diff --git a/packages/amis-editor/src/locale/en-US.ts b/packages/amis-editor/src/locale/en-US.ts
index bec35bdb1..dc0e350d4 100644
--- a/packages/amis-editor/src/locale/en-US.ts
+++ b/packages/amis-editor/src/locale/en-US.ts
@@ -3247,5 +3247,32 @@ extendLocale('en-US', {
"'The format is incorrect. Enter the content that meets the rule of \\$1\\ .'",
- 'Reference documentation'
+ 'Reference documentation',
+ 'cadf0e302ddbc6fdbf005aed670b5e3e': 'Code changes',
+ '6006074bdabc639b86f42aa18876e33a': 'Fired when code changes',
+ '28e5fd494ea37a09fd2ad36d0f98bacc': 'Deleted item',
+ '046de1a6cb21ff83af74958342c0db64': 'Activated item',
+ 'f6e5fc909971d2e5f6ffe23edae93584': 'If there is a lot of data and the comparison is stuck, you can turn on this configuration item',
+ '31dae237cbd03ae0d2dcf7ad2fd4fb76': 'The data returned after the initial interface request is successful',
+ '850c62f7b1ebfb4b89182ecd51202a7d': 'Triggered after the form is submitted successfully. If the event source is a button and the type of the button is "Submit", the submit success event will be triggered even if the current form is not configured with "Save Interface"',
+ '88b2930823f9fd6706473805e9b11797': 'Save the data returned after the interface request is successful',
+ '3e07258baf3c4389c1ffd4a98c20b8fe': 'Save the error information returned after the interface request fails',
+ '0d6581b6dd51f6c03a4edf26475d75c6': 'Removed item',
+ '4ea280a2e54969de1d1b9bbd5b708e63': 'Click option',
+ 'f05520432bb87ced419a1da818c6cc9d': 'Fired when an option is clicked',
+ '91f7b7fdf9b91073ca3519260f7a62d7': 'Option clicked',
+ '6afde638796d237377b0755506d08ded': 'target component',
+ 'fee99f2bcced486e4753a8f58f511d3f': 'Append data',
+ '3f3f4c71c1b736e7f01cf910a553ff43': 'When "Yes" is selected, the data domain variables of the source component will be synchronized to the data domain of the target component.
If the target component is a CRUD component, and the data pull interface of the CRUD component is a get request, the data domain variable where the source component is located will be appended to the target component\'s initialization request query.',
+ '2aecb19ca1655d66fc80fc27a783cc9e': 'Append method',
+ 'b67b01a3b9170f1daf78082cfd0df793': 'When "Merge" is selected, the data is merged into the data field of the target component.
When "Override" is selected, the data will directly overwrite the data field of the target component.',
+ 'bd81577a6fd4956e676cec499bb70d00': 'Merge',
+ 'e09fea40f7e4abd4b2a495b315940688': 'Cover',
+ '9a5500b6013ec1ebf61bdf0e18452348': 'The data defaults to the data field where the source component is located, you can select "Custom" to customize the required data',
+ 'f30bcdccf71b19e858c37d8881d2b206': 'The data domain where the source component is located',
+ 'fa644cb20c66f7530d8a376d4fa6a36e': 'Component data',
+ '7d9260bd45b2e85a09398f218c25f220': 'Update the data field of the target component or the data value of the target form item',
+ 'e7af71fb102cc86ab3be6a2fb32b5e3f': 'Data settings',
+ '77b1081c177fa3334cc93c99f0ecee75': 'Direct assignment',
+ 'f5c5e3d69daee06ea1606378ef466765': 'Member assignment'
diff --git a/packages/amis-editor/src/locale/zh-CN.ts b/packages/amis-editor/src/locale/zh-CN.ts
index 2fb58b2b1..6bdad0be7 100644
--- a/packages/amis-editor/src/locale/zh-CN.ts
+++ b/packages/amis-editor/src/locale/zh-CN.ts
@@ -2870,5 +2870,38 @@ extendLocale('zh-CN', {
"({\n isEmail: 'Email 格式不正确',\n isRequired: '这是必填项',\n isUrl: 'Url 格式不正确',\n isInt: '请输入整形数字',\n isAlpha: '请输入字母',\n isNumeric: '请输入数字',\n isAlphanumeric: '请输入字母或者数字',\n isFloat: '请输入浮点型数值',\n isWords: '请输入字母',\n isUrlPath: '只能输入字母、数字、\\`-\\` 和 \\`_\\`.',\n matchRegexp: '格式不正确, 请输入符合规则为 \\`$1\\` 的内容。',\n minLength: '请输入更多的内容,至少输入 $1 个字符。',\n maxLength: '请控制内容长度, 请不要输入 $1 个字符以上',\n maximum: '当前输入值超出最大值 $1,请检查',\n minimum: '当前输入值低于最小值 $1,请检查',\n isJson: '请检查 Json 格式。',\n isLength: '请输入长度为 $1 的内容',\n notEmptyString: '请不要全输入空白字符',\n equalsField: '输入的数据与 $1 值不一致',\n equals: '输入的数据与 $1 不一致',\n isPhoneNumber: '请输入合法的手机号码',\n isTelNumber: '请输入合法的电话号码',\n isZipcode: '请输入合法的邮编地址',\n isId: '请输入合法的身份证号',\n })[data.type] || ''",
- '参考文档'
+ '参考文档',
+ 'cadf0e302ddbc6fdbf005aed670b5e3e': '代码变化',
+ '6006074bdabc639b86f42aa18876e33a': '代码变化时触发',
+ '28e5fd494ea37a09fd2ad36d0f98bacc': '被删除的项',
+ '046de1a6cb21ff83af74958342c0db64': '被激活的项',
+ 'f6e5fc909971d2e5f6ffe23edae93584':
+ '如果数据比较多,比较卡顿时,可开启此配置项。',
+ '31dae237cbd03ae0d2dcf7ad2fd4fb76': '初始化接口请求成功后返回的数据',
+ '850c62f7b1ebfb4b89182ecd51202a7d':
+ '表单提交成功后触发,如果事件源是按钮,且按钮的类型为“提交”,那么即便当前表单没有配置“保存接口”也将触发提交成功事件',
+ '88b2930823f9fd6706473805e9b11797': '保存接口请求成功后返回的数据',
+ '3e07258baf3c4389c1ffd4a98c20b8fe': '保存接口请求失败后返回的错误信息',
+ '0d6581b6dd51f6c03a4edf26475d75c6': '被移除的项',
+ '4ea280a2e54969de1d1b9bbd5b708e63': '点击选项',
+ 'f05520432bb87ced419a1da818c6cc9d': '选项被点击时触发',
+ '91f7b7fdf9b91073ca3519260f7a62d7': '所点击的选项',
+ '6afde638796d237377b0755506d08ded': '目标组件',
+ 'fee99f2bcced486e4753a8f58f511d3f': '追加数据',
+ '3f3f4c71c1b736e7f01cf910a553ff43':
+ '选择“是”时,会将源组件所在数据域变量同步到目标组件的数据域。
+ '2aecb19ca1655d66fc80fc27a783cc9e': '追加方式',
+ 'b67b01a3b9170f1daf78082cfd0df793':
+ '选择“合并”时,会将数据合并到目标组件的数据域。
+ 'bd81577a6fd4956e676cec499bb70d00': '合并',
+ 'e09fea40f7e4abd4b2a495b315940688': '覆盖',
+ '9a5500b6013ec1ebf61bdf0e18452348':
+ '数据默认为源组件所在数据域,可以选择“自定义”来定制所需数据',
+ 'f30bcdccf71b19e858c37d8881d2b206': '源组件所在数据域',
+ 'fa644cb20c66f7530d8a376d4fa6a36e': '组件数据',
+ '7d9260bd45b2e85a09398f218c25f220':
+ '更新目标组件的数据域或目标表单项的数据值',
+ 'e7af71fb102cc86ab3be6a2fb32b5e3f': '数据设置',
+ '77b1081c177fa3334cc93c99f0ecee75': '直接赋值',
+ 'f5c5e3d69daee06ea1606378ef466765': '成员赋值'