli_1b0ef3f.js" , "vs/basic-languages/clojure/clojure" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/clojure/clojure_903e94b.js" , "vs/basic-languages/bat/bat" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/bat/bat_9d67e6c.js" , "vs/basic-languages/coffee/coffee" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/coffee/coffee_ed86fc7.js" , "vs/basic-languages/cpp/cpp" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/cpp/cpp_4f3f527.js" , "vs/basic-languages/csharp/csharp" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/csharp/csharp_6d526d9.js" , "vs/basic-languages/css/css" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/css/css_9b5d23e.js" , "vs/basic-languages/dockerfile/dockerfile" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/dockerfile/dockerfile_ae15175.js" , "vs/basic-languages/fsharp/fsharp" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/fsharp/fsharp_899ae6c.js" , "vs/basic-languages/go/go" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/go/go_c9012ae.js" , "vs/basic-languages/handlebars/handlebars" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/handlebars/handlebars_3b4ba3a.js" , "vs/basic-languages/html/html" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/html/html_cae751f.js" , "vs/basic-languages/ini/ini" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/ini/ini_d156643.js" , "vs/basic-languages/java/java" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/java/java_d1eb191.js" , "vs/basic-languages/javascript/javascript" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/javascript/javascript_b58352d.js" , "vs/basic-languages/less/less" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/less/less_a309479.js" , "vs/basic-languages/lua/lua" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/lua/lua_c8b58eb.js" , "vs/basic-languages/markdown/markdown" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/markdown/markdown_7c5bc2f.js" , "vs/basic-languages/msdax/msdax" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/msdax/msdax_d5bc491.js" , "vs/basic-languages/objective-c/objective-c" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/objective-c/objective-c_1fec7dc.js" , "vs/basic-languages/php/php" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/php/php_b5da4f5.js" , "vs/basic-languages/postiats/postiats" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/postiats/postiats_20abb55.js" , "vs/basic-languages/powershell/powershell" : "https://bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monaco-editor/min/vs/basic-languages/powershell/powershell_d8ffc04.js" , "vs/basic-languages/pug/pug" : " https : //bce.bdstatic.com/fex/amis-gh-pages/n/monac
; /*!examples/components/Play.jsx*/
2020-08-01 00:31:48 +08:00
amis . define ( "9b1667d" , function ( e , t ) { "use strict" ; Object . defineProperty ( t , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) ; var o = e ( "node_modules/tslib/tslib" ) , n = o . _ _importDefault ( e ( "node_modules/react/index" ) ) , a = e ( "6ae88e0" ) , s = e ( "d019970" ) , i = o . _ _importDefault ( e ( "node_modules/axios/index" ) ) , r = o . _ _importDefault ( e ( "node_modules/react-frame-component/lib/index" ) ) , l = o . _ _importDefault ( e ( "node_modules/strip-json-comments/index" ) ) , d = o . _ _importDefault ( e ( "997c87d" ) ) , h = '{\n "$schema": "https://houtai.baidu.com/v2/schemas/page.json#",\n "type": "page",\n "title": "Title",\n "body": "Body",\n "aside": "Aside",\n "toolbar": "Toolbar"\n}' , u = { none : "" , body : '{\n "type": "page",\n "body": SCHEMA_PLACEHOLDER\n }' , form : '{\n "type": "page",\n "body": {\n "title": "",\n "type": "form",\n "autoFocus": false,\n "api": "https://houtai.baidu.com/api/mock2/saveForm?waitSeconds=1",\n "mode": "horizontal",\n "controls": SCHEMA_PLACEHOLDER,\n "submitText": null,\n "actions": []\n }\n }' , "form-item" : '{\n "type": "page",\n "body": {\n "title": "",\n "type": "form",\n "mode": "horizontal",\n "autoFocus": false,\n "controls": [\n SCHEMA_PLACEHOLDER\n ],\n "submitText": null,\n "actions": []\n }\n }' } , c = function ( e ) { function t ( t ) { var n = e . call ( this , t ) || this ; n . state = null , n . startX = 0 , n . oldContents = "" ; var s = n . buildSchema ( t . code || h , t ) ; n . state = { asideWidth : t . asideWidth || Math . max ( 300 , . 3 * window . innerWidth ) , schema : s , schemaCode : JSON . stringify ( s , null , 2 ) } , n . handleMouseDown = n . handleMouseDown . bind ( n ) , n . handleMouseMove = n . handleMouseMove . bind ( n ) , n . handleMouseUp = n . handleMouseUp . bind ( n ) , n . removeWindowEvents = n . removeWindowEvents . bind ( n ) , n . handleChange = n . handleChange . bind ( n ) , n . schemaProps = { style : { height : "100%" } } , n . env = { session : "doc" , updateLocation : function ( ) { } , fetcher : function ( e ) { return e = o . _ _assign ( { dataType : "json" } , e ) , "json" === e . dataType && e . data && ( e . data = JSON . stringify ( e . data ) , e . headers = e . headers || { } , e . headers [ "Content-Type" ] = "application/json" ) , i . default [ e . method ] ( e . url , e . data , e ) } , notify : function ( e , t ) { return a . toast [ e ] ? a . toast [ e ] ( t , "error" === e ? "系统错误" : "系统消息" ) : console . warn ( "[Notify]" , e , t ) } } ; var r = [ ] . slice . call ( document . head . querySelectorAll ( "link,style" ) ) . map ( function ( e ) { return e . outerHTML } ) ; return n . frameTemplate = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>" + r . join ( "" ) + "</head><body><div></div></body></html>" , n } return o . _ _extends ( t , e ) , t . prototype . componentWillReceiveProps = function ( e ) { var t = this . props ; if ( t . code !== e . code ) { var o = this . buildSchema ( e . code || h , e ) ; this . setState ( { schema : o , schemaCode : JSON . stringify ( o , null , 2 ) } ) } } , t . prototype . componentDidMount = function ( ) { this . props . setAsideFolded && this . props . setAsideFolded ( ! 0 ) } , t . prototype . componentWillUnmount = function ( ) { this . props . setAsideFolded && this . props . setAsideFolded ( ! 1 ) } , t . prototype . buildSchema = function ( e , t ) { void 0 === t && ( t = this . props ) ; var o = t . location . query ; try { var n = o . scope || t . scope ; return n && u [ n ] && ( e = u [ n ] . replace ( "SCHEMA_PLACEHOLDER" , e ) ) , e = l . default ( e ) . replace ( /('|")raw:/g , "$1" ) , JSON . parse ( e ) } catch ( a ) { console . error ( this . formatMessage ( a . message , e ) ) } return { } } , t . prototype . formatMessage = function ( e , t ) { if ( /position\s?(\d+)$/ . test ( e ) ) { var o = t . substring ( 0 , parseInt ( RegExp . $1 , 10 ) ) . split ( /\n|\r\n|\r/ ) ; e = "Json 语法错误,请检测。出错位置:" + o . length + ",列:" + o [ o . length - 1 ] . length + "。" } return e } , t . prototype . renderPreview = function ( ) { var e = this . state . schema , t = o . _ _assign ( o . _ _assign ( { } , this . schemaProps ) , { theme : this . props . theme , locale : this . props . locale , affixHeader : ! 1 , affixFooter : ! 1 } ) ; return this . props . useIFrame ? n . default . createElement ( r . default , { width : "100%" , height : "100%" , frameBorder : 0 , initialContent : this . frameTemplate } , s . render ( e , t , this . env ) ) : s . render ( e , t , this . env ) } , t . prototype . handleChange = function ( e ) { this . setState ( { schemaCode : e } ) ; try { var t = JSON . parse ( e ) ; this . setState ( { schema : t } ) } catch ( o ) { } } , t . prototype . handleMouseDown = function ( e ) { return this . startX = e . clientX , this . startWidth = this . state