amis-saas-7974 静态展示框组件配置面板优化

Change-Id: I3e308743dc639c372f7aa8171c4138882876b43e
This commit is contained in:
jinye 2022-11-21 10:57:02 +08:00
parent c6199b8f24
commit 5ad7b2d70d
12 changed files with 1131 additions and 1046 deletions

View File

@ -26,47 +26,45 @@ export class DatePlugin extends BasePlugin {
panelTitle = '日期展示';
panelJustify = true;
panelBodyCreator = (context: BaseEventContext) => {
return [
getSchemaTpl('tabs', [
title: '常规',
body: [
title: '属性',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
type: 'input-date',
name: 'value',
label: '日期数值'
title: '基本',
body: [
type: 'input-date',
name: 'value',
label: '日期数值'
type: 'input-text',
name: 'format',
label: '显示日期格式',
description: '请参考 moment 中的格式用法。',
pipeIn: defaultValue('YYYY-MM-DD')
type: 'input-text',
name: 'valueFormat',
label: '数据日期格式',
description: '请参考 moment 中的格式用法。',
pipeIn: defaultValue('X')
getSchemaTpl('placeholder', {
pipeIn: defaultValue('-'),
label: '占位符'
type: 'input-text',
name: 'format',
label: '显示日期格式',
description: '请参考 moment 中的格式用法。',
pipeIn: defaultValue('YYYY-MM-DD')
type: 'input-text',
name: 'valueFormat',
label: '数据日期格式',
description: '请参考 moment 中的格式用法。',
pipeIn: defaultValue('X')
name: 'placeholder',
type: 'input-text',
pipeIn: defaultValue('-'),
label: '占位符'
title: '外观',
body: [getSchemaTpl('className')]
title: '显隐',
body: [getSchemaTpl('ref'), getSchemaTpl('visible')]

View File

@ -21,47 +21,45 @@ export class DatetimePlugin extends DatePlugin {
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
value: Math.round( / 1000)
panelJustify = true;
panelBodyCreator = (context: BaseEventContext) => {
return [
getSchemaTpl('tabs', [
title: '常规',
body: [
title: '属性',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
type: 'input-datetime',
name: 'value',
label: '日期时间数值'
title: '基本',
body: [
type: 'input-datetime',
name: 'value',
label: '日期时间数值'
type: 'input-text',
name: 'format',
label: '显示日期时间格式',
description: '请参考 moment 中的格式用法。',
pipeIn: defaultValue('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
type: 'input-text',
name: 'valueFormat',
label: '数据日期格式',
description: '请参考 moment 中的格式用法。',
pipeIn: defaultValue('X')
getSchemaTpl('placeholder', {
pipeIn: defaultValue('-'),
label: '占位符'
type: 'input-text',
name: 'format',
label: '显示日期时间格式',
description: '请参考 moment 中的格式用法。',
pipeIn: defaultValue('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
type: 'input-text',
name: 'valueFormat',
label: '数据日期格式',
description: '请参考 moment 中的格式用法。',
pipeIn: defaultValue('X')
name: 'placeholder',
type: 'input-text',
pipeIn: defaultValue('-'),
label: '占位符'
title: '外观',
body: [getSchemaTpl('className')]
title: '显隐',
body: [getSchemaTpl('ref'), getSchemaTpl('visible')]

View File

@ -1,11 +1,249 @@
import React from 'react';
import {Button} from 'amis';
import {defaultValue, getSchemaTpl} from 'amis-editor-core';
import {defaultValue, getSchemaTpl, setSchemaTpl, tipedLabel} from 'amis-editor-core';
import {registerEditorPlugin} from 'amis-editor-core';
import {BaseEventContext, BasePlugin} from 'amis-editor-core';
import {EditorNodeType} from 'amis-editor-core';
import {mockValue} from 'amis-editor-core';
// 快速编辑
setSchemaTpl('quickEdit', {
type: 'ae-switch-more',
mode: 'normal',
name: 'quickEdit',
label: '可快速编辑',
value: false,
hiddenOnDefault: true,
formType: 'extend',
pipeIn: (value: any) => !!value,
form: {
body: [
label: '编辑模式',
name: 'quickEdit.mode',
type: 'button-group-select',
inputClassName: 'items-center',
visibleOn: 'data.quickEdit',
pipeIn: defaultValue('popOver'),
options: [
label: '下拉',
value: 'popOver'
label: '内嵌',
value: 'inline'
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'quickEdit.saveImmediately',
label: tipedLabel('立即保存', '开启后修改即提交,而不是标记修改批量提交。'),
visibleOn: 'data.quickEdit',
pipeIn: (value: any) => !!value
getSchemaTpl('apiControl', {
name: 'quickEdit.saveImmediately.api',
label: '保存接口',
mode: 'row',
visibleOn: 'this.quickEdit && this.quickEdit.saveImmediately'
name: 'quickEdit',
asFormItem: true,
visibleOn: 'data.quickEdit',
mode: 'row',
children: ({value, onChange, data}: any) => {
if (value === true) {
value = {};
const originMode = value.mode;
value = {
type: 'input-text',
delete value.mode;
// todo 多个快速编辑表单模式看来只能代码模式编辑了。
return (
onClick={() => {
title: '配置快速编辑类型',
value: value,
slot: {
type: 'form',
mode: 'normal',
body: ['$$'],
wrapWithPanel: false
onChange: value =>
mode: originMode
// 查看更多
setSchemaTpl('morePopOver', {
type: 'ae-switch-more',
mode: 'normal',
name: 'popOver',
label: '查看更多展示',
value: false,
hiddenOnDefault: true,
formType: 'extend',
pipeIn: (value: any) => !!value,
form: {
body: [
label: '弹出模式',
name: 'popOver.mode',
type: 'button-group-select',
visibleOn: 'data.popOver',
pipeIn: defaultValue('popOver'),
options: [
label: '浮层',
value: 'popOver'
label: '弹框',
value: 'dialog'
label: '抽屉',
value: 'drawer'
name: 'popOver.position',
label: '浮层位置',
type: 'select',
visibleOn: 'data.popOver && (data.popOver.mode === "popOver" || !data.popOver.mode)',
pipeIn: defaultValue('center'),
options: [
label: '目标左上角',
value: 'left-top'
label: '目标右上角',
value: 'right-top'
label: '目标中部',
value: 'center'
label: '目标左下角',
value: 'left-bottom'
label: '目标右下角',
value: 'right-bottom'
label: '页面左上角',
value: 'fixed-left-top'
label: '页面右上角',
value: 'fixed-right-top'
label: '页面左下角',
value: 'fixed-left-bottom'
label: '页面右下角',
value: 'fixed-right-bottom'
visibleOn: 'data.popOver',
name: 'popOver',
mode: 'row',
asFormItem: true,
children: ({value, onChange}: any) => {
value = {
type: 'panel',
title: '查看详情',
body: '内容详情',
return (
onClick={() => {
title: '配置查看更多展示内容',
value: value,
onChange: value => onChange(value, 'quickEdit')
// 可复制
setSchemaTpl('copyable', {
type: 'ae-switch-more',
mode: 'normal',
name: 'copyable',
label: '可复制',
value: false,
hiddenOnDefault: true,
formType: 'extend',
pipeIn: (value: any) => !!value,
form: {
body: [
label: '复制内容模板',
name: 'copyable.content',
type: 'textarea',
mode: 'row',
maxRow: 2,
visibleOn: 'data.copyable',
description: '默认为当前字段值,可定制。'
export class StaticControlPlugin extends BasePlugin {
// 关联渲染器名字
rendererName = 'static';
@ -38,10 +276,9 @@ export class StaticControlPlugin extends BasePlugin {
multifactor = true;
notRenderFormZone = true;
panelTitle = '静态展示';
panelJustify = true;
panelBodyCreator = (context: BaseEventContext) => {
const renderer: any =;
@ -52,6 +289,13 @@ export class StaticControlPlugin extends BasePlugin {
title: '基本',
body: [
type: 'alert',
inline: false,
level: 'warning',
className: 'text-sm',
body: '<p>当前组件已停止维护,建议您使用<a href="" target="_blank">静态展示</a>新特性实现表单项及整个表单的静态展示。</p>'
getSchemaTpl('formItemName', {
required: false
@ -64,241 +308,15 @@ export class StaticControlPlugin extends BasePlugin {
// ...context?.schema,
// type: 'textarea', // 改用多行文本编辑
// value: context?.schema.tpl // 避免默认值丢失
// },
mode: 'vertical' // 改成上下展示模式
// }
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'quickEdit',
label: '可快速编辑',
pipeIn: (value: any) => !!value
label: '快速编辑模式',
name: 'quickEdit.mode',
type: 'button-group-select',
size: 'sm',
mode: 'row',
className: 'ae-buttonGroupSelect--justify',
visibleOn: 'data.quickEdit',
pipeIn: defaultValue('popOver'),
options: [
label: '下拉',
value: 'popOver'
label: '内嵌',
value: 'inline'
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'quickEdit.saveImmediately',
label: '立即保存',
visibleOn: 'data.quickEdit',
labelRemark: {
className: 'm-l-xs',
trigger: 'click',
rootClose: true,
placement: 'left',
content: '开启后修改即提交,而不是标记修改批量提交。'
pipeIn: (value: any) => !!value
getSchemaTpl('apiControl', {
name: 'quickEdit.saveImmediately.api',
label: '立即保存接口',
visibleOn: 'this.quickEdit && this.quickEdit.saveImmediately'
name: 'quickEdit',
asFormItem: true,
visibleOn: 'data.quickEdit',
children: ({value, onChange, data}: any) => {
if (value === true) {
value = {};
const originMode = value.mode;
value = {
type: 'input-text',
delete value.mode;
// todo 多个快速编辑表单模式看来只能代码模式编辑了。
return (
className="m-b ae-Button--enhance"
onClick={() => {
title: '配置快速编辑类型',
value: value,
slot: {
type: 'form',
mode: 'normal',
body: ['$$'],
wrapWithPanel: false
onChange: value =>
mode: originMode
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'popOver',
label: '查看更多展示',
pipeIn: (value: any) => !!value
label: '弹出模式',
name: 'popOver.mode',
type: 'button-group-select',
size: 'sm',
mode: 'row',
className: 'ae-buttonGroupSelect--justify',
visibleOn: 'data.popOver',
pipeIn: defaultValue('popOver'),
options: [
label: '浮层',
value: 'popOver'
label: '弹框',
value: 'dialog'
label: '抽屉',
value: 'drawer'
name: 'popOver.position',
label: '浮层位置',
type: 'select',
mode: 'row',
visibleOn: 'data.popOver && data.popOver.mode === "popOver"',
pipeIn: defaultValue('center'),
options: [
label: '目标中部',
value: 'center'
label: '目标左上角',
value: 'left-top'
label: '目标右上角',
value: 'right-top'
label: '目标左下角',
value: 'left-bottom'
label: '目标右下角',
value: 'right-bottom'
label: '页面左上角',
value: 'fixed-left-top'
label: '页面右上角',
value: 'fixed-right-top'
label: '页面左下角',
value: 'fixed-left-bottom'
label: '页面右下角',
value: 'fixed-right-bottom'
visibleOn: 'data.popOver',
name: 'popOver',
asFormItem: true,
children: ({value, onChange}: any) => {
value = {
type: 'panel',
title: '查看详情',
body: '内容详情',
return (
className="m-b ae-Button--enhance"
onClick={() => {
title: '配置查看更多展示内容',
value: value,
onChange: value => onChange(value, 'quickEdit')
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'copyable',
label: '可复制',
pipeIn: (value: any) => !!value
label: '复制内容模板',
name: 'copyable.content',
type: 'textarea',
mode: 'row',
maxRow: 2,
visibleOn: 'data.copyable',
description: '默认为当前字段值,可定制。'
children: (
@ -314,14 +332,22 @@ export class StaticControlPlugin extends BasePlugin {
getSchemaTpl('status', {isFormItem: true}),
getSchemaTpl('validation', {tag: '1'})
getSchemaTpl('status', {
isFormItem: true,
unsupportStatic: true
title: '外观',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
getSchemaTpl('style:formItem', {renderer}),
title: '控件',
body: [
title: 'CSS类名',
body: [

View File

@ -32,167 +32,180 @@ export class ImagePlugin extends BasePlugin {
panelTitle = '图片';
panelJustify = true;
panelBodyCreator = (context: BaseEventContext) => {
const isUnderField = /\/field\/\w+$/.test(context.path as string);
return [
getSchemaTpl('tabs', [
title: '常规',
body: [
name: 'imageMode',
label: '展示模式',
type: 'select',
pipeIn: defaultValue('thumb'),
options: [
label: '缩率图',
value: 'thumb'
label: '原图',
value: 'original'
return getSchemaTpl('tabs', [
title: '属性',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
title: '基本',
body: [
name: 'imageMode',
label: '展示模式',
type: 'select',
pipeIn: defaultValue('thumb'),
options: [
label: '缩率图',
value: 'thumb'
label: '原图',
value: 'original'
name: 'title',
type: 'input-text',
label: '图片标题'
name: 'imageCaption',
type: 'input-text',
label: '图片描述'
name: 'width',
label: '宽度',
type: 'input-number'
name: 'height',
label: '高度',
type: 'input-number'
? null
: getSchemaTpl('imageUrl', {
name: 'src',
type: 'input-text',
label: '缩略图地址',
description: '如果已绑定字段名,可以不用设置,支持用变量。'
type: 'input-text',
label: '打开外部链接',
name: 'href'
getSchemaTpl('imageUrl', {
name: 'defaultImage',
label: '无数据时显示的图片'
title: '外观',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
title: '基本',
body: [
type: 'ae-switch-more',
mode: 'normal',
name: 'enlargeAble',
label: '图片放大功能',
value: false,
hiddenOnDefault: false,
formType: 'extend',
pipeIn: (value: any) => !!value,
form: {
body: [
getSchemaTpl('imageUrl', {
name: 'originalSrc',
label: '原图地址',
description: '如果不配置将默认使用缩略图地址。'
name: 'title',
type: 'input-text',
label: '图片标题'
name: 'imageCaption',
type: 'input-text',
label: '图片描述'
name: 'width',
label: '宽度',
type: 'input-number'
name: 'height',
label: '高度',
type: 'input-number'
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'showDimensions',
label: '显示图片尺寸'
? null
: getSchemaTpl('imageUrl', {
name: 'src',
type: 'input-text',
label: '缩略图地址',
description: '如果已绑定字段名,可以不用设置,支持用变量。'
type: 'input-text',
label: '打开外部链接',
name: 'href'
getSchemaTpl('imageUrl', {
name: 'defaultImage',
label: '无数据时显示的图片'
title: '外观',
body: [
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'enlargeAble',
label: '开启图片放大功能'
name: 'thumbMode',
type: 'select',
label: '缩略图展示模式',
pipeIn: defaultValue('contain'),
options: [
label: '宽度占满',
value: 'w-full'
getSchemaTpl('imageUrl', {
name: 'originalSrc',
visibleOn: 'this.enlargeAble',
label: '原图地址',
description: '如果不配置将默认使用缩略图地址。'
label: '高度占满',
value: 'h-full'
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'showDimensions',
label: '是否显示图片尺寸'
label: '包含',
value: 'contain'
name: 'thumbMode',
type: 'button-group-select',
label: '缩略图展示模式',
size: 'sm',
pipeIn: defaultValue('contain'),
options: [
label: '宽度占满',
value: 'w-full'
label: '铺满',
value: 'cover'
name: 'thumbRatio',
type: 'button-group-select',
label: '缩略图比率',
size: 'sm',
pipeIn: defaultValue('1:1'),
options: [
label: '1:1',
value: '1:1'
label: '高度占满',
value: 'h-full'
label: '4:3',
value: '4:3'
label: '包含',
value: 'contain'
label: '16:9',
value: '16:9'
title: 'CSS类名',
body: [
getSchemaTpl('className', {
label: '外层'
label: '铺满',
value: 'cover'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'imageClassName',
label: '图片'
name: 'thumbRatio',
type: 'button-group-select',
label: '缩略图比率',
size: 'sm',
pipeIn: defaultValue('1:1'),
options: [
label: '1:1',
value: '1:1'
label: '4:3',
value: '4:3'
label: '16:9',
value: '16:9'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
autoComplete: false
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'imageClassName',
label: '图片 CSS 类名'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'thumbClassName',
label: '缩略图 CSS 类名'
title: '显隐',
body: [
// getSchemaTpl('ref'),
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'thumbClassName',
label: '缩略图'
onActive(event: PluginEvent<ActiveEventContext>) {

View File

@ -37,190 +37,203 @@ export class ImagesPlugin extends BasePlugin {
panelTitle = '图片集';
panelJustify = true;
panelBodyCreator = (context: BaseEventContext) => {
const isUnderField = /\/field\/\w+$/.test(context.path as string);
return [
getSchemaTpl('tabs', [
title: '常规',
body: (isUnderField
? []
: [
type: 'formula',
name: '__mode',
autoSet: false,
'! && !this.source && Array.isArray(this.options) ? 2 : 1'
label: '数据源',
name: '__mode',
type: 'button-group-select',
size: 'xs',
mode: 'inline',
className: 'w-full',
options: [
label: '关联字段',
value: 1
label: '静态设置',
value: 2
onChange: (
value: any,
oldValue: any,
model: any,
form: any
) => {
if (value !== oldValue && value == 1) {
return getSchemaTpl('tabs', [
title: '属性',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
title: '基本',
body: (isUnderField ? [] : [
type: 'formula',
name: '__mode',
autoSet: false,
'! && !this.source && Array.isArray(this.options) ? 2 : 1'
label: '数据源',
name: '__mode',
type: 'button-group-select',
size: 'xs',
mode: 'inline',
className: 'w-full',
options: [
label: '关联字段',
value: 1
label: '静态设置',
value: 2
name: 'source',
type: 'input-text',
label: '关联数据',
visibleOn: 'this.__mode == 1'
type: 'combo',
name: 'options',
visibleOn: 'this.__mode == 2',
minLength: 1,
label: '图片集数据',
multiple: true,
multiLine: true,
addable: true,
removable: true,
items: [
getSchemaTpl('imageUrl', {
name: 'image',
label: '缩略图'
getSchemaTpl('imageUrl', {
name: 'src',
label: '原图'
onChange: (
value: any,
oldValue: any,
model: any,
form: any
) => {
if (value !== oldValue && value == 1) {
name: 'source',
type: 'input-text',
label: '关联数据',
visibleOn: 'this.__mode == 1'
type: 'combo',
name: 'options',
visibleOn: 'this.__mode == 2',
minLength: 1,
label: '图片集数据',
multiple: true,
multiLine: true,
addable: true,
removable: true,
items: [
getSchemaTpl('imageUrl', {
name: 'image',
label: '缩略图'
getSchemaTpl('imageUrl', {
name: 'src',
label: '原图'
type: 'input-text',
label: '图片标题',
name: 'title'
type: 'textarea',
label: '图片描述',
name: 'caption'
getSchemaTpl('imageUrl', {
name: 'defaultImage',
label: '无数据时显示的图片'
title: '外观',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
title: '基本',
body: [
type: 'ae-switch-more',
mode: 'normal',
name: 'enlargeAble',
label: '图片放大功能',
value: false,
hiddenOnDefault: false,
formType: 'extend',
pipeIn: (value: any) => !!value,
form: {
body: [
name: 'originalSrc',
visibleOn: 'this.enlargeAble',
type: 'input-text',
label: '图片标题',
name: 'title'
type: 'textarea',
label: '图片描述',
name: 'caption'
label: '原图地址',
description: '如果不配置将默认使用缩略图地址。'
getSchemaTpl('imageUrl', {
name: 'defaultImage',
label: '无数据时显示的图片'
title: '外观',
body: [
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'enlargeAble',
label: '开启图片放大功能'
name: 'originalSrc',
visibleOn: 'this.enlargeAble',
type: 'input-text',
label: '原图地址',
description: '如果不配置将默认使用缩略图地址。'
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'showDimensions',
label: '显示图片尺寸'
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'showDimensions',
label: '是否显示图片尺寸'
name: 'thumbMode',
type: 'select',
label: '缩略图展示模式',
pipeIn: defaultValue('contain'),
options: [
label: '宽度占满',
value: 'w-full'
name: 'thumbMode',
type: 'button-group-select',
label: '缩略图展示模式',
size: 'sm',
pipeIn: defaultValue('contain'),
options: [
label: '宽度占满',
value: 'w-full'
label: '高度占满',
value: 'h-full'
label: '高度占满',
value: 'h-full'
label: '包含',
value: 'contain'
label: '包含',
value: 'contain'
label: '铺满',
value: 'cover'
label: '铺满',
value: 'cover'
name: 'thumbRatio',
type: 'button-group-select',
label: '缩略图比率',
size: 'sm',
pipeIn: defaultValue('1:1'),
options: [
label: '1:1',
value: '1:1'
name: 'thumbRatio',
type: 'button-group-select',
label: '缩略图比率',
size: 'sm',
pipeIn: defaultValue('1:1'),
options: [
label: '1:1',
value: '1:1'
label: '4:3',
value: '4:3'
label: '4:3',
value: '4:3'
label: '16:9',
value: '16:9'
title: 'CSS类名',
body: [
getSchemaTpl('className', {
autoComplete: false,
label: '外层'
label: '16:9',
value: '16:9'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
autoComplete: false
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'listClassName',
label: '图片列表 CSS 类名'
title: '显隐',
body: [
// getSchemaTpl('ref'),
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'listClassName',
label: '图片列表'

View File

@ -30,38 +30,38 @@ export class JsonPlugin extends BasePlugin {
panelTitle = 'JSON';
panelJustify = true;
panelBodyCreator = (context: BaseEventContext) => {
const isUnderField = /\/field\/\w+$/.test(context.path as string);
return [
getSchemaTpl('tabs', [
title: '常规',
body: flatten([
? {
type: 'tpl',
inline: false,
className: 'text-info text-sm',
tpl: '<p>当前为字段内容节点配置,选择上层还有更多的配置。</p>'
: null,
title: '属性',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
name: 'levelExpand',
type: 'input-number',
label: '默认展开级别',
pipeIn: defaultValue(1)
title: '基本',
body: [
? {
type: 'tpl',
inline: false,
className: 'text-info text-sm',
tpl: '<p>当前为字段内容节点配置,选择上层还有更多配置</p>'
: null,
name: 'levelExpand',
type: 'input-number',
label: '默认展开级别',
pipeIn: defaultValue(1)
title: '外观',
body: flatten([getSchemaTpl('className')])
title: '显隐',
body: flatten([getSchemaTpl('ref'), getSchemaTpl('visible')])

View File

@ -55,85 +55,96 @@ export class ListPlugin extends BasePlugin {
panelTitle = '列表';
panelJustify = true;
panelBodyCreator = (context: BaseEventContext) => {
const isCRUDBody = context.schema.type === 'crud';
return getSchemaTpl('tabs', [
title: '常规',
body: [
title: '属性',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
children: (
type: 'divider'
name: 'title',
type: 'input-text',
label: '标题'
? null
: {
name: 'source',
type: 'input-text',
label: '数据源',
pipeIn: defaultValue('${items}'),
description: '绑定当前环境变量'
title: '基本',
body: [
children: (
name: 'placeholder',
pipeIn: defaultValue('没有数据'),
type: 'input-text',
label: '无数据提示'
type: 'divider'
name: 'title',
type: 'input-text',
label: '标题'
? null
: {
name: 'source',
type: 'input-text',
label: '数据源',
pipeIn: defaultValue('${items}'),
description: '绑定当前环境变量'
name: 'placeholder',
pipeIn: defaultValue('没有数据'),
type: 'input-text',
label: '无数据提示'
title: '外观',
body: [
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'showHeader',
label: '是否显示头部',
pipeIn: defaultValue(true)
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
title: '基本',
body: [
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'showHeader',
label: '是否显示头部',
pipeIn: defaultValue(true)
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'showFooter',
label: '是否显示底部',
pipeIn: defaultValue(true)
getSchemaTpl('className', {
label: 'CSS 类名'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'listClassName',
label: 'List div CSS 类名'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'headerClassName',
label: '头部 CSS 类名'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'footerClassName',
label: '底部 CSS 类名'
title: '显隐',
body: [getSchemaTpl('ref'), getSchemaTpl('visible')]
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'showFooter',
label: '是否显示底部',
pipeIn: defaultValue(true)
title: 'CSS类名',
body: [
getSchemaTpl('className', {
label: '外层'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'listClassName',
label: 'List'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'headerClassName',
label: '头部'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'footerClassName',
label: '底部'

View File

@ -34,114 +34,112 @@ export class MappingPlugin extends BasePlugin {
panelTitle = '映射';
panelJustify = true;
panelBodyCreator = (context: BaseEventContext) => {
const isUnderField = /\/field\/\w+$/.test(context.path as string);
return [
getSchemaTpl('tabs', [
title: '常规',
body: [
? {
type: 'tpl',
inline: false,
className: 'text-info text-sm',
tpl: '<p>当前为字段内容节点配置,选择上层还有更多的配置。</p>'
: null,
title: '属性',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
label: '映射表',
type: 'combo',
scaffold: {
key: 'key-{index}',
value: 'value-{index}'
required: true,
name: 'map',
descriptionClassName: 'help-block text-xs m-b-none',
'<p>当值命中左侧 Key 时,展示右侧内容,当没有命中时,默认实现 Key 为 <code>*</code>的内容</div>(请确保key值唯一)',
multiple: true,
pipeIn: (value: any) => {
if (!isObject(value)) {
return [
key: '*',
value: '通配值'
title: '基本',
body: [
? {
type: 'tpl',
inline: false,
className: 'text-info text-sm',
tpl: '<p>当前为字段内容节点配置,选择上层还有更多配置</p>'
: null,
let arr: Array<any> = [];
Object.keys(value).forEach(key => {
key: key || '',
typeof value[key] === 'string'
? value[key]
: JSON.stringify(value[key])
return arr;
pipeOut: (value: any) => {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
return value;
let obj: any = {};
value.forEach((item: any, idx: number) => {
let key: string = item.key || '';
let value: any = item.value;
if (key === 'key-{index}' && value === 'value-{index}') {
key = key.replace('-{index}', `${idx}`);
value = value.replace('-{index}', `${idx}`);
try {
value = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (e) {}
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
items: [
placeholder: 'Key',
type: 'input-text',
unique: true,
name: 'key',
label: '映射表',
type: 'combo',
mode: "col",
scaffold: {
key: 'key-{index}',
value: 'value-{index}'
required: true,
columnClassName: 'w-xs'
name: 'map',
descriptionClassName: 'help-block text-xs m-b-none',
'<p>当值命中左侧 Key 时,展示右侧内容,当没有命中时,默认实现 Key 为 <code>*</code>的内容</div>(请确保key值唯一)',
multiple: true,
pipeIn: (value: any) => {
if (!isObject(value)) {
return [
key: '*',
value: '通配值'
placeholder: '内容',
type: 'input-text',
name: 'value'
let arr: Array<any> = [];
Object.keys(value).forEach(key => {
key: key || '',
typeof value[key] === 'string'
? value[key]
: JSON.stringify(value[key])
return arr;
pipeOut: (value: any) => {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
return value;
let obj: any = {};
value.forEach((item: any, idx: number) => {
let key: string = item.key || '';
let value: any = item.value;
if (key === 'key-{index}' && value === 'value-{index}') {
key = key.replace('-{index}', `${idx}`);
value = value.replace('-{index}', `${idx}`);
try {
value = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (e) {}
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
items: [
placeholder: 'Key',
type: 'input-text',
unique: true,
name: 'key',
required: true,
columnClassName: 'w-xs'
placeholder: '内容',
type: 'input-text',
name: 'value'
getSchemaTpl('placeholder', {
pipeIn: defaultValue('-'),
label: '占位符'
name: 'placeholder',
type: 'input-text',
pipeIn: defaultValue('-'),
label: '占位符'
title: '外观',
body: [getSchemaTpl('className')]
title: '显隐',
body: [getSchemaTpl('ref'), getSchemaTpl('visible')]

View File

@ -29,53 +29,58 @@ export class PlainPlugin extends BasePlugin {
panelTitle = '纯文本';
panelJustify = true;
panelBodyCreator = (context: BaseEventContext) => {
const isTableCell = === 'table-cell';
return getSchemaTpl('tabs', [
title: '常规',
body: [
label: '内容',
type: 'textarea',
pipeIn: (value: any, data: any) => value || (data && data.text),
name: 'tpl',
'如果当前字段有值,请不要设置,否则覆盖。支持使用 <code>\\${xxx}</code> 来获取变量,或者用 lodash.template 语法来写模板逻辑。<a target="_blank" href="/amis/zh-CN/docs/concepts/template">详情</a>'
name: 'placeholder',
label: '占位符',
type: 'input-text',
pipeIn: defaultValue('-')
? null
: {
title: '外观',
body: [
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'inline',
label: '内联模式',
value: true
? null
: {
title: '显隐',
body: [getSchemaTpl('ref'), getSchemaTpl('visible')]
return [
getSchemaTpl('tabs', [
title: '属性',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
title: '基本',
body: [
label: '内容',
type: 'textarea',
mode: 'col',
pipeIn: (value: any, data: any) => value || (data && data.text),
name: 'tpl',
'如果当前字段有值,请不要设置,否则覆盖。支持使用 <code>\\${xxx}</code> 来获取变量,或者用 lodash.template 语法来写模板逻辑。<a target="_blank" href="/amis/zh-CN/docs/concepts/template">详情</a>'
getSchemaTpl('placeholder', {
pipeIn: defaultValue('-'),
label: '占位符'
isTableCell ? null : getSchemaTpl('status')
isTableCell ? null : {
title: '外观',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
title: '基本',
body: [
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'inline',
label: '内联模式',
value: true
title: 'CSS类名',
body: [

View File

@ -333,194 +333,205 @@ export class TablePlugin extends BasePlugin {
description: '开启表格拖拽排序功能'
panelJustify = true;
panelBodyCreator = (context: BaseEventContext) => {
const isCRUDBody = context.schema.type === 'crud';
return getSchemaTpl('tabs', [
title: '常规',
body: [
title: '属性',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
name: 'title',
type: 'input-text',
label: '标题'
? null
: {
name: 'source',
title: '基本',
body: [
name: 'title',
type: 'input-text',
label: '数据源',
pipeIn: defaultValue('${items}'),
description: '绑定当前环境变量'
label: '标题'
name: 'combineNum',
label: '自动合并单元格',
type: 'input-number',
placeholder: '设置列数',
? null
: {
name: 'source',
type: 'input-text',
label: '数据源',
pipeIn: defaultValue('${items}'),
description: '绑定当前环境变量'
// {
// children: (
// <div>
// <Button
// level="info"
// size="sm"
// className="m-b-sm"
// block
// onClick={this.handleAdd}
// >
// 新增一列
// </Button>
// </div>
// )
// },
name: 'combineNum',
label: '自动合并单元格',
type: 'input-number',
placeholder: '设置列数',
// {
// children: (
// <div>
// <Button
// level="success"
// size="sm"
// block
// onClick={this.handleColumnsQuickEdit.bind(this)}
// >
// 快速编辑列信息
// </Button>
// </div>
// )
// }
// {
// children: (
// <div>
// <Button
// level="info"
// size="sm"
// className="m-b-sm"
// block
// onClick={this.handleAdd}
// >
// 新增一列
// </Button>
// </div>
// )
// },
// {
// children: (
// <div>
// <Button
// level="success"
// size="sm"
// block
// onClick={this.handleColumnsQuickEdit.bind(this)}
// >
// 快速编辑列信息
// </Button>
// </div>
// )
// }
title: '外观',
body: [
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
name: 'columnsTogglable',
label: '展示列显示开关',
type: 'button-group-select',
pipeIn: defaultValue('auto'),
mode: 'inline',
className: 'w-full',
size: 'xs',
options: [
title: '基本',
body: [
label: '自动',
value: 'auto'
name: 'columnsTogglable',
label: '展示列显示开关',
type: 'button-group-select',
pipeIn: defaultValue('auto'),
mode: 'inline',
className: 'w-full',
size: 'xs',
options: [
label: '自动',
value: 'auto'
label: '开启',
value: true
label: '关闭',
value: false
description: '自动即列数量大于5个时自动开启'
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'affixHeader',
label: '是否固顶表头',
pipeIn: defaultValue(true)
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'showHeader',
label: '是否显示头部',
pipeIn: defaultValue(true)
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'showFooter',
label: '是否显示底部',
pipeIn: defaultValue(true)
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'footable',
label: '是否开启单条底部展示',
pipeIn: (value: any) => !!value
name: 'footable.expand',
type: 'button-group-select',
size: 'xs',
visibleOn: 'data.footable',
label: '底部默认展开',
pipeIn: defaultValue('none'),
mode: 'inline',
className: 'w-full',
options: [
label: '第一条',
value: 'first'
label: '所有',
value: 'all'
label: '不展开',
value: 'none'
label: '开启',
value: true
name: 'placeholder',
pipeIn: defaultValue('暂无数据'),
type: 'input-text',
label: '无数据提示'
label: '关闭',
value: false
description: '自动即列数量大于5个时自动开启'
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'affixHeader',
label: '是否固顶表头',
pipeIn: defaultValue(true)
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'showHeader',
label: '是否显示头部',
pipeIn: defaultValue(true)
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'showFooter',
label: '是否显示底部',
pipeIn: defaultValue(true)
getSchemaTpl('switch', {
name: 'footable',
label: '是否开启单条底部展示',
pipeIn: (value: any) => !!value
name: 'footable.expand',
type: 'button-group-select',
size: 'xs',
visibleOn: 'data.footable',
label: '底部默认展开',
pipeIn: defaultValue('none'),
mode: 'inline',
className: 'w-full',
options: [
label: '第一条',
value: 'first'
label: '所有',
value: 'all'
label: '不展开',
value: 'none'
name: 'rowClassNameExpr',
type: 'input-text',
label: '行高亮规则',
placeholder: `支持模板语法,如 <%= % 2 ? 'bg-success' : '' %>`
name: 'placeholder',
pipeIn: defaultValue('暂无数据'),
type: 'input-text',
label: '无数据提示'
name: 'rowClassNameExpr',
type: 'input-text',
label: '行高亮规则',
placeholder: `支持模板语法,如 <%= % 2 ? 'bg-success' : '' %>`
getSchemaTpl('className', {
label: '外层 CSS 类名'
title: 'CSS类名',
body: [
getSchemaTpl('className', {
label: '外层'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'tableClassName',
label: '表格 CSS 类名'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'tableClassName',
label: '表格'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'headerClassName',
label: '顶部外层 CSS 类名'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'headerClassName',
label: '顶部外层'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'footerClassName',
label: '底部外层 CSS 类名'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'footerClassName',
label: '底部外层'
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'toolbarClassName',
label: '工具栏 CSS 类名'
title: '显隐',
body: [getSchemaTpl('ref'), getSchemaTpl('visible')]
getSchemaTpl('className', {
name: 'toolbarClassName',
label: '工具栏'
? null

View File

@ -21,47 +21,45 @@ export class TimePlugin extends DatePlugin {
format: 'HH:mm:ss',
value: Math.round( / 1000)
panelJustify = true;
panelBodyCreator = (context: BaseEventContext) => {
return [
getSchemaTpl('tabs', [
title: '常规',
body: [
title: '属性',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
type: 'input-time',
name: 'value',
label: '时间数值'
title: '基本',
body: [
type: 'input-time',
name: 'value',
label: '时间数值'
type: 'input-text',
name: 'format',
label: '显示时间格式',
description: '请参考 moment 中的格式用法。',
pipeIn: defaultValue('HH:mm:ss')
type: 'input-text',
name: 'valueFormat',
label: '数据日期格式',
description: '请参考 moment 中的格式用法。',
pipeIn: defaultValue('X')
getSchemaTpl('placeholder', {
pipeIn: defaultValue('-'),
label: '占位符'
type: 'input-text',
name: 'format',
label: '显示时间格式',
description: '请参考 moment 中的格式用法。',
pipeIn: defaultValue('HH:mm:ss')
type: 'input-text',
name: 'valueFormat',
label: '数据日期格式',
description: '请参考 moment 中的格式用法。',
pipeIn: defaultValue('X')
name: 'placeholder',
type: 'input-text',
pipeIn: defaultValue('-'),
label: '占位符'
title: '外观',
body: [getSchemaTpl('className')]
title: '显隐',
body: [getSchemaTpl('ref'), getSchemaTpl('visible')]

View File

@ -664,6 +664,20 @@ setSchemaTpl('className', (schema: any) => {
setSchemaTpl('onlyClassNameTab', (label = '外层') => {
return {
title: '外观',
body: getSchemaTpl('collapseGroup', [
title: 'CSS类名',
body: [
getSchemaTpl('className', {label})
* combo