# Ant Design of Blazor [![Github Stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/ElderJames/ant-design-blazor?style=social)](https://github.com/ElderJames/ant-design-blazor)
Following the Ant Design specification, we developed a Blazor Components library `ant-design-blazor` that contains a set of high quality components and demos for building rich, interactive user interfaces.
- Support 4 major browsers engines, and Internet Explorer 11+ ([Blazor Server](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/supported-platforms?view=aspnetcore-3.1) only)
- Run directly on [Electron](http://electron.atom.io/) and other Web standards-based environments
> Due to [WebAssembly](https://webassembly.org) restriction, Blazor WebAssembly doesn't support IE browser, but Blazor Server supports IE 11† with additional polyfills. See [official documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/supported-platforms?view=aspnetcore-3.1)
- 0.1.0:will be released after basic implementation of components
## 🎨 Design Specification
Regularly synchronize with Official Ant Design specifications, you can check the [sync logs](https://github.com/ElderJames/ant-design-blazor/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Style+sync+Bot%22) online.
## 📦 Installation Guide
- Install [.NET Core SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.1) 3.1.201 or later
- Visit https://localhost:5001 in your supported browser and check [local development documentation](https://github.com/ElderJames/ant-design-blazor/wiki) for details.
> Visual Studio 2019 is recommended for development. Currently `AntBlazor.Docs.Server` project is required to run for breakpoint debugging.
If you would like to contribute, feel free to create a [Pull Request](https://github.com/ElderJames/ant-design-blazor/pulls), or give us [Bug Report](https://github.com/ElderJames/ant-design-blazor/issues/new).
## ❓ Community Support
If you encounter any problems in the process, feel free to ask for help via following channels. We also encourage experienced users to help newcomers.