mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 03:57:38 +08:00
refactor(module: input-number): support all numeric types (#850)
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,27 +69,78 @@ namespace AntDesign
private readonly Func<TValue, TValue, TValue> _increaseFunc;
private readonly Func<TValue, TValue, TValue> _decreaseFunc;
private readonly Func<TValue, TValue, bool> _greaterThanFunc;
private readonly Func<TValue, TValue, bool> _equalToFunc;
private readonly Func<TValue, string, string> _toStringFunc;
private readonly Func<TValue, int, TValue> _roundFunc;
private readonly Func<string, TValue, TValue> _parseFunc;
private static readonly Type _surfaceType = typeof(TValue);
private static readonly Type[] _smallIntegerType = new Type[]
private static readonly Type[] _supportTypes = new Type[] {
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, object> _defaultMaximum = new Dictionary<Type, object>()
{ typeof(sbyte),sbyte.MaxValue },
{ typeof(byte), byte.MaxValue },
{ typeof(short),short.MaxValue },
{ typeof(ushort),ushort.MaxValue },
{ typeof(int),int.MaxValue },
{ typeof(decimal),decimal.MaxValue },
{ typeof(double),double.PositiveInfinity },
{ typeof(uint),uint.MaxValue },
{ typeof(long),long.MaxValue },
{ typeof(ulong),ulong.MaxValue },
{ typeof(float),float.PositiveInfinity },
{ typeof(double),double.PositiveInfinity },
{ typeof(decimal),decimal.MaxValue },
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, object> _defaultMinimum = new Dictionary<Type, object>()
{ typeof(sbyte),sbyte.MinValue },
{ typeof(byte), byte.MinValue },
{ typeof(short),short.MinValue },
{ typeof(ushort),ushort.MinValue },
{ typeof(int),int.MinValue },
{ typeof(decimal),decimal.MinValue },
{ typeof(double),double.NegativeInfinity },
{ typeof(uint),uint.MinValue },
{ typeof(long),long.MinValue },
{ typeof(ulong),ulong.MinValue },
{ typeof(float),float.NegativeInfinity},
{ typeof(double),double.NegativeInfinity },
{ typeof(decimal),decimal.MinValue },
private static Type[] _floatTypes = new Type[] { typeof(float), typeof(double), typeof(decimal) };
private string _inputString;
private bool _focused;
private ElementReference _inputRef;
@ -97,13 +148,35 @@ namespace AntDesign
public InputNumber()
_isNullable = _surfaceType.IsGenericType && _surfaceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>);
var underlyingType = _isNullable ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(_surfaceType) : _surfaceType;
if (!_supportTypes.Contains(underlyingType))
throw new NotSupportedException("InputNumber supports only numeric types.");
// 数字解析
ParameterExpression input = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "input");
ParameterExpression defaultValue = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TValue), "defaultValue");
MethodCallExpression inputParse = Expression.Call(null, typeof(InputNumberMath).GetMethod(nameof(InputNumberMath.Parse), new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(TValue) }), input, defaultValue);
var lambdaParse = Expression.Lambda<Func<string, TValue, TValue>>(inputParse, input, defaultValue);
_parseFunc = lambdaParse.Compile();
ParameterExpression piValue = Expression.Parameter(_surfaceType, "value");
ParameterExpression piStep = Expression.Parameter(_surfaceType, "step");
var fexpAdd = Expression.Lambda<Func<TValue, TValue, TValue>>(Expression.Add(piValue, piStep), piValue, piStep);
Expression<Func<TValue, TValue, TValue>> fexpAdd;
Expression<Func<TValue, TValue, TValue>> fexpSubtract;
if (_smallIntegerType.Contains(underlyingType))
fexpAdd = Expression.Lambda<Func<TValue, TValue, TValue>>(Expression.Convert(Expression.Add(Expression.Convert(piValue, typeof(int)), Expression.Convert(piStep, typeof(int))), _surfaceType), piValue, piStep);
fexpSubtract = Expression.Lambda<Func<TValue, TValue, TValue>>(Expression.Convert(Expression.Subtract(Expression.Convert(piValue, typeof(int)), Expression.Convert(piStep, typeof(int))), _surfaceType), piValue, piStep);
fexpAdd = Expression.Lambda<Func<TValue, TValue, TValue>>(Expression.Add(piValue, piStep), piValue, piStep);
fexpSubtract = Expression.Lambda<Func<TValue, TValue, TValue>>(Expression.Subtract(piValue, piStep), piValue, piStep);
_increaseFunc = fexpAdd.Compile();
var fexpSubtract = Expression.Lambda<Func<TValue, TValue, TValue>>(Expression.Subtract(piValue, piStep), piValue, piStep);
_decreaseFunc = fexpSubtract.Compile();
@ -111,6 +184,8 @@ namespace AntDesign
ParameterExpression piRight = Expression.Parameter(_surfaceType, "right");
var fexpGreaterThan = Expression.Lambda<Func<TValue, TValue, bool>>(Expression.GreaterThan(piLeft, piRight), piLeft, piRight);
_greaterThanFunc = fexpGreaterThan.Compile();
var fexpEqualTo = Expression.Lambda<Func<TValue, TValue, bool>>(Expression.Equal(piLeft, piRight), piLeft, piRight);
_equalToFunc = fexpEqualTo.Compile();
ParameterExpression format = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "format");
@ -125,13 +200,14 @@ namespace AntDesign
_toStringFunc = lambdaToString.Compile();
ParameterExpression num = Expression.Parameter(_surfaceType, "num");
ParameterExpression decimalPlaces = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "decimalPlaces");
MethodCallExpression expRound = Expression.Call(null, typeof(InputNumberMath).GetMethod("Round", new Type[] { _surfaceType, typeof(int) }), num, decimalPlaces);
var lambdaRound = Expression.Lambda<Func<TValue, int, TValue>>(expRound, num, decimalPlaces);
_roundFunc = lambdaRound.Compile();
var underlyingType = _isNullable ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(_surfaceType) : _surfaceType;
if (_floatTypes.Contains(_surfaceType))
ParameterExpression num = Expression.Parameter(_surfaceType, "num");
ParameterExpression decimalPlaces = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "decimalPlaces");
MethodCallExpression expRound = Expression.Call(null, typeof(InputNumberMath).GetMethod(nameof(InputNumberMath.Round), new Type[] { _surfaceType, typeof(int) }), num, decimalPlaces);
var lambdaRound = Expression.Lambda<Func<TValue, int, TValue>>(expRound, num, decimalPlaces);
_roundFunc = lambdaRound.Compile();
if (_defaultMaximum.ContainsKey(underlyingType)) Max = (TValue)_defaultMaximum[underlyingType];
if (_defaultMinimum.ContainsKey(underlyingType)) Min = (TValue)_defaultMinimum[underlyingType];
@ -145,6 +221,50 @@ namespace AntDesign
CurrentValue = Value ?? DefaultValue;
/// <summary>
/// Always return true, if input string is invalid, result = default, if input string is null or empty, result = DefaultValue
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <param name="result"></param>
/// <param name="validationErrorMessage"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected override bool TryParseValueFromString(string value, out TValue result, out string validationErrorMessage)
validationErrorMessage = null;
if (!Regex.IsMatch(value, @"^[+-]?\d*[.]?\d*$"))
result = Value;
return true;
if (value == "-" || value == "+")
value = "0";
if (!_isNullable)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
result = default;
result = _parseFunc(value, Value);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
result = default;
result = _parseFunc(value, Value);
return true;
private void SetClass()
@ -158,6 +278,14 @@ namespace AntDesign
private async Task Increase()
if (_isNullable && Value == null)
if (_equalToFunc(Value, Max))
await SetFocus();
var num = _increaseFunc(Value, _step);
await ChangeValueAsync(num);
@ -165,6 +293,14 @@ namespace AntDesign
private async Task Decrease()
if (_isNullable && Value == null)
if (_equalToFunc(Value, Min))
await SetFocus();
var num = _decreaseFunc(Value, _step);
await ChangeValueAsync(num);
@ -204,40 +340,7 @@ namespace AntDesign
private async Task ConvertNumberAsync(string inputString)
if (!Regex.IsMatch(inputString, @"^[+-]?\d*[.]?\d*$"))
if (inputString == "-" || inputString == "+")
inputString = "0";
TValue num;
if (!_isNullable)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputString))
num = default;
num = (TValue)Convert.ChangeType(inputString, _surfaceType);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputString))
num = default;
num = (TValue)Convert.ChangeType(inputString, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(_surfaceType));
_ = TryParseValueFromString(inputString, out TValue num, out _);
await ChangeValueAsync(num);
@ -247,9 +350,14 @@ namespace AntDesign
value = Max;
else if (_greaterThanFunc(Min, value))
value = Min;
CurrentValue = _decimalPlaces.HasValue ? _roundFunc(value, _decimalPlaces.Value) : value;
if (_roundFunc == null)
CurrentValue = value;
CurrentValue = _decimalPlaces.HasValue ? _roundFunc(value, _decimalPlaces.Value) : value;
if (OnChange.HasDelegate)
await OnChange.InvokeAsync(value);
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ namespace AntDesign
internal static class InputNumberMath
#region Round
public static float Round(float x, int digits)
return MathF.Round(x, digits);
@ -37,14 +39,162 @@ namespace AntDesign
if (value.HasValue == false) return value;
return Math.Round(value.Value, digits);
public static int Round(int value, int digits)
#region Add
public static sbyte Add(sbyte left, sbyte right)
return value;
return (sbyte)(left + right);
public static int? Round(int? value, int digits)
public static byte Add(byte left, byte right)
return value;
return (byte)(left + right);
public static short Add(short left, short right)
return (short)(left + right);
public static ushort Add(ushort left, ushort right)
return (ushort)(left + right);
#region Subtract
public static sbyte Subtract(sbyte left, sbyte right)
return (sbyte)(left - right);
public static byte Subtract(byte left, byte right)
return (byte)(left - right);
public static short Subtract(short left, short right)
return (short)(left - right);
public static ushort Subtract(ushort left, ushort right)
return (ushort)(left - right);
#region Parse
public static sbyte Parse(string input, sbyte defaultValue)
return sbyte.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static sbyte? Parse(string input, sbyte? defaultValue)
return sbyte.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static byte Parse(string input, byte defaultValue)
return byte.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static byte? Parse(string input, byte? defaultValue)
return byte.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static short Parse(string input, short defaultValue)
return short.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static short? Parse(string input, short? defaultValue)
return short.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static ushort Parse(string input, ushort defaultValue)
return ushort.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static ushort? Parse(string input, ushort? defaultValue)
return ushort.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static int Parse(string input, int defaultValue)
return int.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static int? Parse(string input, int? defaultValue)
return int.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static uint Parse(string input, uint defaultValue)
return uint.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static uint? Parse(string input, uint? defaultValue)
return uint.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static long Parse(string input, long defaultValue)
return long.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static long? Parse(string input, long? defaultValue)
return long.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static ulong Parse(string input, ulong defaultValue)
return ulong.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static ulong? Parse(string input, ulong? defaultValue)
return ulong.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static float Parse(string input, float defaultValue)
return float.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static float? Parse(string input, float? defaultValue)
return float.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static double Parse(string input, double defaultValue)
return double.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static double? Parse(string input, double? defaultValue)
return double.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static decimal Parse(string input, decimal defaultValue)
return decimal.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
public static decimal? Parse(string input, decimal? defaultValue)
return decimal.TryParse(input, out var number) ? number : defaultValue;
@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
<AntDesign.InputNumber @bind-Value="@_byte" />
<br />
<AntDesign.InputNumber @bind-Value="@_byteNull" />
<br />
<AntDesign.InputNumber @bind-Value="@_ushort" />
<br />
<AntDesign.InputNumber @bind-Value="@_ushortNull" />
<br />
<AntDesign.InputNumber @bind-Value="@_int" />
@ -31,7 +48,10 @@
<br />
byte _byte;
byte? _byteNull;
ushort _ushort;
ushort? _ushortNull;
int _int;
int? _intNull;
decimal _dec;
@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ Enter a number within certain range with the mouse or keyboard.
- When a numeric value needs to be provided.
## Types of Supports
`sbyte`, `byte`, `short`, `ushort`, `int`, `uint`, `long`, `ulong`, `float`, `double`, `decimal`
Nullable types of the above types are also supported. For example, `ushort?`, `int?`, etc.
## API
@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/XOS8qZ0kU/InputNumber.svg
- 当需要获取标准数值时。
## 支持类型
`sbyte`, `byte`, `short`, `ushort`, `int`, `uint`, `long`, `ulong`, `float`, `double`, `decimal`
也支持以上类型的Nullable类型,比如`ushort?`, `int?`等
## API
Reference in New Issue
Block a user