using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AntDesign.Core.Extensions; using AntDesign.Core.JsInterop.ObservableApi; using AntDesign.JsInterop; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web; using Microsoft.JSInterop; #pragma warning disable 1591 // Disable missing XML comment namespace AntDesign.Select.Internal { public partial class SelectContent: IDisposable { [CascadingParameter(Name = "ParentSelect")] internal Select ParentSelect { get; set; } [CascadingParameter(Name = "ParentLabelTemplate")] internal RenderFragment ParentLabelTemplate { get; set; } [CascadingParameter(Name = "ParentMaxTagPlaceholerTemplate")] internal RenderFragment> ParentMaxTagPlaceholerTemplate { get; set; } [CascadingParameter(Name = "ShowSearchIcon")] internal bool ShowSearchIcon { get; set; } [CascadingParameter(Name = "ShowArrowIcon")] internal bool ShowArrowIcon { get; set; } [Parameter] public string Prefix { get { return _prefix; } set { _prefix = value; if (_isInitialized) SetInputWidth(); } } [Parameter] public string Placeholder { get; set; } [Parameter] public bool IsOverlayShow { get; set; } [Parameter] public bool ShowPlaceholder { get; set; } [Parameter] public int MaxTagCount { get { return _maxTagCount; } set { if (_maxTagCount != value) { _maxTagCount = value; _calculatedMaxCount = _maxTagCount; } } } [Parameter] public EventCallback OnInput { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback OnKeyUp { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback OnKeyDown { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback OnFocus { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback OnBlur { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback OnClearClick { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback> OnRemoveSelected { get; set; } [Parameter] public string SearchValue { get; set; } [Parameter] public ForwardRef RefBack { get; set; } = new ForwardRef(); [Inject] protected IJSRuntime Js { get; set; } [Inject] private DomEventService DomEventService { get; set; } protected ElementReference Ref { get { return _ref; } set { _ref = value; RefBack?.Set(value); } } private const char Ellipse = (char)0x2026; private const int ItemMargin = 4; //taken from each tag item private string _inputStyle = string.Empty; private string _inputWidth; private bool _suppressInput; private bool _isInitialized; private string _prefix; private int _calculatedMaxCount; private int _lastInputWidth; private ElementReference _ref; private ElementReference _overflow; private ElementReference _aggregateTag; private ElementReference _prefixRef; private ElementReference _suffixRef; private DomRect _overflowElement; private DomRect _aggregateTagElement; private DomRect _prefixElement = new(); private DomRect _suffixElement = new(); private int _currentItemCount; private Guid _internalId = Guid.NewGuid(); private bool _refocus; protected override void OnInitialized() { if (!_isInitialized) { SetInputWidth(); } _isInitialized = true; SetSuppressInput(); } protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender) { SetSuppressInput(); if (firstRender) { if (ParentSelect.EnableSearch) { DomEventService.AddEventListener("window", "beforeunload", Reloading, false); await Js.InvokeVoidAsync(JSInteropConstants.AddPreventKeys, ParentSelect._inputRef, new[] { "ArrowUp", "ArrowDown" }); await Js.InvokeVoidAsync(JSInteropConstants.AddPreventEnterOnOverlayVisible, ParentSelect._inputRef, ParentSelect.DropDownRef); } if (ParentSelect.IsResponsive) { _currentItemCount = ParentSelect.SelectedOptionItems.Count; //even though it is run in OnAfterRender, it may happen that the browser //did not manage to render yet the element; force a continuous check //until the element gets the id while (_aggregateTag.Id is null) { await Task.Delay(5); } _aggregateTagElement = await Js.InvokeAsync(JSInteropConstants.GetBoundingClientRect, _aggregateTag, _aggregateTag.Id, true); if (_prefixRef.Id != default) { _prefixElement = await Js.InvokeAsync(JSInteropConstants.GetBoundingClientRect, _prefixRef); _prefixElement.Width += ItemMargin; } if (_suffixRef.Id != default) { _suffixElement = await Js.InvokeAsync(JSInteropConstants.GetBoundingClientRect, _suffixRef); _suffixElement.Width += 7; } await DomEventService.AddResizeObserver(_overflow, OnOveralyResize); await CalculateResponsiveTags(); } DomEventService.AddEventListener(ParentSelect._inputRef, "focusout", OnBlurInternal, true); DomEventService.AddEventListener(ParentSelect._inputRef, "focus", OnFocusInternal, true); } else if (_currentItemCount != ParentSelect.SelectedOptionItems.Count) { _currentItemCount = ParentSelect.SelectedOptionItems.Count; _aggregateTagElement = await Js.InvokeAsync(JSInteropConstants.GetBoundingClientRect, _aggregateTag); await CalculateResponsiveTags(_refocus); } await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender); } protected async void OnOveralyResize(List entries) { await CalculateResponsiveTags(false, entries[0].ContentRect); } internal async Task CalculateResponsiveTags(bool forceInputFocus = false, DomRect entry = null) { if (!ParentSelect.IsResponsive) return; if (entry is null) _overflowElement = await Js.InvokeAsync(JSInteropConstants.GetBoundingClientRect, _overflow); else _overflowElement = entry; //distance between items is margin-inline-left=4px decimal accumulatedWidth = _prefixElement.Width + _suffixElement.Width + (4 + (SearchValue?.Length ?? 0) * 8); int i = 0; bool overflowing = false; bool renderAgain = false; foreach (var item in ParentSelect.SelectedOptionItems) { if (item.Width == 0) { var itemElement = await Js.InvokeAsync(JSInteropConstants.GetBoundingClientRect, item.SelectedTagRef); item.Width = itemElement.Width; } if (!overflowing) { if (accumulatedWidth + item.Width > _overflowElement.Width) { //current item will overflow; check if with aggregateTag will overflow if (accumulatedWidth + _aggregateTagElement.Width > _overflowElement.Width) { if (_calculatedMaxCount != Math.Max(0, i - 1)) { _calculatedMaxCount = Math.Max(0, i - 1); renderAgain = true; } } else //aggregateTag will not overflow, so start aggregating from current item { if (_calculatedMaxCount != i) { _calculatedMaxCount = i; renderAgain = true; } } overflowing = true; } else { accumulatedWidth += item.Width; } i++; } } if (!overflowing && _calculatedMaxCount != i) { _calculatedMaxCount = i; renderAgain = true; } if (renderAgain) StateHasChanged(); //force focus on cursor if (ParentSelect.IsDropdownShown() || forceInputFocus) { var isFocused = await Js.InvokeAsync(JSInteropConstants.HasFocus, ParentSelect._inputRef); if (!isFocused) { await Js.FocusAsync(ParentSelect._inputRef); } } } private void SetInputWidth() { _inputWidth = string.Empty; if (ParentSelect.PrefixIcon != null && ParentSelect.SelectMode == SelectMode.Default) { _inputWidth = "left: 22px;"; } if (ParentSelect.SelectMode != SelectMode.Default) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchValue)) { _inputWidth = $"{_inputWidth}width: {4 + SearchValue.Length * 8}px;"; if (ParentSelect.IsResponsive && _lastInputWidth != SearchValue.Length) { _lastInputWidth = SearchValue.Length; InvokeAsync(async() => await CalculateResponsiveTags()); } } else { if (ParentSelect.HasValue) { _inputWidth = $"{_inputWidth}width: 4px;"; //ToDo fix class } else if (ParentSelect.PrefixIcon != null) { _inputWidth = $"{_inputWidth}width: 4px; margin-left: 0px;"; //ToDo fix class } else { _inputWidth = $"{_inputWidth}width: 4px; margin-left: 10px;"; //ToDo fix class } } } } private void SetSuppressInput() { if (!ParentSelect.IsSearchEnabled) { if (!_suppressInput) { _suppressInput = true; _inputStyle = "caret-color: transparent;"; } } else { if (_suppressInput) { _suppressInput = false; _inputStyle = string.Empty; } } } private string OverflowStyle(int order) { string width = "max-width: 98%;"; if (order == 0) width = $"max-width: {GetFirstItemMaxWidth()}%;"; if (ParentSelect.HasTagCount || ParentSelect.IsResponsive) { if (_calculatedMaxCount < order + 1) { return $"opacity: 0.2; order: {order}; height: 0px; overflow-y: hidden; pointer-events: none; {width}"; } return $"opacity: 1; order: {order}; {width}"; } return "opacity: 1;" + width; } private string FormatLabel(string label) { if (ParentSelect.MaxTagTextLength > 0) { return label.Length <= ParentSelect.MaxTagTextLength ? label : label.Substring(0, ParentSelect.MaxTagTextLength) + Ellipse; } return label; } protected void OnKeyPressEventHandler(KeyboardEventArgs _) { if (!ParentSelect.IsSearchEnabled) SearchValue = string.Empty; else if (ParentSelect.IsResponsive) { } } private Dictionary AdditonalAttributes() { var dict = new Dictionary(); if (ParentSelect.Disabled) dict.Add("tabindex", "-1"); return dict; } /// /// Any item may overflow. In case of first item, when there /// are any other elements inside SelectContent (prefix, suffix, clear btn, etc) /// default MaxWidth will force th SelectContent to grow. Changing the MaxWidth /// allows the overflowing item to fit in a single line. /// TODO: use relative units /// /// private int GetFirstItemMaxWidth() { int percentValue = 98; if (ParentSelect.PrefixIcon != null) { if (ShowArrowIcon || ShowSearchIcon) { if (ParentSelect.AllowClear) { percentValue = 90; } else { percentValue = 93; } } else { percentValue = 94; } } else if (ShowArrowIcon || ShowSearchIcon) { if (ParentSelect.AllowClear) { percentValue = 94; } else { percentValue = 96; } } return percentValue; } /// /// Indicates that a page is being refreshed /// private bool _isReloading; private int _maxTagCount; private void Reloading(JsonElement jsonElement) => _isReloading = true; internal async Task RemovedItem() { if (ParentSelect.IsResponsive) { _refocus = true; await CalculateResponsiveTags(); } } private async Task OnClearClickAsync(MouseEventArgs args) { await OnClearClick.InvokeAsync(args); } private async Task RemoveClicked(MouseEventArgs e, SelectOptionItem selectedOption) { if (e.Button == 0) { await OnRemoveSelected.InvokeAsync(selectedOption); } } //TODO: Use built in @onfocus once is solved private async void OnFocusInternal(JsonElement e) => await OnFocus.InvokeAsync(new()); //TODO: Use built in @onblur once is solved private async void OnBlurInternal(JsonElement e) => await OnBlur.InvokeAsync(new()); public bool IsDisposed { get; private set; } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!_isReloading) { _ = InvokeAsync(async () => { await Task.Delay(100); if (ParentSelect.IsResponsive) await DomEventService.DisposeResizeObserver(_overflow); await Js.InvokeVoidAsync(JSInteropConstants.RemovePreventKeys, ParentSelect._inputRef); await Js.InvokeVoidAsync(JSInteropConstants.RemovePreventEnterOnOverlayVisible, ParentSelect._inputRef); }); } DomEventService.RemoveEventListerner(ParentSelect._inputRef, "focus", OnFocusInternal); DomEventService.RemoveEventListerner(ParentSelect._inputRef, "focusout", OnBlurInternal); DomEventService.RemoveEventListerner("window", "beforeunload", Reloading); if (IsDisposed) return; IsDisposed = true; } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } ~SelectContent() { // Finalizer calls Dispose(false) Dispose(false); } } }