@if (_title.Value != null)
diff --git a/components/drawer/Drawer.razor.cs b/components/drawer/Drawer.razor.cs
index 15e9a7fe..07c13260 100644
--- a/components/drawer/Drawer.razor.cs
+++ b/components/drawer/Drawer.razor.cs
@@ -135,6 +135,17 @@ namespace AntDesign
public string BodyStyle { get; set; }
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Drawer header 抽屉头
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Header style for modal header element. Such as height, padding etc.
+ ///
+ ///
+ [Parameter]
+ public string HeaderStyle { get; set; }
/// Drawer对话框外层容器的类名
diff --git a/components/drawer/DrawerContainer.razor b/components/drawer/DrawerContainer.razor
index dc9e1ea7..548b1ef8 100644
--- a/components/drawer/DrawerContainer.razor
+++ b/components/drawer/DrawerContainer.razor
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ HeaderStyle="@drawerConfig.HeaderStyle"
diff --git a/components/drawer/config/DrawerOptions.cs b/components/drawer/config/DrawerOptions.cs
index ed76e171..963b1207 100644
--- a/components/drawer/config/DrawerOptions.cs
+++ b/components/drawer/config/DrawerOptions.cs
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ namespace AntDesign
public string BodyStyle { get; set; }
+ public string HeaderStyle { get; set; }
public string WrapClassName { get; set; }
public int Width { get; set; } = 256;
diff --git a/site/AntDesign.Docs/Demos/Components/Drawer/doc/index.en-US.md b/site/AntDesign.Docs/Demos/Components/Drawer/doc/index.en-US.md
index 2fb1ed8d..ce4ae699 100644
--- a/site/AntDesign.Docs/Demos/Components/Drawer/doc/index.en-US.md
+++ b/site/AntDesign.Docs/Demos/Components/Drawer/doc/index.en-US.md
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ tasks can be achieved more efficiently within thesame context.
| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------- | ------------- |
| Title | the title for drawer | string or slot | - |
| BodyStyle | Style of the drawer content part | object | - |
+| HeaderStyle | Style of the header content part | object | - |
| Closable | Whether a close (x) button is visible on top right of the Drawer dialog or not. | boolean | true |
| ChildContent | Subcomponent | object | - |
| MaskClosable | Clicking on the mask (area outside the Drawer) to close the Drawer or not. | boolean | true |
@@ -63,7 +64,8 @@ tasks can be achieved more efficiently within thesame context.
| CloseOnNavigation | Whether to close the drawer when the navigation history changes | `boolean` | `true` |
| Keyboard | Whether to support keyboard esc off | `boolean` | `true` |
| MaskStyle | Style for Drawer's mask element. | `string` | `{}` |
-| BodyStyle | Body style for Drawer body element. Such as height, padding etc. | `string` | `{}` |
+| BodyStyle | Body style for Drawer body element. Such as height, padding etc. | `string` | `{}` |
+| HeaderStyle | Header style for Drawer header element. Such as height, padding etc. | `string` | `{}` |
| Title | The title for Drawer. | `OneOf` | - |
| Width | Width of the Drawer dialog. | `int` | `256` |
| Height | Height of the Drawer dialog, only when placement is `'top'` or `'bottom'`. | `int` | `256` |
diff --git a/site/AntDesign.Docs/Demos/Components/Drawer/doc/index.zh-CN.md b/site/AntDesign.Docs/Demos/Components/Drawer/doc/index.zh-CN.md
index f1c6e4c9..c585d520 100644
--- a/site/AntDesign.Docs/Demos/Components/Drawer/doc/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/site/AntDesign.Docs/Demos/Components/Drawer/doc/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/7z8NJQhFb/Drawer.svg
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | -------------- | ------- |
| Title | 标题 | string or slot | - |
-| BodyStyle | 可用于设置 Drawer 内容部分的样式 | object | - |
+| BodyStyle | 可用于设置 Drawer 内容部分的样式 | string | - |
+| HeaderStyle | 可用于设置 Drawer 标题部分的样式 | string | - |
| Closable | 是否显示右上角的关闭按钮 | boolean | true |
| ChildContent | 抽屉元素之间的子组件 | object | - |
| MaskClosable | 点击蒙层是否允许关闭 | boolean | true |
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/7z8NJQhFb/Drawer.svg
| Keyboard | 是否支持键盘 esc 关闭 | `boolean` | `true` |
| MaskStyle | 遮罩样式 | `string` | `{}` |
| BodyStyle | Drawer body 样式 | `string` | `{}` |
+| HeaderStyle | 可用于设置 Drawer 标题部分的样式 | `string` | - |
| Title | 标题 | `OneOf` | - |
| Width | 宽度 | `int` | `256` |
| Height | 高度, 只在方向为 `'top'`或`'bottom'` 时生效 | `int` | `256` |