// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; namespace AntDesign.Select.Internal { internal static class SelectItemPropertyHelper { private const string ToStringMethodName = "ToString"; private const string Nullable_HasValue = "HasValue"; private const string Nullable_Value = "Value"; private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary _getValueDelegateCache = new(new DelegateCacheKeyComparer()); private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary _setValuedDelegateCache = new(new DelegateCacheKeyComparer()); internal static Func CreateGetValueFunc(string valueName) { var itemType = typeof(TItem); var key = new DelegateCacheKey(itemType, typeof(TItemValue), valueName); var func = _getValueDelegateCache.GetOrAdd( key, _ => { var itemParamExp = Expression.Parameter(itemType); var labelExp = Expression.Property(itemParamExp, valueName); var labelPropType = (labelExp.Member as PropertyInfo)?.PropertyType ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Member '{valueName}' should be Property"); if (labelPropType.IsClass) { var funExp = Expression.Lambda>(labelExp, itemParamExp); return funExp.Compile(); } var labelIsNullable = labelPropType.IsValueType && Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(labelPropType) != null; if (labelIsNullable) { var test = Expression.IsTrue(Expression.Property(labelExp, Nullable_HasValue)); var trueResult = Expression.Convert(Expression.Property(labelExp, Nullable_Value), labelExp.Type); var falseResult = Expression.Constant(null, labelExp.Type); var resultExp = Expression.Condition(test, trueResult, falseResult); var funExp = Expression.Lambda>(resultExp, itemParamExp); return funExp.Compile(); } else { var valueIsNullable = typeof(TItemValue).IsValueType && Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(TItemValue)) != null; Expression valueExp = valueIsNullable ? Expression.New(typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(labelExp.Type).GetConstructors()[0], labelExp) : labelExp; var funExp = Expression.Lambda>(valueExp, itemParamExp); return funExp.Compile(); } }); return (Func)func; } internal static Func CreateGetLabelFunc(string labelName) { var key = new DelegateCacheKey(typeof(TItem), typeof(string), labelName); var func = _getValueDelegateCache.GetOrAdd( key, _ => { var itemParamExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TItem)); var labelExp = Expression.Property(itemParamExp, labelName); var labelPropType = (labelExp.Member as PropertyInfo)?.PropertyType ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Member '{labelName}' should be Property"); if (labelPropType == typeof(string)) { var funExp = Expression.Lambda>(labelExp, itemParamExp); return funExp.Compile(); } else { var resultExp = Expression.Call(labelExp, labelPropType.GetMethod(ToStringMethodName, Array.Empty()) ?? throw new MissingMethodException(labelPropType.Name, ToStringMethodName)); var funExp = Expression.Lambda>(resultExp, itemParamExp); return funExp.Compile(); } }); return (Func)func; } internal static Func CreateGetGroupFunc(string groupName) { var key = new DelegateCacheKey(typeof(TItem), typeof(string), groupName); var func = _getValueDelegateCache.GetOrAdd( key, _ => { var itemParamExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TItem)); var groupExp = Expression.Property(itemParamExp, groupName); var groupPropType = (groupExp.Member as PropertyInfo)?.PropertyType ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Member '{groupName}' should be Property"); if (groupPropType == typeof(string)) { var funExp = Expression.Lambda>(groupExp, itemParamExp); return funExp.Compile(); } else { var resultExp = Expression.Call(groupExp, groupPropType.GetMethod(ToStringMethodName, Array.Empty()) ?? throw new MissingMethodException(groupPropType.Name, ToStringMethodName)); var funExp = Expression.Lambda>(resultExp, itemParamExp); return funExp.Compile(); } }); return (Func)func; } internal static Func CreateGetDisabledFunc(string disabledName) { var key = new DelegateCacheKey(typeof(TItem), typeof(bool), disabledName); var func = _getValueDelegateCache.GetOrAdd( key, _ => { var itemParamExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TItem)); var disabledExp = Expression.Property(itemParamExp, disabledName); var disabledPropType = (disabledExp.Member as PropertyInfo)?.PropertyType ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Member '{disabledName}' should be Property"); if (disabledPropType == typeof(bool)) { var funExp = Expression.Lambda>(disabledExp, itemParamExp); return funExp.Compile(); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Member '{disabledName}' should be type of 'bool'"); } }); return (Func)func; } internal static Action CreateSetLabelFunc(string labelName) { var key = new DelegateCacheKey(typeof(TItem), typeof(string), labelName); var action = _setValuedDelegateCache.GetOrAdd( key, _ => { var itemParamExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TItem)); var labelParamExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string)); var labelExp = Expression.Property(itemParamExp, labelName); var setLabelExp = Expression.Assign(labelExp, labelParamExp); var funExp = Expression.Lambda>(setLabelExp, itemParamExp, labelParamExp); return funExp.Compile(); }); return (Action)action; } internal static Action CreateSetValueFunc(string valueName) { var key = new DelegateCacheKey(typeof(TItem), typeof(TItemValue), valueName); var action = _setValuedDelegateCache.GetOrAdd( key, _ => { var itemParamExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TItem)); var valueParamExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TItemValue)); var valueExp = Expression.Property(itemParamExp, valueName); var valuePropType = (valueExp.Member as PropertyInfo)?.PropertyType ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Member '{valueName}' should be Property"); if (valuePropType.IsClass) { var setLabelExp = Expression.Assign(valueExp, valueParamExp); var funExp = Expression.Lambda>(setLabelExp, itemParamExp, valueParamExp); return funExp.Compile(); } var valueIsNullable = valuePropType.IsValueType && Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(valuePropType) != null; var valueParamIsNullable = valueParamExp.Type.IsValueType && Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(valueParamExp.Type) != null; if (valueIsNullable) { Expression nullableValueExp = valueParamIsNullable ? valueParamExp : Expression.New(valuePropType.GetConstructors()[0], valueParamExp); var setLabelExp = Expression.Assign(valueExp, nullableValueExp); var funExp = Expression.Lambda>(setLabelExp, itemParamExp, valueParamExp); return funExp.Compile(); } else { var setLabelExp = valueParamIsNullable ? Expression.Assign(valueExp, Expression.Property(valueParamExp, Nullable_Value)) : Expression.Assign(valueExp, valueParamExp); var funExp = Expression.Lambda>(setLabelExp, itemParamExp, valueParamExp); return funExp.Compile(); } }); return (Action)action; } private readonly struct DelegateCacheKey { public readonly Type ItemType; public readonly Type ValueType; public readonly string PropertyName; public DelegateCacheKey(Type itemType, Type valueType, string propertyName) { ItemType = itemType; ValueType = valueType; PropertyName = propertyName; } } private class DelegateCacheKeyComparer : IEqualityComparer { public bool Equals(DelegateCacheKey x, DelegateCacheKey y) { return x.ItemType == y.ItemType && x.ValueType == y.ValueType && x.PropertyName == y.PropertyName; } public int GetHashCode(DelegateCacheKey obj) { return HashCode.Combine(obj.ItemType, obj.ValueType, obj.PropertyName); } } } }