import './polyfills/index'; import React from 'react'; import {createRoot} from 'react-dom/client'; import axios from 'axios'; import {match} from 'path-to-regexp'; import copy from 'copy-to-clipboard'; import {normalizeLink} from 'amis-core'; import qs from 'qs'; import { toast, alert, confirm, ToastComponent, AlertComponent, render as renderAmis, makeTranslator } from 'amis'; import 'amis-ui/lib/locale/en-US'; import 'history'; import {attachmentAdpator} from 'amis-core'; import type {ToastLevel, ToastConf} from 'amis-ui/lib/components/Toast'; export function embed( container: string | HTMLElement, schema: any, props: any = {}, env?: any ) { const __ = makeTranslator(env?.locale || props?.locale); // app 模式自动加 affixOffsetTop if (!('affixOffsetTop' in props) && schema.type === 'app') { props.affixOffsetTop = 50; } if (typeof container === 'string') { container = document.querySelector(container) as HTMLElement; } if (!container) { console.error(__('Embed.invalidRoot')); return; } else if (container.tagName === 'BODY') { let div = document.createElement('div'); container.appendChild(div); container = div; } container.classList.add('amis-scope'); let scoped = {}; const requestAdaptor = (config: any) => { const fn = env && typeof env.requestAdaptor === 'function' ? env.requestAdaptor.bind() : (config: any) => config; const request = fn(config) || config; return request; }; const responseAdaptor = (api: any) => (response: any) => { let payload = || {}; // blob 下可能会返回内容为空? // 之前拼写错了,需要兼容 if (env && env.responseAdpater) { env.responseAdaptor = env.responseAdpater; } if (env && env.responseAdaptor) { const url = api.url; const idx = url.indexOf('?'); const query = ~idx ? qs.parse(url.substring(idx)) : {}; const request = { ...api, query: query, body: }; payload = env.responseAdaptor(api, payload, query, request, response); } else { if (payload.hasOwnProperty('errno')) { payload.status = payload.errno; payload.msg = payload.errmsg; } else if (payload.hasOwnProperty('no')) { payload.status =; payload.msg = payload.error; } } const result = { ...response, data: payload }; return result; }; const amisEnv = { getModalContainer: () => env?.getModalContainer?.() || document.querySelector('.amis-scope'), notify: (type: ToastLevel, msg: string, conf?: ToastConf) => toast[type] ? toast[type](msg, conf) : console.warn('[Notify]', type, msg), alert, confirm, updateLocation: (to: any, replace: boolean) => { if (to === 'goBack') { return window.history.back(); } if (replace && window.history.replaceState) { window.history.replaceState('', document.title, to); return; } location.href = normalizeLink(to); }, isCurrentUrl: (to: string, ctx?: any) => { const link = normalizeLink(to); const location = window.location; let pathname = link; let search = ''; const idx = link.indexOf('?'); if (~idx) { pathname = link.substring(0, idx); search = link.substring(idx); } if (search) { if (pathname !== location.pathname || ! { return false; } const query = qs.parse(search.substring(1)); const currentQuery = qs.parse(; return Object.keys(query).every( key => query[key] === currentQuery[key] ); } else if (pathname === location.pathname) { return true; } else if (!~pathname.indexOf('http') && ~pathname.indexOf(':')) { return match(link, { decode: decodeURIComponent, strict: ctx?.strict ?? true })(location.pathname); } return false; }, jumpTo: (to: string, action?: any) => { if (to === 'goBack') { return window.history.back(); } to = normalizeLink(to); if (action && action.actionType === 'url') { action.blank === false ? (window.location.href = to) :; return; } // 主要是支持 nav 中的跳转 if (action && to && {,; return; } if (/^https?:\/\//.test(to)) { window.location.replace(to); } else { location.href = to; } }, fetcher: async (api: any) => { let {url, method, data, responseType, config, headers} = api; config = config || {}; config.url = url; config.withCredentials = true; responseType && (config.responseType = responseType); if (config.cancelExecutor) { config.cancelToken = new (axios as any).CancelToken( config.cancelExecutor ); } config.headers = headers || {}; config.method = method; = data; config = requestAdaptor(config); if (method === 'get' && data) { config.params = data; } else if (data && data instanceof FormData) { // config.headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'; } else if ( data && typeof data !== 'string' && !(data instanceof Blob) && !(data instanceof ArrayBuffer) ) { data = JSON.stringify(data); config.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; } // 支持返回各种报错信息 config.validateStatus = function () { return true; }; let response = await axios(config); response = await attachmentAdpator(response, __); response = responseAdaptor(api)(response); if (response.status >= 400) { if ( { // 主要用于 raw: 模式下,后端自己校验登录, if ( response.status === 401 && &&'http') ) { location.href = '{{redirect}}', encodeURIComponent(location.href) ); return new Promise(() => {}); } else if ( { throw new Error(; } else { throw new Error( __('System.requestError') + JSON.stringify(, null, 2) ); } } else { throw new Error( `${__('System.requestErrorStatus')} ${response.status}` ); } } return response; }, isCancel: (value: any) => (axios as any).isCancel(value), copy: (contents: string, options: any = {}) => { const ret = copy(contents); ret && options.silent !== true &&'System.copy')); return ret; }, richTextToken: '', affixOffsetBottom: 0, ...env }; let amisProps: any = {}; function createElements(props: any): any { amisProps = { ...amisProps, ...props, scopeRef: (ref: any) => { if (ref) Object.assign(scoped, ref); } }; return (