
1017 lines
26 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* @file fis-conf.js 配置
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const package = require('./packages/amis/package.json');
const parserMarkdown = require('./scripts/md-parser');
const convertSCSSIE11 = require('./scripts/scss-ie11');
const parserCodeMarkdown = require('./scripts/code-md-parser');
fis.set('project.ignore', [
// 配置只编译哪些文件。
const Resource = fis.require('postpackager-loader/lib/resource.js');
const versionHash = fis.util.md5(package.version);
buildResourceMap: function () {
const resourceMap = this.__super();
if (resourceMap === '') {
return '';
const map = JSON.parse(resourceMap.substring(20, resourceMap.length - 2));
Object.keys(map.res).forEach(function (key) {
if (map.res[key].pkg) {
map.res[key].pkg = `${versionHash}-${map.res[key].pkg}`;
Object.keys(map.pkg).forEach(function (key) {
map.pkg[`${versionHash}-${key}`] = map.pkg[key];
delete map.pkg[key];
return `amis.require.resourceMap(${JSON.stringify(map)});`;
calculate: function () {
// 标记这个文件,肯定是异步资源,即便是同步加载了。
Object.keys(this.loaded).forEach(id => {
const file = this.getFileById(id);
if (file && file.subpath === '/examples/loadMonacoEditor.ts') {
this.loaded[id] = true;
fis.set('project.files', [
fis.match('/schema.json', {
release: '/$0'
fis.match('/mock/**', {
useCompile: false
fis.match('mod.js', {
useCompile: false
fis.match('*.scss', {
parser: fis.plugin('sass', {
sourceMap: true
rExt: '.css'
fis.match('icons/**.svg', {
rExt: '.js',
isJsXLike: true,
isJsLike: true,
isMod: true,
parser: [
fis.plugin('svgr', {
svgProps: {
className: 'icon'
prettier: false,
dimensions: false
fis.plugin('typescript', {
importHelpers: true,
esModuleInterop: true,
experimentalDecorators: true,
sourceMap: false
fis.match('/node_modules/**.{js,cjs}', {
isMod: true,
rExt: 'js'
fis.set('project.fileType.text', 'cjs');
fis.match('tinymce/{tinymce.js,plugins/**.js,themes/silver/theme.js}', {
ignoreDependencies: true
fis.match('tinymce/plugins/*/index.js', {
ignoreDependencies: false
fis.match(/(?:mpegts\.js|object\-inspect\/util\.inspect\.js)/, {
ignoreDependencies: true
fis.match('monaco-editor/min/**.js', {
isMod: false,
ignoreDependencies: true
fis.match('{/docs,/packages/amis-ui/scss/helper}/**.md', {
rExt: 'js',
ignoreDependencies: true,
parser: [
function (contents, file) {
return contents.replace(
function (_, quota, link) {
if (/\.md($|#)/.test(link) && !/^https?\:/.test(link)) {
let parts = link.split('#');
parts[0] = parts[0].replace('.md', '');
return 'href=\\' + quota + parts.join('#') + '\\' + quota;
return _;
isMod: true
fis.on('compile:optimizer', function (file) {
if (file.isJsLike && file.isMod) {
var contents = file.getContent();
if (
typeof contents === 'string' &&
contents.substring(0, 7) === 'define('
) {
contents = 'amis.' + contents;
contents = contents.replace(
'function(require, exports, module)',
'function(require, exports, module, define)'
fis.match('{*.ts,*.jsx,*.tsx,/examples/**.js,/src/**.js,/src/**.ts}', {
parser: [
// docsGennerator,
fis.plugin('typescript', {
importHelpers: true,
esModuleInterop: true,
experimentalDecorators: true,
inlineSourceMap: true,
target: 4
function (content) {
return (
// ts 4.4 生成的代码是 (0, tslib_1.__importStar),直接改成 tslib_1.__importStar
.replace(/\(\d+, (tslib_\d+\.__importStar)\)/g, '$1')
.replace(/\b[a-zA-Z_0-9$]+\.__uri\s*\(/g, '__uri(')
function (_, r, tslib, quto, value) {
return `${r} new Promise(function(resolve){require(['${value}'], function(ret) {resolve(${tslib}.__importStar(ret));})})`;
preprocessor: fis.plugin('js-require-css'),
isMod: true,
rExt: '.js'
fis.match('markdown-it/**', {
preprocessor: fis.plugin('js-require-file')
fis.match('*.html:jsx', {
parser: fis.plugin('typescript'),
rExt: '.js',
isMod: false
// 这些用了 esm
parser: fis.plugin('typescript', {
sourceMap: false,
importHelpers: true,
esModuleInterop: true,
emitDecoratorMetadata: false,
experimentalDecorators: false
if (fis.project.currentMedia() === 'dev') {
fis.match('/packages/**/*.{ts,tsx,js}', {
isMod: true
// 将子工程的查找,跳转到 src 目录去
// 可能 windows 下跑不了
const projects = [];
fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 'packages')).forEach(file => {
if (fs.lstatSync(path.join(__dirname, 'packages', file)).isDirectory()) {
projects.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.length < b.length ? 1 : a.length === b.length ? 0 : -1;
projects.length &&
fis.on('lookup:file', function (info, file) {
const uri =;
let newName = '';
let pkg = '';
if (/^amis\/lib\/themes\/(.*)\.css$/.test(uri)) {
newName = `/packages/amis-ui/scss/themes/${RegExp.$1}.scss`;
} else if (/^amis\/lib\/(.*)\.css$/.test(uri)) {
newName = `/packages/amis-ui/scss/${RegExp.$1}.scss`;
} else if (
uri === 'amis-formula/lib/doc' ||
uri === 'amis-formula/lib/'
) {
// 啥也不干
} else if ((pkg = projects.find(pkg => uri.indexOf(pkg) === 0))) {
const parts = uri.split('/');
if (parts[1] === 'lib') {
parts.splice(1, 1, 'src');
} else if (parts.length === 1) {
parts.push('src', 'index');
newName = `/packages/${parts.join('/')}`;
if (newName) {
delete info.file;
var result = fis.project.lookup(newName, file);
if (result.file) {
info.file = result.file; = result.file.getId();
} else {
console.log(`\`${newName}\` 找不到`);
fis.on('compile:end', function (file) {
if (file.subpath === '/packages/amis-core/src/index.tsx') {
.replace(/__buildVersion/g, JSON.stringify(package.version))
fis.hook('node_modules', {
shimProcess: false,
shimGlobal: false,
shimBuffer: false
// shutup: true
fis.hook('commonjs', {
sourceMap: false,
extList: ['.js', '.jsx', '.tsx', '.ts', '.cjs'],
paths: {
'monaco-editor': '/examples/loadMonacoEditor'
fis.match('_*.scss', {
release: false
});'dev').match('_*.scss', {
parser: [
function (contents, file) {
return contents.replace(
function (_, quota, link) {
if (/\.md($|#)/.test(link) && !/^https?\:/.test(link)) {
let parts = link.split('#');
parts[0] = parts[0].replace('.md', '');
if (parts[0][0] !== '/') {
parts[0] = path
.resolve(path.dirname(file.subpath), parts[0])
.replace(/^\/docs/, '');
return 'href=\\' + quota + parts.join('#') + '\\' + quota;
return _;
release: '$0',
isMod: true,
rExt: '.js'
});'dev').match('::package', {
postpackager: fis.plugin('loader', {
useInlineMap: false,
resourceType: 'mod'
});'dev').match('/node_modules/**.js', {
packTo: '/pkg/npm.js'
fis.match('{monaco-editor,amis,amis-core}/**', {
packTo: null
if (fis.project.currentMedia() === 'publish-sdk') {
const env ='publish-sdk');
fis.on('compile:end', function (file) {
if (
file.subpath === '/packages/amis/src/index.tsx' ||
file.subpath === '/examples/mod.js' ||
file.subpath === '/examples/loader.ts'
) {
file.setContent(file.getContent().replace(/@version/g, package.version));
} else if (file.subpath === '/packages/amis-core/src/index.tsx') {
.replace(/__buildVersion/g, JSON.stringify(package.version))
env.set('project.files', ['examples/sdk-placeholder.html']);
env.match('/{examples,scss,src}/(**)', {
release: '/$1'
env.match('*.map', {
release: false
env.match('/node_modules/(**)', {
release: '/thirds/$1'
env.match('/node_modules/(*)/dist/(**)', {
release: '/thirds/$1/$2'
env.match('*.scss', {
parser: fis.plugin('sass', {
sourceMap: false
env.match('{*.ts,*.jsx,*.tsx,/examples/**.js,/src/**.js,/src/**.ts}', {
parser: [
// docsGennerator,
fis.plugin('typescript', {
importHelpers: true,
esModuleInterop: true,
experimentalDecorators: true,
sourceMap: false
function (content) {
return content
.replace(/\b[a-zA-Z_0-9$]+\.__uri\s*\(/g, '__uri(')
.replace(/\(\d+, (tslib_\d+\.__importStar)\)/g, '$1')
function (_, tslib, quto, value) {
return `return new Promise(function(resolve){require(['${value}'], function(ret) {resolve(${tslib}.__importStar(ret));})});`;
preprocessor: fis.plugin('js-require-css'),
isMod: true,
rExt: '.js'
env.match('/examples/mod.js', {
isMod: false,
optimizer: fis.plugin('terser')
env.match('*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', {
optimizer: fis.plugin('terser'),
moduleId: function (m, path) {
return fis.util.md5(package.version + 'amis-sdk' + path);
env.match('::package', {
packager: fis.plugin('deps-pack', {
'sdk.js': [
'rich-text.js': [
'tinymce.js': ['amis-ui/lib/components/Tinymce.js', 'tinymce/**'],
'codemirror.js': ['codemirror/**'],
'papaparse.js': ['papaparse/**'],
'exceljs.js': ['exceljs/**'],
'markdown.js': [
'color-picker.js': [
'cropperjs.js': ['cropperjs/**', 'react-cropper/**'],
'barcode.js': ['src/components/BarCode.tsx', 'jsbarcode/**'],
'charts.js': ['zrender/**', 'echarts/**', 'echarts-stat/**'],
'office-viewer.js': ['office-viewer/**', 'fflate/**'],
'rest.js': [
postpackager: [
fis.plugin('loader', {
useInlineMap: false,
resourceType: 'mod'
env.match('{*.min.js,monaco-editor/min/**.js}', {
optimizer: null
env.match('monaco-editor/**.css', {
standard: false
fis.on('compile:optimizer', function (file) {
if (file.isJsLike && file.isMod) {
var contents = file.getContent();
// 替换 worker 地址的路径,让 sdk 加载同目录下的文件。
// 如果 sdk 和 worker 不是部署在一个地方,请通过指定 MonacoEnvironment.getWorkerUrl
if (
file.subpath === '/node_modules/amis-ui/lib/components/Editor.js' ||
file.subpath === '/examples/loadMonacoEditor.ts'
) {
contents = contents.replace(
function () {
return `var _path = '';
try {
throw new Error()
} catch (e) {
_path = (/((?:https?|file):.*?)\\n/.test(e.stack) && RegExp.$1).replace(/\\/[^\\/]*$/, '');
function filterUrl(url) {
return _path + url.substring(1);`;
env.match('/examples/loader.ts', {
isMod: false
env.match('*', {
domain: '.',
deploy: [
function (_, modified, total, callback) {
var i = modified.length - 1;
var file;
while ((file = modified[i--])) {
if (file.skiped || /\.map$/.test(file.subpath)) {
modified.splice(i + 1, 1);
i = total.length - 1;
while ((file = total[i--])) {
if (file.skiped || /\.map$/.test(file.subpath)) {
total.splice(i + 1, 1);
fis.plugin('local-deliver', {
to: './sdk'
} else if (fis.project.currentMedia() === 'gh-pages') {
fis.match('*-ie11.scss', {
postprocessor: convertSCSSIE11
const ghPages ='gh-pages');
ghPages.match('*.scss', {
parser: fis.plugin('sass', {
sourceMap: false
rExt: '.css'
ghPages.match('{/docs,/packages/amis-ui/scss/helper}/**.md', {
rExt: 'js',
isMod: true,
useHash: true,
parser: [
function (contents, file) {
return contents.replace(
function (_, quota, link) {
if (/\.md($|#)/.test(link) && !/^https?\:/.test(link)) {
let parts = link.split('#');
parts[0] = parts[0].replace('.md', '');
return (
'href=\\' + quota + '/amis' + parts.join('#') + '\\' + quota
return _;
ghPages.match(/^(\/.*)(_)(.+\.scss)$/, {
parser: [
function (contents, file) {
return contents.replace(
function (_, quota, link) {
if (/\.md($|#)/.test(link) && !/^https?\:/.test(link)) {
let parts = link.split('#');
parts[0] = parts[0].replace('.md', '');
if (parts[0][0] !== '/') {
parts[0] = path
.resolve(path.dirname(file.subpath), parts[0])
.replace(/^\/docs/, '/amis');
return 'href=\\' + quota + parts.join('#') + '\\' + quota;
return _;
isMod: true,
rExt: '.js',
release: '$1$3'
ghPages.match('/node_modules/(**)', {
release: '/n/$1'
ghPages.match('/examples/(**)', {
release: '/$1'
// 在爱速搭中不用 cfc而是放 amis 目录下的路由接管
let cfcAddress =
if (process.env.IS_AISUDA) {
cfcAddress = '/amis/api';
ghPages.match('/{examples,docs}/**', {
preprocessor: function (contents, file) {
if (!file.isText() || typeof contents !== 'string') {
return contents;
return contents.replace(
function (_, qutoa, method, path) {
return qutoa + (method || '') + `${cfcAddress}/` + path;
ghPages.match('mock/**.{json,js,conf}', {
release: false
ghPages.match('::package', {
packager: fis.plugin('deps-pack', {
'pkg/npm.js': [
'pkg/rich-text.js': [
'pkg/tinymce.js': ['amis-ui/lib/components/Tinymce.tsx', 'tinymce/**'],
'pkg/codemirror.js': ['codemirror/**'],
'pkg/papaparse.js': ['papaparse/**'],
'pkg/exceljs.js': ['exceljs/**'],
'pkg/barcode.js': ['amis-ui/lib/components/BarCode.tsx', 'jsbarcode/**'],
'pkg/markdown.js': [
'pkg/color-picker.js': [
'pkg/cropperjs.js': ['cropperjs/**', 'react-cropper/**'],
'pkg/charts.js': ['zrender/**', 'echarts/**', 'echarts-stat/**'],
'pkg/api-mock.js': ['mock/*.ts'],
'pkg/app.js': [
'pkg/echarts-editor.js': [
'pkg/office-viewer.js': ['office-viewer/**', 'fflate/**'],
'pkg/rest.js': [
'pkg/npm.css': ['node_modules/*/**.css', '!monaco-editor/**', '!amis/**'],
// css 打包
'pkg/style.css': [
// 要切换主题,不能打在一起。'/scss/*.scss',
'/examples/style.scss' // 让它在最下面
postpackager: [
fis.plugin('loader', {
useInlineMap: false,
resourceType: 'mod'
function (ret) {
const indexHtml = ret.src['/examples/index.html'];
const appJs = ret.src['/examples/components/App.tsx'];
const DocJs = ret.src['/examples/components/Doc.tsx'];
const DocNavCN = ret.src['/examples/components/DocNavCN.ts'];
const Components = ret.src['/examples/components/Components.tsx'];
const DocCSS = ret.src['/examples/components/CssDocs.tsx'];
const ExampleJs = ret.src['/examples/components/Example.jsx'];
const pages = [];
const source = [
function (_, qutoa, path) {
if (path === '*') {
pages.push(path.replace(/^\//, ''));
return _;
const contents = indexHtml.getContent();
pages.forEach(function (path) {
const file = fis.file(
'/examples/' + path + '.html'
ret.pkg[file.getId()] = file;
ghPages.match('*.{css,less,scss}', {
optimizer: [
function (contents) {
if (typeof contents === 'string') {
contents = contents.replace(/\/\*\!markdown[\s\S]*?\*\//g, '');
return contents;
useHash: true
ghPages.match('::image', {
useHash: true
ghPages.match('*.{js,ts,tsx,jsx}', {
optimizer: fis.plugin('terser'),
useHash: true
ghPages.match('*.map', {
release: false,
url: 'null',
useHash: false
ghPages.match('{*.jsx,*.tsx,*.ts,/examples/**.js,}', {
moduleId: function (m, path) {
return fis.util.md5('amis' + path);
parser: [
// docsGennerator,
fis.plugin('typescript', {
sourceMap: false,
importHelpers: true,
esModuleInterop: true
function (contents) {
return contents
function (_, quote, value) {
let str = quote + value + quote;
return (
'(function(){try {return __uri(' +
str +
')} catch(e) {return ' +
str +
.replace(/\(\d+, (tslib_\d+\.__importStar)\)/g, '$1')
function (_, tslib, quto, value) {
return `return new Promise(function(resolve){require(['${value}'], function(ret) {resolve(${tslib}.__importStar(ret));})});`;
ghPages.match('*', {
domain: '/amis',
deploy: [
fis.plugin('local-deliver', {
to: './gh-pages'
ghPages.match('{*.min.js,monaco-editor/min/**.js}', {
optimizer: null
ghPages.match('docs.json', {
domain: null