import React = require('react'); import {fireEvent, render, waitFor, screen} from '@testing-library/react'; import '../../src'; import {render as amisRender} from '../../src'; import {makeEnv, wait} from '../helper'; import rows from '../mockData/rows'; test('Renderer:table', () => { const {container} = render( amisRender( { type: 'table', title: '表格1', data: { items: rows }, columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine' }, { name: 'version', label: 'Version' } ] }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('Renderer:table align', () => { const {container} = render( amisRender( { type: 'table', title: '表格1', data: { items: rows }, columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine' }, { name: 'version', type: 'tpl', tpl: '${version | number}', align: 'right' } ] }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('Renderer:table classNameExpr', () => { const {container} = render( amisRender( { type: 'table', title: '表格1', data: { items: rows }, columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine' }, { name: 'version', label: 'Version', classNameExpr: "<%= data.version > 5 ? 'text-danger' : '' %>" } ] }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('Renderer:table isHead fixed', () => { const {container} = render( amisRender( { type: 'table', title: '表格1', data: { items: rows }, columnsTogglable: false, columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine', isHead: true }, { name: 'platform', label: 'Platform', fixed: 'right' } ] }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('Renderer:table children', () => { const {container} = render( amisRender( { type: 'page', body: { type: 'service', data: { rows: [ { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 4.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '4', grade: 'X', __id: 1, children: [ { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 4.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '4', grade: 'X', __id: 1001 }, { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 5.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '5', grade: 'C', __id: 1002 } ] }, { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 5.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '5', grade: 'C', __id: 2, children: [ { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 4.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '4', grade: 'X', __id: 2001 }, { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 5.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '5', grade: 'C', __id: 2002 } ] }, { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 5.5', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '5.5', grade: 'A', __id: 3, children: [ { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 4.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '4', grade: 'X', __id: 3001 }, { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 5.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '5', grade: 'C', __id: 3002 } ] }, { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 6', platform: 'Win 98+', version: '6', grade: 'A', __id: 4, children: [ { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 4.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '4', grade: 'X', __id: 4001 }, { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 5.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '5', grade: 'C', __id: 4002 } ] }, { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 7', platform: 'Win XP SP2+', version: '7', grade: 'A', __id: 5, children: [ { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 4.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '4', grade: 'X', __id: 5001 }, { engine: 'Trident', browser: 'Internet Explorer 5.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '5', grade: 'C', __id: 5002 } ] } ] }, body: [ { type: 'table', source: '$rows', className: 'm-b-none', columnsTogglable: false, columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine' }, { name: 'grade', label: 'Grade' }, { name: 'version', label: 'Version' }, { name: 'browser', label: 'Browser' }, { name: '__id', label: 'ID' }, { name: 'platform', label: 'Platform' } ] } ] } }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); describe('Renderer:table combine', () => { const generateCombineSchema = (tableConfig: Record = {}) => ({ type: 'page', body: { type: 'service', data: { rows }, body: { type: 'table', source: '$rows', combineNum: 3, columnsTogglable: false, columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Rendering engine' }, { name: 'browser', label: 'Browser' }, { name: 'platform', label: 'Platform(s)' }, { name: 'version', label: 'Engine version' }, { name: 'grade', label: 'CSS grade' } ], ...tableConfig } } }); // 合并单元格 test('Renderer:table combineNum only', () => { const {container} = render( amisRender(generateCombineSchema(), {}, makeEnv({})) ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); // 合并单元格 test('Renderer:table combineNum with fromIndex', () => { const {container} = render( amisRender( generateCombineSchema({combineNum: 2, combineFromIndex: 1}), {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); // 超级表头 test('Renderer:table groupName-default', () => { const {container} = render( amisRender( { type: 'page', body: { type: 'service', data: { rows }, body: [ { type: 'table', source: '$rows', className: 'm-b-none', columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine', groupName: '分组1' }, { name: 'grade', label: 'Grade', groupName: '分组1' }, { name: 'version', label: 'Version', groupName: '分组2' }, { name: 'browser', label: 'Browser', groupName: '分组2' }, { name: 'id', label: 'ID', toggled: false, groupName: '分组2' }, { name: 'platform', label: 'Platform', groupName: '分组2' } ] } ] } }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); // 超级表头,但是 tpl test('Renderer:table groupName-withTpl', () => { const {container} = render( amisRender( { type: 'page', data: { groups: [ { group: '分组1' }, { group: '分组1' } ] }, body: { type: 'service', data: { rows }, body: [ { type: 'table', source: '$rows', className: 'm-b-none', columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine', groupName: '${groups[0].group}' }, { name: 'grade', label: 'Grade', groupName: '${groups[1].group}' }, { name: 'version', label: 'Version', groupName: '分组2' }, { name: 'browser', label: 'Browser', groupName: '分组2' }, { name: 'id', label: 'ID', toggled: false, groupName: '分组2' }, { name: 'platform', label: 'Platform', groupName: '分组2' } ] } ] } }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); // 超级表头,但是 中间列未配置表头 test('Renderer:table groupName-middleNoGroupName', () => { const {container} = render( amisRender( { type: 'page', data: { groups: [ { group: '分组1' }, { group: '分组1' } ] }, body: { type: 'service', data: { rows }, body: [ { type: 'table', source: '$rows', className: 'm-b-none', columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine', groupName: '分组1' }, { name: 'grade', label: 'Grade' // groupName: '分组1' // 这里没配置groupName }, { name: 'version', label: 'Version' // groupName: '分组2' // 这里没配置groupName }, { name: 'browser', label: 'Browser', groupName: '分组2' }, { name: 'id', label: 'ID', toggled: false, groupName: '分组2' }, { name: 'platform', label: 'Platform', groupName: '分组2' } ] } ] } }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); // 超级表头,但是 开头列未配置表头 test('Renderer:table groupName-startNoGroupName', () => { const {container} = render( amisRender( { type: 'page', data: { groups: [ { group: '分组1' }, { group: '分组1' } ] }, body: { type: 'service', data: { rows }, body: [ { type: 'table', source: '$rows', className: 'm-b-none', columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine' // groupName: '分组1' // 这里没配置groupName }, { name: 'grade', label: 'Grade' // groupName: '分组1' // 这里没配置groupName }, { name: 'version', label: 'Version' // groupName: '分组2' // 这里没配置groupName }, { name: 'browser', label: 'Browser', groupName: '分组2' }, { name: 'id', label: 'ID', toggled: false, groupName: '分组2' }, { name: 'platform', label: 'Platform', groupName: '分组2' } ] } ] } }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('Renderer:table column head style className', () => { const {container} = render( amisRender( { type: 'table', title: '表格1', data: { items: rows }, columnsTogglable: false, className: 'className', tableClassName: 'tableClassName', headerClassName: 'headerClassName', footerClassName: 'footerClassName', toolbarClassName: 'toolbarClassName', columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine', isHead: true }, { name: 'platform', label: 'Platform', fixed: 'right' } ] }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('Renderer:table list', () => { const {container} = render( amisRender( { type: 'table', data: { items: [ { __id: '91264', text: '衡 阎', progress: 22, type: 4, boolean: true, list: [ { title: 'Forward Functionality Technician', description: 'nisi ex eum' }, { title: 'District Applications Specialist', description: 'ipsam ratione voluptas' }, { title: 'Future Operations Manager', description: 'ducimus fugit debitis' }, { title: 'Dynamic Solutions Associate', description: 'saepe consequatur aut' } ], audio: '', carousel: [ { image: ',2877209892&fm=23&gp=0.jpg' }, { html: '
carousel data in crud
' }, { image: '' } ], date: 1591270438, image: ',2877209892&fm=23&gp=0.jpg', json: { __id: 1, text: 'text' } }, { __id: '34202', text: '吉 卢汉市', progress: 85, type: 1, boolean: true, list: [ { title: 'Dynamic Assurance Orchestrator', description: 'ea ullam voluptates' }, { title: 'Internal Division Assistant', description: 'illum deleniti qui' }, { title: 'International Usability Administrator', description: 'sit voluptatem quia' }, { title: 'Lead Optimization Orchestrator', description: 'autem et blanditiis' }, { title: 'Future Division Assistant', description: 'dolor cupiditate sint' }, { title: 'Forward Program Orchestrator', description: 'quia distinctio voluptas' }, { title: 'Human Implementation Technician', description: 'consequatur quaerat ullam' }, { title: 'National Identity Administrator', description: 'ipsa et reiciendis' }, { title: 'Regional Factors Planner', description: 'sed deserunt natus' }, { title: 'Human Data Administrator', description: 'rerum consequatur odit' } ], audio: '', carousel: [ { image: ',2877209892&fm=23&gp=0.jpg' }, { html: '
carousel data in crud
' }, { image: '' } ], date: 1591270438, image: ',2877209892&fm=23&gp=0.jpg', json: { __id: 1, text: 'text' } }, { __id: '37701', text: '立辉安市', progress: 72, type: 2, boolean: false, list: [ { title: 'Corporate Metrics Liason', description: 'aspernatur natus qui' }, { title: 'Central Paradigm Analyst', description: 'sequi numquam ad' }, { title: 'International Data Administrator', description: 'sed libero eum' }, { title: 'Forward Optimization Assistant', description: 'officiis accusantium dolorem' }, { title: 'Senior Metrics Executive', description: 'commodi sint quod' }, { title: 'Corporate Quality Facilitator', description: 'aut aperiam est' }, { title: 'Forward Operations Producer', description: 'sed corporis eaque' }, { title: 'National Integration Analyst', description: 'quasi ab cumque' } ], audio: '', carousel: [ { image: ',2877209892&fm=23&gp=0.jpg' }, { html: '
carousel data in crud
' }, { image: '' } ], date: 1591270438, image: ',2877209892&fm=23&gp=0.jpg', json: { __id: 1, text: 'text' } } ] }, affixHeader: false, syncLocation: false, columns: [ { name: '__id', label: 'ID', type: 'text' }, { name: 'text', label: '文本', type: 'text' }, { type: 'image', label: '图片', name: 'image' }, { name: 'date', type: 'date', label: '日期' }, { name: 'progress', label: '进度', type: 'progress' }, { name: 'boolean', label: '状态', type: 'status' }, { name: 'boolean', label: '开关', type: 'switch' }, { name: 'type', label: '映射', type: 'mapping', map: { '1': "漂亮", '2': "开心", '3': "惊吓", '4': "紧张", '*': '其他:${type}' } }, { name: 'list', type: 'list', label: 'List', placeholder: '-', listItem: { title: '${title}', subTitle: '${description}' } } ] }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); describe('Renderer:table selectable & itemCheckableOn', () => { const schema: any = { type: 'table', title: '表格1', selectable: true, itemCheckableOn: '${__id != 1}', data: { items: rows }, columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine' }, { name: 'version', label: 'Version' } ] }; test('checkbox style', async () => { const {container} = render(amisRender(schema, {}, makeEnv({}))); await waitFor(() => { expect(container.querySelector('[type=checkbox]')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); expect( container.querySelector('[data-id="1"] [type=checkbox][disabled=""]')! ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); test('radio style', async () => { schema.multiple = false; const {container} = render(amisRender(schema, {}, makeEnv({}))); await waitFor(() => { expect(container.querySelector('[type=radio]')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); expect( container.querySelector('[data-id="1"] [type=radio][disabled=""]')! ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('dbClick', () => { test('should call the function when double clicking a row of the table rows', async () => { const fn = jest.fn(); const schema: any = { type: 'table', data: { items: rows }, columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine' } ], onEvent: { rowDbClick: { actions: [ { actionType: 'custom', script: fn } ] } } }; render(amisRender(schema, {}, makeEnv({}))); await waitFor(() => { const ele = screen.getAllByText('Trident'); fireEvent.dblClick(ele[0]); expect(fn).toBeCalledTimes(1); }); }); }); test('Renderer:table-accessSuperData1', () => { const {container, getByText} = render( amisRender( { type: 'table', data: { abc: 'super-abc', items: [{id: 'id-1', efg: 'efg-2'}] }, columns: [ {name: 'id', label: 'Id'}, {name: 'abc', label: 'Abc'} ] }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); const td1 = container.querySelector('tr:first-child>td:nth-child(1)'); const td2 = container.querySelector('tr:first-child>td:nth-child(2)'); expect(td1?.textContent).toBe('id-1'); expect(td2?.textContent).toBe('-'); }); test('Renderer:table-accessSuperData2', () => { const {container, getByText} = render( amisRender( { type: 'table', canAccessSuperData: true, data: { abc: 'super-abc', items: [{id: 'id-1', efg: 'efg-2'}] }, columns: [ {name: 'id', label: 'Id'}, {name: 'abc', label: 'Abc'} ] }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); const td1 = container.querySelector('tr:first-child>td:nth-child(1)'); const td2 = container.querySelector('tr:first-child>td:nth-child(2)'); expect(td1?.textContent).toBe('id-1'); expect(td2?.textContent).toBe('super-abc'); }); test('Renderer:table-accessSuperData3', () => { const {container, getByText} = render( amisRender( { type: 'table', data: { abc: 'super-abc', items: [{id: 'id-1', efg: 'efg-2'}] }, columns: [ {name: 'id', label: 'Id'}, {name: 'abc', label: 'Abc', canAccessSuperData: true} ] }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); const td1 = container.querySelector('tr:first-child>td:nth-child(1)'); const td2 = container.querySelector('tr:first-child>td:nth-child(2)'); expect(td1?.textContent).toBe('id-1'); expect(td2?.textContent).toBe('super-abc'); }); test('Renderer:table-accessSuperData4', () => { const {container, getByText} = render( amisRender( { type: 'table', canAccessSuperData: true, data: { abc: 'super-abc', items: [{id: 'id-1', efg: 'efg-2'}] }, columns: [ {name: 'id', label: 'Id'}, {name: 'abc', label: 'Abc', canAccessSuperData: false} ] }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); const td1 = container.querySelector('tr:first-child>td:nth-child(1)'); const td2 = container.querySelector('tr:first-child>td:nth-child(2)'); expect(td1?.textContent).toBe('id-1'); expect(td2?.textContent).toBe('-'); }); test('Renderer:table-each', () => { const {container, getByText} = render( amisRender( { type: 'table', data: { items: [{id: 'id-1', eachData: 'a,b,c'}] }, columns: [ {name: 'id', label: 'Id'}, { source: '${eachData|split}', label: '循环', type: 'each', placeholder: '暂无内容', items: { type: 'tpl', tpl: "<%= this.item %>" } } ] }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); const td2 = container.querySelector('tr:first-child>td:nth-child(2)'); expect(td2?.innerHTML).toBe( '
' ); }); test('Renderer:table-column-quickEdit-inline', async () => { const {container, getByText} = render( amisRender( { type: 'table', title: '表格', data: { items: [ { engine: 'Trident - wixp4', browser: 'Internet Explorer 4.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '4', grade: 'X', badgeText: '默认', id: 1 } ] }, columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine', id: 'u:2e5658776790' }, { name: 'version', label: 'Version', id: 'u:5c41ffc2ecb0' }, { label: '选项', name: 'optionValue', id: 'checkbox_${index}', type: 'switch', quickEdit: { type: 'switch', mode: 'inline' } }, { label: '操作', type: 'operation', buttons: [ { label: '赋值', type: 'button', onEvent: { click: { actions: [ { actionType: 'setValue', componentId: 'checkbox_${index}', args: { value: true } } ] } } } ] } ] }, {}, makeEnv({}) ) ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getByText('赋值')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(container.querySelector('.cxd-Switch')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(container.querySelector('.is-checked')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); });赋值/)); await waitFor(() => { expect(container.querySelector('.is-checked')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); test('Renderer:table-column-quickEdit-saveImmediately', async () => { const fetcher = jest .fn() .mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({status: 200, data: {status: 0, msg: 'ok'}}) ); const {container, getByText} = render( amisRender( { type: 'table', title: '表格', data: { items: [ { engine: 'Trident - wixp4', browser: 'Internet Explorer 4.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '4', grade: 'X', badgeText: '默认', id: 1 } ] }, columns: [ { name: 'engine', label: 'Engine', id: 'u:2e5658776790' }, { name: 'version', label: 'Version', id: 'u:5c41ffc2ecb0', quickEdit: { type: 'input-text', saveImmediately: { api: '/api/mock2/saveImmediately/${id}' } } } ] }, {}, makeEnv({ fetcher: fetcher }) ) ); await wait(200); const btn = container.querySelector('.cxd-Field-quickEditBtn'); expect(btn).toBeInTheDocument();!); await wait(200); const input = container.querySelector('input[name=version]'); expect(input).toBeInTheDocument(); fireEvent.change(input!, {target: {value: '5'}}); await wait(200); expect(getByText('确认')).toBeInTheDocument();'确认')); await wait(500); expect(fetcher).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(fetcher.mock.calls[0][0].data).toMatchObject({ engine: 'Trident - wixp4', browser: 'Internet Explorer 4.0', platform: 'Win 95+', version: '5', grade: 'X', badgeText: '默认', id: 1 }); });