import React from 'react'; import {toast} from '../../src/components/Toast'; import {render} from '../../src/index'; import {alert, confirm} from '../../src/components/Alert'; import axios from 'axios'; import Frame from 'react-frame-component'; import stripJsonComments from 'strip-json-comments'; import CodeEditor from '../../src/components/Editor'; import copy from 'copy-to-clipboard'; const DEFAULT_CONTENT = `{ "$schema": "/schemas/page.json#", "type": "page", "title": "Title", "body": "Body", "aside": "Aside", "toolbar": "Toolbar" }`; const scopes = { 'none': ``, 'body': `{ "type": "page", "body": SCHEMA_PLACEHOLDER }`, 'form': `{ "type": "page", "body": { "title": "", "type": "form", "autoFocus": false, "api": "/api/mock/saveForm?waitSeconds=1", "mode": "horizontal", "controls": SCHEMA_PLACEHOLDER, "submitText": null, "actions": [] } }`, 'form-item': `{ "type": "page", "body": { "title": "", "type": "form", "mode": "horizontal", "autoFocus": false, "controls": [ SCHEMA_PLACEHOLDER ], "submitText": null, "actions": [] } }` }; export default class PlayGround extends React.Component { state = null; startX = 0; oldContents = ''; frameTemplate; static defaultProps = { useIFrame: false, vertical: false }; constructor(props) { super(props); const {router} = props; const schema = this.buildSchema(props.code || DEFAULT_CONTENT, props); this.state = { asideWidth: props.asideWidth || Math.max(300, window.innerWidth * 0.3), schema: schema, schemaCode: JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2) }; this.handleMouseDown = this.handleMouseDown.bind(this); this.handleMouseMove = this.handleMouseMove.bind(this); this.handleMouseUp = this.handleMouseUp.bind(this); this.removeWindowEvents = this.removeWindowEvents.bind(this); this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this); this.schemaProps = { style: { height: '100%' } }; const normalizeLink = to => { to = to || ''; const location = router.getCurrentLocation(); if (to && to[0] === '#') { to = location.pathname + + to; } else if (to && to[0] === '?') { to = location.pathname + to; } const idx = to.indexOf('?'); const idx2 = to.indexOf('#'); let pathname = ~idx ? to.substring(0, idx) : ~idx2 ? to.substring(0, idx2) : to; let search = ~idx ? to.substring(idx, ~idx2 ? idx2 : undefined) : ''; let hash = ~idx2 ? to.substring(idx2) : location.hash; if (!pathname) { pathname = location.pathname; } else if (pathname[0] != '/' && !/^https?:\/\//.test(pathname)) { let relativeBase = location.pathname; const paths = relativeBase.split('/'); paths.pop(); let m; while ((m = /^\.\.?\//.exec(pathname))) { if (m[0] === '../') { paths.pop(); } pathname = pathname.substring(m[0].length); } pathname = paths.concat(pathname).join('/'); } return pathname + search + hash; }; this.env = { session: 'doc', updateLocation: (location, replace) => { router[replace ? 'replace' : 'push'](normalizeLink(location)); }, isCurrentUrl: to => { const link = normalizeLink(to); return router.isActive(link); }, jumpTo: (to, action) => { to = normalizeLink(to); if (action && action.actionType === 'url') { action.blank === false ? (window.location.href = to) :; return; } if (/^https?:\/\//.test(to)) { window.location.replace(to); } else { router.push(to); } }, fetcher: config => { config = { dataType: 'json', ...config }; if (config.dataType === 'json' && { = JSON.stringify(; config.headers = config.headers || {}; config.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; } return axios[config.method](config.url,, config); }, isCancel: value => axios.isCancel(value), notify: (type, msg) => toast[type] ? toast[type](msg, type === 'error' ? '系统错误' : '系统消息') : console.warn('[Notify]', type, msg), alert, confirm, copy: content => { copy(content); toast.success('内容已复制到粘贴板'); } }; const links = [].slice .call(document.head.querySelectorAll('link,style')) .map(item => item.outerHTML); this.frameTemplate = `${links.join( '' )}
`; } componentWillReceiveProps(nextprops) { const props = this.props; if (props.code !== nextprops.code) { const schema = this.buildSchema( nextprops.code || DEFAULT_CONTENT, nextprops ); this.setState({ schema: schema, schemaCode: JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2) }); } } componentDidMount() { this.props.setAsideFolded && this.props.setAsideFolded(true); } componentWillUnmount() { this.props.setAsideFolded && this.props.setAsideFolded(false); } buildSchema(schemaContent, props = this.props) { const query = props.location.query; try { const scope = query.scope || props.scope; if (scope && scopes[scope]) { schemaContent = scopes[scope].replace( 'SCHEMA_PLACEHOLDER', schemaContent ); } schemaContent = stripJsonComments(schemaContent).replace( /('|")raw:/g, '$1' ); // 去掉注释 const json = { ...JSON.parse(schemaContent) }; return json; } catch (e) { console.error(this.formatMessage(e.message, schemaContent)); } return {}; } formatMessage(message, input) { if (/position\s?(\d+)$/.test(message)) { const lines = input .substring(0, parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10)) .split(/\n|\r\n|\r/); message = `Json 语法错误,请检测。出错位置:${lines.length},列:${ lines[lines.length - 1].length }。`; } return message; } renderPreview() { const schema = this.state.schema; const props = { ...this.schemaProps, theme: this.props.theme, locale: this.props.locale, affixHeader: false, affixFooter: false }; if (!this.props.useIFrame) { return render(schema, props, this.env); } return ( {render(schema, props, this.env)} ); } handleChange(value) { this.setState({ schemaCode: value }); try { const schema = JSON.parse(value); this.setState({ schema }); } catch (e) { //ignore } } handleMouseDown(e) { this.startX = e.clientX; this.startWidth = this.state.asideWidth; // this.startPosition.y = e.clientY; window.addEventListener('mouseup', this.handleMouseUp); window.addEventListener('mousemove', this.handleMouseMove); return false; } handleMouseMove(e) { const diff = this.startX - e.clientX; e.preventDefault(); this.setState({ asideWidth: Math.min(800, Math.max(200, this.startWidth + diff)) }); } handleMouseUp() { this.removeWindowEvents(); } removeWindowEvents() { window.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.handleMouseUp); window.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.handleMouseMove); } editorDidMount = (editor, monaco) => { this.editor = editor; this.monaco = monaco; let host = `${window.location.protocol}//${}`; // 如果在 gh-pages 里面 if (/^\/amis/.test(window.location.pathname)) { host += '/amis'; } const schemaUrl = `${host}/schema.json`; monaco.languages.json.jsonDefaults.setDiagnosticsOptions({ schemas: [ { uri: schemaUrl, fileMatch: ['*'] } ], validate: true, enableSchemaRequest: true, allowComments: true }); }; // editorFactory = (containerElement, monaco, options) => { // this.model = monaco.editor.createModel( // this.state.schemaCode, // 'json', // monaco.Uri.parse(`isuda://schemas/page.json`) // ); // return monaco.editor.create(containerElement, { // autoIndent: true, // formatOnType: true, // formatOnPaste: true, // selectOnLineNumbers: true, // scrollBeyondLastLine: false, // folding: true, // minimap: { // enabled: false // }, // ...options, // model: this.model // }); // }; renderEditor() { return ( ); } render() { const {vertical} = this.props; if (vertical) { return (
); } return (
); } }