title: Table 表格
type: 0
group: ⚙ 组件
menuName: Table 表格
order: 67
## 基本用法
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=5",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"title": "表格1",
"source": "$rows",
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
## 数据需求
数据是对象数组,比如前面的例子中 `rows` 的值类似:
"engine": "webkie",
"version": 1
## 空状态展示
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=5",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"title": "表格1",
"source": [],
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
"placeholder": "您还没有创建任何实例"
## 列配置
### 列类型
"type": "table",
"data": {
"items": [
"id": "91264",
"text": "衡 阎",
"progress": 22,
"type": 4,
"boolean": true,
"list": [
"title": "Forward Functionality Technician",
"description": "nisi ex eum"
"title": "District Applications Specialist",
"description": "ipsam ratione voluptas"
"title": "Future Operations Manager",
"description": "ducimus fugit debitis"
"title": "Dynamic Solutions Associate",
"description": "saepe consequatur aut"
"audio": "https://news-bos.cdn.bcebos.com/mvideo/%E7%9A%87%E5%90%8E%E5%A4%A7%E9%81%93%E4%B8%9C.aac",
"carousel": [
"image": "https://ss0.bdstatic.com/70cFvHSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=3893101144,2877209892&fm=23&gp=0.jpg"
"html": "
carousel data in crud
"image": "https://video-react.js.org/assets/poster.png"
"date": 1591270438,
"image": "https://ss0.bdstatic.com/70cFvHSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=3893101144,2877209892&fm=23&gp=0.jpg",
"json": {
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"text": "text"
"id": "34202",
"text": "吉 卢汉市",
"progress": 85,
"type": 1,
"boolean": true,
"list": [
"title": "Dynamic Assurance Orchestrator",
"description": "ea ullam voluptates"
"title": "Internal Division Assistant",
"description": "illum deleniti qui"
"title": "International Usability Administrator",
"description": "sit voluptatem quia"
"title": "Lead Optimization Orchestrator",
"description": "autem et blanditiis"
"title": "Future Division Assistant",
"description": "dolor cupiditate sint"
"title": "Forward Program Orchestrator",
"description": "quia distinctio voluptas"
"title": "Human Implementation Technician",
"description": "consequatur quaerat ullam"
"title": "National Identity Administrator",
"description": "ipsa et reiciendis"
"title": "Regional Factors Planner",
"description": "sed deserunt natus"
"title": "Human Data Administrator",
"description": "rerum consequatur odit"
"audio": "https://news-bos.cdn.bcebos.com/mvideo/%E7%9A%87%E5%90%8E%E5%A4%A7%E9%81%93%E4%B8%9C.aac",
"carousel": [
"image": "https://ss0.bdstatic.com/70cFvHSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=3893101144,2877209892&fm=23&gp=0.jpg"
"html": "carousel data in crud
"image": "https://video-react.js.org/assets/poster.png"
"date": 1591270438,
"image": "https://ss0.bdstatic.com/70cFvHSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=3893101144,2877209892&fm=23&gp=0.jpg",
"json": {
"id": 1,
"text": "text"
"id": "37701",
"text": "立辉安市",
"progress": 72,
"type": 2,
"boolean": false,
"list": [
"title": "Corporate Metrics Liason",
"description": "aspernatur natus qui"
"title": "Central Paradigm Analyst",
"description": "sequi numquam ad"
"title": "International Data Administrator",
"description": "sed libero eum"
"title": "Forward Optimization Assistant",
"description": "officiis accusantium dolorem"
"title": "Senior Metrics Executive",
"description": "commodi sint quod"
"title": "Corporate Quality Facilitator",
"description": "aut aperiam est"
"title": "Forward Operations Producer",
"description": "sed corporis eaque"
"title": "National Integration Analyst",
"description": "quasi ab cumque"
"audio": "https://news-bos.cdn.bcebos.com/mvideo/%E7%9A%87%E5%90%8E%E5%A4%A7%E9%81%93%E4%B8%9C.aac",
"carousel": [
"image": "https://ss0.bdstatic.com/70cFvHSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=3893101144,2877209892&fm=23&gp=0.jpg"
"html": "carousel data in crud
"image": "https://video-react.js.org/assets/poster.png"
"date": 1591270438,
"image": "https://ss0.bdstatic.com/70cFvHSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=3893101144,2877209892&fm=23&gp=0.jpg",
"json": {
"id": 1,
"text": "text"
"affixHeader": false,
"syncLocation": false,
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"type": "text"
"name": "text",
"label": "文本",
"type": "text"
"type": "image",
"label": "图片",
"name": "image"
"name": "date",
"type": "date",
"label": "日期"
"name": "progress",
"label": "进度",
"type": "progress"
"name": "boolean",
"label": "状态",
"type": "status"
"name": "boolean",
"label": "开关",
"type": "switch"
"name": "type",
"label": "映射",
"type": "mapping",
"map": {
"1": "漂亮",
"2": "开心",
"3": "惊吓",
"4": "紧张",
"*": "其他:${type}"
"name": "list",
"type": "list",
"label": "List",
"placeholder": "-",
"listItem": {
"title": "${title}",
"subTitle": "${description}"
### 列宽
可以给列配置 `width` 属性,控制列宽,共有两种方式:
#### 固定像素
可以配置数字,用于设置列宽像素,例如下面例子我们给`Rendering engine`列宽设置为`100px`。
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "crud",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?waitSeconds=1",
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"width": 100
#### 百分比
也可以百分比来指定列宽,例如下面例子我们给`Rendering engine`列宽设置为`50%`。
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "crud",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?waitSeconds=1",
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"width": "50%"
### 列对齐方式
> 1.4.0 及以上版本
通过 align 可以控制列文本对齐方式,比如
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=5",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"title": "表格1",
"source": "$rows",
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine"
"label": "Version",
"type": "tpl",
"tpl": "${version | number}",
"align": "right"
### 列样式
> 1.4.0 及以上版本
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=5",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"title": "表格1",
"source": "$rows",
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version",
"className": "text-primary"
如果要单独设置标题的样式,可以使用 `labelClassName` 属性
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=5",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"title": "表格1",
"source": "$rows",
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version",
"className": "text-primary",
"labelClassName": "font-bold"
### 单元格样式
> 1.4.0 及以上版本
`classNameExpr` 可以根据数据动态添加 CSS 类,支持 [模板](../../docs/concepts/template) 语法。
例如下例,`"<%= data.version > 5 ? "text-danger" : "" %>"` 表示当行数据的 `version` 数据大于 5 的时候添加 `text-danger` CSS 类名,使得文字颜色变红
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=5",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version",
"classNameExpr": "<%= data.version > 5 ? 'text-danger' : '' %>",
"name": "grade",
"label": "Grade"
### 背景色阶
> 1.8.0 及以上版本
`backgroundScale` 可以用来根据数据控制自动分配色阶
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"data": {
"rows": [
"engine": "Trident",
"version": "1",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Trident",
"version": "7",
"grade": "B"
"engine": "Trident",
"version": "4",
"grade": "C"
"engine": "Trident",
"version": "3",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Trident",
"version": "4",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Gecko",
"version": "6",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Gecko",
"version": "2",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Gecko",
"version": "5",
"grade": "B"
"engine": "Gecko",
"version": "10",
"grade": "D"
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version",
backgroundScale: {
min: 0,
max: 10,
colors: ['#FFEF9C', '#FF7127']
"name": "grade",
"label": "Grade"
`min` 和 `max` 都支持变量,如果为设置会自动计算当前列的最大和最小值。
默认会从当前列的 `name` 属性来获取数据,也可以通过 `backgroundScale.source` 使用变量及公式来获取数据。
### 默认是否显示
默认 `columnsTogglable` 配置为 `auto`,当列超过 5 列后,就会在工具栏多渲染出来一个列展示与否的开关。你可以设置成 `true` 或者 `false` 来强制开或者关。在列配置中可以通过配置 `toggled` 为 `false` 默认不展示这列,比如下面这个例子中 ID 这一栏。
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=5",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"className": "m-b-none",
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine"
"name": "grade",
"label": "Grade"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"toggled": false
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform"
### 固定列
列太多可以让重要的几列固定,可以配置固定在左侧还是右侧,只需要给需要固定的列上配置 `fixed` 属性,配置 `left` 或者 `right`。
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=5",
"className": "flex justify-center",
"body": [
"type": "wrapper",
"className": "w-xxl border-2 border-solid border-indigo-400",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"className": "m-b-none",
"columnsTogglable": false,
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"fixed": "left"
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine",
"groupName": 'Group-1',
"fixed": "left"
"name": "grade",
"label": "Grade",
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser",
"groupName": 'Group-2',
"fixed": "right"
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform",
"groupName": 'Group-2',
"fixed": "right"
### 可复制
可以在列上配置`"copyable": true`,会在该列的内容区里,渲染一个复制内容的图标,点击可复制该显示内容
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "crud",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?waitSeconds=1",
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"copyable": true
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "crud",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?waitSeconds=1",
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"copyable": {
"content": "复制的内容是:${engine}"
### 弹出框(popOver)
可以给列上配置 `popOver` 属性,会在该列的内容区里,渲染一个图标,点击会显示弹出框,用于展示内容
"type": "page",
"data": {
"table": [
"id": 1,
"text": "The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis."
"id": 2,
"text": "The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis."
"body": [
"type": "crud",
"source": "${table}",
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"type": "container",
"style": {
"display": "inline-block"
"body": {
"type": "tpl",
"name": "text",
"label": "long text",
"className": "text-ellipsis",
"style": {
"max-width": "300px"
"popOver": {
"body": {
"type": "tpl",
"tpl": "${text}"
popOver 的其它配置请参考 [popover](./popover)
### 表头样式
可以配置`"isHead": true`,来让当前列以表头的样式展示。应用场景是:
1. 所有列`label`配置空字符串,不显示表头
2. 配置`combineNum`,合并单元格,实现左侧表头的形式
3. 列上配置`"isHead": true`,调整样式
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "crud",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?waitSeconds=1",
"affixHeader": false,
"combineNum": 1,
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "",
"isHead": true
"name": "browser",
"label": ""
"name": "platform",
"label": ""
"name": "version",
"label": ""
"name": "grade",
"label": ""
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "crud",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?waitSeconds=1",
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"popOver": {
"body": {
"type": "tpl",
"tpl": "偏了一点的popover"
"offset": {
"y": 100
## 嵌套
当行数据中存在 children 属性时,可以自动嵌套显示下去。
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"data": {
"rows": [
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 4.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "X",
"id": 1,
"children": [
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 4.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "X",
"id": 1001
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 5.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "C",
"id": 1002
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 5.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "C",
"id": 2,
"children": [
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 4.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "X",
"id": 2001
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 5.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "C",
"id": 2002
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 5.5",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "5.5",
"grade": "A",
"id": 3,
"children": [
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 4.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "X",
"id": 3001
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 5.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "C",
"id": 3002
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 6",
"platform": "Win 98+",
"version": "6",
"grade": "A",
"id": 4,
"children": [
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 4.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "X",
"id": 4001
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 5.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "C",
"id": 4002
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 7",
"platform": "Win XP SP2+",
"version": "7",
"grade": "A",
"id": 5,
"children": [
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 4.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "X",
"id": 5001
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 5.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "C",
"id": 5002
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"className": "m-b-none",
"columnsTogglable": false,
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine"
"name": "grade",
"label": "Grade"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform"
## 底部展示 (Footable)
列太多时,内容没办法全部显示完,可以让部分信息在底部显示,可以让用户展开查看详情。配置很简单,只需要开启 `footable` 属性,同时将想在底部展示的列加个 `breakpoint` 属性为 `*` 即可。
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=5",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"className": "m-b-none",
"columnsTogglable": false,
"footable": true,
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine"
"name": "grade",
"label": "Grade"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version",
"breakpoint": "*"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser",
"breakpoint": "*"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"breakpoint": "*"
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform",
"breakpoint": "*"
默认都不会展开,如果你想默认展开第一个就把 footable 配置成这样。
"footable": {
"expand": "first"
当配置成 `all` 时表示全部展开。
## 合并单元格
只需要配置 `combineNum` 属性即可,他表示从左到右多少列内启动自动合并单元格,只要多行的同一个属性值是一样的,就会自动合并。
如果你不想从第一列开始合并单元格,可以配置 `combineFromIndex`,如果配置为 1,则会跳过第一列的合并。如果配置为 2,则会跳过第一列和第二列的合并,从第三行开始向右合并 `combineNum` 列。
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"data": {
"rows": [
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 4.2",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 4.2",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "B"
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "AOL browser (AOL desktop)",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "C"
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "AOL browser (AOL desktop)",
"platform": "Win 98",
"version": "3",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "AOL browser (AOL desktop)",
"platform": "Win 98",
"version": "4",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Gecko",
"browser": "Firefox 1.0",
"platform": "Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Gecko",
"browser": "Firefox 1.0",
"platform": "Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Gecko",
"browser": "Firefox 2.0",
"platform": "Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "B"
"engine": "Gecko",
"browser": "Firefox 2.0",
"platform": "Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "C"
"engine": "Gecko",
"browser": "Firefox 2.0",
"platform": "Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "D"
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"className": "m-b-none",
"combineNum": 3,
"columnsTogglable": false,
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform(s)"
"name": "version",
"label": "Engine version"
"name": "grade",
"label": "CSS grade"
> 1.3.0 版本开始 combineNum 支持使用变量,如下所示
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"data": {
"rows": [
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 4.2",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 4.2",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "B"
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "AOL browser (AOL desktop)",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "C"
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "AOL browser (AOL desktop)",
"platform": "Win 98",
"version": "3",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "AOL browser (AOL desktop)",
"platform": "Win 98",
"version": "4",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Gecko",
"browser": "Firefox 1.0",
"platform": "Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Gecko",
"browser": "Firefox 1.0",
"platform": "Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "A"
"engine": "Gecko",
"browser": "Firefox 2.0",
"platform": "Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "B"
"engine": "Gecko",
"browser": "Firefox 2.0",
"platform": "Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "C"
"engine": "Gecko",
"browser": "Firefox 2.0",
"platform": "Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "D"
combineNum: 3
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"className": "m-b-none",
"combineNum": "$combineNum",
"columnsTogglable": false,
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform(s)"
"name": "version",
"label": "Engine version"
"name": "grade",
"label": "CSS grade"
## 超级表头
超级表头意思是,表头还可以再一次进行分组。额外添加个 `groupName` 属性即可。
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=5",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"className": "m-b-none",
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine",
"groupName": "分组1"
"name": "grade",
"label": "Grade",
"groupName": "分组1"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version",
"groupName": "分组2"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser",
"groupName": "分组2"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"toggled": false,
"groupName": "分组2"
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform",
"groupName": "分组2"
## 高亮行
可以通过配置`rowClassNameExpr`来为行添加 CSS 类,支持 [模板](../../docs/concepts/template) 语法。
例如下例,`"<%= data.id % 2 ? "bg-success" : "" %>"` 表示当行数据的 `id` 变量为 不能被 `2` 整除时,给当前行添加`bg-success` CSS 类名,即绿色背景色
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"rowClassNameExpr": "<%= data.id % 2 ? 'bg-success' : 'bg-blue-50' %>",
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine"
"name": "grade",
"label": "Grade"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform"
## 总结行
可以通过配置 `prefixRow` 或 `affixRow` 来为表格顶部或底部添加总结行,
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"columns": [
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
"type": "text",
"text": "总计"
"type": "tpl",
"tpl": "${rows|pick:version|sum}"
> 1.8.1 及以上版本
新增 `affixRowClassNameExpr`、`affixRowClassName`、`prefixRowClassNameExpr`、`prefixRowClassName` 来控制总结行样式,比如下面的例子
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"columns": [
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
"affixRowClassNameExpr": "${SUM(ARRAYMAP(rows, item => item.version)) > 30 ? 'text-success' : ''}",
"type": "text",
"text": "总计"
"type": "tpl",
"tpl": "${rows|pick:version|sum}"
### 配置合并单元格
可以配置 `colSpan` 来设置一列所合并的列数,例如
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
"type": "text",
"text": "总计",
"colSpan": 2
"type": "tpl",
"tpl": "${rows|pick:version|sum}"
上例中我们给 `总计` 列配置了 `"colSpan": 2`,它会合并两个单元格
### 配置多行
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"columns": [
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
"type": "text",
"text": "总计1"
"type": "tpl",
"tpl": "${rows|pick:version|sum}"
"type": "text",
"text": "总计2"
"type": "tpl",
"tpl": "${rows|pick:version|sum}"
## 行操作按钮
通过 itemActions 可以设置鼠标移动到行上出现操作按钮
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [{
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"itemActions": [{
"label": "编辑",
"type": "button",
"actionType": "dialog",
"dialog": {
"title": "编辑",
"body": "这是个简单的编辑弹框"
}, {
"label": "删除",
"type": "button",
"actionType": "ajax",
"confirmText": "确认要删除?",
"api": "/api/mock2/form/saveForm"
"columns": [{
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
## 单行点击操作
> 1.4.0 及以上版本
处理前面的 itemActions,还可以配置 itemAction 来实现点击某一行后进行操作,支持 [action](./action) 里的所有配置,比如弹框、刷新其它组件等。
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [{
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"itemAction": {
"type": "button",
"actionType": "dialog",
"dialog": {
"title": "详情",
"body": "当前行的数据 browser: ${browser}, version: ${version}"
"columns": [{
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
注意这个属性和 `checkOnItemClick` 冲突,因为都是定义行的点击行为,开启 `itemAction` 后 `checkOnItemClick` 将会失效。
## 行角标
> 1.5.0 及以上版本
通过属性`itemBadge`,可以为表格行配置[角标](./badge),可以使用[数据映射](../../../docs/concepts/data-mapping)为每一行添加特定的 Badge 属性。[`visibleOn`](../../../docs/concepts/expression)属性控制显示的条件,表达式中`this`可以取到行所在上下文的数据,比如行数据中有`badgeText`字段才显示角标,可以设置`"visibleOn": "this.badgeText"`
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"body": {
"type": "table",
"source": "${table}",
"syncLocation": false,
"itemBadge": {
"text": "${badgeText}",
"mode": "ribbon",
"position": "top-left",
"level": "${badgeLevel}",
"visibleOn": "this.badgeText"
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform(s)"
"name": "version",
"label": "Engine version"
"name": "grade",
"label": "CSS grade"
data: {
table: [
"id": 1,
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 4.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "X",
"badgeText": "默认",
"badgeLevel": "info"
"id": 2,
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 5.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "C",
"badgeText": "危险",
"badgeLevel": "danger"
"id": 3,
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 5.5",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "5.5",
"grade": "A"
"id": 4,
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 6",
"platform": "Win 98+",
"version": "6",
"grade": "A"
"id": 5,
"engine": "Trident",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 7",
"platform": "Win XP SP2+",
"version": "7",
"grade": "A"
## 表格内容高度自适应
> 1.5.0 及以上版本
通过 `autoFillHeight` 可以让表格内容区自适应高度,具体效果请看这个[示例](../../../examples/crud/auto-fill)。
开启这个配置后会自动关闭 `affixHeader` 功能避免冲突。
## 属性表
| 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 说明 | 版本 |
| ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| type | `string` | | `"type"` 指定为 table 渲染器 | |
| title | `string` | | 标题 | |
| source | `string` | `${items}` | 数据源, 绑定当前环境变量 | |
| tableLayout | `fixed` \| `auto` | `auto` | 表格元素的 table-layout 属性,设为 fixed 表示内容不会影响列的布局,当尝试修改列宽度时或者列中设置了 width 属性将自动转成 fixed 模式 | |
| affixHeader | `boolean` | `true` | 是否固定表头 | |
| columnsTogglable | `auto` 或者 `boolean` | `auto` | 展示列显示开关, 自动即:列数量大于或等于 5 个时自动开启 | |
| placeholder | `string` 或者 `SchemaTpl` | `暂无数据` | 当没数据的时候的文字提示 | |
| className | `string` | `panel-default` | 外层 CSS 类名 | |
| tableClassName | `string` | `table-db table-striped` | 表格 CSS 类名 | |
| headerClassName | `string` | `Action.md-table-header` | 顶部外层 CSS 类名 | |
| footerClassName | `string` | `Action.md-table-footer` | 底部外层 CSS 类名 | |
| toolbarClassName | `string` | `Action.md-table-toolbar` | 工具栏 CSS 类名 | |
| columns | `Array` | | 用来设置列信息 | |
| combineNum | `number` | | 自动合并单元格 | |
| itemActions | Array<[Action](./action-button)> | | 悬浮行操作按钮组 | |
| itemCheckableOn | [表达式](../../docs/concepts/expression) | | 配置当前行是否可勾选的条件,要用 [表达式](../../docs/concepts/expression) | |
| itemDraggableOn | [表达式](../../docs/concepts/expression) | | 配置当前行是否可拖拽的条件,要用 [表达式](../../docs/concepts/expression) | |
| checkOnItemClick | `boolean` | `false` | 点击数据行是否可以勾选当前行 | |
| rowClassName | `string` | | 给行添加 CSS 类名 | |
| rowClassNameExpr | [模板](../../docs/concepts/template) | | 通过模板给行添加 CSS 类名 | |
| prefixRow | `Array` | | 顶部总结行 | |
| affixRow | `Array` | | 底部总结行 | |
| itemBadge | [`BadgeSchema`](./badge) | | 行角标配置 | |
| autoFillHeight | `boolean` 丨 `{height: number}` 丨 `{maxHeight: number}` | | 内容区域自适应高度,可选择自适应、固定高度和最大高度 | `maxHeight` 需要 `2.8.0` 以上版本 |
| resizable | `boolean` | `true` | 列宽度是否支持调整 | |
| selectable | `boolean` | `false` | 支持勾选 | |
| multiple | `boolean` | `false` | 勾选 icon 是否为多选样式`checkbox`, 默认为`radio` | |
### 列配置属性表
| 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 说明 | 版本 |
| ---------- | --------------------------------------------- | ------ | ------------------------ | ------- |
| label | [模板](../../docs/concepts/template) | | 表头文本内容 | |
| name | `string` | | 通过名称关联数据 | |
| width | `number` \| `string` | | 列宽 | |
| remark | | | 提示信息 | |
| fixed | `left` \| `right` \| `none` | | 是否固定当前列 | |
| popOver | | | 弹出框 | |
| copyable | `boolean` 或 `{icon: string, content:string}` | | 是否可复制 | |
| style | `object` | | 单元格自定义样式 | |
| innerStyle | `object` | | 单元格内部组件自定义样式 | `2.8.1` |
## 事件表
| 事件名称 | 事件参数 | 说明 |
| -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- |
| selectedChange | `selectedItems: item[]` 已选择行
`unSelectedItems: item[]` 未选择行 | 手动选择表格项时触发 |
| columnSort | `orderBy: string` 列排序列名
`orderDir: string` 列排序值 | 点击列排序时触发 |
| columnFilter | `filterName: string` 列筛选列名
`filterValue: string` 列筛选值 | 点击列筛选时触发 |
| columnSearch | `searchName: string` 列搜索列名
`searchValue: string` 列搜索数据 | 点击列搜索时触发 |
| orderChange | `movedItems: item[]` 已排序数据 | 手动拖拽行排序时触发 |
| columnToggled | `columns: item[]` 当前显示的列配置数据 | 点击自定义列时触发 |
| rowClick | `item: object` 行点击数据
`index: number` 行索引 | 单击整行时触发 |
| rowDbClick | `item: object` 行点击数据
`index: number` 行索引 | 双击整行时触发 |
| rowMouseEnter | `item: object` 行移入数据
`index: number` 行索引 | 移入整行时触发 |
| rowMouseLeave | `item: object` 行移出数据
`index: number` 行索引 | 移出整行时触发 |
### selectedChange
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"selectable": true,
"onEvent": {
"selectedChange": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "toast",
"args": {
"msg": "已选择${event.data.selectedItems.length}条记录"
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform(s)"
"name": "version",
"label": "Engine version"
"name": "grade",
"label": "CSS grade"
### columnSort
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"onEvent": {
"columnSort": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "toast",
"args": {
"msgType": "info",
"msg": "orderBy:${event.data.orderBy},orderDir:${event.data.orderDir}"
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"searchable": true
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"filterable": {
"options": [
"Internet Explorer 4.0",
"Internet Explorer 5.0"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser",
"sortable": true
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform(s)"
"name": "version",
"label": "Engine version"
"name": "grade",
"label": "CSS grade"
### columnFilter
列过滤,可以尝试点击`Rendering engine`列右侧的筛选图标。
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"onEvent": {
"columnFilter": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "toast",
"args": {
"msgType": "info",
"msg": "filterName:${event.data.filterName},filterValue:${event.data.filterValue}"
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"searchable": true
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"filterable": {
"options": [
"Internet Explorer 4.0",
"Internet Explorer 5.0"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser",
"sortable": true
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform(s)"
"name": "version",
"label": "Engine version"
"name": "grade",
"label": "CSS grade"
### columnSearch
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"onEvent": {
"columnSearch": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "toast",
"args": {
"msgType": "info",
"msg": "searchName:${event.data.searchName},searchValue:${event.data.searchValue|json}"
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"searchable": true
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"filterable": {
"options": [
"Internet Explorer 4.0",
"Internet Explorer 5.0"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser",
"sortable": true
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform(s)"
"name": "version",
"label": "Engine version"
"name": "grade",
"label": "CSS grade"
### columnToggled
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"onEvent": {
"columnToggled": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "toast",
"args": {
"msgType": "info",
"msg": "当前显示${event.data.columns.length}列"
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"searchable": true
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"filterable": {
"options": [
"Internet Explorer 4.0",
"Internet Explorer 5.0"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser",
"sortable": true
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform(s)"
"name": "version",
"label": "Engine version"
"name": "grade",
"label": "CSS grade"
### orderChange
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"draggable": true,
"onEvent": {
"orderChange": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "toast",
"args": {
"msgType": "info",
"msg": "${event.data.movedItems.length}行发生移动"
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"searchable": true
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"filterable": {
"options": [
"Internet Explorer 4.0",
"Internet Explorer 5.0"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser",
"sortable": true
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform(s)"
"name": "version",
"label": "Engine version"
"name": "grade",
"label": "CSS grade"
### rowClick
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"onEvent": {
"rowClick": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "toast",
"args": {
"msgType": "info",
"msg": "行单击数据:${event.data.item|json};行索引:${event.data.index}"
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"searchable": true
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"filterable": {
"options": [
"Internet Explorer 4.0",
"Internet Explorer 5.0"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser",
"sortable": true
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform(s)"
"name": "version",
"label": "Engine version"
"name": "grade",
"label": "CSS grade"
### rowMouseEnter
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"onEvent": {
"rowMouseEnter": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "toast",
"args": {
"msgType": "info",
"msg": "行索引:${event.data.index}"
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"searchable": true
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"filterable": {
"options": [
"Internet Explorer 4.0",
"Internet Explorer 5.0"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser",
"sortable": true
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform(s)"
"name": "version",
"label": "Engine version"
"name": "grade",
"label": "CSS grade"
### rowMouseLeave
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"onEvent": {
"rowMouseLeave": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "toast",
"args": {
"msgType": "info",
"msg": "行索引:${event.data.index}"
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"searchable": true
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"filterable": {
"options": [
"Internet Explorer 4.0",
"Internet Explorer 5.0"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser",
"sortable": true
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform(s)"
"name": "version",
"label": "Engine version"
"name": "grade",
"label": "CSS grade"
### 列的事件表
表格的默认列定义的事件如下,即 click、mouseenter、mouseleave。如果列定义是其他组件,则事件表就是这个组件对应的事件表,例如列定义是 Switch 组件,则可以监听 [Switch 的 change 事件](./form/switch#%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6%E8%A1%A8)。
| 事件名称 | 事件参数 | 说明 |
| ---------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| click | `[columnName]: string` 对应列名的值 | 监听表格列点击事件,表格数据点击时触发 |
| mouseenter | `[columnName]: string` 对应列名的值 | 监听表格列鼠标移入事件,表格数据鼠标移入时触发 |
| mouseleave | `[columnName]: string` 对应列名的值 | 监听表格列鼠标移出事件,表格数据鼠标移出时触发 |
可以尝试点击某行的`Rendering engine`列数据、鼠标移入某行的`Browser`列数据。
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID",
"searchable": true
"name": "engine",
"label": "Rendering engine",
"filterable": {
"options": [
"Internet Explorer 4.0",
"Internet Explorer 5.0"
"onEvent": {
"click": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "toast",
"args": {
"msgType": "info",
"msg": "第${event.data.index}行的${event.data.engine}"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser",
"sortable": true,
"onEvent": {
"mouseenter": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "toast",
"args": {
"msgType": "info",
"msg": "第${event.data.index}行的${event.data.browser}"
"mouseleave": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "toast",
"args": {
"msgType": "info",
"msg": "第${event.data.index}行的${event.data.browser}"
"name": "platform",
"label": "Platform(s)"
"name": "version",
"label": "Engine version"
"name": "grade",
"label": "CSS grade"
## 动作表
当前组件对外暴露以下特性动作,其他组件可以通过指定`actionType: 动作名称`、`componentId: 该组件id`来触发这些动作,动作配置可以通过`args: {动作配置项名称: xxx}`来配置具体的参数,详细请查看[事件动作](../../docs/concepts/event-action#触发其他组件的动作)。
| 动作名称 | 动作配置 | 说明 |
| --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- |
| select | `selected: string` 条件表达式,表达式中可以访问变量`record:行数据`和`rowIndex:行索引`,例如: data.rowIndex === 1 | 设置表格的选中项 |
| selectAll | - | 设置表格全部项选中 |
| clearAll | - | 清空表格所有选中项 |
| initDrag | - | 开启表格拖拽排序功能 |
| setValue | `value: object` | 更新列表记录 |
value 结构说明:
| 属性名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 说明 |
| ------------- | -------- | ------ | -------- |
| items 或 rows | `item[]` | | 列表记录 |
### select
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "button-toolbar",
"className": "m-b",
"buttons": [
"name": "trigger1",
"id": "trigger1",
"type": "action",
"label": "设置表格第一项选中",
"onEvent": {
"click": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "select",
"componentId": "table-select",
"description": "点击设置指定表格第一项内容选中",
"args": {
"selected": "data.rowIndex === 0"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"id": "table-select",
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"selectable": true,
"multiple": true,
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
### selectAll
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "button-toolbar",
"className": "m-b",
"buttons": [
"name": "trigger2",
"id": "trigger2",
"type": "action",
"label": "设置表格全部项选中",
"onEvent": {
"click": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "selectAll",
"componentId": "table-select",
"description": "点击设置指定表格全部内容选中"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"id": "table-select",
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"selectable": true,
"multiple": true,
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
### clearAll
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "button-toolbar",
"className": "m-b",
"buttons": [
"name": "trigger3",
"id": "trigger3",
"type": "action",
"label": "清空表格全部选中项",
"onEvent": {
"click": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "clearAll",
"componentId": "table-select",
"description": "点击设置指定表格全部选中项清空"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"id": "table-select",
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"selectable": true,
"multiple": true,
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
### initDrag
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "button-toolbar",
"className": "m-b",
"buttons": [
"name": "trigger4",
"id": "trigger4",
"type": "action",
"label": "开启表格行排序",
"onEvent": {
"click": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "initDrag",
"componentId": "table-select",
"description": "点击开启表格行排序功能"
"type": "service",
"api": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=10",
"body": [
"id": "table-select",
"type": "table",
"source": "$rows",
"selectable": true,
"multiple": true,
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "browser",
"label": "Browser"
"name": "version",
"label": "Version"
### setValue
```schema: scope="body"
"type": "button",
"label": "更新列表记录",
"onEvent": {
"click": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "setValue",
"componentId": "table_setvalue",
"args": {
"value": {
"items": [
"engine": "Trident - f12fj",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 4.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "4",
"grade": "X",
"badgeText": "默认",
"id": 1
"engine": "Trident - oqvc0e",
"browser": "Internet Explorer 5.0",
"platform": "Win 95+",
"version": "5",
"grade": "C",
"badgeText": "危险",
"id": 2
"type": "button",
"label": "清空列表",
"className": "ml-2",
"onEvent": {
"click": {
"actions": [
"actionType": "setValue",
"componentId": "table_setvalue",
"args": {
"value": {
"items": []
"type": "service",
"id": "u:b25a8ef0050b",
"api": {
"method": "get",
"url": "/api/mock2/sample?perPage=5"
"body": [
"type": "table",
"id": "table_setvalue",
"title": "引擎列表",
"source": "$rows",
"columns": [
"name": "engine",
"label": "Engine",
"id": "u:4aa2e9034698",
"inline": true
"name": "version",
"label": "Version",
"id": "u:8b4cb96ca2bf",
"inline": true,
"tpl": "v${version}"
"selectable": true,
"multiple": true