using AntDesign.JsInterop; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web; using OneOf; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace AntDesign { using SliderValueType = OneOf; public partial class Slider : AntDomComponentBase { private const string PreFixCls = "ant-slider"; private DomRect _sliderDom; private DomRect _leftHandleDom; private DomRect _rightHandleDom; private ElementReference _slider; private ElementReference _leftHandle; private ElementReference _rightHandle; private string _leftHandleStyle = "left: 0%; right: auto; transform: translateX(-50%);"; private string _rightHandleStyle = "left: 0%; right: auto; transform: translateX(-50%);"; private string _trackStyle = "left: 0%; width: 0%; right: auto;"; private bool _mouseDown; private bool _mouseMove; private bool _right = true; private bool _initialized = false; private string RightHandleStyleFormat { get { if (Reverse) { if (Vertical) { return "bottom: auto; top: {0}; transform: translateY(-50%);"; } else { return "right: {0}; left: auto; transform: translateX(50%);"; } } else { if (Vertical) { return "top: auto; bottom: {0}; transform: translateY(50%);"; } else { return "left: {0}; right: auto; transform: translateX(-50%);"; } } } } private string LeftHandleStyleFormat { get { if (Reverse) { if (Vertical) { return "bottom: auto; top: {0}; transform: translateY(-50%);"; } else { return "right: {0}; left: auto; transform: translateX(50%);"; } } else { if (Vertical) { return "top: auto; bottom: {0}; transform: translateY(50%);"; } else { return "left: {0}; right: auto; transform: translateX(-50%);"; } } } } private string TrackStyleFormat { get { if (Reverse) { if (Vertical) { return "bottom: auto; height: {1}; top: {0};"; } else { return "right: {0}; width: {1}; left: auto;"; } } else { if (Vertical) { return "top: auto; height: {1}; bottom: {0};"; } else { return "left: {0}; width: {1}; right: auto;"; } } } } [Inject] private DomEventService DomEventService { get; set; } #region Parameters /// /// The default value of slider. When is false, use number, otherwise, use [number, number] /// [Parameter] public SliderValueType DefaultValue { get; set; } = 0; /// /// If true, the slider will not be interactable /// [Parameter] public bool Disabled { get; set; } /// /// Whether the thumb can drag over tick only /// [Parameter] public bool Dots { get; set; } /// /// Make effect when not null, true means containment and false means coordinative /// [Parameter] public bool Included { get; set; } = true; /// /// Tick mark of Slider, type of key must be number, and must in closed interval [min, max], each mark can declare its own style /// [Parameter] public SliderMark[] Marks { get; set; } /// /// The maximum value the slider can slide to /// [Parameter] public double Max { get; set; } = 100; /// /// The minimum value the slider can slide to /// [Parameter] public double Min { get; set; } = 0; /// /// dual thumb mode /// //[Parameter] public bool Range { get; set; } /// /// reverse the component /// [Parameter] public bool Reverse { get; set; } /// /// The granularity the slider can step through values. Must greater than 0, and be divided by ( - ) . When no null, can be null. /// [Parameter] public double? Step { get; set; } = 1; /// /// Slider will pass its value to tipFormatter, and display its value in Tooltip, and hide Tooltip when return value is null. /// [Parameter] public Func TipFormatter { get; set; } private double _leftValue = double.MinValue; private double LeftValue { get => _leftValue; set { _leftValue = Math.Max(value, Min); _leftValue = Math.Min(_leftValue, RightValue); _leftValue = GetNearestStep(_leftValue); SetStyle(); } } private double _rightValue = double.MaxValue; // the default non-range value private double RightValue { get => _rightValue; set { _rightValue = Math.Min(value, Max); if (Range) { _rightValue = Math.Max(LeftValue, _rightValue); } else { _rightValue = Math.Max(Min, _rightValue); } _rightValue = GetNearestStep(_rightValue); SetStyle(); } } /// /// The value of slider. When range is false, use number, otherwise, use [number, number] /// [Parameter] public SliderValueType Value { get { if (Range) { return (LeftValue, RightValue); } else { return _rightValue; } } set { value.Switch(d => RightValue = d, l => { Range = true; var values = l; LeftValue = values.Item1; RightValue = values.Item2; }); } } /// /// If true, the slider will be vertical. /// [Parameter] public bool Vertical { get; set; } /// /// Fire when onmouseup is fired. /// [Parameter] public EventCallback OnAfterChange { get; set; } /// /// Callback function that is fired when the user changes the slider's value. /// [Parameter] public Action OnChange { get; set; } /// /// Set Tooltip display position. Ref Tooltip /// [Parameter] public string TooltipPlacement { get; set; } /// /// If true, Tooltip will show always, or it will not show anyway, even if dragging or hovering. /// [Parameter] public bool TooltipVisible { get; set; } /// /// The DOM container of the Tooltip, the default behavior is to create a div element in body. /// [Parameter] public object GetTooltipPopupContainer { get; set; } #endregion Parameters protected override void OnInitialized() { base.OnInitialized(); DomEventService.AddEventListener("window", "mousemove", OnMouseMove); DomEventService.AddEventListener("window", "mouseup", OnMouseUp); } public async override Task SetParametersAsync(ParameterView parameters) { await base.SetParametersAsync(parameters); var dict = parameters.ToDictionary(); if (!_initialized && dict.ContainsKey(nameof(DefaultValue)) && !dict.ContainsKey(nameof(Value))) { Value = parameters.GetValueOrDefault(nameof(DefaultValue), SliderValueType.FromT0(0)); } _initialized = true; } protected override void OnParametersSet() { base.OnParametersSet(); ValidateParameter(); ClassMapper.Clear() .Add(PreFixCls) .If($"{PreFixCls}-disabled", () => Disabled) .If($"{PreFixCls}-vertical", () => Vertical) .If($"{PreFixCls}-with-marks", () => Marks != null); } private void ValidateParameter() { if (Step == null && Marks == null) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Step), $"{nameof(Step)} can only be null when {nameof(Marks)} is not null."); } if (Step <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Step), "Must greater than 0."); } if (Step != null && (Max - Min) / Step % 1 != 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Step), $"Must be divided by ({Max} - {Min})."); } } private void OnMouseDown() { _mouseDown = true && !Disabled; } private async void OnMouseMove(JsonElement jsonElement) { if (_mouseDown) { _mouseMove = true; await CalculateValueAsync(jsonElement.GetProperty(Vertical ? "clientY" : "clientX").GetDouble()); OnChange?.Invoke(RightValue); } } private async void OnMouseUp(JsonElement jsonElement) { if (_mouseMove) // mouse move ending { await OnAfterChange.InvokeAsync(Value); } _mouseDown = false; _mouseMove = false; } private async void OnClick(MouseEventArgs args) { if (!Disabled) { await CalculateValueAsync(Vertical ? args.ClientY : args.ClientX); await OnAfterChange.InvokeAsync(Value); } } private async Task CalculateValueAsync(double clickClient) { _sliderDom = await JsInvokeAsync(JSInteropConstants.getBoundingClientRect, _slider); double sliderOffset = (double)(Vertical ? : _sliderDom.left); double sliderLength = (double)(Vertical ? _sliderDom.height : _sliderDom.width); double handleNewPosition; if (_right) { if (_rightHandleDom == null) { _rightHandleDom = await JsInvokeAsync(JSInteropConstants.getBoundingClientRect, _rightHandle); } double handleLength = (double)(Vertical ? _rightHandleDom.height : _rightHandleDom.width); if (Reverse) { if (Vertical) { handleNewPosition = clickClient - sliderOffset + handleLength / 2; } else { handleNewPosition = sliderLength - (clickClient - sliderOffset) + handleLength / 2; } } else { if (Vertical) { handleNewPosition = sliderOffset + sliderLength - clickClient - handleLength / 2; } else { handleNewPosition = clickClient - sliderOffset - handleLength / 2; } } double rightV = Max * handleNewPosition / sliderLength; if (rightV < LeftValue) { _right = false; LeftValue = rightV; } else { RightValue = rightV; } } else { if (_leftHandleDom == null) { _leftHandleDom = await JsInvokeAsync(JSInteropConstants.getBoundingClientRect, _leftHandle); } double handleLength = (double)(Vertical ? _rightHandleDom.height : _rightHandleDom.width); if (Reverse) { if (Vertical) { handleNewPosition = clickClient - sliderOffset + handleLength / 2; } else { handleNewPosition = sliderLength - (clickClient - sliderOffset) + handleLength / 2; } } else { if (Vertical) { handleNewPosition = sliderOffset + sliderLength - clickClient - handleLength / 2; } else { handleNewPosition = clickClient - sliderOffset - handleLength / 2; } } double leftV = Max * handleNewPosition / sliderLength; if (leftV > RightValue) { _right = true; RightValue = leftV; } else { LeftValue = leftV; } } } private void SetStyle() { _rightHandleStyle = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, RightHandleStyleFormat, (RightValue / Max).ToString("p", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); if (Range) { _trackStyle = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, TrackStyleFormat, (LeftValue / Max).ToString("p", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), ((RightValue - LeftValue) / Max).ToString("p", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); _leftHandleStyle = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, LeftHandleStyleFormat, (LeftValue / Max).ToString("p", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); } else { _trackStyle = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, TrackStyleFormat, "0%", (RightValue / Max).ToString("p", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); } StateHasChanged(); } private string SetMarkPosition(double key) { return (key / Max).ToString("p", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } private string IsActiveMark(double key) { bool active = (Range && key >= LeftValue && key <= RightValue) || (!Range && key <= RightValue); return active ? "ant-slider-dot-active" : string.Empty; } private double GetNearestStep(double value) { if (Step.HasValue && (Marks == null || Marks.Length == 0)) { return Math.Round(value / Step.Value, 0) * Step.Value + Min; } else if (Step.HasValue) { return new double[2] { Math.Round(value / Step.Value) * Step.Value, Math.Round(value / Step.Value + 1) * Step.Value }.Union(Marks.Select(m => m.Key)).OrderBy(v => Math.Abs(v - value)).First(); } else if (Marks.Length == 0) { return Min; } else { return Marks.Select(m => m.Key).OrderBy(v => Math.Abs(v - value)).First(); } } } }