2022-04-14 19:13:35 +08:00

327 lines
6.8 KiB

* 基础变量配置项,生成对应的 combo 配置项
const colors = [
label: '文字颜色',
name: '--text-color',
cxdValue: '#666',
antdValue: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)'
label: '文字置灰时的颜色',
name: '--text--muted-color',
cxdValue: '#a6a6a6',
antdValue: 'rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.85)'
label: '标题文字颜色',
name: '--text--loud-color',
cxdValue: '#4d4d4d',
antdValue: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)'
label: '按钮文字颜色',
name: '--button-color',
cxdValue: '#fff',
antdValue: '#fff'
{label: '最浅色', name: '--light', cxdValue: '#eaf6fe', antdValue: '#d9d9d9'},
{label: '最深色', name: '--dark', cxdValue: '#343a40', antdValue: '#343a40'},
label: '全局背景色',
name: '--body-bg',
cxdValue: '#eaf6fe',
antdValue: '#d9d9d9'
label: '常用背景色',
name: '--background',
cxdValue: '#fff',
antdValue: '#fff'
label: '主颜色',
name: '--primary',
cxdValue: '#108cee',
antdValue: '#1890ff'
label: '主颜色鼠标放上去的颜色',
name: '--primary-onHover',
cxdValue: '#0e77ca',
antdValue: '#007df1'
label: '主颜色激活时的颜色',
name: '--primary-onActive',
cxdValue: '#0d70be',
antdValue: '#0076e4'
label: '次颜色',
name: '--secondary',
cxdValue: '#6c757d',
antdValue: '#6c757d'
label: '次颜色鼠标放上去的颜色',
name: '--secondary-onHover',
cxdValue: '#5a6268',
antdValue: '#5a6268'
label: '次颜色激活时的颜色',
name: '--secondary-onActive',
cxdValue: '#545b62',
antdValue: '#545b62'
label: '成功时的颜色',
name: '--success',
cxdValue: '#5fb333',
antdValue: '#52c41a'
label: '成功时在鼠标移上去后的颜色',
name: '--success-onHover',
cxdValue: '#4f952b',
antdValue: '#44a216'
label: '成功时激活的颜色',
name: '--success-onActive',
cxdValue: '#4a8b28',
antdValue: '#3f9714'
label: '信息的颜色',
name: '--info',
cxdValue: '#108cee',
antdValue: '#1890ff'
label: '信息在鼠标移上去后的颜色',
name: '--info-onHover',
cxdValue: '#0e77ca',
antdValue: '#007df1'
label: '信息在激活时的颜色',
name: '--info-onActive',
cxdValue: '#0d70be',
antdValue: '#0076e4'
label: '警告的颜色',
name: '--warning',
cxdValue: '#f39000',
antdValue: '#faad14'
label: '警告在鼠标移上去后的颜色',
name: '--warning-onHover',
cxdValue: '#cd7900',
antdValue: '#e39905'
label: '警告在鼠标移上去后的颜色',
name: '--warning-onActive',
cxdValue: '#c07200',
antdValue: '#d69005'
label: '错误的颜色',
name: '--danger',
cxdValue: '#ea2e2e',
antdValue: '#ff4d4f'
label: '错误在鼠标移上去后的颜色',
name: '--danger-onHover',
cxdValue: '#dc1616',
antdValue: '#ff2729'
label: '错误在激活时的颜色',
name: '--danger-onActive',
cxdValue: '#d01515',
antdValue: '#ff1a1d'
export const colorControls: any = [];
for (const color of colors) {
type: 'group',
controls: [
type: 'input-color',
label: color.label,
name: `config.theme._vars["${}"]`
label: '云舍默认值',
type: 'static-color',
value: color.cxdValue,
visibleOn: 'data.config.theme.baseTheme === "cxd"',
inputClassName: 'text-xs'
label: 'AntD 默认值',
type: 'static-color',
value: color.antdValue,
visibleOn: 'data.config.theme.baseTheme === "antd"',
inputClassName: 'text-xs'
const fonts = [
label: '基础字体',
name: '--fontFamilyBase',
"-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'SF Pro SC', 'SF Pro Text', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, 'PingFang SC', 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Hiragino Sans GB', 'Arial', 'microsoft yahei ui', 'Microsoft YaHei',SimSun, sans-serif"
label: '等宽字体',
name: '--fontFamilyMonospace',
"SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', monospace"
label: '基础字体大小',
name: '--fontSizeBase',
defaultValue: '14px'
label: '最小字体大小',
name: '--fontSizeXs',
defaultValue: '11px'
label: '小字体大小',
name: '--fontSizeSm',
defaultValue: '12px'
label: '中型字体大小',
name: '--fontSizeMd',
defaultValue: '14px'
label: '大字体大小',
name: '--fontSizeLg',
defaultValue: '16px'
label: '超大字体大小',
name: '--fontSizeXl',
defaultValue: '20px'
label: '行高',
name: '--lineHeightBase',
defaultValue: '1.5'
export const fontControls: any = [];
for (const font of fonts) {
type: 'input-text',
label: font.label,
name: `config.theme._vars["${}"]`,
placeholder: font.defaultValue
const sizes = [
label: '基础间距',
name: '--gap-base',
defaultValue: '12px'
label: '最小间距',
name: '--gap-xs',
defaultValue: '4px'
label: '小间距',
name: '--gap-sm',
defaultValue: '8px'
label: '中间距',
name: '--gap-md',
defaultValue: '16px'
label: '小间距',
name: '--gap-lg',
defaultValue: '20px'
label: '小间距',
name: '--gap-xl',
defaultValue: '24px'
export const sizeControls: any = [];
for (const size of sizes) {
type: 'input-text',
label: size.label,
name: `config.theme._vars["${}"]`,
placeholder: size.defaultValue
export const borderControls: any = [
type: 'input-color',
label: '边框颜色',
name: 'config.theme._vars["--buttonColor"]'
type: 'input-text',
label: '边框圆角大小',
placeholder: '2px',
name: 'config.theme._vars["--borderRadius"]'
export const linkControls: any = [
type: 'input-color',
label: '链接颜色',
name: 'config.theme._vars["--link-color"]'
type: 'input-color',
label: '链接在鼠标移上去的颜色',
name: 'config.theme._vars["--link-onHover-color"]'
type: 'input-text',
label: '链接下划线',
placeholder: 'none',
name: 'config.theme._vars["--link-decoration"]'
type: 'input-text',
label: '链接在鼠标移上去后端下划线',
placeholder: 'none',
name: 'config.theme._vars["--link-onHover-decoration"]'