// rollup.config.js import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs'; import json from '@rollup/plugin-json'; import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'; import typescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript'; import license from 'rollup-plugin-license'; import autoExternal from 'rollup-plugin-auto-external'; import { name, version, author, main, module, dependencies } from './package.json'; import path from 'path'; import svgr from '@svgr/rollup'; import moment from 'moment'; import babel from 'rollup-plugin-babel'; const settings = { globals: {}, commonConfig: { footer: `window.amisVersionInfo={version:'${version}',buildTime:'${moment().format( 'YYYY-MM-DD' )}'};` } }; const external = id => { const result = new RegExp( `^(?:${Object.keys(dependencies) .concat([ 'monaco-editor', 'react', 'react-dom', 'rc-input-number', '@rc-component/mini-decimal', '@babel/runtime' ]) .map(value => value.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&').replace(/-/g, '\\x2d') ) .join('|')})` ).test(id); if (!result && ~id.indexOf('node_modules')) { console.log(id); } return result; }; const input = './src/index.tsx'; /** 获取子包编译后的入口路径,需要使用相对路径 */ const getCompiledEntryPath = (repo, format) => path.join( '..', repo, repo === 'amis-formula' || format === 'cjs' ? 'lib' : 'esm', 'index.js' ); export default [ { input, output: [ { ...settings, ...settings.commonConfig, dir: path.dirname(main), format: 'cjs', exports: 'named', preserveModulesRoot: './src', preserveModules: true // Keep directory structure and files } ], external, plugins: getPlugins('cjs') }, { input, output: [ { ...settings, ...settings.commonConfig, dir: path.dirname(module), format: 'esm', exports: 'named', preserveModulesRoot: './src', preserveModules: true // Keep directory structure and files } ], external, plugins: getPlugins('esm') } ]; function transpileDynamicImportForCJS(options) { return { name: 'transpile-dynamic-import-for-cjs', renderDynamicImport({format, targetModuleId}) { if (format !== 'cjs') { return null; } return { left: 'Promise.resolve().then(function() {return new Promise(function(fullfill) {require([', right: ', "tslib"], function(mod, tslib) {fullfill(tslib.__importStar(mod))})})})' }; // return { // left: 'Promise.resolve().then(function() {return new Promise(function(fullfill) {require.ensure([', // right: // '], function(r) {fullfill(_interopDefaultLegacy(r("' + // targetModuleId + // '")))})})})' // }; } }; } // 参考:https://github.com/theKashey/jsx-compress-loader/blob/master/src/index.js function transpileReactCreateElement() { return { name: 'transpile-react-create-element', enforce: 'post', transform: (code, id) => { if ( /\.(?:tsx|jsx|svg)$/.test(id) && code.indexOf('React.createElement') !== -1 ) { const separator = '\n\n;'; const appendText = `\n` + `var __react_jsx__ = require('react');\n` + `var _J$X_ = (__react_jsx__["default"] || __react_jsx__).createElement;\n` + `var _J$F_ = (__react_jsx__["default"] || __react_jsx__).Fragment;\n`; const newSource = code .replace(/React\.createElement\(/g, '_J$X_(') .replace(/React\.createElement\(/g, '_J$F_('); code = [appendText, newSource].join(separator); } return { code }; } }; } function getPlugins(format = 'esm') { const overridePaths = [ 'amis-formula', 'amis-core', 'amis-ui', 'office-viewer' ].reduce( (prev, current) => ({ ...prev, [current]: [getCompiledEntryPath(current, format)] }), {} ); const typeScriptOptions = { typescript: require('typescript'), sourceMap: false, outputToFilesystem: true, ...(format === 'esm' ? { compilerOptions: { rootDir: './src', outDir: path.dirname(module), /** 覆盖继承自顶层tsconfig的paths配置,编译时应该去掉,避免报错@rollup/plugin-typescript TS6305 */ paths: overridePaths } } : { compilerOptions: { rootDir: './src', outDir: path.dirname(main), paths: overridePaths } }) }; return [ svgr({ svgProps: { className: 'icon' }, prettier: false, dimensions: false }), , transpileDynamicImportForCJS(), autoExternal(), json(), resolve({ jsnext: true, main: true }), format === 'esm' ? null : babel({ exclude: 'node_modules/**', extensions: ['.jsx', '.tsx', '.js', '.ts'], plugins: [ [ 'import', { libraryName: 'amis-ui', libraryDirectory: 'lib', camel2DashComponentName: false, customName: (name, file) => { if ( ['alert', 'confirm', 'setRenderSchemaFn'].includes(name) ) { return `amis-ui/lib/components/Alert`; } else if (['toast'].includes(name)) { return `amis-ui/lib/components/Toast`; } else if ('NotFound' === name) { return `amis-ui/lib/components/404`; } else if ('withStore' === name) { return `amis-ui/lib/${name}`; } /* else if (name[0].toUpperCase() === name[0]) { return `amis-ui/lib/components/${name}`; }*/ return `amis-ui/lib/components/${name}`; } }, 'amis-ui' ] ] }), typescript(typeScriptOptions), commonjs({ sourceMap: false }), format === 'esm' ? null : transpileReactCreateElement(), license({ banner: ` ${name} v${version} build time: <%=moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')%> Copyright 2018<%= moment().format('YYYY') > 2018 ? '-' + moment().format('YYYY') : null %> ${author} ` }) ].filter(item => item); }